Florida is a state, district, or province that is located in USA.
Hackerspaces/Makerspace in Florida are[edit]
located in
| Location | City | homepage | emailThis property is a special property in this wiki. |
Mechanical Resistor | 26° 32' 15.45" N, 80° 4' 54.30" W | Boynton Beach | http://www.mechanicalresistor.org | mackletus@yahoo.com |
Deland Hackerspace | | Deland | | |
FBHS | | Fernandina Beach | http://groups.google.com/group/fbhs | FBHackerSpace@gmail.com |
Lab Rats hackerspace | 26° 4' 33.39" N, 80° 9' 19.75" W | Fort Lauderdale | | labrats.h.s@gmail.com |
Fort Myers Hackerspace | | Fort Myers | http://fortmyershackerspace.wordpress.com/ | Ftmyershackerspace@gmail.com |
Southwest Florida Hackerspace | | Fort Myers | http://www.swflhackerspace.com | info@swflhackerspace.com |
Treasure Coast Group | 27° 22' 28.17" N, 80° 23' 32.98" W | Fort Pierce | | |
The Imaginarium | 29° 38' 24.93" N, 82° 19' 8.95" W | Gainesville, Florida | http://superimaginarium.com | |
Skillhouse | 29° 40' 41.40" N, 82° 19' 49.82" W | Gainesville, Florida | https://www.gainesvillehackerspace.org | info@gainesvillehackerspace.org |
Hak-IT | 27° 1' 12.60" N, 80° 28' 0.12" W | Indiantown | http://site=hak-it.squarespace.com | |
Lakeland Maker Community | | Lakeland | http://www.lakelandmakers.org/ | |
Synth.Lab | 29° 0' 14.58" N, 81° 25' 51.52" W | Little Lakes (Lake Mack) | | |
FamiLAB | 28° 41' 4.67" N, 81° 21' 11.14" W | Longwood, Florida | http://familab.org/ | web@familab.org |
SpaceSpace | | Melbourne | http://spacespace.info | info@spacespace.info |
Melbourne Makerspace (Florida USA) | 28° 6' 44.49" N, 80° 40' 19.58" W | Melbourne | http://www.melbournemakerspace.org | admin@melbournemakerspace.org |
TrepHub | | Melbourne | http://trephub.com/ | |
GarageLab | | Miami | http://www.garagelab.com | info@garagelab.com |
Tinker Tank | | Miami | http://www.tinkertankmiami.com | tinkertank.hackerspace@gmail.com |
HACKMIAMI | 25° 45' 42.72" N, 80° 10' 47.16" W | Miami | http://www.hackmiami.org/ | root@hackmiami.org |
Makeshop Miami | | Miami | http://www.makeshopmiami.com | info@makeshopmiami.com |
BizSol Systems | | Orlando | http://www.bizsolsystems.com | bizsolsystems@outlook.com |
MakerFX | 28° 26' 37.63" N, 81° 25' 52.76" W | Orlando | http://www.MakerFX.org | info@makerfx.org |
SteamCup | | Orlando | | steambuilt@gmail.com |
Oosss.org | 28° 31' 0.49" N, 81° 28' 56.84" W | Orlando | http://oosss.org | |
Palm Beach LED | | Palm Beach | http://www.pbled.org/ | |
Mission Control | 30° 25' 16.71" N, 87° 13' 0.89" W | Pensacola | http://eccmakers.com/ | thomas.asmuth@gmail.com |
TLHackerspace | | Tallahassee | | |
ToTally Fab Lab | | Tallahassee | http://www.totallyfablab.com | |
Tampa Hackerspace | 27° 57' 15.00" N, 82° 31' 39.88" W | Tampa | http://www.tampahackerspace.com | info__DELETETHIs@tampahackerspace.com |
The Hive at John F. Germany Public Library | 27° 56' 49.92" N, 82° 27' 30.96" W | Tampa | http://www.hcplc.org/hcplc/locations/jfg/ | |
Palm Beach Maker Space | | WEST PALM BEACH | https://palmbeachmakerspace.org | |
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