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Status active
Country United States of America
State or District California
City Berkeley
Date of founding 2014/08/27
Last Updated 2024-02-14
E-mail clomk (at) bsc.coopURIs of the form "clomk (at)" are not allowed.
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2600 Ridge Road
94709 Berkeley
United States of America

Number of members 140
Membership fee You have to live in Cloyne and be a member of Berkeley Student Cooperative.
Size of rooms 40m2
Open to Exchanges? maybe
Open to Residencies? maybe
Residencies Contact clomk (at) bsc.coopURIs of the form "clomk (at)" are not allowed.
Location 37° 52' 33.00" N, 122° 15' 26.00" W

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The Cloyne Court Hotel, often referred to simply as Cloyne, is one of the houses of the Berkeley Student Cooperative (BSC), a student housing cooperative in Berkeley, California. It is located at the north side of the UC Berkeley campus.

Similar to other BSC houses it has a specific theme and culture: it is academic themed and substance-free. As part of the theme it has an increased number of study rooms, a library, a hackerspace, and many lectures given by guest lecturers and members themselves. A common practice is also informal visits of UC Berkeley professors at communal dinners, allowing members to get to know them also through a less formal setting. Cloyne is substance-free. Possession and use of controlled substances is not allowed on premises.


In the basement of the building there are common spaces for various activities: a band room, fitness, free pile (leave anything, take anything), band room, dark room, meditation room, and a hackerspace.

Hackerspace serves mostly the members in the house to work on projects, and occasionally other BSC mebmers and fellow students. Members live in the same house and have constant access to the hackerspace. Members elect a hackerspace manager every semester to oversee operations of the space.

Because hackerspace is seen as part of the house it is mostly internally oriented and not (yet) part of a broader hackerspaces community. It does not yet have experience with exchanges or residencies, but contact the hackerspace manager at the contact e-mail if you are interested in the space and would like to visit.