
From HackerspaceWiki
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Status active
Country United Kingdom
State or District Antrim
City Belfast
Date of founding 2012/04/06
Last Updated 2025-03-01
Website https://www.farsetlabs.org.uk
meetup https://www.meetup.com/Farset-Labs-Events/
Phone 08458694619
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/FarsetLabs
EventBrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/org/2238451237
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FarsetLabs
Flickr https://www.flickr.com/groups/farset labs
Twitter https://www.twitter.com/farsetlabs
E-mail info@farsetlabs.org.uk
CalendarFeed iCal feed
Snail mail

1 Weavers Court,Linfield Industrial Estate
BT125GH Belfast
United Kingdom

Number of members 65
Membership fee Students: £15 per month,

Enthusiasts: £25 per month, Freelancers: £35 per month


Size of rooms 4000sqft
Members Bolster, Chris18890, Matt
Open to Exchanges? yes
Residencies Contact info@farsetlabs.org.uk
Location 54° 35' 34.13" N, 5° 56' 26.45" W

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Farset Labs is the first hackerspace in Northern Ireland and is based in Belfast City Centre. It opened in April 2012 and is open to all people. We are a registered charity NIC10275 and are funded by our members.

In order to keep up-to-date or find out real-time information, please check the Blog and Twitter feed linked to from the sidebar.

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This Hackerspace has a 3D Printer

This Hackerspace has a Kitchen

This Hackerspace has a Soldering Iron

This Hackerspace has a Sewing Machine

This Hackerspace has a Oscilloscope

This Hackerspace has a Drill Press