
From HackerspaceWiki
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Status active
Country United States of America
State or District Washington
City Seattle
Date of founding 2023/06/01
Last Updated 2025-03-23
Website https://devhack.net
Wiki https://wiki.devhack.net
Matrix https://matrix.to/#/#lobby:devhack.net
Phone (833) 338-4225 - Fax: (844) 338-4225
SpaceAPI https://devhack.net/spaceapi.json
git https://git.devhack.net
E-mail hello@devhack.net
CalendarFeed iCal feed
Snail mail

4534 ½ University Way NE
United States of America

Number of members 50
Membership fee $50/month
Size of rooms 3000ft²
Location 47° 39' 44.46" N, 122° 18' 46.73" W

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Devhack is a Queer-focused hackerspace in Seattle's U-District. Devhack's members gather to work, meet, and make cool things every day, and host an open night for anyone and everyone, on thursdays, from 4-9pm.

Devhack was founded by a few wizards of seattle, forming out of a few office rooms in the Gelb Building, with its leading founder taking inspiration from time spent as a member of HacDC. Devhack slowly took over all but 1 room on the floor and became financially self-sustaining in early 2025.

Devhack holds many things within its walls: fax machines, printers of every kind, machines that self replicate and destroy themselves on an hourly basis, lights that are known by the state of california to cause long term damage to your retinas, as well as lights that are known by us to look very pretty.

The space prides itself on hosting {server, computers, electronics, networking, telephony} enthusiasts of many flavors, who constantly reinvent and debate which configuration of computer can serve the space and our neighbors and provide services. It also works with, and houses community mobile network provider SCN.