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Status active
Country Spain
State or District Madrid
City Madrid
Date of founding 2023/11/05
Last Updated 2024-07-05
Website http://hacklablaraiz.net
Wiki http://hacklablaraiz.net
EventBrite https://www.eventbrite.com/o/anonymous-organizer-82816283193
Snail mail


Number of members 13
Membership fee Free
Size of rooms 30 m²
Open to Exchanges? Yes"Yes" is not in the list (yes, no, maybe) of allowed values for the "Exchanges" property.
Open to Residencies? Maybe"Maybe" is not in the list (yes, no, maybe) of allowed values for the "Residencies" property.
Residencies Contact hacklab-laraiz@riseup.net
Location 40° 27' 20.40" N, 3° 42' 3.50" W

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Hacklab la raiz , where hackers come to root ; -)

Dont drink and root B-)