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Michigan is a state, district, or province that is located in USA.

Hackerspaces/Makerspace in Michigan are[edit]

located in 

Maker Works42° 13' 55.16" N, 83° 44' 44.09" WAnn Arborhttp://www.maker-works.com/
Tech Brewery42° 17' 33.73" N, 83° 44' 3.98" WAnn Arborhttp://www.techbrewery.org/
All Hands Active!42° 16' 46.84" N, 83° 44' 46.68" WAnn Arborhttps://allhandsactive.org
DetroitWeb.net42° 21' 14.18" N, 83° 4' 53.08" WDetroithttp://www.detroitweb.net
OMNICORPDETROIT42° 20' 53.16" N, 83° 2' 21.12" WDetroithttp://omnicorpdetroit.com
Detroit Industrial Arts League42° 21' 1.84" N, 83° 3' 48.71" WDetroithttp://www.detroitindustrialarts.com
Detroit Makers at District VII42° 20' 13.02" N, 83° 1' 11.31" WDetroithttp://detroitmakers.tumblr.com
I3Detroit42° 27' 13.00" N, 83° 6' 48.64" WFerndale, Michiganhttps://www.i3detroit.org/
Omega Anomaly LLC42° 57' 25.79" N, 83° 35' 35.22" WFlint, Michigan
Factory Two43° 0' 57.68" N, 83° 41' 51.94" WFlint, Michiganhttp://www.factorytwo.org
IEEE MTU47° 7' 9.90" N, 88° 32' 49.06" WHoughtonhttp://ieee.students.mtu.edu/wiki/
Jackson Makerspace42° 14' 40.00" N, 84° 22' 52.05" WJacksonhttp://www.JacksonMakerSpace.org/
Computer Club of Western Michigan University42° 16' 51.67" N, 85° 37' 3.14" WKalamazoo, Michiganhttp://yakko.cs.wmich.edu
Xipherspace42° 17' 11.20" N, 85° 34' 17.61" WKalamazoo, Michiganhttp://www.xipherspace.org
High Impedance Air Gap42° 44' 50.05" N, 84° 32' 45.84" WLansinghttp://www.highimpedanceairgap.com/
Hack LocalLansinghttp://hacklocal.org
Lansing Makers Network42° 42' 13.75" N, 84° 32' 15.43" WLansinghttp://www.lansingmakersnetwork.org/
Mid-Michigan MakersSaginawhttp://midmichiganmakers.com/
Ventureforge44° 45' 47.00" N, 85° 37' 14.27" WTraverse Cityhttp://ventureforge.org/
TinkerTech42° 14' 28.50" N, 83° 36' 55.08" WYpsilantihttp://tinkertech.io/

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