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Planet Base.jpg
Status active
Country Germany
State or District Berlin
City Berlin
Date of founding 1995/08/20
Last Updated 2023-10-01
Website https://c-base.org/
Wiki https://wiki.c-base.org
IRC irc://irc.hackint.org/c-base
Jabber <user>@c-base.org (registration only open to members)
Twitter http://twitter.com/cbase
E-mail mailto:info@c-base.org
CalendarFeed iCal feed
Snail mail

Rungestr. 20
10179 Berlin

Number of members 550
Membership fee EUR 17 monthly
Size of rooms 723m²
Members Astera, Bronsen, Cbj, Eric Michaud, Hadez, Jens Ohlig, Jeroen De Dauw, Pylon, Riot, Schliessnase, Uk, Zeltophil
Location 52° 30' 46.80" N, 13° 25' 12.00" E

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The c-base is the crashed spacestation in the center of Berlin. Nerds, SciFi-Fans and digital activists founded the society in 1995. Since that time they reconstruct the space station and use it to share knowledge, interact with other species and provide a space for likeminded groups and individuals. Some people say, that the c-base is "the mother of all hackspaces", okay, maybe we will believe that.

c-base homepages[edit]





c-base related sites[edit]





http://soundcloud.com/c-base - recordings of open stage and concerts



http://www.hackerfleet.org - The Hackerfleet, proudly founded here.

short publication[edit]

c-base culture communication carbonite

Remains of 4.5 billion year old space station found under Berlin

The first artifact has been found in 1995 near Oranienburger Street in the center of Berlin. It had the words 'c-base project - be future compatible' engraved on it. Carbon dating revealed that it was over 100.000 years old. Since this discovery, we have been working to reconstruct the crashed space station this shard was a part of and eventually lift off.

A first analysis revealed a c-shaped architecture with seven rotatable circles. The focus of the station is located under today‘s „Alexanderplatz“. The already reconstructed area of about 700 m² provides several laboratories, research and construction areas and a culture deck. The „Fernsehturm“ was part of the space station and was occupied by the GDR goverment. We notice that many people are astounded when they realize the amount of research that has gone into determining the history of the space station. Returning visitors notice the ongoing reconstruction work. But sometimes people didn't take us seriously. The „c-base e. V.“ has been founded for exploring and reconstructing this space station and making it publically available.

The non-profit association has become a knowledge pool and place for ideas with a multiplicity of scientific-technical and future-oriented people.

The implemented projects are diversified: conventions, art festivals for movies and media, theater, concerts, film productions, radio, open source software releases ... Regular weekly events are the construction of antennas for the wireless „Freifunk“ project, the „Go Lounge“ for players of the ancient board game Go, a table for 3D engineers, Ubuntu meetings and workshops ... A great tradion are the annual involvements in „transmediale“, „Chaos Communication Congress“, the „World Towel Day“, the „World Space Week”, and the Spacemeal – a Space Food Design Competition

be future compatible