hackerspace | Country | State | City | Website |
Open Labs | Albania | | Tirana | https://www.openlabs.cc |
Fab Lab Bariloche | Argentina | | Bariloche | https://facebook.com/fablabbrc |
Hackfun | Argentina | Santa Fe | Rosario | https://hackfunrosario.com/ |
Toylab | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | http://toylab.wordpress.com/ |
RLab | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | https://rlab.be/ |
Hacker Embassy | Armenia | | Yerevan | https://hackem.cc/ |
Connected Community HackerSpace | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://www.hackmelbourne.org/ |
Brisbane Makerspace | Australia | Queensland | Brisbane | https://brisbanemaker.space |
Connected Community | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://www.hackmelbourne.org/ |
ANU Maker Club | Australia | Australian Capital Territory | Canberra | http://anumaker.club |
Hobart Makers | Australia | Tasmania | Hobart | http://hobartmakers.com |
HackerSpace Adelaide | Australia | South Australia | Adelaide | http://www.hackerspace-adelaide.org.au/ |
Coffs Hacker Space | Australia | New South Wales | Coffs Harbour | https://www.coffshackerspace.org |
HSBNE | Australia | Queensland | Brisbane | https://hsbne.org |
Makerspaces Mackay, Inc. | Australia | Queensland | Mackay, Queensland | http://www.msmky.org/ |
Robots and Dinosaurs | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | http://robodino.org/ |
Hobart Hackerspace Inc. | Australia | Tasmania | Hobart | http://www.hobarthackerspace.org.au/ |
Artifactory | Australia | Western Australia | Perth | https://artifactory.org.au |
Eastern Suburbs Hackers Group | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://easthack.com/ |
Ballarat Hackerspace | Australia | Victoria | Ballarat | https://ballarathackerspace.org.au |
Miss Despoinas Hackspace | Australia | Tasmania | Hobart | http://miss-hack.org |
Newcastle Public Makerspace | Australia | New South Wales | Newcastle | http://newcastlemakerspace.org |
Realraum | Austria | Styria | Graz | https://realraum.at/ |
Chaostreff Klaus | Austria | Vorarlberg | Klaus, Vorarlberg | https://open-lab.at/ |
Openlab Vorarlberg | Austria | Vorarlberg | Klaus in Vorarlberg | http://open-lab.at/ |
CCC Salzburg | Austria | Salzburg | Salzburg | https://cccsbg.at/ |
Otelo Linz | Austria | Upper Austria | Linz | http://otelolinz.at/ |
Chaostreff Salzburg | Austria | Salzburg | Salzburg | https://sbg.chaostreff.at |
DevLoL | Austria | Upper Austria | Linz | https://devlol.org |
IT-Syndikat | Austria | Tyrol | Innsbruck | https://it-syndikat.org/ |
Segmentation Vault | Austria | Lower Austria | Sankt Pölten | https://segvault.space |
Mutterschiff | Austria | Vorarlberg | Dornbirn | http://mutterschiff.at/ |
Hand.Werk.Stadt | Austria | Lower Austria | Mödling | https://handwerkstadt.org |
Pannonian Laboratories | Austria | Burgenland | Eisenstadt | http://www.panlab.at |
Usr/space | Austria | Lower Austria | Leobersdorf | https://www.usrspace.at |
Metalab | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | https://metalab.at/ |
OpenLandLAB | Austria | Burgenland | Kirchfidisch | http://www.openlandlab.org |
HappyLab | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | http://www.happylab.at/ |
Maker Austria | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | http://www.makeraustria.at |
Vienna OpenLab | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | http://www.viennaopenlab.at/ |
Makerspace Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan | Absheron | Baku | https://makerspace.az/ |
TRONIC EDGE | Bahrain | | Aali | http://www.c4-i.net |
LinuxNetowork | Bangladesh | Dhaka | Baridhara | https://linuxnetwork.org |
Hackerspace Minsk | Belarus | | Minsk | http://hackerspace.by/ |
Brixel | Belgium | Limburg | Hasselt | http://www.brixel.be |
BUDA::lab | Belgium | | Kortrijk | http://www.budalab.be |
District Three | Belgium | Antwerp Province | Lier, Belgium | https://www.districtthree.be |
VoidWarranties | Belgium | Antwerp Province | Deurne, Belgium | https://we.voidwarranties.be |
UrLab | Belgium | Brussels | Brussels | https://urlab.be/ |
FabLab-Leuven | Belgium | Vlaams-Brabant | Leuven | http://www.fablab-leuven.be/ |
FoAM | Belgium | | Brussels | http://fo.am |
Liege Hackerspace | Belgium | Liege | Liege | https://lghs.be |
Hackerspace Brussels | Belgium | Brussels | Brussels | https://hsbxl.be |
Incubhacker | Belgium | Namur Province | Namur | http://www.incubhacker.be/ |
Carbon hackerspace | Belgium | Limburg | Houthalen | |
Hackerspace Gent | Belgium | Oost-Vlaanderen | Ghent | https://hackerspace.gent/ |
Open Garage | Belgium | Antwerp Province | Schilde | http://opengarage.org |
R00thouse | Bolivia | La Paz | La Paz | https://www.hacklab.org.bo |
Base 12 | Brazil | São Paulo | Sorocaba | http://base12.com.br |
APT Data Dungeon | Brazil | Paraíba | João Pessoa | https://datadungeon.skate.fan |
Raul Hacker Club | Brazil | Bahia | Salvador, Bahia | http://raulhc.cc |
Garoa Hacker Clube | Brazil | | São Paulo | http://garoa.net.br |
Hackerspace IFUSP | Brazil | São Paulo | São Paulo | https://mestre.if.usp.br/~hackersp/ |
Marialab | Brazil | São Paulo (state) | São Paulo | https://marialab.org/ |
ABC Makerspace | Brazil | São Paulo | São Bernardo do Campo | |
Jerimum HackerSpace | Brazil | Rio Grande do Norte | Natal | http://jerimumhacker.space |
INTELLECTX TECNOLOGIA | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Balneário Camboriú | https://intellectx.com.br/ |
HackoonSpace | Brazil | São Paulo | Sorocaba | https://hackoonspace.com/ |
LabHacker Câmara dos Deputados | Brazil | Distrito Federal | Brasília | |
Calango hacker clube | Brazil | Federal District | Brasilia | http://www.calango.club |
Laboratório Hacker de Campinas | Brazil | São Paulo | Campinas | http://lhc.net.br/ |
Dumont Hackerspace | Brazil | | | |
Matehackers | Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | Porto Alegre | http://matehackers.org |
init Lab | Bulgaria | Sofia | Sofia | https://initlab.org |
Startup Factory | Bulgaria | Ruse | Ruse | http://startupfactory.bg |
VarnaLab | Bulgaria | Varna | Varna | https://www.varnalab.org/ |
Hackafe | Bulgaria | | Plovdiv | |
ActivSpaces | Cameroon | Southwest Region (Cameroon) | Buea | http://activspaces.com/ |
MboaLab | Cameroon | Centre | Yaounde | https://www.mboalab.africa/ |
The Underground Studio MakerSpace | Canada | Ontario | Kitchener | http://www.themuseum.ca/exhibition/underground-studio-makerspace |
FOULAB | Canada | Quebec | Montreal | https://foulab.org/ |
HackLab.TO | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://hacklab.to |
VHS | Canada | British Columbia | Vancouver | http://vanhack.ca |
Le Hackersoace de la Chambre Blanche | Canada | Quebec | Quebec | |
ENTS | Canada | Alberta | Edmonton | https://ents.ca |
KwartzLab | Canada | Ontario | Kitchener | http://www.kwartzlab.ca |
Halifax Maker Space | Canada | Nova Scotia | Halifax | http://halifaxmakerspace.org/ |
The Hornby Spark | Canada | British Columbia | Hornby Island | https://hornbyspark.com |
Maker Kids | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://www.makerkids.ca |
MakerLabs | Canada | British Columbia | Vancouver | https://www.makerlabs.com |
SkullSpace | Canada | Manitoba | Winnipeg | http://www.skullspace.ca/ |
ProtoShed Community Workshop | Canada | Newfoundland and Labrador | St. John's | http://protoshed.ca |
Protospace | Canada | Alberta | Calgary | http://protospace.ca |
Queer Computer Club | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | https://queercomputerclub.ca/ |
Hackfest | Canada | Quebec | Quebec | http://www.hackfest.ca |
Interaccess electronic media arts centre | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://www.interaccess.org/ |
Kamloopsmakerspace | Canada | British Columbia | Kamloops | http://kamloopsmakerspace.com/ |
Makerspace YK | Canada | Northwest Territories | Yellowknife | https://www.makerspaceyk.com/ |
Windsor Hackforge | Canada | Ontario | Windsor | http://hackf.org/ |
Site 3 coLaboratory | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://site3.ca |
Ylab | Canada | Ontario | Richmond Hill, Ontario | http://ylab.ca |
Victoria Makerspace | Canada | British Columbia | Victoria | http://victoria.makerspace.ca/ |
Saskatoon TechWorks | Canada | Saskatchewan | Saskatoon | http://www.sktechworks.ca |
Maker Cube | Canada | British Columbia | Langley, British Columbia (city) | https://makercube.ca |
Sensorica | Canada | Quebec | Montreal | https://www.sensorica.co |
Makerspace Nanaimo | Canada | British Columbia | Nanaimo | https://makerspacenanaimo.org |
Diyode Guelph | Canada | Ontario | Guelph | http://www.diyode.com |
Meta Makers Co-operative | Canada | Ontario | Windsor | https://www.metamakers.org |
Logout | Catalonia | Barcelona | Barcelona | https://sindominio.net/logout/web |
Null Hacklab | Catalonia | Barcelona | Barcelona | http://www.lagresca.org/ |
WikicharliE | Chile | Región Metropolitana | Santiago | http://wikicharlie.cl |
Hackerspace Santiago | Chile | Santiago | Santiago | https://www.hackerspace.cl |
NanjingMakerSpace | China | Jiangsu | Nanjing | http://do-idea.org |
Coderbunker | China | Shanghai | Shanghai | http://coderbunker.com |
Xinchejian | China | Shanghai | Shanghai | http://www.xinchejian.com |
Chaihuo | China | Guangdong | Shenzhen | http://www.Chaihuo.org |
Qspace | China | Beijing | Beijing | |
SZDIY | China | Guangdong | Shenzhen | http://szdiy.org |
SteamHead | China | Guangdong | Shenzhen | http://www.SteamHead.space |
88 Spaces | China | | Shanghai | http://88spaces.com |
Rootdevel Hackerspace | Colombia | Boyacá Department | Sogamoso | http://rootdevel.org/ |
HackBo | Colombia | Bogota | Bogota | https://www.hackbo.org |
Materializacion 3D | Colombia | | Bogota | http://materializacion3d.com |
GuayaHack | Colombia | Antioquia Department | El Retiro | https://guayahack.co |
RADIONA | Croatia | | Zagreb | https://radiona.org/ |
Radiona | Croatia | | Zagreb | http://radiona.org/ |
Hack66.info | Cyprus | | Limassol | https://hack66.info |
Labka | Czech Republic | | Ostrava | https://labka.cz |
MacGyver | Czech Republic | | Prague | http://macgyver.siliconhill.cz/ |
Brmlab | Czech Republic | | Prague | https://brmlab.cz/ |
PiSeC | Czech Republic | | Pisek | http://www.kufr.cz |
Paralelni polis | Czech Republic | Prague | Prague | https://www.paralelnipolis.cz/koncepty/hackerspace/ |
Base48 | Czech Republic | | Brno | http://base48.cz |
TAKT | Czech Republic | | Prague | https://taktpraha.cz |
Cryptoanarchy institute | Czech Republic | | Prague | http://www.paralelnipolis.cz/cryptoanarchy-institute/ |
Hackeskur | Denmark | Copenhagen | Hvidovre | |
Labitat | Denmark | | Copenhagen | https://labitat.dk/ |
Open Space Aarhus | Denmark | | Aarhus | http://osaa.dk |
GeekLabs | Denmark | | Esbjerg | |
MakerLab.dk | Denmark | | Årslev | https://www.makerlab.dk/ |
Hal9k | Denmark | Northern Jutland | Aalborg | http://www.hal9k.dk/ |
HackerLabKolding | Denmark | | Kolding | https://www.designskolenkolding.dk/node/2292 |
Alexandria Hackerspace | Egypt | Alexandria | Alexandria | http://www.facebook.com/alexhackerspace |
Alex Hackerspace | Egypt | Alexandria | Alexandria | http://www.alexhacker.com |
Cairo HackerSpace | Egypt | Cairo | Cairo | http://www.cairohackerspace.org |
K-space.ee | Estonia | | Tallinn | https://k-space.ee/ |
Fab20 | Estonia | | Tallinn | https://fab20.ee/ |
Tartu Häkkerikoda | Estonia | | Tartu | https://hakkerikoda.ee/en |
Kuopio Hacklab | Finland | Northern Savonia | Kuopio | https://halko.fi/ |
Tarlab | Finland | | Oulu | https://tarlab.fi |
Helsinki Bike Kitchen | Finland | Uusimaa | Helsinki | https://pyorapaja.info |
Hacklab Lahti | Finland | | Lahti | http://lahti.hacklab.fi/ |
Tampere Hacklab | Finland | Pirkanmaa | Tampere | https://tampere.hacklab.fi |
Hacklab Mikkeli | Finland | | Mikkeli | https://www.hacklabmikkeli.fi/ |
Helsinki Hacklab | Finland | | Helsinki | http://helsinki.hacklab.fi/ |
Hacklab Jyväskylä | Finland | | Jyväskylä | https://jkl.hacklab.fi/ |
Turku Hacklab | Finland | | Turku | https://turku.hacklab.fi |
Vaasa Hacklab | Finland | | Vaasa | https://vaasa.hacklab.fi/ |
Kaouenn-noz | France | Brittany | Rennes | https://kaouenn-noz.fr |
H3O | France | Réunion | Bras Panon | https://www.fablab-h3o.re |
Tetalab | France | | Toulouse | http://tetalab.org |
Breizh Entropy | France | Brittany | Rennes | https://breizh-entropy.org/ |
Sunlab | France | Île-de-France | Viroflay | http://mysunlab.org/ |
Laboratoire Ouvert Grenoblois | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Grenoble | https://logre.eu |
Clubelek | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Villeurbanne | http://clubelek.fr |
Hackstub | France | Alsace | Strasbourg | https://hackstub.eu/ |
SHL // Sophia Hack Lab | France | Alpes Maritimes | Sophia Antipolis | https://www.shl.contact |
LaBi: Laboratoire de Bidouille | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Lyon | https://labi.aliens-lyon.fr/ |
EmancipoLab | France | | Paris | |
NYBI.CC | France | Lorraine | Nancy | http://nybi.cc |
Laboratoire Ouvert Lyonnais | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Lyon | http://labolyon.fr |
Electrolab | France | Île-de-France | Nanterre | http://www.electrolab.fr |
HAUM | France | Pays de la Loire | Le Mans | https://haum.org |
/tmp/lab | France | Île-de-France | Choisy le Roi | http://www.tmplab.org/ |
Cocoba | France | | Puyoo | https://www.cocoba.work |
Imladris | France | Britanny | Lanvollon | https://imladris.bzh |
Laboratoire d'Aix-périmentation et de Bidouille | France | Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | Aix-en-Provence | http://www.labaixbidouille.com/ |
Technistub | France | Alsace | Mulhouse | http://www.technistub.org |
3D4C | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Saint-Laurent-du-Pont | https://www.3d4c.fr/ |
HackGyver | France | Franche-Comté | Belfort | http://www.hackgyver.fr |
A.R.N. | France | | Die, Drôme | https://artisans-numeriques.net |
Ventres mous | France | | Rouen | https://www.ventresmous.fr/ |
DataPaulette | France | Île-de-France | Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis | http://datapaulette.org/ |
FUZ | France | Île-de-France | Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis | https://fuz.re/ |
Laboratoire Ouvert Villeurbannais | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Villeurbanne | https://LaboVilleurbanne.fr/ |
Coh@bit Fablab | France | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | Bordeaux | https://www.iut.u-bordeaux.fr/cohabit/ |
HackEns | France | Île-de-France | Paris | http://hackens.org/ |
PiNG | France | Pays de la Loire | Nantes | http://www.pingbase.net/ |
L'abscisse | France | | Dijon | http://www.coagul.org |
Labomedia | France | Centre | Orléans | http://labomedia.org |
F0RTHSP4CE | Georgia | | Tbilisi | https://f0rth.space/ |
Devbase | Germany | Bavaria | Unterzeitlbach | https://wiki.d.evba.se/ |
ComputerClub Itzehoe | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Itzehoe | https://www.cciz.de |
Hack HRO | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Rostock | https://hack-hro.de |
CCC Mainz | Germany | Hessen | Wiesbaden | https://www.cccwi.de/ |
Digitales Aachen e.V. (digitac) | Germany | | Aachen | http://digitac.cc |
Makerspace Leipzig | Germany | Saxony | Leipzig | https://makerspace-leipzig.de/ |
Raumfahrtagentur | Germany | | Berlin | http://raumfahrtagentur.org/ |
ACME Labs | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Bielefeld | https://acmelabs.space |
/dev/tal | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Wuppertal | http://devtal.de |
CCCFFM | Germany | Hessen | Frankfurt | http://ccc-ffm.de |
FabLab Cottbus | Germany | Brandenburg | Cottbus | http://fablab-cottbus.de |
Maschinenraum | Germany | Thuringia | Weimar | https://maschinenraum.tk/ |
Bastelbude Dinslaken | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Dinslaken | http://bastelbude.grade.de |
C3D2 | Germany | Saxony | Dresden | https://www.c3d2.de/ |
Fablab Wuerzburg | Germany | Bavaria | Wuerzburg | https://fablab-wuerzburg.de |
UN-Hack-Bar | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Unna | https://www.un-hack-bar.de/ |
Hopfenspace | Germany | Bavaria | Pfaffenhofen | https://hopfenspace.org |
Shackspace | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Stuttgart | https://shackspace.de/ |
ZwoNullEins | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Cologne | https://wandelwerk.koeln/kreativwerkstatt/ |
Chaosdorf | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Duesseldorf | https://chaosdorf.de/ |
Spline | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | http://spline.de |
MuCCC | Germany | Bavaria | Munich | http://muc.ccc.de/ |
Lin-Lab | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://lin-lab.de |
CCC Berlin | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://berlin.ccc.de/ |
Bytespeicher | Germany | Thuringia | Erfurt | http://technikkultur-erfurt.de/start |
Maschinendeck | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Trier | http://www.maschinendeck.org |
OpenLab Augsburg | Germany | Bavaria | Augsburg | https://www.openlab-augsburg.de/ |
Hackwerk Aalen | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Aalen | https://aalen.space/ |
Chaospott | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Essen | https://www.chaospott.de |
LUG Saar | Germany | Saarland | Saarlouis | http://lug-saar.de/ |
CCCAC | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Aachen | https://aachen.ccc.de/ |
DingFabrik Köln | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Cologne | https://dingfabrik.de/ |
Warpzone | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Münster | https://www.warpzone.ms/ |
0x90.space | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | https://0x90.space |
Krautspace | Germany | Thuringia | Jena | https://kraut.space/ |
K4CG | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | http://www.k4cg.org/ |
Kanthaus | Germany | Saxony | Wurzen | https://kanthaus.online |
Backspace | Germany | Bavaria | Bamberg | http://hackerspace-bamberg.de |
Hackzogtum | Germany | Bavaria | Coburg | http://hackzogtum-coburg.de/ |
Makerspace Esslingen | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Esslingen am Neckar | https://makerspace-esslingen.de |
Happylab Berlin | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | http://happylab.de |
Fablabc | Germany | Saxony | Chemnitz | https://stadtfabrikanten.org |
Freies Labor | Germany | Niedersachsen | Hildesheim | http://freieslabor.org |
Chaostreff Flensburg e.V. | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Flensburg | https://chaostreff-flensburg.de/ |
C3RE | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Recklinghausen | https://www.c3re.de/ |
Hackspace Marburg | Germany | Hessen | Marburg | https://hsmr.cc/ |
ZTL | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Landau | https://www.ztl.space |
Datenburg | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Bonn | https://www.datenburg.org/ |
Z-Labor | Germany | Saxony | Zwickau | https://www.z-labor.space/ |
3D Berlin Headquarter | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | http://www.youin3d.com/hackerspace-3d-berlin-headquarter/ |
NerdBridge | Germany | Lower-Saxony | Einbeck | http://www.nerdbridge.de |
Eigenbaukombinat Halle | Germany | Saxony-Anhalt | Halle | http://eigenbaukombinat.de |
CCC Hamburg | Germany | Hamburg | Hamburg | http://www.hamburg.ccc.de/ |
Westwoodlabs | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Ransbach-Baumbach | https://westwoodlabs.de |
MakerSpace Minden | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Minden | https://www.makerspace-minden.de |
Schaffenburg | Germany | Bavaria | Aschaffenburg | http://www.schaffenburg.org |
Macherburg | Germany | Saxony-Anhalt | Magdeburg | https://macherburg.de/ |
GarageLab eV | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Duesseldorf | https://garage-lab.de |
MakerSpace Bonn | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Bonn | http://makerspacebonn.de |
Hacksaar | Germany | Saarland | Saarbrücken | https://www.hacksaar.de |
NüLand | Germany | Bavaria | Schnaittach | https://nueland.de |
c-base | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://c-base.org/ |
Nerd2Nerd | Germany | Bavaria | Würzburg | http://www.nerd2nerd.org |
Stratum 0 | Germany | Niedersachsen | Braunschweig | https://stratum0.org |
KOLab | Germany | | Koblenz | http://www.kolab-koblenz.de |
Fablab Lueneburg | Germany | Lower-Saxony | Fablab Lueneburg | https://www.fablab-lueneburg.org/ |
Bits'n'Bugs | Germany | Bavaria | Erlangen | http://erlangen.ccc.de |
Makerspace Wacken | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Wacken | https://makerspace-wacken.de |
Chaostreff Dortmund | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Dortmund | https://www.chaostreff-dortmund.de/ |
Codeforheilbronn | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Heilbronn | https://codeforheilbronn.de/ |
Toppoint e.V. | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Kiel | http://toppoint.de |
Motionlab | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://motionlab.berlin |
Vspace.one | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Villingen-Schwenningen | http://vspace.one |
Chaostreff Chemnitz | Germany | Saxony | Chemnitz | https://www.chaoschemnitz.de/ |
CoMakingSpace | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Heidelberg | https://comakingspace.org |
IN-Berlin | Germany | Germany | Berlin | http://www.in-berlin.de/ |
Flipdot | Germany | Hessen | Kassel | http://flipdot.org/blog |
Chaostreff Backnang | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Backnang | https://ctbk.de |
FNordeingang Neuss | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Neuss | https://fnordeingang.de |
CCC Freiburg | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Freiburg | http://cccfr.de |
WerkRaum | Germany | Saxony | Zittau | http://werkraum.freiraumzittau.de/ |
Opennet - Frieda23 | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Rostock | https://www.opennet-initiative.de/ |
Metameute | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Lübeck | https://www.metameute.de |
FabLab Munich | Germany | Bavaria | Munich | http://www.fablab-muenchen.de/ |
Attraktor | Germany | Hamburg | Hamburg | https://www.attraktor.org |
HacKNology | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Konstanz | http://hacknology.de/ |
BFZ Berlin e.V. | Germany | | Berlin | http://www.bfz-berlin.org |
Space.bi | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Bielefeld | https://space.bi |
C4 | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Cologne | https://koeln.ccc.de/ |
FAU FabLab | Germany | Bavaria | Erlangen | http://fablab.fau.de |
Machwerk | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Hennef | https://www.machwerk-hennef.de |
XHain | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | http://x-hain.de |
Dezentrale | Germany | Saxony | Leipzig | https://dezentrale.space |
Kuckucksmühle | Germany | Brandenburg | Heiligengrabe | https://wiki.ecohackerfarm.org/kuckucksmuehle:start |
FeM | Germany | Thuringia | Ilmenau | https://www.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/index.php?id=30 |
RaumZeitLabor | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Mannheim | https://raumzeitlabor.de/ |
Chaostreff Potsdam (CCCP) | Germany | Brandenburg | Potsdam | https://www.ccc-p.org/ |
Munich Maker Lab | Germany | Bavaria | Munich | https://munichmakerlab.de/ |
Nerdberg Hackspace | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | https://nerdberg.de/ |
Hacklabor | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Schwerin | https://hacklabor.de/ |
Subraum | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Paderborn | http://www.c3pb.de/ |
Chaos Computer Club | Germany | | Hamburg | https://www.ccc.de/ |
Port39 - Hackerspace Stralsund | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Stralsund | https://port39.de |
BeLUG | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://belug.de |
Wau Holland Stiftung | Germany | | Hamburg | https://www.wauland.de/ |
FabLab Nürnberg | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | http://www.fablab-nuernberg.de/ |
Bytewerk | Germany | Bavaria | Ingolstadt | https://bytewerk.org/ |
Hackspace Georgsmarienhütte | Germany | Lower-Saxony | Georgsmarienhütte | https://www.hackspace-gmh.de/ |
Technik.cafe | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Lörrach | http://technik.cafe/ |
Niemandsland | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Duesseldorf | http://niemandsland.org/ |
Netz39 | Germany | Saxony-Anhalt | Magdeburg | https://www.netz39.de/ |
Das Labor | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Bochum | https://das-labor.org |
Nobreakspace | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Lübeck | https://www.chaotikum.org/ |
Section77 | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Offenburg | https://section77.de |
CCC Mannheim | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Mannheim | https://mannheim.ccc.de/ |
Leitstelle511-ccch | Germany | Niedersachsen | Hannover | https://hannover.ccc.de |
Hackerspace Bremen | Germany | Bremen | Bremen | https://www.hackerspace-bremen.de |
Hackerspace Ffm e.V. | Germany | Hessen | Oberursel | https://hackerspace-ffm.de |
Entität | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Neubrandenburg | https://entitaet.org |
Offene Werkstatt Norderstedt e.V. | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Norderstedt | https://www.ow-norderstedt.de |
Haxko | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Andernach | https://haxko.space |
Namespace Gera | Germany | Thuringia | Gera | https://buergernetz-gera-greiz.de/namespace |
Chaos inKL. | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Kaiserslautern | http://chaos-inkl.de |
C-Hack Calw | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Calw | http://c-hack.de |
AFRA | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://afra-berlin.de/ |
TIF-IT-Labor | Germany | Thuringia | Gotha | https://www.tif-it.org/ |
Binary Kitchen | Germany | Bavaria | Regensburg | http://www.binary-kitchen.de/ |
Duisentrieb | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Duisburg | https://www.duisentrieb.de |
Leinelab | Germany | Niedersachsen | Hannover | http://www.leinelab.org |
GEOLab | Germany | Bavaria | Gerolzhofen | https://geolab.space |
CCC Göttingen | Germany | Niedersachsen | Goettingen | https://www.cccgoe.de/ |
CCC Darmstadt | Germany | Hessen | Darmstadt | https://www.chaos-darmstadt.de |
Hasi | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Siegen | https://ha.si |
temporärhaus | Germany | Bavaria | Neu-Ulm | https://temporaerhaus.de |
Forschung und Technik e.V. | Germany | Lower-Saxony | Lingen | https://forschungundtechnikev.de |
Entropia | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | https://entropia.de/ |
Fablab Neckar-Alb | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Tübingen | https://www.fablab-neckar-alb.org/ |
SUMA | Germany | Niedersachsen | Hannover | http://suma-ev.de |
Mainframe | Germany | Niedersachsen | Oldenburg | http://www.mainframe.io/ |
Hackerspace.gr | Greece | Attica | Athens | https://www.hackerspace.gr |
~/tinycore.lab | Greece | Pieria | Litochoro | https://tinycorelab.noblogs.org |
Greenbridge | Greece | Thessaly | Trikala | https://greenbridge.gr |
GreekLUG | Greece | Central Macedonia | Thessaloniki | http://www.greeklug.gr |
Spacetime.community | Greece | Central Macedonia | Thessaloniki | https://spacetime.community |
Fill in the Blank | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | http://www.fillintheblank.hk |
DimSumLabs | Hong Kong | | Hong Kong | https://www.dimsumlabs.com |
M-Labs | Hong Kong | Quarry Bay | Hong Kong | https://m-labs.hk |
Hackerspace Budapest | Hungary | | Budapest | https://hsbp.org/ |
Hakkavélin | Iceland | | Reykjavik | https://hakkavelin.is |
Jaaga: Bangalore Art & Technology Space | India | Karnataka | Bangalore | http://jaaga.in |
HasGeek House | India | Karnataka | Bangalore | https://hasgeek.com |
Centre for Internet and Society | India | Karnataka | Bangalore | http://cis-india.org |
IdeaCliff | India | Kerala | Trivandrum | http://www.ideacliff.in |
MakersBox | India | Delhi | New Delhi | http://www.makersbox.in |
Vigyan Ashram DIY Lab | India | Maharashtra | Pune | http://www.vigyanashram.com/ |
Sarai | India | Delhi | New Delhi | http://www.sarai.net |
Makers Asylum | India | Goa | Moira | https://makersasylum.com/ |
हैकरgram (Hackergram), Almora | India | Uttarakhand | Bhimtal | http://hackergram.org |
Yuvalay Electronics Lab | India | Gujarat | Vadodara | http://elab.yuvalay.org |
TinkerSpace | India | Kerala | Ernakulam | https://www.tinkerhub.org/tinkerspace |
Public Research Association of Social Hacktivity | India | Tamil Nadu | Trichy | |
EMC Techlabs | India | Gujarat | Ahmedabad | https://www.emctechlabs.com |
Makers Universe | India | Maharashtra | Mumbai | http://www.universesimplified.com/ate-makers-universe/ |
Pusat-Komputer-Masyarakat | Indonesia | Central Java | Pekalongan | http://puskomas.web.id/ |
Emperor-team | Iran | Tehran | Tehran | http://emperor-team.org/ |
Mosul space | Iraq | Nineveh Governorate | Mosul | |
091 Labs | Ireland | Connacht | Galway | http://091labs.com |
TOG | Ireland | Leinster | Dublin | http://tog.ie/ |
Sample Studios | Ireland | Munster | Cork (city) | http://www.sample-studios.com |
South East Makerspace | Ireland | Munster | Waterford | https://www.southeastmakerspace.org |
Tel Aviv Makers Intl. | Israel | | Tel Aviv | http://telavivmakers.org/ |
Mittelab | Italy | Friuli Venezia Giulia | Trieste | https://www.mittelab.org |
MuHack | Italy | Lombardy | Brescia | https://muhack.org/ |
EigenLab | Italy | Tuscany | Pisa | https://eigenlab.org |
FrankensteinGarage FabLabMilano | Italy | | Milan | http://www.frankensteingarage.it |
MindsHub | Italy | Trentino | Ala | https://mindshub.it/ |
Italian Hackers Embassy | Italy | | | https://italianhackerembassy.it/#not yet existing |
ArtLab Pesaro - Coworking culturale | Italy | Pesaro e Urbino | Pesaro | https://www.tavolostudenti.it/artlab |
HackTung | Italy | | | http://www.autistici.org/hacktung/ |
ICTP SciFabLab | Italy | Friuli-Venezia Giulia | Trieste | http://scifablab.ictp.it |
HackLab Terni | Italy | Umbria | Terni | http://hacklabterni.org |
Politecnico Open unix Labs | Italy | Lombardy | Milan | https://poul.org |
MediaLab | Italy | | Rome | http://avana.forteprenestino.net/ |
Scuola Open Source | Italy | Bari | Bari | https://www.lascuolaopensource.xyz |
Verdebinario | Italy | Calabria | Cosenza | http://www.verdebinario.org |
MvtinaPwn | Italy | Emilia Romagna | Modena | https://www.mvtinapwn.it |
/root | Italy | Emilia Romagna | Forlì | https://www.rootclub.it |
Unit | Italy | Lombardy | Milan | https://unit.abbiamoundominio.org/ |
BioClub | Japan | | Tokyo | http://www.bioclub.org/ |
FabLab Saga | Japan | Saga Prefecture | Saga (city) | https://www.facebook.com/FabLabSaga |
Tokyo Hacker Space | Japan | Tokyo | Tokyo | https://www.tokyohackerspace.jp/ |
HackerspaceChiba | Japan | Chiba Prefecture | Ōamishirasato | http://4hacker.github.io/hackerhouse/ |
Anno lab | Japan | Fukuoka | Fukuoka | http://annolab.com |
HackerSpace JUST | Jordan | Irbid Governorate | Irbid | |
Black Ice | Kazakhstan | Almaty | Almaty | https://t.me/blackicehackerspace |
Valmiera's Makerspace DARE | Latvia | Vidzeme | Valmiera | https://darevalmiera.lv/ |
Ventspils design studio RADE | Latvia | | Ventspils | https://www.vatp.lv/rade |
MAKE RIGA | Latvia | | Riga | http://makeriga.org |
Kaunas Makerspace | Lithuania | | Kaunas | https://makerspace.lt/ |
Syn2cat | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Luxembourg City | http://www.hackerspace.lu |
ChaosStuff | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Luxembourg City | http://chaosstuff.lu |
KIKA | Macedonia | | Skopje | http://blog.spodeli.org/ |
Hacedores Makerspace | Mexico | Distrito Federal | Mexico City | http://makerspace.hacedores.com |
Kernel Panic Room | Mexico | Queretaro | Queretaro | https://kernelpanic.lol |
Inventoteca | Mexico | Puebla | Puebla (city) | http://www.inventoteca.com |
HackerGarage | Mexico | Jalisco | Guadalajara | http://hackergarage.mx/ |
Uxati | Mexico | Michoacan | Patzcuaro | |
Hsmty | Mexico | Nuevo Leon | Monterrey | http://hsmty.org/ |
ApatzyTI | Mexico | Michoacan | Apatzingán | https://www.apatzyti.org/ |
The Inventor's House | Mexico | Aguascalientes | Aguascalientes | http://www.theinventorhouse.org |
Estudio 664 | Mexico | Baja California | Tijuana | http://estudio664.net |
Hacklab ZAM | Mexico | Distrito Federal | Mexico City | http://espora.org/zam |
Rancho Electrónico | Mexico | Distrito Federal (Mexico) | Mexico City | http://ranchoelectronico.org/ |
Enactus Esith Labs | Morocco | | Casablanca | |
Karkhana | Nepal | Kathmandu | Kathmandu | http://karkhana.asia/ |
Hive5 | Netherlands | Groningen | Groningen | |
Qeske Maastricht | Netherlands | Limburg | Maastricht | https://qeske.nl/qeske-maastricht/ |
LAG | Netherlands | Noord-Holland | Amsterdam | https://www.laglab.org |
Hackerspace Drenthe | Netherlands | Drenthe | Coevorden | https://hackerspace-drenthe.nl |
Technologia Incognita | Netherlands | Noord-Holland | Amsterdam | http://techinc.nl/ |
RandomData | Netherlands | Utrecht | Utrecht | https://www.randomdata.nl |
Randomdata | Netherlands | Utrecht | Utrecht | http://www.randomdata.nl |
Bitlair | Netherlands | Utrecht | Amersfoort | https://bitlair.nl/ |
Mononoke | Netherlands | | All over the country | http://www.mononoke.nl/ |
Hack42 | Netherlands | Gelderland | Arnhem | http://hack42.nl |
ACKspace | Netherlands | Limburg | Heerlen | https://ackspace.nl/ |
Maakplek | Netherlands | Groningen | Groningen | http://maakplek.nl |
Revelation space | Netherlands | Zuid-Holland | Leidschendam | http://revspace.nl/ |
TkkrLab | Netherlands | Overijssel | Enschede | https://www.tkkrlab.nl |
Hackerspace Nijmegen | Netherlands | Gelderland | Nijmegen | http://www.hackerspacenijmegen.nl |
The Space Leiden | Netherlands | Zuid-Holland | Leiden | https://spaceleiden.nl |
MakersBase | Netherlands | Noord Brabant | Breda | http://makersbase.nl/ |
Hackalot | Netherlands | Noord Brabant | Eindhoven | https://hackalot.nl |
AwesomeSpace | Netherlands | North Holland | Hilversum | http://www.awesomespace.nl |
Red Circle | Netherlands | Gelderland | Nijmegen | https://redcircle.space |
NURDspace | Netherlands | Gelderland | Wageningen | http://nurdspace.nl/ |
Pixelbar | Netherlands | Zuid-Holland | Rotterdam | https://www.pixelbar.nl |
TDvenlo | Netherlands | Limburg | Venlo | https://tdvenlo.nl |
HackLand | New Zealand | Auckland | Auckland | http://hackland.nz |
TAP:lab | New Zealand | Auckland | Auckland | http://www.taplab.nz/ |
CcHUB (Co-creation Hub Nigeria) | Nigeria | Lagos State | Yaba, Lagos | http://www.cchubnigeria.com/ |
Rusted Minds Lab | Nigeria | Kano state | Kano | |
MAKE NTNU | Norway | Trøndelag | Trondheim | https://makentnu.no/ |
Bitraf | Norway | | Oslo | https://bitraf.no/ |
Omega Verksted | Norway | Sør-Trøndelag | Trondheim | http://www.omegav.no |
HackNorway | Norway | Hordaland | Bergen | http://www.hacknorway.com/ |
Creator Makerspace | Norway | | Stavanger | http://www.creator.no |
Hackheim | Norway | Sør-Trøndelag | Trondheim | http://www.hackheim.com |
Hackeriet | Norway | | Oslo | https://hackeriet.no/index.en.html |
Hackerspace NTNU | Norway | Trøndelag | Trondheim | https://www.hackerspace-ntnu.no/ |
Horten Folkeverksted | Norway | Vestfold | Horten | https://folkeverkstedet.com |
Dataklubb | Norway | Rogaland | Sandnes | https://dataklubb.no |
Programvareverkstedet | Norway | Trøndelag | Trondheim | https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/ |
Åpen sone for eksperimentell informatikk | Norway | | Oslo | http://sonen.ifi.uio.no/ |
Hackistan | Pakistan | | Lahore | |
Robo Club | Pakistan | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | Topi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | |
Startable Hub | Philippines | Metro Manila | Quezon City | https://startablehub.business.site/ |
Hackerspace Kraków | Poland | Lesser Poland | Cracow | https://hackerspace-krk.pl/ |
Warsaw Hackerspace | Poland | Masovia | Warsaw | http://hackerspace.pl |
Hackerspace Wrocław | Poland | Lower Silesia | Wroclaw | http://www.hswro.org |
Majstrownia - Solarpunk Makerspace | Poland | MAZOWIECKIE | Ustanów | https://majstrownia.space |
Knyfyrtel Hackerspace Poznań | Poland | Greater Poland | Poznan | https://hspoz.pl |
Hackerspace Pomerania | Poland | Pomerania | Gdansk | https://hsp.sh/ |
Tricity Hackerspace | Poland | Pomerania | Gdansk | http://hs3.pl/ |
Hackerspace Lodz | Poland | Łódzkie | Łódź | https://hs-ldz.pl |
MafraLab - Makers Community | Portugal | Lisbon | Mafra, Portugal | http://www.mafralab.org |
HackerSchool @ IST | Portugal | | Lisbon | http://hackerschool.io |
LCD - Audiência Zero | Portugal | Porto | Matosinhos | https://www.lcdporto.org |
Inventeaza.ro | Romania | Bucharest | Bucharest | http://inventeaza.ro |
PlanZero | Romania | Timiș County | Timisoara | http://planzero.ro |
Modulab | Romania | Bucharest | Bucharest | http://www.modulab.ro |
Hackspb | Russian Federation | Saint-Petersburg | Saint-Petersburg | http://hackspb.ru |
Akiba | Russian Federation | | Tomsk | https://akiba.space |
Kirishi Hackerspace | Russian Federation | Leningrad Oblast | Kirishi | https://vk.com/cyberunit |
Bratsk hackerspace | Russian Federation | | Bratsk | https://defconbratsk.team |
B4CKSP4CE | Russian Federation | | Saint-Petersburg | https://0x08.in |
CADR | Russian Federation | | Nizhniy Novgorod | https://cadrspace.ru/ |
ЦМИТ «Дружба»/Friendship FabLab | Russian Federation | | Tomsk | http://cmit.ru/ |
Undefspace | Russian Federation | Moscow | Moscow | https://undef.club |
Boring Place | Russian Federation | Saratov Oblast | Saratov | https://boringplace.org |
Kilmarnock Hackerspace | Scotland | East Ayrshire | Kilmarnock | |
Fife Hackspace | Scotland | Fife | Thornton, Fife | https://sites.google.com/site/fifehackspace |
Hack Lab | Serbia | Central Serbia | | |
Tilda Center | Serbia | Vojvodina | Novi Sad | http://tilda.center/ |
Decentrala | Serbia | | Belgrade | https://dmz.rs |
HackerspaceSG | Singapore | | Singapore | https://hackerspace.sg |
Garaža Ajdovščina | Slovenia | | Ajdovščina | https://garazawajdusna.si |
RizomaLab | Slovenia | Eastern Slovenia | Žetale | http://zavodrizoma.si/ |
LeftClick | Slovenia | | Ljubljana | https://leftclick.si |
Kiberpipa | Slovenia | | Ljubljana | |
LJUDMILA | Slovenia | | Ljubljana | http://www.ljudmila.org/ |
House4Hack | South Africa | Gauteng | Centurion, South Africa | http://www.house4hack.co.za |
TheMakerSpace - Durban | South Africa | Kwazulu Natal | Durban | http://themakerspace.co.za/hackerspaces/durban/ |
Cyberhippietotalism | Spain | Canary Islands | Puerto del Rosario | http://totalism.org |
HackCS | Spain | Province of Castellón | Castellon de la Plana | http://hackcs.org |
Makers of murcia | Spain | Murcia | Murcia | http://makersofmurcia.org/ |
Made Makerspace Barcelona | Spain | Barcelona | Barcelona | http://made-bcn.org |
Danaus | Spain | Catalonia | Barcelona | https://www.danaus.io/ |
Area UR-Maker | Spain | La Rioja | Logrono | https://www.unirioja.es/urmaker/ |
Pica Pica HackLab | Spain | Asturias | Oviedo | http://www.picahack.org |
Ingobernable | Spain | Madrid | Madrid | https://ingobernable.net |
Makers Zone Barcelona | Spain | Catalonia | Barcelona | https://mzbcn.es |
Gamaker | Spain | Álava | Vitoria-Gasteiz | http://gamaker.org |
BricoLabs | Spain | Corunna | Corunna | http://bricolabs.cc |
Hacklablaraiz.net | Spain | Madrid | Madrid | http://hacklablaraiz.net |
AKASHA Hub Barcelona | Spain | Catalonia | Barcelona | https://akasha.barcelona |
Makespace Madrid | Spain | Madrid | Madrid | https://makespacemadrid.org/ |
HackLab Almería | Spain | Almeria | Almeria | http://hacklabalmeria.net |
Datorföreningen Update | Sweden | Uppsala County | Uppsala | https://www.dfupdate.se |
Chalmers Robotförening | Sweden | | Gothenburg | http://chalmersrobotics.se/ |
Mikrofabriken | Sweden | | Gothenburg | http://www.mikrofabriken.se/ |
Uppsala Makerspace | Sweden | Uppsala County | Uppsala | https://www.uppsalamakerspace.se |
Recompile | Sweden | Skåne | Malmö | https://www.recompile.se/ |
Stockholm Makerspace | Sweden | | Stockholm | http://www.makerspace.se |
Umeå Hackerspace | Sweden | Västerbotten County | Umeå | http://umeahackerspace.se/ |
Escape | Sweden | Värmland | Arvika | http://arvikahackerspace.blogspot.com/ |
LINKPing | Sweden | | Linköping | https://linkping.org/ |
Lodis | Sweden | Skåne | Malmö | https://lodis.se |
Skövde Makerspace | Sweden | | Skövde | https://skovdemakerspace.se |
GaudiLabs | Switzerland | Lucerne | Lucerne | http://www.gaudi.ch/ |
Queer feminist kompitreff | Switzerland | Basel-Stadt | Basel | https://spit.noblogs.org/kompitreff/ |
PostTenebrasLab | Switzerland | Geneva | Geneva | https://www.posttenebraslab.ch |
Bureau.D | Switzerland | Zürich | Dietikon | http://www.bureaud.ch |
Makers im Zigerschlitz | Switzerland | Glarus | Näfels | https://zigerschlitzmakers.ch |
Chaostreff Bern | Switzerland | Bern | Bern | https://chaostreffbern.ch |
Hackerspace-Uri | Switzerland | Uri | Altdorf | https://hackerspace-uri.ch |
FIXME | Switzerland | Vaud | Renens | http://fixme.ch |
Ruum42 | Switzerland | St. Gallen | St. Gallen | https://ruum42.ch |
Digital Glarus | Switzerland | Glarus | Schwanden | http://www.digitalglarus.ch |
Coredump | Switzerland | St. Gallen | Jona | https://www.coredump.ch/ |
MechArtLab | Switzerland | Zürich | Zürich | https://www.mechatronicart.ch |
Codinglab | Switzerland | Ticino | Minusio | https://codinglab.ch |
Engrenage | Switzerland | Neuchâtel | La Chaux-de-Fonds | http://engrenage.ch/ |
Chaos Computer Club Basel | Switzerland | Basel-Landschaft | Muttenz | https://ccc-basel.ch/ |
Starship Factory | Switzerland | Basel-Stadt | Basel | http://www.starship-factory.ch/ |
Dock18 | Switzerland | Zürich | Zürich | http://www.dock18.ch/ |
Odenwilusenz | Switzerland | Schaffhausen | Beringen | http://odenwilusenz.ch |
CCCZH | Switzerland | Zürich | Zürich | https://www.ccczh.ch |
Taipei Hackerspace | Taiwan | Taipei | Taipei | https://taipeihack.org |
Openlab.Taipei | Taiwan | | Taipei | http://www.openlabtaipei.org/ |
Makerspace Thailand | Thailand | | Chiang Mai | https://www.facebook.com/makerspaceth?locale=en TH |
2600Thailand | Thailand | | Bangkok | |
Woelab | Togo | | Lomé | http://www.woelabo.com/ |
KanGouLya.org | Tunisia | Tunisia | Tunis | https://kangoulya.org |
THE-ZODIAC-HACKERSPACE | Tunisia | Tunisia | Tunis | |
Hackerspace Troia | Türkiye | Canakkale | Canakkale | https://hackerspace.dev |
Dijital Çağ Atölyesi | Türkiye | Ankara | Ankara | https://dijitalcagatolyesi.com/ |
Hackerspace İstanbul | Türkiye | | Istanbul | https://hackerspace.ist |
Synergy Mill | US | South Carolina | Greenville | http://www.synergymill.com |
Arete.Study | Ukraine | Cherkasy Oblast | Talne | https://arete.study |
Ostriv Lab | Ukraine | Kyiv | Kyiv | |
Hacklab Kyiv | Ukraine | Kyiv | Kyiv | http://www.hacklab.kiev.ua |
Leeds Hackspace | United Kingdom | West Yorkshire | Leeds | http://www.leedshackspace.org.uk |
57North | United Kingdom | Scotland | Aberdeen | http://www.57north.org.uk |
HACMan | United Kingdom | Manchester | Manchester | http://hacman.org.uk |
Build Brighton | United Kingdom | East Sussex | Brighton and Hove | http://www.buildbrighton.com |
Milton Keynes Makerspace | United Kingdom | Buckinghamshire | Milton Keynes | http://www.mkmakerspace.co.uk |
York Hackspace | United Kingdom | Yorkshire | York | https://york.hackspace.org.uk/ |
Edinburgh Hacklab | United Kingdom | Scotland | Edinburgh | http://www.edinburghhacklab.com/ |
London Hackspace | United Kingdom | London | London | https://london.hackspace.org.uk |
Telford Makerspace | United Kingdom | Shropshire | Telford | https://telfordmakerspace.org.uk/ |
So Make It (Southampton, UK) | United Kingdom | Hampshire | Southampton | http://www.somakeit.org.uk/ |
Sheffield Hardware Hackers and Makers | United Kingdom | South Yorkshire | Sheffield | https://www.sheffieldhackspace.org.uk/ |
DoESLiverpool | United Kingdom | Merseyside | Liverpool | http://doesliverpool.com/ |
The Gamer Club Glasgow | United Kingdom | Scotland | Glasgow | https://www.thegamerclub.co.uk |
Surrey and Hampshire Makerspace | United Kingdom | Surrey | Guildford | https://www.shmakerspace.org/ |
EOF Hackspace | United Kingdom | Oxfordshire | Oxford | https://eof.org.uk |
Leigh Hackspace | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Leigh | https://www.leighhack.org/ |
Mkmis | United Kingdom | Buckinghamshire | Milton Keynes | http://meninshedsmk.org.uk |
MadLab | United Kingdom | Manchester | Manchester | http://madlab.org.uk/ |
Glasgow Hackerspace | United Kingdom | Scotland | Glasgow | https://www.glashack.space |
Marie's Tea Room Hackerspace | United Kingdom | Kent | London | http://mariestearoom.co.uk/events/makerspace |
Derby Makers | United Kingdom | Derbyshire | Derby | http://derbymakers.co.uk/ |
LuneLab Makerspace | United Kingdom | Lancashire | Lancaster, Lancashire | http://lunelab.org.uk |
Nottinghack | United Kingdom | Nottinghamshire | Nottingham | http://nottinghack.org.uk |
RMS | United Kingdom | Berkshire | Reading | http://rlab.org.uk |
Basingstoke Makerspace | United Kingdom | Hampshire | Basingstoke | http://www.basingstokemakerspace.org.uk/ |
Lancaster And Morecambe Makers (LAMM) | United Kingdom | Lancashire | Lancaster, Lancashire | http://lamm.space/ |
Quantum Tech Club | United Kingdom | Lancashire | Ormskirk | http://www.quantumtech.club |
FizzPOP | United Kingdom | West Midlands (region) | Birmingham | http://www.fizzpop.org.uk |
Fab Lab Devon | United Kingdom | Devon | Exeter | http://fablabdevon.org/ |
Makespace | United Kingdom | Cambridgeshire | Cambridge | http://www.makespace.org |
Newport Makerspace Creudy Casnewydd | United Kingdom | Newport, Wales | Newport, Wales | https://newportmakerspace.org/ |
South London Makerspace | United Kingdom | London | London | http://southlondonmakerspace.org |
MAKE Gosport | United Kingdom | Hampshire | Gosport | https://www.makegosport.co.uk |
Leicester Hackspace | United Kingdom | Leicestershire | Leicester | http://leicesterhackspace.org.uk |
Potteries | United Kingdom | Staffordshire | Stoke-On-Trent | http://potterieshackspace.org.uk/ |
FarsetLabs | United Kingdom | County Antrim | Belfast | https://www.farsetlabs.org.uk |
Richmond Makerlabs | United Kingdom | Surrey | Ham, London | http://wiki.richmondmakerlabs.uk/index.php?title=Main Page |
Teesside Hackspace | United Kingdom | Cleveland | Middlesbrough | https://www.teessidehackspace.org.uk/ |
Bristol Hackspace | United Kingdom | | Bristol | https://bristolhackspace.org |
Swindon Makerspace | United Kingdom | Wiltshire | Swindon | https://www.swindon-makerspace.org// |
Swansea Hackspace | United Kingdom | Wales | Swansea | http://swansea.hackspace.org.uk |
East Essex Hackspace | United Kingdom | Essex | Hockley | http://eehack.space |
The Skiff | United Kingdom | Sussex | Brighton | http://theskiff.org |
Cheltenham Hackspace | United Kingdom | Gloucestershire | Cheltenham | https://www.cheltenhamhackspace.org |
Confluent | United States of America | Washington | Richland, Washington | https://confluent.space |
Hasty Pastry | United States of America | Massachusetts | Cambridge | http://www.hastypastry.net |
Spark Makerspace | United States of America | Connecticut | New London, Connecticut | https://sparkmakerspace.org |
Quelab | United States of America | New Mexico | Albuquerque | https://quelab.net |
KnoxMakers | United States of America | Tennessee | Knoxville, Tennessee | https://knoxmakers.org/ |
Brooklyn Public Library Information Commons | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.bklynlibrary.org/locations/central/infocommons |
Founders | United States of America | Indiana | Fort Wayne | http://atfounders.com |
Omaha Maker Group | United States of America | Nebraska | Omaha | http://www.omahamakergroup.org/ |
Collab | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.collab-orators.com |
LVL1 | United States of America | Kentucky | Louisville, Kentucky | http://www.lvl1.org/ |
Duluth MakerSpace | United States of America | Minnesota | Duluth, Minnesota | http://DuluthMakerSpace.com/ |
∕dev/hack | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | https://devhack.net |
Kre8now | United States of America | Kentucky | Lexington | https://www.kre8now.com/ |
Southwest Florida Hackerspace | United States of America | Florida | Fort Myers | http://www.swflhackerspace.com |
Hacksburg | United States of America | Virginia | Blacksburg, Virginia | http://hacksburg.org |
Asheville Makers / OpenSpace | United States of America | North Carolina | Asheville | http://www.ashevillemakers.org |
Hacknsleep | United States of America | California | San Francisco | http://www.hacknsleep.com |
River City Labs | United States of America | Illinois | Peoria, Illinois | https://rivercitylabs.space |
Einstein's Workshop | United States of America | Massachusetts | Burlington, Massachusetts | http://www.einsteinsworkshop.com/ |
Midsouth Makers | United States of America | Tennessee | Midsouth Makers | http://www.midsouthmakers.org |
The Brickyard Collaborative | United States of America | Massachusetts | Lynn, Massachusetts | https://thebrickyard.org/ |
The Bodgery | United States of America | Wisconsin | Madison, Wisconsin | https://www.thebodgery.org/ |
Sudo room | United States of America | California | Oakland | https://sudoroom.org |
Sector67 | United States of America | Wisconsin | Madison, Wisconsin | http://sector67.org |
CreatorSpace | United States of America | Texas | Houston | http://www.creatorspace.org/ |
Nova Labs | United States of America | Virginia | Fairfax, Virginia | http://nova-labs.org/ |
The Make Space | United States of America | Pennsylvania | State College | https://themakespace.com |
Gangplank | United States of America | Arizona | Queen Creek | http://gangplankhq.com |
Barrel of Makers | United States of America | Delaware | Wilmington, Delaware | http://barrelofmakers.org/ |
North End Makerspace | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | https://northendmakers.org |
Claremont Makerspace | United States of America | New Hampshire | Claremont, New Hampshire | https://claremontmakerspace.org |
SnoCo Makerspace | United States of America | Washington | Everett, Washington | http://snocomakers.org/ |
Robot Garden | United States of America | California | Livermore, California | http://robotgarden.org |
Cola Makerspace | United States of America | South Carolina | Columbia, Missouri | http://www.colamakerspace.com |
Eugene Maker Space | United States of America | Oregon | Eugene, Oregon | https://www.eugenemakerspace.com |
Jackson Makerspace | United States of America | Michigan | Jackson | http://www.JacksonMakerSpace.org/ |
Tinker Tank | United States of America | Florida | Miami | http://www.tinkertankmiami.com |
Lowell Makes | United States of America | Massachusetts | Lowell, Massachusetts | http://lowellmakes.com |
ChattLab | United States of America | Tennessee | Chattanooga | http://www.chattlab.org/ |
HackPittsburgh | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh | http://www.hackpittsburgh.org |
Freeside Atlanta | United States of America | Georgia | Atlanta | https://www.freesideatlanta.org/ |
Propeller | United States of America | Indiana | Columbus | https://members.columbuspropeller.com/ |
The Lab | United States of America | Texas | Richardson | https://thelab.ms/ |
Montana Ethical Hackers | United States of America | Montana | Helena | http://mthackers.com |
Keystone Makers | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Marysville | https://keystonemakers.org |
Skillhouse | United States of America | Florida | Gainesville, Florida | https://www.gainesvillehackerspace.org |
CollabLab | United States of America | Massachusetts | Worcester | http://collablab.wpi.edu/ |
Hackreduce.org | United States of America | Massachusetts | Cambridge, Massachusetts | http://www.hackreduce.org/ |
Baltimore Hackerspace | United States of America | Maryland | Baltimore | http://www.baltimorehackerspace.com |
Appletonmakerspace | United States of America | Wisconsin | Appleton, Wisconsin | https://appletonmakerspace.org/ |
Bozeman Makerspace | United States of America | Montana | Bozeman, Montana | http://bozemanmakers.org |
Workshop 88 | United States of America | Illinois | Glen Ellyn | http://workshop88.com |
Manchester Makerspace | United States of America | New Hampshire | Manchester | http://manchestermakerspace.org |
Rhode Island Maker Mill | United States of America | Rhode Island | Pawtucket | https://rimakermill.github.io/index.html |
Forge Greensboro | United States of America | North Carolina | Greensboro, North Carolina | http://www.forgegreensboro.org/ |
Genspace NYC | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.genspace.org |
The Tooolbox | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | https://exmachinaparlor.github.io/Webpage/ |
Kennebec County Hackerspace | United States of America | Maine | Augusta, Georgia | |
HACKMIAMI | United States of America | Florida | Miami | http://www.hackmiami.org/ |
CBI Maker Space | United States of America | Tennessee | Crossville, Tennessee | http://www.cbimakerspace.com/cbi/maker-space/ |
Black Lodge | United States of America | Washington | Redmond, Washington | http://www.blacklodgeresearch.org |
The Warehouse | United States of America | Colorado | Loveland, Colorado | http://greenhackerspace.com/ |
Phoenix Asylum | United States of America | Colorado | Boulder | http://phoenixasylum.org |
QC Co-Lab | United States of America | Iowa | Davenport | https://www.qccolab.com |
Seattle Makers | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | https://seattlemakers.org/ |
BSpectrum | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://bspectrumarts.com |
Counter Culture Labs | United States of America | California | Oakland | https://counterculturelabs.org/ |
Lansing Makers Network | United States of America | Michigan | Lansing | http://www.lansingmakersnetwork.org/ |
AS220 Labs | United States of America | Rhode Island | Providence | http://labs.as220.org |
Noisebridge | United States of America | California | San Francisco | https://www.noisebridge.net/ |
Pikes Peak Electronics Engineering | United States of America | Colorado | Colorado Springs | http://www.p2e2.org |
Clear Creek Makerspace | United States of America | Colorado | Wheat Ridge | https://clearcreekmakerspace.com/ |
Vector Space | United States of America | Virginia | Lynchburg, Virginia | http://vector-space.org/ |
Double Union | United States of America | California | San Francisco | http://www.doubleunion.org |
NWLA Makerspace | United States of America | Louisiana | Shreveport-Bossier | |
NIMBY LLC | United States of America | California | Oakland | http://www.nimbyspace.org/ |
CDL - Computer Deconstruction Lab | United States of America | New Jersey | Wall Township, New Jersey | https://compdecon.github.io/ |
MakeICT | United States of America | Kansas | Wichita | http://makeict.org |
Make Salt Lake | United States of America | Utah | Salt Lake City | http://www.makesaltlake.org |
TekVenture | United States of America | Indiana | Fort Wayne | http://www.TekVenture.org |
Hack.rva | United States of America | Virginia | Richmond, Virginia | http://hackrva.org |
Hazard Factory | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://www.hazardfactory.org/ |
PerfectFab | United States of America | Tennessee | Clarksville, Tennessee | |
GeekspaceGwinnett | United States of America | Georgia | Lawrenceville, Georgia | http://www.geekspacegwinnett.org |
IslandLabs | United States of America | New York | Farmingdale | http://islandlabs.org |
Columbia Gadget Works | United States of America | Missouri | Columbia, Missouri | http://www.columbiagadgetworks.org |
Biotech Without Borders | United States of America | New York | Long Island City | https://biotechwithoutborders.org |
The Bocoup Loft | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://loft.bocoup.com |
Factor e Farm | United States of America | Missouri | Kansas City | http://opensourceecology.org/ |
23b Shop | United States of America | California | Fullerton, California | https://23bshop.org |
Triple Cities Makerspace | United States of America | New York | Binghamton, New York | http://www.tcmakerspace.com |
SpaceLab1 | United States of America | Illinois | Mokena | http://www.spacelab1.com |
MakeHaven | United States of America | Connecticut | New Haven | http://www.makehaven.org |
Hardware Hack Lab | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://hardwarehacklab.io |
Momentum Hackerspace | United States of America | Virginia | Lynchburg, Virginia | http://www.momentumhackerspace.com |
HeatSync Labs | United States of America | Arizona | Mesa | http://www.heatsynclabs.org |
Denhac | United States of America | Colorado | Denver | https://denhac.org |
Crash Space | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://crashspace.org/ |
Pawprint Prototyping | United States of America | California | Santa Clara | https://pawprintprototyping.org |
Makers Workshop | United States of America | Massachusetts | Maynard, Massachusetts | https://makersworkshop.com/ |
Sequoia Fabrica | United States of America | California | San Francisco | https://sequoiafabrica.org/ |
Synbyo Prototyping Guild | United States of America | California | Rancho Cordova | http://www.synbyo.com |
WinonaHackers | United States of America | Minnesota | Winona, Minnesota | |
The Maker Station | United States of America | Georgia | Marietta, Georgia | http://www.themakerstation.com |
HacDC | United States of America | District of Columbia | Washington D.C. | http://www.hacdc.org/ |
Hacker Lab | United States of America | California | Sacramento | https://hackerlab.org |
Decatur Makers | United States of America | Georgia | Decatur, Georgia | http://decaturmakers.org |
TrepHub | United States of America | Florida | Melbourne | http://trephub.com/ |
Dead Programmers Society | United States of America | New Mexico | Las Cruces | |
Tampa Hackerspace | United States of America | Florida | Tampa | http://www.tampahackerspace.com |
LA Makerspace | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://lamakerspace.org |
Club Cyberia | United States of America | Indiana | Indianapolis | https://clubcyberia.org |
OpenSet | United States of America | New York | Brooklyn | http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/OpenSet |
Cape Fear Maker Space | United States of America | Wilmington, North Carolina | Wilmington, North Carolina | http://www.capefearmakersguild.org |
Inventor Forge Maker Space | United States of America | Missouri | Cottleville | http://www.inventorforgemakerspace.org |
Null Space Labs | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://032.la |
Hive 76 | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | https://hive76.org |
I3Detroit | United States of America | Michigan | Ferndale, Michigan | https://www.i3detroit.org/ |
Cambridge Hackspace | United States of America | Massachusetts | Somerville | http://www.cambridgehackspace.com/ |
OlyMEGA | United States of America | Washington | Olympia, Washington | http://olymega.org/ |
Framingham Makerspace | United States of America | Massachusetts | Framingham | https://www.FraminghamMakerspace.org |
Passable | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://passable.art |
Huntsville Alabama L5 Society (HAL5) - Project HALO | United States of America | Alabama | Huntsville | http://chapters.nss.org/al/HAL5/HALO-Intro.shtml |
MITERS | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://miters.mit.edu |
Make South Bend | United States of America | Indiana | South Bend, Indiana | http://www.makesouthbend.com/ |
Danbury Hackerspace | United States of America | Connecticut | Danbury, Connecticut | http://www.danburyhackerspace.com |
HackerDojo | United States of America | California | Mountain View, California | https://www.hackerdojo.org |
The Soldered Resistor | United States of America | Rhode Island | Pawtucket | |
Fat Cat FAB LAB | United States of America | New York | New York City | https://www.fatcatfablab.org |
757 Makerspace | United States of America | Virginia | Norfolk | http://www.757Makerspace.com |
801 Labs | United States of America | Utah | Salt Lake City | https://www.801labs.org |
Chimera Arts and Maker Space | United States of America | California | Sebastopol | http://chimeraarts.org/ |
Artisan's Asylum | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://www.artisansasylum.com |
Fort Collins Creator Hub | United States of America | Colorado | Fort Collins | http://www.fortcollinscreatorhub.org/ |
Makers Local 256 | United States of America | Alabama | Huntsville | https://256.makerslocal.org |
Milwaukee Makerspace | United States of America | Wisconsin | Milwaukee | http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/ |
NSHkr | United States of America | Hawaii | Haleiwa | https://nshkr.com |
Queerious Labs | United States of America | California | San Francisco | https://queeriouslabs.com/ |
CHAMP | United States of America | Ohio | Canton, Ohio | http://HackCanton.com |
Factory 3 | United States of America | ME | Portland | https://factory3.org |
Cedar Valley Makers | United States of America | Iowa | Waterloo | http://www.cedarvalleymakers.org/ |
MakeFixHack | United States of America | Massachusetts | Easthampton, Massachusetts | https://www.MakeFixHack.org |
HacKafe US | United States of America | New Mexico | Albuquerque | http://www.hackafe.us |
Retrohackerspace | United States of America | | Snowflake, Arizona | http://www.wulfman.com |
Laboratory B | United States of America | Vermont | Burlington, Vermont | http://www.laboratoryb.org |
M.A.G. Lab | United States of America | California | Pomona, California | http://maglaboratory.org/ |
CT Hackerspace | United States of America | Connecticut | Watertown, Connecticut | http://www.cthackerspace.com |
The Gizmo Dojo | United States of America | Colorado | Broomfield, Colorado | https://thegizmodojo.com |
Catalyze | United States of America | Illinois | Chicago | http://www.mhubchicago.com |
Rippowam Labs | United States of America | Connecticut | Stamford, Connecticut | http://www.rippowamlabs.org |
The Grid USM Makerspace | United States of America | Maine | Portland, ME | |
SYN Shop | United States of America | Nevada | Las Vegas | https://synshop.org |
MakerFX | United States of America | Florida | Orlando | http://www.MakerFX.org |
FredWorks | United States of America | Virginia | Fredericksburg | http://www.meetup.com/FredWorks/ |
FUBAR Labs | United States of America | New Jersey | North Brunswick | http://fubarlabs.org |
Maker Nexus | United States of America | California | Sunnyvale, California | https://www.makernexus.com/ |
TheIMClab | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://TheIMClab.com |
Geekdom | United States of America | Texas | San Antonio | http://geekdom.com/san-antonio |
Maker Works | United States of America | Michigan | Ann Arbor | http://www.maker-works.com/ |
All Hands Active! | United States of America | Michigan | Ann Arbor | https://allhandsactive.org |
Urbanacci co-living | United States of America | California | San Francisco | https://urbanacci.com |
Maketory | United States of America | California | San Diego | http://maketory.com |
Technocopia Worcester | United States of America | Massachusetts | Worcester | http://technocopia.org/ |
Dallas Makerspace | United States of America | Texas | Dallas | http://dallasmakerspace.org |
South Side Hackerspace | United States of America | Illinois | Chicago | http://sshchicago.org |
Sugar Shack | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://www.twitter.com/sugarshack |
Bloominglabs | United States of America | Indiana | Bloomington, Indiana | http://www.bloominglabs.org |
Hive13 | United States of America | Ohio | Cincinnati | http://www.hive13.org |
Xerocraft | United States of America | Arizona | Tucson | http://xerocraft.org/ |
Area515 | United States of America | Iowa | Des Moines | https://area515.org |
Zero1 Nation | United States of America | Colorado | Colorado Springs | http://zero1-nation.github.io/ |
The Hive at John F. Germany Public Library | United States of America | Florida | Tampa | http://www.hcplc.org/hcplc/locations/jfg/ |
Mobile MakerSpace | United States of America | Alabama | Mobile | http://makerspacemobile.org/ |
Factory Two | United States of America | Michigan | Flint, Michigan | http://www.factorytwo.org |
Area 432 | United States of America | Texas | Midland, Texas | http://www.area432.com |
Ctrl-H | United States of America | Oregon | Portland, OR | https://pdxhackerspace.org |
Splat Space | United States of America | North Carolina | Durham | http://splatspace.org |
Innevation Center Makerspace | United States of America | Nevada | Reno | https://www.unr.edu/innevation/inside/makerspace |
Weird Science Salon | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://amasci.com/wsci/ |
Cascadia Makerspace | United States of America | Oregon | Hillsboro | https://cascadiamaker.space/ |
Hundredth Monkey | United States of America | Wisconsin | Menomonie, Wisconsin | http://hundredthmonkeymakerspace.com/ |
Fresno Ideaworks | United States of America | California | Fresno, California | http://fresnoideaworks.org |
Tech Valley Center of Gravity | United States of America | New York | Troy, New York | http://www.tvcog.net |
Eyebeam | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.eyebeam.org/ |
Ace Monster Toys | United States of America | California | Oakland | http://acemonstertoys.org/ |
MakerspaceCT | United States of America | Conneticut | Hartford | https://makerspacect.com |
Root Access | United States of America | California | Fresno, California | https://rootaccess.org/ |
Greenbelt MakerSpace | United States of America | Maryland | Greenbelt, Maryland | http://make125.org/ |
Foothills Community Workshop | United States of America | North Carolina | Granite Falls | http://www.foothillscommunityworkshop.org/ |
Build, RVA | United States of America | Virginia | Richmond, Virginia | https://www.rvabuild.com/ |
The MakerHive | United States of America | Indiana | Elkhart (Indiana) | http://www.themakerhive.com |
Baltimore's Under Ground Science Space (BUGSS) | United States of America | Maryland | Baltimore | http://www.bugssonline.org/ |
Bellingham Makerspace | United States of America | Washington | Bellingham, Washington | http://www.bellinghammakerspace.org/ |
Spark Studio Salem | United States of America | Oregon | Salem, Oregon | https://sparkstudiosalem.com |
NPC Innovative Technology Center | United States of America | Arkansas | Hot Springs, Arkansas | http://np.edu/makerspace |
Hedron Hackerspace | United States of America | Oregon | Portland, OR | https://hhacker.space |
Unallocated Space | United States of America | Maryland | Millersville | http://unallocatedspace.org/ |
Delmarva Makerspace | United States of America | MD | Salisbury | https://delmarvamakerspace.org |
Idea Fab Labs Santa Cruz | United States of America | California | Santa Cruz, California | http://santacruz.ideafablabs.com |
Capital Factory | United States of America | Texas | Austin | http://capitalfactory.com/ |
Hack Manhattan | United States of America | New York | New York City | https://hackmanhattan.com/ |
Pumping Station: One | United States of America | Illinois | Chicago | http://www.pumpingstationone.org |
LocalWorks | United States of America | Arizona | Flagstaff | http://flaglocalworks.com/ |
Twin Cities Maker | United States of America | Minnesota | Minneapolis | http://www.tcmaker.org |
Computer Club of Western Michigan University | United States of America | Michigan | Kalamazoo, Michigan | http://yakko.cs.wmich.edu |
DeVry University Cybersecurity Lab | United States of America | Arizona | Phoenix | http://www.phx.devry.edu |
Air Light Time & Space | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://www.altspaceseattle.com/ |
MAKER's EDGe | United States of America | Texas | Waco, Texas | http://makersedge.blogspot.com |
HacroEvolution | United States of America | Kansas | Manhattan | http://www.hacroevolution.blogspot.com/ |
Hammerspace | United States of America | Missouri | Kansas City | http://hammerspacehobby.com/ |
NYC Resistor | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://nycresistor.com |
FamiLAB | United States of America | Florida | Longwood, Florida | http://familab.org/ |
Cloyne | United States of America | California | Berkeley | https://cloyne.org/ |
BioCurious | United States of America | California | Sunnyvale, California | http://www.biocurious.org |
Berea Makerspace | United States of America | Kentucky | Berea, Kentucky | https://bereamakerspace.org |
MakerSpace Charlotte | United States of America | North Carolina | Charlotte, North Carolina | http://makerspacecharlotte.org |
TinkerMill | United States of America | Colorado | Longmont | http://tinkermill.org |
Urban Workshop | United States of America | California | Costa Mesa | http://www.urbanworkshop.net |
MAKERoanoke | United States of America | Virginia | Roanoke | https://makeroanoke.org/ |
Nordeast Makers | United States of America | Minnesota | Minneapolis | http://nordeastmakers.com |
Canton Hacker and Maker Place | United States of America | Ohio | Canton, Ohio | http://hackcanton.com |
MAG Laboratory | United States of America | California | Walnut, California | http://www.maglaboratory.org |
Port City Makerspace | United States of America | New Hampshire | Portsmouth | http://www.portcitymakerspace.com |
Arch Reactor | United States of America | Missouri | Saint Louis | http://archreactor.org |
Hackerbot Labs | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://www.hackerbotlabs.com/ |
Red Mountain Makers | United States of America | Alabama | Birmingham | https://www.redmountainmakers.org |
The Build Guild | United States of America | Indiana | Fort Wayne | https://thebuildguild.org/ |
TXRX Labs | United States of America | Texas | Houston | http://txrxlabs.org/ |