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Texas is a state, district, or province that is located in USA.

Hackerspaces/Makerspace in Texas are[edit]

located in 

Myjanky ProtomakeArlingtonhttp://www.myjanky.com
DFW Makers ClubArlington / Mid-Citieshttp://www.dfwmakersclub.org/
Capital FactoryAustinhttp://capitalfactory.com/
Conjunctured30° 15' 52.07" N, 97° 43' 42.47" WAustinhttp://www.conjunctured.com
ATX Hackerspace30° 21' 14.59" N, 97° 40' 18.66" WAustinhttp://atxhs.org/index.php/Main Page
Confusion Research CenterAustin, TX & Cheyenne, WYhttp://confusionresearchcenter.org
Brazos Valley Makerspace30° 40' 27.71" N, 96° 22' 11.87" WBryanhttp://www.meetup.com/BV-Makers/
Deep East Texas Hackerspace32° 9' 26.58" N, 94° 20' 14.71" WCarthage
HaSCCCorpus Christihttp://www.facebook.com/pages/HaSCC/162395588957?ref=sgm
Dallas Makerspace32° 56' 26.93" N, 96° 54' 22.44" WDallashttp://dallasmakerspace.org
..::c0re1ndustries::..33° 12' 53.43" N, 97° 7' 59.05" WDentonhttp://www.c0re1ndustries.com
UTPAH26° 18' 27.16" N, 98° 10' 22.54" WEdinburg
RGV MakerSpace26° 18' 30.71" N, 98° 10' 34.31" WEdinburg
Desert Craft Makerspace31° 46' 29.25" N, 106° 27' 57.16" WEl Pasohttp://desertcraft.org
Fab lab El Paso31° 46' 2.08" N, 106° 29' 10.34" WEl Pasohttp://www.fablabelpaso.org
Fort WorksFort Worthhttp://fort.works
Maker DistrictGrapevinehttp://www.makerdistrictdfw.com
CreatorSpace29° 30' 36.00" N, 95° 5' 27.60" WHoustonhttp://www.creatorspace.org/
TXRX Labs29° 45' 29.49" N, 95° 21' 1.83" WHoustonhttp://txrxlabs.org/
IdeaVault OPENLab30° 5' 42.34" N, 95° 30' 20.53" WHouston
Noizelab houstonHoustonhttp://machinepunk.net
Brightwork CoResearchHoustonhttp://Brightworkcoresearch.com
Area 432Midland, Texashttp://www.area432.com
Paris Projects33° 39' 39.38" N, 95° 33' 19.85" WParishttp://www.duncan-tempelmeyer.net
Red Oak MakerspaceRed Oakhttp://www.redoakmakerspace.org/
The Lab32° 57' 39.89" N, 96° 42' 37.23" WRichardsonhttps://thelab.ms/
Non-kinetic Warfare29° 29' 16.53" N, 98° 34' 22.93" WSan Antonio
10BitWorks29° 24' 24.00" N, 98° 30' 16.00" WSan Antoniohttp://10bitworks.com
GeekdomSan Antoniohttp://geekdom.com/san-antonio
The Hacking CornerSanta fe
Texarkana Institute of Technology33° 23' 7.10" N, 94° 6' 4.65" WTexarkana
MAKER's EDGe31° 32' 45.57" N, 97° 8' 36.89" WWaco, Texashttp://makersedge.blogspot.com

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