
From HackerspaceWiki
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Status active
Country Netherlands
State or District Utrecht
City Utrecht
Date of founding 2009/01/01
Last Updated 2025-03-23
Website http://www.randomdata.nl
Wiki http://wiki.randomdata.nl
IRC https://chat.randomdata.nl
E-mail info at our domainnameURIs of the form "info at our domainname" are not allowed.
Snail mail


Number of members 15
Membership fee €30/month for supporters
Size of rooms ~50m2 in total
Location 52° 4' 32.54" N, 5° 6' 20.60" E

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The hackerspace originally started as a virtual hackerspace in 2008, where members began collaborating on projects for HAR2009, as well as engaging in security & privacy research and experimenting with (Arduino) electronics. We also like to contribute in events like OrangeCon, HITB, Hack in The Random 2600 NL Data Box and more.

The Stichting Randomdata foundation was officially established in 2009, and the first physical space was acquired later that same year.

In 2023, Randomdata moved to Europalaan 20 in Utrecht, marking a period of renewed growth after a few "homeless" years (you know why 😅).

In 2025, the space relocated to Europalaan 2 due to the decommissioning of the previous building. This is expected to be a temporary solution.

Whether you're a hacker, maker, student, artist, tinkerer, or just curious, you’re invited to drop by. We believe in openness, sharing, and learning together.

The space is open to all, and you’re free to visit us when we’re open. There’s usually someone around on Tuesday evenings, which is a great time to stop by for a tour, a chat, or to work on a project. If you want to become a contributer to the space please ask one of those who open the space and they can help you out.

You can find our agenda and upcoming activities on our Meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/randomdata/events

Our current space[edit]

Hackerspace Randomdata2025 2 2.jpegHackerspace Randomdata2025 2 1.jpegHackerspace Randomdata2025 2 3.jpeg

Our old spaces[edit]

Randomdata1.jpg Randomdata2.jpg Randomdata3.jpg Randomdata4.jpg
Randomdata20231.jpg Randomdata20232.jpg 150px

This Hackerspace has a Tinker electronics"Tinker electronics" is not in the list (3D Printer, 3D Scanner, Arcade, Brewery, CNC, Kitchen, Lasercutter, Shower, Slush Machine, RIPE Atlas, ...) of allowed values for the "Equipment" property.