| Location | Website |
Flipdot | 51° 19' 14.77" N, 9° 29' 43.08" E | https://flipdot.org/blog |
Knyfyrtel Hackerspace Poznań | 52° 24' 36.34" N, 16° 54' 35.69" E | https://hspoz.pl |
Hacklab Jyväskylä | 62° 15' 0.19" N, 25° 42' 23.55" E | https://jkl.hacklab.fi/ |
Tartu Häkkerikoda | 58° 23' 12.45" N, 26° 43' 38.36" E | https://hakkerikoda.ee/en |
LeftClick | 46° 4' 1.36" N, 14° 31' 19.27" E | https://leftclick.si |
MAKE NTNU | 63° 24' 56.75" N, 10° 24' 21.84" E | https://makentnu.no/ |
MakerSpace Charlotte | 35° 11' 27.79" N, 80° 53' 33.50" W | http://makerspacecharlotte.org |
Attraktor | 53° 32' 59.44" N, 9° 56' 47.98" E | https://www.attraktor.org |
Makerspace YK | 62° 26' 44.81" N, 114° 23' 31.27" W | https://www.makerspaceyk.com/ |
Hackerspace.gr | 37° 59' 56.70" N, 23° 42' 23.37" E | https://www.hackerspace.gr |
DimSumLabs | 22° 17' 6.70" N, 114° 9' 3.09" E | https://www.dimsumlabs.com |
TinkerSpace | 10° 2' 48.92" N, 76° 20' 6.76" E | https://www.tinkerhub.org/tinkerspace |
Maakplek | 53° 13' 51.13" N, 6° 35' 0.78" E | http://maakplek.nl |
NYBI.CC | 48° 41' 38.52" N, 6° 11' 59.18" E | http://nybi.cc |
HackerLabKolding | 55° 29' 10.76" N, 9° 28' 48.99" E | https://www.designskolenkolding.dk/node/2292 |
Coredump | 47° 13' 30.32" N, 8° 50' 1.99" E | https://www.coredump.ch/ |
FarsetLabs | 54° 35' 34.13" N, 5° 56' 26.45" W | https://www.farsetlabs.org.uk |
C3RE | 51° 37' 28.88" N, 7° 10' 12.18" E | https://www.c3re.de/ |
Spacetime.community | 40° 38' 11.39" N, 22° 57' 4.37" E | https://spacetime.community |
Nerdberg Hackspace | 49° 28' 14.19" N, 11° 0' 12.26" E | https://nerdberg.de/ |
Chaos Computer Club Basel | 47° 31' 55.02" N, 7° 38' 3.70" E | https://ccc-basel.ch/ |
AKASHA Hub Barcelona | 41° 24' 39.26" N, 2° 11' 27.81" E | https://akasha.barcelona |
Codinglab | 46° 10' 35.37" N, 8° 48' 47.78" E | https://codinglab.ch |
MechArtLab | 47° 23' 13.13" N, 8° 31' 12.61" E | https://www.mechatronicart.ch |
Kaouenn-noz | 48° 5' 59.28" N, 1° 39' 11.81" W | https://kaouenn-noz.fr |
Laboratoire d'Aix-périmentation et de Bidouille | 43° 30' 52.99" N, 5° 27' 3.88" E | http://www.labaixbidouille.com/ |
Arete.Study | 48° 31' 20.39" N, 30° 25' 24.31" E | https://arete.study |
The Gamer Club Glasgow | 55° 51' 50.65" N, 4° 15' 41.88" W | https://www.thegamerclub.co.uk |
Metalab | 48° 12' 33.74" N, 16° 21' 21.96" E | https://metalab.at/ |
IT-Syndikat | 47° 15' 28.26" N, 11° 23' 45.96" E | https://it-syndikat.org/ |
Leinelab | 52° 23' 35.30" N, 9° 43' 22.26" E | http://www.leinelab.org |
CCC Darmstadt | 49° 52' 14.64" N, 8° 39' 4.79" E | https://www.chaos-darmstadt.de |
MakerSpace Bonn | 50° 41' 53.42" N, 7° 8' 42.46" E | http://makerspacebonn.de |
Seattle Makers | 47° 38' 49.90" N, 122° 22' 38.06" W | https://seattlemakers.org/ |
ACME Labs | 52° 1' 13.74" N, 8° 32' 47.22" E | https://acmelabs.space |
Glasgow Hackerspace | 55° 51' 21.74" N, 4° 14' 50.92" W | https://www.glashack.space |
CCC Mainz | 50° 4' 59.24" N, 8° 13' 46.53" E | https://www.cccwi.de/ |
3D Berlin Headquarter | 52° 31' 37.39" N, 13° 23' 6.81" E | http://www.youin3d.com/hackerspace-3d-berlin-headquarter/ |
Factory 3 | 43° 39' 35.42" N, 70° 17' 3.46" W | https://factory3.org |
Mikrofabriken | 57° 43' 53.92" N, 11° 59' 27.49" E | http://www.mikrofabriken.se/ |
Workshop 88 | 41° 52' 39.11" N, 88° 4' 1.24" W | http://workshop88.com |
Makers Zone Barcelona | 41° 22' 22.46" N, 2° 9' 27.17" E | https://mzbcn.es |
Hackerspace Wrocław | 51° 6' 16.55" N, 17° 5' 12.66" E | http://www.hswro.org |
Warsaw Hackerspace | 52° 14' 29.83" N, 20° 59' 5.60" E | http://hackerspace.pl |
Breizh Entropy | 48° 6' 50.04" N, 1° 38' 12.34" W | https://breizh-entropy.org/ |
Backspace | 49° 54' 6.84" N, 10° 53' 34.08" E | http://hackerspace-bamberg.de |
Laboratoire Ouvert Grenoblois | 45° 11' 35.45" N, 5° 44' 0.83" E | https://logre.eu |
Chaostreff Chemnitz | 50° 49' 50.16" N, 12° 56' 22.56" E | https://www.chaoschemnitz.de/ |
Hackzogtum | 50° 15' 47.49" N, 10° 57' 58.19" E | http://hackzogtum-coburg.de/ |
Kiberpipa | 46° 4' 6.52" N, 14° 29' 25.18" E | |
Tokyo Hacker Space | 35° 45' 23.00" N, 139° 41' 31.89" E | https://www.tokyohackerspace.jp/ |
Helsinki Bike Kitchen | 60° 12' 43.92" N, 24° 53' 53.16" E | https://pyorapaja.info |
RandomData | 52° 4' 17.14" N, 5° 6' 24.84" E | https://www.randomdata.nl |
Made Makerspace Barcelona | 41° 25' 2.84" N, 2° 11' 22.61" E | http://made-bcn.org |
Labomedia | 47° 54' 2.06" N, 1° 54' 48.52" E | http://labomedia.org |
Niemandsland | 51° 12' 42.59" N, 6° 48' 30.33" E | http://niemandsland.org/ |
Hackerspace Gent | 51° 4' 28.17" N, 3° 43' 28.52" E | https://hackerspace.gent/ |
Labitat | 55° 40' 34.62" N, 12° 32' 44.62" E | https://labitat.dk/ |
57North | 57° 10' 45.50" N, 2° 6' 36.74" W | http://www.57north.org.uk |
Maker Works | 42° 13' 55.16" N, 83° 44' 44.09" W | http://www.maker-works.com/ |
The Space Leiden | 52° 8' 44.79" N, 4° 29' 37.65" E | https://spaceleiden.nl |
0x90.space | 49° 27' 21.76" N, 11° 1' 50.84" E | https://0x90.space |
Paralelni polis | 50° 6' 12.30" N, 14° 27' 1.98" E | https://www.paralelnipolis.cz/koncepty/hackerspace/ |
Teesside Hackspace | 54° 35' 16.56" N, 1° 15' 8.79" W | https://www.teessidehackspace.org.uk/ |
Starship Factory | 47° 32' 26.69" N, 7° 36' 49.59" E | http://www.starship-factory.ch/ |
Devbase | 48° 21' 46.51" N, 11° 15' 37.74" E | https://wiki.d.evba.se/ |
Spark Studio Salem | 44° 54' 50.64" N, 123° 1' 6.05" W | https://sparkstudiosalem.com |
Tech Valley Center of Gravity | 42° 43' 52.16" N, 73° 41' 24.14" W | http://www.tvcog.net |
Bloominglabs | 39° 8' 47.00" N, 86° 32' 0.40" W | http://www.bloominglabs.org |
AFRA | 52° 30' 29.35" N, 13° 29' 46.38" E | https://afra-berlin.de/ |
Subraum | 51° 43' 1.31" N, 8° 44' 51.23" E | http://www.c3pb.de/ |
LabHacker Câmara dos Deputados | 15° 48' 0.66" S, 47° 51' 51.71" W | |
SUMA | 52° 22' 16.06" N, 9° 44' 17.35" E | http://suma-ev.de |
MuHack | 45° 33' 54.78" N, 10° 14' 4.79" E | https://muhack.org/ |
Mobile MakerSpace | 30° 41' 39.12" N, 88° 2' 35.16" W | http://makerspacemobile.org/ |
Hacklabor | 53° 36' 4.32" N, 11° 25' 4.68" E | https://hacklabor.de/ |
Majstrownia - Solarpunk Makerspace | 52° 0' 48.41" N, 21° 2' 9.26" E | https://majstrownia.space |
∕dev/hack | 47° 39' 44.46" N, 122° 18' 46.73" W | https://devhack.net |
Hackerspace Pomerania | 54° 22' 16.66" N, 18° 36' 40.55" E | https://hsp.sh/ |
FeM | 50° 40' 57.00" N, 10° 55' 52.00" E | https://www.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/index.php?id=30 |
Cheltenham Hackspace | 51° 55' 13.00" N, 2° 5' 47.64" W | https://www.cheltenhamhackspace.org |
Nottinghack | 52° 57' 20.87" N, 1° 8' 9.49" W | http://nottinghack.org.uk |
NYC Resistor | 40° 41' 1.15" N, 73° 58' 53.55" W | http://nycresistor.com |
Codeforheilbronn | 49° 8' 38.41" N, 9° 12' 54.03" E | https://codeforheilbronn.de/ |
Hive13 | 39° 7' 51.64" N, 84° 32' 13.71" W | http://www.hive13.org |
Schaffenburg | 49° 59' 16.33" N, 9° 8' 9.24" E | http://www.schaffenburg.org |
Taipei Hackerspace | 25° 3' 10.47" N, 121° 31' 0.69" E | https://taipeihack.org |
NURDspace | 51° 58' 23.78" N, 5° 40' 10.85" E | http://nurdspace.nl/ |
MakeFixHack | 42° 16' 18.39" N, 72° 39' 52.05" W | https://www.MakeFixHack.org |
HackerspaceSG | 1° 18' 13.07" N, 103° 51' 42.01" E | https://hackerspace.sg |
Haxko | 50° 26' 3.97" N, 7° 24' 16.37" E | https://haxko.space |
Datenburg | 50° 44' 11.74" N, 7° 5' 22.66" E | https://www.datenburg.org/ |
FabLab Nürnberg | 49° 26' 16.05" N, 10° 59' 33.97" E | http://www.fablab-nuernberg.de/ |
Delmarva Makerspace | 38° 22' 7.15" N, 75° 35' 41.82" W | https://delmarvamakerspace.org |
Hackalot | 51° 25' 43.04" N, 5° 27' 29.96" E | https://hackalot.nl |
Fab20 | 59° 25' 50.59" N, 24° 44' 42.30" E | https://fab20.ee/ |
Edinburgh Hacklab | 55° 56' 23.06" N, 3° 10' 54.16" W | http://www.edinburghhacklab.com/ |
Brisbane Makerspace | 27° 27' 31.86" S, 153° 1' 55.80" E | https://brisbanemaker.space |
MAKERoanoke | 37° 15' 48.76" N, 79° 56' 20.15" W | https://makeroanoke.org/ |
GuayaHack | 6° 3' 19.94" N, 75° 30' 7.46" W | https://guayahack.co |
Leitstelle511-ccch | 52° 23' 17.27" N, 9° 43' 5.02" E | https://hannover.ccc.de |
Odenwilusenz | 47° 41' 42.59" N, 8° 34' 50.51" E | http://odenwilusenz.ch |
Z-Labor | 50° 43' 23.34" N, 12° 28' 47.78" E | https://www.z-labor.space/ |
HAUM | 47° 59' 36.37" N, 0° 11' 7.09" E | https://haum.org |
Hal9k | 57° 1' 7.46" N, 9° 52' 55.70" E | http://www.hal9k.dk/ |
K-space.ee | 59° 23' 53.99" N, 24° 39' 34.70" E | https://k-space.ee/ |
CDL - Computer Deconstruction Lab | 40° 11' 9.58" N, 74° 3' 34.35" W | https://compdecon.github.io/ |
Decatur Makers | 33° 46' 31.03" N, 84° 18' 20.03" W | http://decaturmakers.org |
Hackeriet | 59° 55' 9.05" N, 10° 45' 7.25" E | https://hackeriet.no/index.en.html |
Milwaukee Makerspace | 42° 59' 53.34" N, 87° 53' 54.52" W | http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/ |
Usr/space | 47° 55' 22.91" N, 16° 12' 42.66" E | https://www.usrspace.at |
Kanthaus | 51° 22' 1.45" N, 12° 44' 26.81" E | https://kanthaus.online |
So Make It (Southampton, UK) | 50° 54' 46.86" N, 1° 25' 34.49" W | http://www.somakeit.org.uk/ |
Laboratoire Ouvert Villeurbannais | 45° 45' 22.42" N, 4° 52' 40.16" E | https://LaboVilleurbanne.fr/ |
Forschung und Technik e.V. | 52° 29' 9.42" N, 7° 19' 58.87" E | https://forschungundtechnikev.de |
CCC Mannheim | 49° 27' 48.90" N, 8° 29' 18.98" E | https://mannheim.ccc.de/ |
South Side Hackerspace | 41° 49' 38.12" N, 87° 39' 10.38" W | http://sshchicago.org |
Chaosdorf | 51° 12' 45.50" N, 6° 47' 58.81" E | https://chaosdorf.de/ |
Greenbelt MakerSpace | 39° 0' 3.24" N, 76° 52' 33.96" W | http://make125.org/ |
Stratum 0 | 52° 16' 41.66" N, 10° 31' 14.91" E | https://stratum0.org |
Cola Makerspace | 34° 2' 42.86" N, 81° 1' 42.11" W | http://www.colamakerspace.com |
Dezentrale | 51° 20' 47.22" N, 12° 23' 46.16" E | https://dezentrale.space |
RLab | 34° 35' 12.16" S, 58° 27' 9.34" W | https://rlab.be/ |
Space.bi | 52° 2' 12.95" N, 8° 34' 9.28" E | https://space.bi |
ArtLab Pesaro - Coworking culturale | 43° 53' 28.48" N, 12° 55' 23.28" E | https://www.tavolostudenti.it/artlab |
HacKNology | 47° 39' 34.06" N, 9° 9' 57.42" E | http://hacknology.de/ |
Cascadia Makerspace | 45° 31' 22.31" N, 122° 59' 10.88" W | https://cascadiamaker.space/ |
Hackerspace Lodz | 51° 46' 9.37" N, 19° 26' 42.97" E | https://hs-ldz.pl |
Clear Creek Makerspace | 39° 46' 40.26" N, 105° 5' 55.28" W | https://clearcreekmakerspace.com/ |
KanGouLya.org | 36° 50' 30.10" N, 10° 9' 28.01" E | https://kangoulya.org |
Nobreakspace | 53° 52' 7.93" N, 10° 40' 16.46" E | https://www.chaotikum.org/ |
Unit | 45° 25' 28.75" N, 9° 10' 16.36" E | https://unit.abbiamoundominio.org/ |
I3Detroit | 42° 27' 13.00" N, 83° 6' 48.64" W | https://www.i3detroit.org/ |
B4CKSP4CE | 59° 59' 37.68" N, 30° 18' 33.80" E | https://0x08.in |
Fort Collins Creator Hub | 40° 35' 28.63" N, 105° 3' 7.60" W | http://www.fortcollinscreatorhub.org/ |
Xerocraft | 32° 13' 38.57" N, 110° 58' 24.35" W | http://xerocraft.org/ |
Chalmers Robotförening | 57° 41' 11.67" N, 11° 58' 37.30" E | http://chalmersrobotics.se/ |
Makers im Zigerschlitz | 47° 5' 55.46" N, 9° 4' 11.64" E | https://zigerschlitzmakers.ch |
GEOLab | 49° 54' 1.41" N, 10° 21' 4.79" E | https://geolab.space |
Mittelab | 45° 38' 15.50" N, 13° 47' 14.73" E | https://www.mittelab.org |
Pumping Station: One | 41° 56' 43.15" N, 87° 42' 23.86" W | http://www.pumpingstationone.org |
Confluent | 46° 17' 7.72" N, 119° 16' 35.28" W | https://confluent.space |
Hackerspace Nijmegen | 51° 50' 15.06" N, 5° 50' 40.89" E | http://www.hackerspacenijmegen.nl |
Artisan's Asylum | 42° 22' 53.97" N, 71° 6' 18.33" W | http://www.artisansasylum.com |
Basingstoke Makerspace | 51° 15' 41.17" N, 1° 5' 7.59" W | http://www.basingstokemakerspace.org.uk/ |
~/tinycore.lab | 40° 5' 48.40" N, 22° 29' 52.10" E | https://tinycorelab.noblogs.org |
HeatSync Labs | 33° 24' 55.27" N, 111° 50' 4.15" W | http://www.heatsynclabs.org |
Makers Local 256 | 34° 44' 41.42" N, 86° 34' 45.82" W | https://256.makerslocal.org |
Helsinki Hacklab | 60° 13' 19.16" N, 24° 51' 6.80" E | http://helsinki.hacklab.fi/ |
HackerGarage | 20° 40' 17.69" N, 103° 22' 19.56" W | http://hackergarage.mx/ |
Hackerspace Drenthe | 52° 39' 34.70" N, 6° 45' 16.77" E | https://hackerspace-drenthe.nl |
Hacksaar | 49° 16' 45.48" N, 7° 2' 8.61" E | https://www.hacksaar.de |
MafraLab - Makers Community | 38° 56' 32.66" N, 9° 19' 59.15" W | http://www.mafralab.org |
Swindon Makerspace | 51° 34' 19.48" N, 1° 48' 18.27" W | https://www.swindon-makerspace.org// |
CCC Freiburg | 47° 59' 35.50" N, 7° 50' 25.81" E | http://cccfr.de |
Technik.cafe | 47° 36' 55.80" N, 7° 39' 54.29" E | http://technik.cafe/ |
Bits'n'Bugs | 49° 36' 2.16" N, 11° 0' 6.88" E | http://erlangen.ccc.de |
Netz39 | 52° 7' 10.06" N, 11° 37' 45.88" E | https://www.netz39.de/ |
Fife Hackspace | 56° 9' 55.17" N, 3° 8' 46.21" W | https://sites.google.com/site/fifehackspace |
Cedar Valley Makers | 42° 30' 56.38" N, 92° 26' 54.37" W | http://www.cedarvalleymakers.org/ |
VoidWarranties | 51° 12' 32.48" N, 4° 27' 11.97" E | https://we.voidwarranties.be |
Unallocated Space | 39° 5' 24.00" N, 76° 37' 48.00" W | http://unallocatedspace.org/ |
MvtinaPwn | 44° 39' 34.73" N, 10° 53' 40.36" E | https://www.mvtinapwn.it |
HackGyver | 47° 38' 40.73" N, 6° 50' 37.01" E | http://www.hackgyver.fr |
Lodis | 55° 36' 57.90" N, 13° 1' 14.53" E | https://lodis.se |
GarageLab eV | 51° 13' 39.06" N, 6° 48' 0.60" E | https://garage-lab.de |
Twin Cities Maker | 44° 57' 19.92" N, 93° 13' 36.23" W | http://www.tcmaker.org |
Programvareverkstedet | 63° 25' 1.28" N, 10° 24' 22.99" E | https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/ |
CCC Salzburg | 47° 47' 39.39" N, 13° 3' 21.00" E | https://cccsbg.at/ |
Kuopio Hacklab | 62° 52' 46.15" N, 27° 37' 55.85" E | https://halko.fi/ |
Tel Aviv Makers Intl. | 32° 3' 9.65" N, 34° 46' 20.78" E | http://telavivmakers.org/ |
Technologia Incognita | 52° 20' 44.05" N, 4° 49' 35.27" E | http://techinc.nl/ |
Leigh Hackspace | 53° 29' 34.84" N, 2° 29' 34.84" W | https://www.leighhack.org/ |
Lansing Makers Network | 42° 42' 13.75" N, 84° 32' 15.43" W | http://www.lansingmakersnetwork.org/ |
Chaostreff Klaus | 47° 18' 17.57" N, 9° 38' 46.18" E | https://open-lab.at/ |
Tarlab | 65° 1' 32.02" N, 25° 29' 6.72" E | https://tarlab.fi |
Brixel | 50° 57' 3.40" N, 5° 13' 50.10" E | http://www.brixel.be |
RaumZeitLabor | 49° 30' 26.71" N, 8° 31' 14.34" E | https://raumzeitlabor.de/ |
UN-Hack-Bar | 51° 32' 16.33" N, 7° 40' 23.34" E | https://www.un-hack-bar.de/ |
Makerspace Esslingen | 48° 44' 0.00" N, 9° 19' 0.00" E | https://makerspace-esslingen.de |
Duisentrieb | 51° 25' 41.91" N, 6° 45' 24.16" E | https://www.duisentrieb.de |
South London Makerspace | 51° 27' 7.20" N, 0° 6' 3.60" W | http://southlondonmakerspace.org |
FamiLAB | 28° 41' 4.67" N, 81° 21' 11.14" W | http://familab.org/ |
FIXME | 46° 31' 55.89" N, 6° 35' 29.01" E | http://fixme.ch |
Ruum42 | 47° 25' 14.16" N, 9° 21' 21.11" E | https://ruum42.ch |
Bytespeicher | 50° 58' 57.79" N, 11° 2' 22.31" E | http://technikkultur-erfurt.de/start |
ACKspace | 50° 53' 32.93" N, 5° 58' 16.46" E | https://ackspace.nl/ |
PostTenebrasLab | 46° 11' 14.96" N, 6° 8' 1.11" E | https://www.posttenebraslab.ch |
HackLab Almería | 36° 50' 29.29" N, 2° 27' 50.85" W | http://hacklabalmeria.net |
WerkRaum | 50° 53' 49.92" N, 14° 48' 15.12" E | http://werkraum.freiraumzittau.de/ |
CCC Berlin | 52° 31' 18.98" N, 13° 22' 57.40" E | https://berlin.ccc.de/ |
Maschinenraum | 50° 58' 29.79" N, 11° 19' 46.28" E | https://maschinenraum.tk/ |
Brmlab | 50° 5' 0.46" N, 14° 28' 49.15" E | https://brmlab.cz/ |
Kirishi Hackerspace | 59° 27' 4.13" N, 32° 2' 12.28" E | https://vk.com/cyberunit |
Ylab | 43° 51' 44.00" N, 79° 25' 21.00" W | http://ylab.ca |
HackerSpace Adelaide | 34° 55' 43.08" S, 138° 35' 59.77" E | http://www.hackerspace-adelaide.org.au/ |
Makerspaces Mackay, Inc. | 21° 8' 45.71" S, 149° 11' 8.79" E | http://www.msmky.org/ |
CHAMP | 40° 48' 48.95" N, 81° 25' 31.06" W | http://HackCanton.com |
757 Makerspace | 36° 52' 9.60" N, 76° 17' 25.97" W | http://www.757Makerspace.com |
Chaostreff Salzburg | 47° 47' 39.39" N, 13° 3' 21.00" E | https://sbg.chaostreff.at |
ActivSpaces | 4° 9' 18.61" N, 9° 13' 53.00" E | http://activspaces.com/ |
Milton Keynes Makerspace | 52° 2' 53.02" N, 0° 49' 26.71" W | http://www.mkmakerspace.co.uk |
Laboratório Hacker de Campinas | 22° 55' 4.15" S, 47° 3' 8.82" W | http://lhc.net.br/ |
Genspace NYC | 40° 41' 15.07" N, 73° 58' 47.49" W | http://www.genspace.org |
Randomdata | 52° 4' 18.17" N, 5° 6' 26.63" E | http://www.randomdata.nl |
Gangplank | 33° 14' 45.23" N, 111° 38' 5.26" W | http://gangplankhq.com |
Port39 - Hackerspace Stralsund | 54° 18' 44.78" N, 13° 6' 0.43" E | https://port39.de |
MakerSpace Minden | 52° 16' 56.27" N, 8° 54' 38.00" E | https://www.makerspace-minden.de |
Binary Kitchen | 49° 0' 35.42" N, 12° 7' 9.01" E | http://www.binary-kitchen.de/ |
Keystone Makers | 40° 20' 7.12" N, 76° 57' 35.33" W | https://keystonemakers.org |
temporärhaus | 48° 23' 46.75" N, 10° 0' 7.34" E | https://temporaerhaus.de |
HSBNE | 27° 33' 56.61" S, 152° 56' 12.80" E | https://hsbne.org |
The Tooolbox | 39° 57' 30.00" N, 75° 9' 23.72" W | https://exmachinaparlor.github.io/Webpage/ |
Sequoia Fabrica | 37° 45' 45.39" N, 122° 23' 58.99" W | https://sequoiafabrica.org/ |
XHain | 52° 30' 46.15" N, 13° 26' 58.35" E | http://x-hain.de |
DingFabrik Köln | 50° 57' 13.21" N, 6° 55' 49.94" E | https://dingfabrik.de/ |
801 Labs | 40° 45' 55.47" N, 111° 52' 50.76" W | https://www.801labs.org |
Queer Computer Club | 43° 39' 55.33" N, 79° 24' 12.31" W | https://queercomputerclub.ca/ |
init Lab | 42° 41' 16.71" N, 23° 19' 0.74" E | https://initlab.org |
Hackerspace Budapest | 47° 29' 21.11" N, 19° 3' 34.24" E | https://hsbp.org/ |
Makerspace Thailand | 18° 47' 12.38" N, 98° 59' 29.86" E | https://www.facebook.com/makerspaceth?locale=en TH |
C4 | 50° 57' 1.49" N, 6° 54' 46.67" E | https://koeln.ccc.de/ |
Sunlab | 48° 48' 0.22" N, 2° 9' 40.28" E | http://mysunlab.org/ |
OpenLab Augsburg | 48° 21' 45.47" N, 10° 54' 9.40" E | https://www.openlab-augsburg.de/ |
NSHkr | 21° 35' 34.08" N, 158° 6' 12.24" W | https://nshkr.com |
FUBAR Labs | 40° 27' 33.90" N, 74° 29' 1.55" W | http://fubarlabs.org |
London Hackspace | 51° 31' 39.72" N, 0° 15' 51.12" W | https://london.hackspace.org.uk |
Manchester Makerspace | 42° 59' 11.64" N, 71° 27' 51.65" W | http://manchestermakerspace.org |
Canton Hacker and Maker Place | 40° 48' 36.60" N, 81° 24' 53.14" W | http://hackcanton.com |
NPC Innovative Technology Center | 34° 29' 29.86" N, 93° 6' 17.88" W | http://np.edu/makerspace |
Claremont Makerspace | 43° 22' 27.10" N, 72° 20' 26.71" W | https://claremontmakerspace.org |
Electrolab | 48° 53' 42.94" N, 2° 11' 10.86" E | http://www.electrolab.fr |
LaBi: Laboratoire de Bidouille | 45° 43' 48.88" N, 4° 49' 37.70" E | https://labi.aliens-lyon.fr/ |
EOF Hackspace | 51° 46' 4.35" N, 1° 16' 10.56" W | https://eof.org.uk |
SteamHead | 22° 29' 35.58" N, 113° 55' 30.98" E | http://www.SteamHead.space |
Makespace Madrid | 40° 27' 42.15" N, 3° 42' 15.64" W | https://makespacemadrid.org/ |
Calango hacker clube | 15° 45' 23.49" S, 47° 53' 25.66" W | http://www.calango.club |
Macherburg | 52° 6' 29.18" N, 11° 38' 1.80" E | https://macherburg.de/ |
FabLab Saga | 33° 15' 13.82" N, 130° 18' 12.56" E | https://www.facebook.com/FabLabSaga |
Open Garage | 51° 15' 2.54" N, 4° 34' 11.43" E | http://opengarage.org |
Hack Manhattan | 40° 44' 17.95" N, 73° 59' 54.10" W | https://hackmanhattan.com/ |
DoESLiverpool | 53° 24' 37.83" N, 2° 58' 13.68" W | http://doesliverpool.com/ |
OlyMEGA | 47° 2' 43.80" N, 122° 53' 54.60" W | http://olymega.org/ |
Passable | 47° 36' 46.21" N, 122° 19' 8.81" W | http://passable.art |
The Make Space | 40° 47' 35.12" N, 77° 51' 41.98" W | https://themakespace.com |
Counter Culture Labs | 37° 50' 6.01" N, 122° 15' 50.85" W | https://counterculturelabs.org/ |
BioCurious | 37° 23' 2.04" N, 122° 0' 28.73" W | http://www.biocurious.org |
HackEns | 48° 50' 30.80" N, 2° 20' 38.50" E | http://hackens.org/ |
Newport Makerspace Creudy Casnewydd | 51° 35' 23.41" N, 2° 58' 45.02" W | https://newportmakerspace.org/ |
H3O | 21° 0' 5.38" S, 55° 40' 36.62" E | https://www.fablab-h3o.re |
Leeds Hackspace | 53° 48' 22.61" N, 1° 32' 0.67" W | http://www.leedshackspace.org.uk |
Ventspils design studio RADE | 57° 24' 19.86" N, 21° 36' 27.82" E | https://www.vatp.lv/rade |
TDvenlo | 51° 22' 9.84" N, 6° 10' 11.93" E | https://tdvenlo.nl |
Swansea Hackspace | 51° 37' 12.72" N, 3° 56' 45.96" W | http://swansea.hackspace.org.uk |
Null Hacklab | 41° 29' 34.72" N, 2° 9' 1.99" E | http://www.lagresca.org/ |
Noisebridge | 37° 45' 44.55" N, 122° 25' 9.18" W | https://www.noisebridge.net/ |
Chaostreff Bern | 46° 56' 39.26" N, 7° 25' 19.20" E | https://chaostreffbern.ch |
Raumfahrtagentur | 52° 32' 37.20" N, 13° 22' 29.31" E | http://raumfahrtagentur.org/ |
MAKE RIGA | 56° 58' 39.12" N, 24° 11' 38.71" E | http://makeriga.org |
Area515 | 41° 36' 35.35" N, 93° 37' 3.88" W | https://area515.org |
Black Ice | 43° 14' 44.03" N, 76° 53' 43.76" E | https://t.me/blackicehackerspace |
Red Circle | 51° 48' 57.67" N, 5° 48' 38.48" E | https://redcircle.space |
Hacklablaraiz.net | 40° 27' 20.40" N, 3° 42' 3.50" W | http://hacklablaraiz.net |
Krautspace | 50° 55' 45.45" N, 11° 34' 57.05" E | https://kraut.space/ |
Makerspace Wacken | 54° 1' 13.71" N, 9° 22' 31.59" E | https://makerspace-wacken.de |
CCCAC | 50° 46' 17.98" N, 6° 5' 29.29" E | https://aachen.ccc.de/ |
MAG Laboratory | 34° 2' 18.56" N, 117° 49' 24.92" W | http://www.maglaboratory.org |
Hacksburg | 37° 12' 5.90" N, 80° 24' 45.70" W | http://hacksburg.org |
Tampere Hacklab | 61° 28' 53.49" N, 23° 47' 21.27" E | https://tampere.hacklab.fi |
North End Makerspace | 47° 43' 5.52" N, 122° 18' 46.44" W | https://northendmakers.org |
All Hands Active! | 42° 16' 46.84" N, 83° 44' 46.68" W | https://allhandsactive.org |
DevLoL | 48° 18' 20.59" N, 14° 17' 2.36" E | https://devlol.org |
Shackspace | 48° 46' 28.20" N, 9° 14' 20.40" E | https://shackspace.de/ |
Pixelbar | 51° 54' 11.20" N, 4° 26' 58.55" E | https://www.pixelbar.nl |
Hacker Embassy | 40° 10' 57.36" N, 44° 30' 48.10" E | https://hackem.cc/ |
HackCS | 39° 59' 34.77" N, 0° 4' 8.27" W | http://hackcs.org |
OpenLandLAB | 47° 9' 0.00" N, 16° 20' 0.00" E | http://www.openlandlab.org |
K4CG | 49° 26' 55.64" N, 11° 4' 55.11" E | http://www.k4cg.org/ |
Synergy Mill | 34° 50' 58.36" N, 82° 24' 52.06" W | http://www.synergymill.com |
F0RTHSP4CE | 41° 43' 34.47" N, 44° 46' 12.62" E | https://f0rth.space/ |
Hackwerk Aalen | 48° 51' 17.20" N, 10° 5' 25.91" E | https://aalen.space/ |
Artifactory | 31° 54' 6.67" S, 115° 48' 37.11" E | https://artifactory.org.au |
Hackspace Georgsmarienhütte | 52° 12' 25.03" N, 8° 1' 18.96" E | https://www.hackspace-gmh.de/ |
Bitlair | 52° 10' 38.35" N, 5° 24' 53.21" E | https://bitlair.nl/ |
Pannonian Laboratories | 47° 51' 1.70" N, 16° 30' 52.90" E | http://www.panlab.at |
C3D2 | 51° 4' 52.07" N, 13° 43' 42.89" E | https://www.c3d2.de/ |
ChaosStuff | 49° 37' 15.67" N, 6° 7' 22.37" E | http://chaosstuff.lu |
Vspace.one | 48° 4' 5.75" N, 8° 26' 38.41" E | http://vspace.one |
Air Light Time & Space | 47° 33' 10.37" N, 122° 19' 44.62" W | http://www.altspaceseattle.com/ |
Biotech Without Borders | 40° 45' 0.66" N, 73° 56' 44.14" W | https://biotechwithoutborders.org |
Laboratory B | 44° 28' 28.99" N, 73° 12' 39.72" W | http://www.laboratoryb.org |
MuCCC | 48° 9' 13.06" N, 11° 33' 38.36" E | http://muc.ccc.de/ |
HackerDojo | 37° 23' 47.53" N, 122° 2' 56.51" W | https://www.hackerdojo.org |
Hackerspace Troia | 40° 9' 34.41" N, 26° 25' 30.39" E | https://hackerspace.dev |
Hackerspace Bremen | 53° 4' 54.72" N, 8° 48' 20.65" E | https://www.hackerspace-bremen.de |
Appletonmakerspace | 44° 15' 45.72" N, 88° 25' 51.60" W | https://appletonmakerspace.org/ |
FAU FabLab | 49° 34' 26.81" N, 11° 1' 48.35" E | http://fablab.fau.de |
Root Access | 36° 45' 45.52" N, 119° 47' 55.35" W | https://rootaccess.org/ |
Rusted Minds Lab | 11° 59' 59.89" N, 8° 32' 5.50" E | |
/dev/tal | 51° 16' 0.53" N, 7° 8' 42.11" E | http://devtal.de |
Omega Verksted | 63° 25' 7.00" N, 10° 24' 7.06" E | http://www.omegav.no |
KnoxMakers | 35° 56' 21.22" N, 83° 54' 40.06" W | https://knoxmakers.org/ |
Hackfun | 32° 56' 28.22" S, 60° 38' 26.65" W | https://hackfunrosario.com/ |
3D4C | 45° 23' 15.37" N, 5° 43' 49.34" E | https://www.3d4c.fr/ |
Bratsk hackerspace | 56° 9' 6.07" N, 101° 38' 0.60" E | https://defconbratsk.team |
HackLab.TO | 43° 40' 27.92" N, 79° 27' 30.03" W | http://hacklab.to |
Vaasa Hacklab | 63° 5' 16.11" N, 21° 36' 47.44" E | https://vaasa.hacklab.fi/ |
Rancho Electrónico | 19° 25' 6.61" N, 99° 8' 34.70" W | http://ranchoelectronico.org/ |
Eugene Maker Space | 44° 3' 7.58" N, 123° 7' 46.95" W | https://www.eugenemakerspace.com |
Mainframe | 53° 8' 37.50" N, 8° 13' 14.52" E | http://www.mainframe.io/ |
CADR | 56° 17' 13.92" N, 44° 2' 27.24" E | https://cadrspace.ru/ |
Xinchejian | 31° 11' 31.35" N, 121° 28' 45.90" E | http://www.xinchejian.com |
Sheffield Hardware Hackers and Makers | 53° 22' 11.32" N, 1° 28' 26.54" W | https://www.sheffieldhackspace.org.uk/ |
Bitraf | 59° 54' 51.12" N, 10° 44' 55.93" E | https://bitraf.no/ |
VarnaLab | 43° 13' 0.08" N, 27° 54' 16.59" E | https://www.varnalab.org/ |
TkkrLab | 52° 12' 58.81" N, 6° 49' 13.97" E | https://www.tkkrlab.nl |
Chaospott | 51° 26' 18.57" N, 7° 1' 30.00" E | https://www.chaospott.de |
Realraum | 47° 3' 55.99" N, 15° 27' 1.57" E | https://realraum.at/ |
Das Labor | 51° 28' 51.04" N, 7° 12' 30.98" E | https://das-labor.org |
Phoenix Asylum | 40° 1' 33.85" N, 105° 14' 35.01" W | http://phoenixasylum.org |
Propeller | 39° 15' 19.49" N, 85° 53' 53.07" W | https://members.columbuspropeller.com/ |
The Build Guild | 41° 5' 58.77" N, 85° 9' 20.58" W | https://thebuildguild.org/ |
ENTS | 53° 34' 20.31" N, 113° 34' 55.57" W | https://ents.ca |
Cyberhippietotalism | 28° 36' 29.66" N, 13° 49' 41.84" W | http://totalism.org |
Protospace | 51° 4' 37.87" N, 114° 1' 24.58" W | http://protospace.ca |
Umeå Hackerspace | 63° 49' 23.84" N, 20° 16' 55.16" E | http://umeahackerspace.se/ |
Engrenage | 47° 6' 11.00" N, 6° 50' 33.10" E | http://engrenage.ch/ |
Build, RVA | 37° 34' 37.96" N, 77° 28' 9.83" W | https://www.rvabuild.com/ |
Red Mountain Makers | 33° 32' 23.79" N, 86° 45' 10.53" W | https://www.redmountainmakers.org |
Forge Greensboro | 36° 3' 57.93" N, 79° 47' 28.95" W | http://www.forgegreensboro.org/ |
Radiona | 45° 48' 43.80" N, 15° 59' 40.62" E | http://radiona.org/ |
Maker Nexus | 37° 24' 58.87" N, 122° 0' 55.14" W | https://www.makernexus.com/ |
Robots and Dinosaurs | 33° 48' 55.97" S, 151° 5' 21.71" E | http://robodino.org/ |
Laboratoire Ouvert Lyonnais | 45° 46' 23.22" N, 4° 50' 15.15" E | http://labolyon.fr |
C-Hack Calw | 48° 42' 48.60" N, 8° 44' 16.80" E | http://c-hack.de |
Hackerspace-Uri | 46° 51' 52.74" N, 8° 38' 10.43" E | https://hackerspace-uri.ch |
Kamloopsmakerspace | 50° 42' 32.79" N, 120° 22' 14.90" W | http://kamloopsmakerspace.com/ |
Kaunas Makerspace | 54° 54' 28.73" N, 23° 52' 14.78" E | https://makerspace.lt/ |
Hopfenspace | 48° 32' 16.01" N, 11° 30' 21.89" E | https://hopfenspace.org |
Hakkavélin | 64° 7' 45.08" N, 21° 52' 1.44" W | https://hakkavelin.is |
GeekLabs | 55° 27' 52.88" N, 8° 27' 34.59" E | |
Hackerspace Santiago | 33° 27' 33.41" S, 70° 39' 51.26" W | https://www.hackerspace.cl |
L'abscisse | 47° 19' 22.80" N, 5° 2' 25.39" E | http://www.coagul.org |
MakeHaven | 41° 18' 36.00" N, 72° 55' 25.00" W | http://www.makehaven.org |
LUG Saar | 49° 18' 47.93" N, 6° 44' 48.64" E | http://lug-saar.de/ |
MAKE Gosport | 50° 48' 56.63" N, 1° 8' 28.54" W | https://www.makegosport.co.uk |
Hackfest | 46° 47' 11.21" N, 71° 17' 8.24" W | http://www.hackfest.ca |
Duluth MakerSpace | 46° 45' 30.21" N, 92° 8' 9.21" W | http://DuluthMakerSpace.com/ |
Framingham Makerspace | 42° 19' 23.22" N, 71° 24' 3.81" W | https://www.FraminghamMakerspace.org |
PiSeC | 49° 17' 50.95" N, 14° 7' 35.05" E | http://www.kufr.cz |
Datorföreningen Update | 59° 52' 3.53" N, 17° 37' 46.26" E | https://www.dfupdate.se |
TIF-IT-Labor | 50° 56' 57.77" N, 10° 42' 7.71" E | https://www.tif-it.org/ |
Einstein's Workshop | 42° 28' 12.22" N, 71° 12' 48.20" W | http://www.einsteinsworkshop.com/ |
LJUDMILA | 46° 3' 22.82" N, 14° 30' 20.79" E | http://www.ljudmila.org/ |
RizomaLab | 46° 15' 59.62" N, 15° 45' 52.96" E | http://zavodrizoma.si/ |
Queer feminist kompitreff | 47° 34' 6.42" N, 7° 36' 3.06" E | https://spit.noblogs.org/kompitreff/ |
Åpen sone for eksperimentell informatikk | 59° 56' 34.98" N, 10° 43' 3.54" E | http://sonen.ifi.uio.no/ |
HappyLab | 48° 13' 40.87" N, 16° 24' 0.66" E | http://www.happylab.at/ |
Triple Cities Makerspace | 42° 6' 21.68" N, 75° 54' 39.46" W | http://www.tcmakerspace.com |
Brooklyn Public Library Information Commons | 40° 40' 20.49" N, 73° 58' 5.33" W | http://www.bklynlibrary.org/locations/central/infocommons |
Spline | 52° 27' 21.42" N, 13° 17' 49.84" E | http://spline.de |
Lowell Makes | 42° 38' 46.08" N, 71° 18' 34.38" W | http://lowellmakes.com |
MakerLabs | 49° 16' 54.98" N, 123° 5' 23.68" W | https://www.makerlabs.com |
CcHUB (Co-creation Hub Nigeria) | 6° 30' 22.21" N, 3° 22' 41.48" E | http://www.cchubnigeria.com/ |
Victoria Makerspace | 48° 29' 36.96" N, 123° 24' 47.16" W | http://victoria.makerspace.ca/ |
TekVenture | 41° 4' 34.77" N, 85° 8' 35.41" W | http://www.TekVenture.org |
MediaLab | 41° 53' 31.34" N, 12° 34' 2.22" E | http://avana.forteprenestino.net/ |
Segmentation Vault | 48° 12' 13.13" N, 15° 37' 12.35" E | https://segvault.space |
Hackerspace Kraków | 50° 3' 57.91" N, 19° 56' 36.09" E | https://hackerspace-krk.pl/ |
Hasi | 50° 52' 8.26" N, 8° 0' 16.70" E | https://ha.si |
ApatzyTI | 19° 5' 13.90" N, 102° 21' 16.20" W | https://www.apatzyti.org/ |
Uppsala Makerspace | 59° 50' 57.05" N, 17° 36' 28.87" E | https://www.uppsalamakerspace.se |
Sensorica | 45° 31' 37.64" N, 73° 35' 49.31" W | https://www.sensorica.co |
Hack HRO | 54° 5' 14.35" N, 12° 7' 28.16" E | https://hack-hro.de |
Public Research Association of Social Hacktivity | 10° 48' 13.92" N, 78° 41' 11.44" E | |
SHL // Sophia Hack Lab | 43° 35' 52.21" N, 7° 3' 22.83" E | https://www.shl.contact |
Sector67 | 43° 5' 53.89" N, 89° 20' 41.90" W | http://sector67.org |
Makerspace Azerbaijan | 40° 22' 14.32" N, 49° 50' 29.14" E | https://makerspace.az/ |
FOULAB | 45° 28' 45.10" N, 73° 35' 23.60" W | https://foulab.org/ |
The Bodgery | 43° 6' 31.21" N, 89° 21' 20.50" W | https://www.thebodgery.org/ |
Chaostreff Backnang | 48° 56' 55.03" N, 9° 25' 46.45" E | https://ctbk.de |
Decentrala | 44° 48' 19.94" N, 20° 28' 37.65" E | https://dmz.rs |
York Hackspace | 53° 57' 43.20" N, 1° 4' 16.00" W | https://york.hackspace.org.uk/ |
MakerLab.dk | 55° 18' 8.34" N, 10° 28' 22.28" E | https://www.makerlab.dk/ |
Hackerspace Brussels | 50° 51' 19.74" N, 4° 19' 14.91" E | https://hsbxl.be |
UrLab | 50° 48' 42.18" N, 4° 22' 58.87" E | https://urlab.be/ |
HackBo | 4° 37' 52.75" N, 74° 3' 57.20" W | https://www.hackbo.org |
Makerspace Nanaimo | 49° 11' 36.50" N, 123° 58' 58.98" W | https://makerspacenanaimo.org |
Hack.rva | 37° 34' 40.69" N, 77° 29' 2.54" W | http://hackrva.org |
Fablab Neckar-Alb | 48° 30' 56.82" N, 9° 3' 46.26" E | https://www.fablab-neckar-alb.org/ |
Hedron Hackerspace | 45° 29' 43.78" N, 122° 38' 43.01" W | https://hhacker.space |
Surrey and Hampshire Makerspace | 51° 14' 23.21" N, 0° 34' 22.73" W | https://www.shmakerspace.org/ |
BricoLabs | 43° 22' 39.50" N, 8° 24' 23.51" W | http://bricolabs.cc |
House4Hack | 25° 50' 26.57" S, 28° 12' 34.11" E | http://www.house4hack.co.za |
Berea Makerspace | 37° 34' 17.63" N, 84° 19' 4.89" W | https://bereamakerspace.org |
Omaha Maker Group | 41° 12' 54.11" N, 96° 2' 39.19" W | http://www.omahamakergroup.org/ |
Urban Workshop | 33° 39' 59.38" N, 117° 52' 51.09" W | http://www.urbanworkshop.net |
SpaceLab1 | 41° 31' 56.28" N, 87° 53' 5.59" W | http://www.spacelab1.com |
Cloyne | 37° 52' 33.00" N, 122° 15' 26.00" W | https://cloyne.org/ |
Open Labs | 41° 19' 16.93" N, 19° 49' 44.87" E | https://www.openlabs.cc |
FizzPOP | 52° 28' 35.29" N, 1° 53' 13.27" W | http://www.fizzpop.org.uk |
Quelab | 35° 6' 11.23" N, 106° 39' 8.71" W | https://quelab.net |
MAKER's EDGe | 31° 32' 45.57" N, 97° 8' 36.89" W | http://makersedge.blogspot.com |
APT Data Dungeon | 7° 6' 5.65" S, 34° 51' 15.91" W | https://datadungeon.skate.fan |
Hacklab Kyiv | 50° 28' 41.66" N, 30° 29' 32.05" E | http://www.hacklab.kiev.ua |
Section77 | 48° 28' 37.63" N, 7° 56' 46.12" E | https://section77.de |
Garoa Hacker Clube | 23° 34' 10.40" S, 46° 41' 57.80" W | http://garoa.net.br |
KIKA | 41° 59' 44.69" N, 21° 25' 23.37" E | http://blog.spodeli.org/ |
TOG | 53° 19' 48.47" N, 6° 20' 46.32" W | http://tog.ie/ |
Makespace | 52° 12' 5.74" N, 0° 6' 59.24" E | http://www.makespace.org |
Fablabc | 50° 49' 54.98" N, 12° 56' 26.00" E | https://stadtfabrikanten.org |
ZTL | 49° 11' 36.33" N, 8° 7' 43.14" E | https://www.ztl.space |
KOLab | 50° 21' 48.03" N, 7° 33' 28.24" E | http://www.kolab-koblenz.de |
Kuckucksmühle | 53° 6' 12.57" N, 12° 24' 16.69" E | https://wiki.ecohackerfarm.org/kuckucksmuehle:start |
AwesomeSpace | 52° 12' 49.46" N, 5° 8' 43.20" E | http://www.awesomespace.nl |
TAKT | 50° 5' 30.82" N, 14° 28' 59.27" E | https://taktpraha.cz |
Cambridge Hackspace | 42° 22' 52.56" N, 71° 6' 8.60" W | http://www.cambridgehackspace.com/ |
GreekLUG | 40° 35' 47.05" N, 22° 59' 8.56" E | http://www.greeklug.gr |
Foothills Community Workshop | 35° 48' 5.04" N, 81° 25' 50.30" W | http://www.foothillscommunityworkshop.org/ |
CBI Maker Space | 35° 58' 54.53" N, 85° 0' 14.21" W | http://www.cbimakerspace.com/cbi/maker-space/ |
HackLab Terni | 42° 33' 42.84" N, 12° 38' 59.64" E | http://hacklabterni.org |
Bytewerk | 48° 46' 14.62" N, 11° 22' 52.45" E | https://bytewerk.org/ |
Maketory | 32° 53' 35.02" N, 117° 8' 45.82" W | http://maketory.com |
Hackafe | 42° 9' 0.43" N, 24° 44' 43.03" E | |
LAG | 52° 21' 15.41" N, 4° 51' 15.48" E | https://www.laglab.org |
Otelo Linz | 48° 14' 59.32" N, 14° 18' 30.20" E | http://otelolinz.at/ |
Hackstub | 48° 34' 41.41" N, 7° 43' 41.84" E | https://hackstub.eu/ |
The Skiff | 50° 49' 37.46" N, 0° 8' 11.59" W | http://theskiff.org |
Hsmty | 25° 40' 47.51" N, 100° 18' 27.13" W | http://hsmty.org/ |
Idea Fab Labs Santa Cruz | 36° 57' 34.56" N, 122° 3' 15.15" W | http://santacruz.ideafablabs.com |
Crash Space | 34° 1' 10.01" N, 118° 24' 19.55" W | http://crashspace.org/ |
Make South Bend | 41° 39' 56.38" N, 86° 12' 49.85" W | http://www.makesouthbend.com/ |
Vienna OpenLab | 48° 11' 19.59" N, 16° 24' 0.81" E | http://www.viennaopenlab.at/ |
PiNG | 47° 13' 42.66" N, 1° 35' 1.27" W | http://www.pingbase.net/ |
Bozeman Makerspace | 45° 41' 59.69" N, 111° 1' 17.66" W | http://bozemanmakers.org |
Chaihuo | 22° 20' 40.12" N, 113° 33' 40.25" E | http://www.Chaihuo.org |
Offene Werkstatt Norderstedt e.V. | 53° 41' 21.98" N, 10° 1' 42.51" E | https://www.ow-norderstedt.de |
Westwoodlabs | 50° 27' 46.68" N, 7° 43' 28.64" E | https://westwoodlabs.de |
Chaos inKL. | 49° 26' 25.90" N, 7° 45' 44.24" E | http://chaos-inkl.de |
Skövde Makerspace | 58° 23' 39.37" N, 13° 52' 4.18" E | https://skovdemakerspace.se |
Hackerspace Ffm e.V. | 50° 11' 19.53" N, 8° 35' 28.29" E | https://hackerspace-ffm.de |
23b Shop | 33° 52' 12.98" N, 117° 55' 28.82" W | https://23bshop.org |
Kilmarnock Hackerspace | 55° 36' 36.38" N, 4° 29' 45.94" W | |
Weird Science Salon | 47° 40' 8.76" N, 122° 23' 8.89" W | http://amasci.com/wsci/ |
Site 3 coLaboratory | 43° 39' 42.80" N, 79° 25' 32.17" W | http://site3.ca |
Undefspace | 55° 45' 14.26" N, 37° 39' 8.93" E | https://undef.club |
MacGyver | 50° 4' 46.55" N, 14° 23' 41.51" E | http://macgyver.siliconhill.cz/ |
Factory Two | 43° 0' 57.68" N, 83° 41' 51.94" W | http://www.factorytwo.org |
BioClub | 35° 39' 21.74" N, 139° 41' 43.61" E | http://www.bioclub.org/ |
East Essex Hackspace | 51° 35' 49.14" N, 0° 40' 21.78" E | http://eehack.space |
Inventor Forge Maker Space | 38° 44' 34.39" N, 90° 36' 4.23" W | http://www.inventorforgemakerspace.org |
LINKPing | 58° 24' 44.42" N, 15° 37' 41.80" E | https://linkping.org/ |
The MakerHive | 41° 42' 36.54" N, 85° 58' 4.48" W | http://www.themakerhive.com |
Greenbridge | 39° 33' 32.14" N, 21° 46' 7.22" E | https://greenbridge.gr |
Tricity Hackerspace | 54° 23' 22.88" N, 18° 34' 53.80" E | http://hs3.pl/ |
BeLUG | 52° 32' 3.84" N, 13° 21' 30.89" E | https://belug.de |
Telford Makerspace | 52° 42' 13.11" N, 2° 31' 5.63" W | https://telfordmakerspace.org.uk/ |
BUDA::lab | 50° 49' 48.72" N, 3° 15' 56.12" E | http://www.budalab.be |
Skillhouse | 29° 40' 41.40" N, 82° 19' 49.82" W | https://www.gainesvillehackerspace.org |
Newcastle Public Makerspace | 32° 55' 24.41" S, 151° 45' 6.28" E | http://newcastlemakerspace.org |
CreatorSpace | 29° 30' 36.00" N, 95° 5' 27.60" W | http://www.creatorspace.org/ |
Sarai | 28° 40' 31.91" N, 77° 13' 23.78" E | http://www.sarai.net |
Huntsville Alabama L5 Society (HAL5) - Project HALO | 34° 43' 22.05" N, 86° 35' 22.53" W | http://chapters.nss.org/al/HAL5/HALO-Intro.shtml |
Startable Hub | 14° 39' 6.72" N, 121° 1' 56.84" E | https://startablehub.business.site/ |
A.R.N. | 44° 45' 15.40" N, 5° 22' 15.98" E | https://artisans-numeriques.net |
EmancipoLab | 48° 51' 43.53" N, 2° 23' 4.45" E | |
BFZ Berlin e.V. | 52° 24' 40.79" N, 13° 23' 39.88" E | http://www.bfz-berlin.org |
LuneLab Makerspace | 54° 4' 32.89" N, 2° 45' 13.94" W | http://lunelab.org.uk |
ComputerClub Itzehoe | 53° 56' 16.80" N, 9° 30' 6.98" E | https://www.cciz.de |
Creator Makerspace | 58° 53' 48.06" N, 5° 42' 14.50" E | http://www.creator.no |
Raul Hacker Club | 12° 59' 41.20" S, 38° 30' 10.43" W | http://raulhc.cc |
M.A.G. Lab | 34° 2' 18.52" N, 117° 49' 17.36" W | http://maglaboratory.org/ |
GeekspaceGwinnett | 33° 59' 7.63" N, 83° 57' 31.24" W | http://www.geekspacegwinnett.org |
Vigyan Ashram DIY Lab | 18° 31' 59.88" N, 73° 51' 5.04" E | http://www.vigyanashram.com/ |
Technocopia Worcester | 42° 15' 34.98" N, 71° 48' 7.04" W | http://technocopia.org/ |
Pica Pica HackLab | 43° 21' 37.08" N, 5° 50' 36.17" W | http://www.picahack.org |
Robot Garden | 37° 42' 47.06" N, 121° 42' 7.71" W | http://robotgarden.org |
Hackspace Marburg | 50° 48' 58.32" N, 8° 46' 41.02" E | https://hsmr.cc/ |
Dataklubb | 58° 51' 5.43" N, 5° 44' 22.10" E | https://dataklubb.no |
Freeside Atlanta | 33° 40' 13.66" N, 84° 23' 55.55" W | https://www.freesideatlanta.org/ |
Recompile | 55° 36' 23.92" N, 13° 1' 33.12" E | https://www.recompile.se/ |
Base48 | 49° 13' 27.26" N, 16° 35' 43.98" E | http://base48.cz |
Richmond Makerlabs | 51° 26' 15.01" N, 0° 19' 1.71" W | http://wiki.richmondmakerlabs.uk/index.php?title=Main Page |
Opennet - Frieda23 | 54° 5' 28.37" N, 12° 7' 22.55" E | https://www.opennet-initiative.de/ |
Hackerspace Minsk | 53° 56' 35.02" N, 27° 35' 51.36" E | http://hackerspace.by/ |
ChattLab | 35° 3' 47.90" N, 85° 18' 39.73" W | http://www.chattlab.org/ |
Anno lab | 33° 34' 19.41" N, 130° 23' 57.78" E | http://annolab.com |
Entropia | 49° 0' 23.98" N, 8° 24' 25.88" E | https://entropia.de/ |
SZDIY | 22° 32' 2.47" N, 113° 56' 18.35" E | http://szdiy.org |
Horten Folkeverksted | 59° 22' 15.69" N, 10° 26' 29.70" E | https://folkeverkstedet.com |
Hobart Makers | 42° 53' 0.94" S, 147° 19' 52.07" E | http://hobartmakers.com |
Ostriv Lab | 50° 25' 49.15" N, 30° 27' 5.26" E | |
Hack42 | 51° 58' 37.49" N, 5° 56' 24.83" E | http://hack42.nl |
HackoonSpace | 23° 34' 53.00" S, 47° 31' 28.00" W | https://hackoonspace.com/ |
/root | 44° 13' 14.34" N, 12° 12' 23.78" E | https://www.rootclub.it |
Eigenbaukombinat Halle | 51° 28' 47.89" N, 11° 59' 31.98" E | http://eigenbaukombinat.de |
Halifax Maker Space | 44° 44' 14.59" N, 63° 38' 51.57" W | http://halifaxmakerspace.org/ |
Maker Kids | 43° 39' 15.48" N, 79° 27' 7.31" W | http://www.makerkids.ca |
Computer Club of Western Michigan University | 42° 16' 51.67" N, 85° 37' 3.14" W | http://yakko.cs.wmich.edu |
AS220 Labs | 41° 49' 23.09" N, 71° 24' 56.10" W | http://labs.as220.org |