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Minnesota is a state, district, or province that is located in USA.

Hackerspaces/Makerspace in Minnesota are[edit]

located in 

Beltrami47° 28' 58.65" N, 94° 52' 46.93" WBeltrami county
Hackerspace Bemidji47° 28' 1.20" N, 94° 52' 40.80" WBemidji
Order of NachosCottage Grovehttp://orderofnachos.com
Proto.Lab46° 46' 55.09" N, 92° 5' 40.30" WDuluth, Minnesota
Duluth MakerSpace46° 45' 30.21" N, 92° 8' 9.21" WDuluth, Minnesotahttp://DuluthMakerSpace.com/
Makeville44° 38' 58.92" N, 93° 14' 33.00" WLakevillehttp://www.Makeville.org
Twin Cities Maker44° 57' 19.92" N, 93° 13' 36.23" WMinneapolishttp://www.tcmaker.org
Nordeast MakersMinneapolishttp://nordeastmakers.com
West Central Community Workshop45° 35' 10.00" N, 95° 54' 50.00" WMorrishttps://sites.google.com/site/wccworkshop
Mille Lacs45° 34' 11.87" N, 93° 34' 53.86" WPrinceton
Red Wing Makers ClubRed Wing
Dt Hacks44° 1' 24.24" N, 92° 27' 46.62" WRochester
The Rabbit Hole44° 1' 18.12" N, 92° 28' 10.92" WRochesterhttp://tymkrs.com/rabbithole
J^344° 1' 17.87" N, 92° 28' 11.64" WRochester
Twin Cities Robotics Group44° 57' 15.00" N, 93° 6' 50.00" WSaint Paulhttp://tcrobots.org/
Make for AllSt Paul
WinonaHackersWinona, Minnesota

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