From HackerspaceWiki
Zürich is a state, district, or province that is located in Switzerland.
Hackerspaces/Makerspace in Zürich are[edit]
located in
Location | City | homepage | emailThis property is a special property in this wiki. | |
Bureau.D | Dietikon | http://www.bureaud.ch | ||
Dock18 | 47° 20' 36.92" N, 8° 32' 8.83" E | Zürich | http://www.dock18.ch/ | info@dock18.ch |
MechArtLab | 47° 23' 13.13" N, 8° 31' 12.61" E | Zürich | https://www.mechatronicart.ch | info@sgmk-ssam.ch |
CCCZH | 47° 23' 13.13" N, 8° 31' 12.61" E | Zürich | https://www.ccczh.ch | vorstand@ccczh.ch |
Zürich is a city that is located in Switzerland. Hackerspaces in Zürich are:
The following users want to create a new hackerspace in this city: There are no known users that want to create a hackerspace in this city.