North America

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MakerSpace Charlotte35° 11' 27.79" N, 80° 53' 33.50" W
Makerspace YK62° 26' 44.81" N, 114° 23' 31.27" W
Seattle Makers47° 38' 49.90" N, 122° 22' 38.06" W
Factory 343° 39' 35.42" N, 70° 17' 3.46" W
Workshop 8841° 52' 39.11" N, 88° 4' 1.24" W
Maker Works42° 13' 55.16" N, 83° 44' 44.09" W
Spark Studio Salem44° 54' 50.64" N, 123° 1' 6.05" W
Tech Valley Center of Gravity42° 43' 52.16" N, 73° 41' 24.14" W
Bloominglabs39° 8' 47.00" N, 86° 32' 0.40" W
Mobile MakerSpace30° 41' 39.12" N, 88° 2' 35.16" W
∕dev/hack47° 39' 44.46" N, 122° 18' 46.73" W
NYC Resistor40° 41' 1.15" N, 73° 58' 53.55" W
Hive1339° 7' 51.64" N, 84° 32' 13.71" W
MakeFixHack42° 16' 18.39" N, 72° 39' 52.05" W
Delmarva Makerspace38° 22' 7.15" N, 75° 35' 41.82" W
MAKERoanoke37° 15' 48.76" N, 79° 56' 20.15" W
CDL - Computer Deconstruction Lab40° 11' 9.58" N, 74° 3' 34.35" W
Decatur Makers33° 46' 31.03" N, 84° 18' 20.03" W
Milwaukee Makerspace42° 59' 53.34" N, 87° 53' 54.52" W
South Side Hackerspace41° 49' 38.12" N, 87° 39' 10.38" W
Greenbelt MakerSpace39° 0' 3.24" N, 76° 52' 33.96" W
Cola Makerspace34° 2' 42.86" N, 81° 1' 42.11" W
Cascadia Makerspace45° 31' 22.31" N, 122° 59' 10.88" W
Clear Creek Makerspace39° 46' 40.26" N, 105° 5' 55.28" W
I3Detroit42° 27' 13.00" N, 83° 6' 48.64" W
Fort Collins Creator Hub40° 35' 28.63" N, 105° 3' 7.60" W
Xerocraft32° 13' 38.57" N, 110° 58' 24.35" W
Pumping Station: One41° 56' 43.15" N, 87° 42' 23.86" W
Confluent46° 17' 7.72" N, 119° 16' 35.28" W
Artisan's Asylum42° 22' 53.97" N, 71° 6' 18.33" W
HeatSync Labs33° 24' 55.27" N, 111° 50' 4.15" W
Makers Local 25634° 44' 41.42" N, 86° 34' 45.82" W
HackerGarage20° 40' 17.69" N, 103° 22' 19.56" W
Cedar Valley Makers42° 30' 56.38" N, 92° 26' 54.37" W
Unallocated Space39° 5' 24.00" N, 76° 37' 48.00" W
Twin Cities Maker44° 57' 19.92" N, 93° 13' 36.23" W
Lansing Makers Network42° 42' 13.75" N, 84° 32' 15.43" W
FamiLAB28° 41' 4.67" N, 81° 21' 11.14" W
Make Lehigh Valley40° 35' 36.94" N, 75° 28' 22.00" W
Ylab43° 51' 44.00" N, 79° 25' 21.00" W
CHAMP40° 48' 48.95" N, 81° 25' 31.06" W
757 Makerspace36° 52' 9.60" N, 76° 17' 25.97" W
Genspace NYC40° 41' 15.07" N, 73° 58' 47.49" W
Gangplank33° 14' 45.23" N, 111° 38' 5.26" W
Keystone Makers40° 20' 7.12" N, 76° 57' 35.33" W
The Tooolbox39° 57' 30.00" N, 75° 9' 23.72" W
Sequoia Fabrica37° 45' 45.39" N, 122° 23' 58.99" W
801 Labs40° 45' 55.47" N, 111° 52' 50.76" W
Queer Computer Club43° 39' 55.33" N, 79° 24' 12.31" W
Studio ponnuki49° 47' 2.74" N, 116° 50' 54.81" W
HackLab Santa Rosa38° 26' 24.49" N, 122° 42' 49.63" W
NSHkr21° 35' 34.08" N, 158° 6' 12.24" W
FUBAR Labs40° 27' 33.90" N, 74° 29' 1.55" W
Manchester Makerspace42° 59' 11.64" N, 71° 27' 51.65" W
Canton Hacker and Maker Place40° 48' 36.60" N, 81° 24' 53.14" W
NPC Innovative Technology Center34° 29' 29.86" N, 93° 6' 17.88" W
Claremont Makerspace43° 22' 27.10" N, 72° 20' 26.71" W
Omega Anomaly LLC42° 57' 25.79" N, 83° 35' 35.22" W
Hack Manhattan40° 44' 17.95" N, 73° 59' 54.10" W
OlyMEGA47° 2' 43.80" N, 122° 53' 54.60" W
Passable47° 36' 46.21" N, 122° 19' 8.81" W
The Make Space40° 47' 35.12" N, 77° 51' 41.98" W
Counter Culture Labs37° 50' 6.01" N, 122° 15' 50.85" W
BioCurious37° 23' 2.04" N, 122° 0' 28.73" W
Noisebridge37° 45' 44.55" N, 122° 25' 9.18" W
Area51541° 36' 35.35" N, 93° 37' 3.88" W
MAG Laboratory34° 2' 18.56" N, 117° 49' 24.92" W
Hacksburg37° 12' 5.90" N, 80° 24' 45.70" W
North End Makerspace47° 43' 5.52" N, 122° 18' 46.44" W
All Hands Active!42° 16' 46.84" N, 83° 44' 46.68" W
Air Light Time & Space47° 33' 10.37" N, 122° 19' 44.62" W
Biotech Without Borders40° 45' 0.66" N, 73° 56' 44.14" W
Laboratory B44° 28' 28.99" N, 73° 12' 39.72" W
HackerDojo37° 23' 47.53" N, 122° 2' 56.51" W
Appletonmakerspace44° 15' 45.72" N, 88° 25' 51.60" W
Root Access36° 45' 45.52" N, 119° 47' 55.35" W
KnoxMakers35° 56' 21.22" N, 83° 54' 40.06" W
The Lab in Marin City37° 52' 31.21" N, 122° 30' 18.44" W
HackLab.TO43° 40' 27.92" N, 79° 27' 30.03" W
Rancho Electrónico19° 25' 6.61" N, 99° 8' 34.70" W
Eugene Maker Space44° 3' 7.58" N, 123° 7' 46.95" W
Phoenix Asylum40° 1' 33.85" N, 105° 14' 35.01" W
Propeller39° 15' 19.49" N, 85° 53' 53.07" W
The Build Guild41° 5' 58.77" N, 85° 9' 20.58" W
ENTS53° 34' 20.31" N, 113° 34' 55.57" W
Protospace51° 4' 37.87" N, 114° 1' 24.58" W
Build, RVA37° 34' 37.96" N, 77° 28' 9.83" W
Red Mountain Makers33° 32' 23.79" N, 86° 45' 10.53" W
Forge Greensboro36° 3' 57.93" N, 79° 47' 28.95" W
Maker Nexus37° 24' 58.87" N, 122° 0' 55.14" W
Kamloopsmakerspace50° 42' 32.79" N, 120° 22' 14.90" W
MakeHaven41° 18' 36.00" N, 72° 55' 25.00" W
Hackfest46° 47' 11.21" N, 71° 17' 8.24" W
Duluth MakerSpace46° 45' 30.21" N, 92° 8' 9.21" W
Framingham Makerspace42° 19' 23.22" N, 71° 24' 3.81" W
Einstein's Workshop42° 28' 12.22" N, 71° 12' 48.20" W
The Curious Forge39° 13' 8.62" N, 121° 3' 39.82" W
Spokane Create!47° 39' 41.00" N, 117° 23' 51.65" W
Triple Cities Makerspace42° 6' 21.68" N, 75° 54' 39.46" W
Brooklyn Public Library Information Commons40° 40' 20.49" N, 73° 58' 5.33" W
Lowell Makes42° 38' 46.08" N, 71° 18' 34.38" W
MakerLabs49° 16' 54.98" N, 123° 5' 23.68" W
Victoria Makerspace48° 29' 36.96" N, 123° 24' 47.16" W
TekVenture41° 4' 34.77" N, 85° 8' 35.41" W
ApatzyTI19° 5' 13.90" N, 102° 21' 16.20" W
Sensorica45° 31' 37.64" N, 73° 35' 49.31" W
Sector6743° 5' 53.89" N, 89° 20' 41.90" W
FOULAB45° 28' 45.10" N, 73° 35' 23.60" W
The Bodgery43° 6' 31.21" N, 89° 21' 20.50" W
Makerspace Nanaimo49° 11' 36.50" N, 123° 58' 58.98" W
Hack.rva37° 34' 40.69" N, 77° 29' 2.54" W
Hedron Hackerspace45° 29' 43.78" N, 122° 38' 43.01" W
Salebarn43° 20' 45.06" N, 96° 0' 1.46" W
Berea Makerspace37° 34' 17.63" N, 84° 19' 4.89" W
Omaha Maker Group41° 12' 54.11" N, 96° 2' 39.19" W
Urban Workshop33° 39' 59.38" N, 117° 52' 51.09" W
SpaceLab141° 31' 56.28" N, 87° 53' 5.59" W
Cloyne37° 52' 33.00" N, 122° 15' 26.00" W
Quelab35° 6' 11.23" N, 106° 39' 8.71" W
MAKER's EDGe31° 32' 45.57" N, 97° 8' 36.89" W
Cambridge Hackspace42° 22' 52.56" N, 71° 6' 8.60" W
Foothills Community Workshop35° 48' 5.04" N, 81° 25' 50.30" W
CBI Maker Space35° 58' 54.53" N, 85° 0' 14.21" W
Maketory32° 53' 35.02" N, 117° 8' 45.82" W
Destination Pirate16° 14' 22.47" N, 61° 33' 57.32" W
Hsmty25° 40' 47.51" N, 100° 18' 27.13" W
Idea Fab Labs Santa Cruz36° 57' 34.56" N, 122° 3' 15.15" W
Crash Space34° 1' 10.01" N, 118° 24' 19.55" W
Make South Bend41° 39' 56.38" N, 86° 12' 49.85" W
Bozeman Makerspace45° 41' 59.69" N, 111° 1' 17.66" W
23b Shop33° 52' 12.98" N, 117° 55' 28.82" W
Weird Science Salon47° 40' 8.76" N, 122° 23' 8.89" W
Site 3 coLaboratory43° 39' 42.80" N, 79° 25' 32.17" W
Factory Two43° 0' 57.68" N, 83° 41' 51.94" W
Inventor Forge Maker Space38° 44' 34.39" N, 90° 36' 4.23" W
The MakerHive41° 42' 36.54" N, 85° 58' 4.48" W
Skillhouse29° 40' 41.40" N, 82° 19' 49.82" W
CreatorSpace29° 30' 36.00" N, 95° 5' 27.60" W
Public Lab NYC40° 41' 58.31" N, 73° 56' 57.16" W
Huntsville Alabama L5 Society (HAL5) - Project HALO34° 43' 22.05" N, 86° 35' 22.53" W
M.A.G. Lab34° 2' 18.52" N, 117° 49' 17.36" W
GeekspaceGwinnett33° 59' 7.63" N, 83° 57' 31.24" W
NIMBY37° 44' 59.23" N, 122° 11' 13.71" W
Technocopia Worcester42° 15' 34.98" N, 71° 48' 7.04" W
Robot Garden37° 42' 47.06" N, 121° 42' 7.71" W
Freeside Atlanta33° 40' 13.66" N, 84° 23' 55.55" W
Solid State Depot40° 1' 17.58" N, 105° 15' 0.98" W
ChattLab35° 3' 47.90" N, 85° 18' 39.73" W
Halifax Maker Space44° 44' 14.59" N, 63° 38' 51.57" W
FabLab Tacoma47° 14' 35.88" N, 122° 26' 22.92" W
Maker Kids43° 39' 15.48" N, 79° 27' 7.31" W
Computer Club of Western Michigan University42° 16' 51.67" N, 85° 37' 3.14" W
AS220 Labs41° 49' 23.09" N, 71° 24' 56.10" W
Collab40° 43' 34.47" N, 74° 0' 26.38" W
The Maker Station33° 58' 19.84" N, 84° 31' 38.28" W
MakerFX28° 26' 37.63" N, 81° 25' 52.76" W
Jackson Makerspace42° 14' 40.00" N, 84° 22' 52.05" W
Windsor Hackforge42° 19' 2.96" N, 83° 2' 19.67" W
LVL138° 15' 26.28" N, 85° 43' 46.20" W
QC Co-Lab41° 34' 28.56" N, 90° 33' 39.60" W
Southern Maryland Hacker Space38° 35' 26.26" N, 76° 36' 38.59" W
Fab lab El Paso31° 46' 2.08" N, 106° 29' 10.34" W
Kernel Panic Room20° 35' 34.87" N, 100° 23' 45.60" W
The Hornby Spark49° 32' 7.44" N, 124° 40' 33.24" W
Make Salt Lake40° 46' 0.26" N, 111° 54' 37.76" W
Baltimore's Under Ground Science Space (BUGSS)39° 17' 38.00" N, 76° 33' 46.80" W
Sudo room37° 50' 6.01" N, 122° 15' 50.85" W
SkullSpace49° 53' 45.58" N, 97° 8' 39.34" W
Tampa Hackerspace27° 57' 15.00" N, 82° 31' 39.88" W
Make Nashville36° 10' 35.38" N, 86° 45' 11.02" W
Port City Makerspace43° 4' 16.68" N, 70° 46' 26.40" W
Hacedores Makerspace19° 26' 6.50" N, 99° 8' 0.30" W
Hardware Hack Lab40° 44' 41.15" N, 73° 59' 5.63" W
SB Hackerspace34° 25' 51.70" N, 119° 49' 33.20" W
Hive 7639° 59' 10.02" N, 75° 7' 54.76" W
10BitWorks29° 24' 24.00" N, 98° 30' 16.00" W
Loveland CreatorSpace40° 23' 41.66" N, 105° 4' 32.78" W
MakerDepot40° 54' 34.81" N, 74° 14' 13.66" W
TXRX Labs29° 45' 29.49" N, 95° 21' 1.83" W
HACKMIAMI25° 45' 42.72" N, 80° 10' 47.16" W
FredWorks38° 15' 34.92" N, 77° 29' 2.04" W
Bellingham Makerspace48° 47' 8.52" N, 122° 29' 25.80" W
Catalyze41° 53' 45.21" N, 87° 39' 7.06" W
Montana Ethical Hackers46° 35' 22.88" N, 112° 2' 21.66" W
HackCville38° 2' 9.24" N, 78° 30' 0.72" W
Diyode Guelph43° 32' 31.28" N, 80° 14' 31.37" W
The Bocoup Loft42° 20' 56.99" N, 71° 2' 57.65" W
Denhac39° 43' 38.84" N, 104° 59' 58.44" W
Maker Cube49° 6' 30.88" N, 122° 39' 7.37" W
Null Space Labs34° 3' 44.62" N, 118° 10' 59.55" W
HacroEvolution39° 11' 29.29" N, 96° 34' 51.53" W
Saskatoon TechWorks52° 9' 40.91" N, 106° 39' 47.44" W
NESIT41° 32' 30.53" N, 72° 47' 22.39" W
TinkerMill40° 9' 20.20" N, 105° 7' 27.84" W
HackPittsburgh40° 26' 17.77" N, 79° 58' 41.28" W
Reforge Charleston32° 50' 53.86" N, 80° 1' 25.01" W
TheClubhou.se33° 28' 12.05" N, 81° 57' 44.40" W
The Lab32° 57' 39.89" N, 96° 42' 37.23" W
South Coast Innovator Labs41° 56' 40.03" N, 71° 7' 3.25" W
The Brickyard Collaborative42° 27' 40.24" N, 70° 58' 0.44" W
Fresno Ideaworks36° 44' 23.96" N, 119° 48' 0.97" W
HacDC38° 55' 56.31" N, 77° 2' 6.76" W
MakeIt Labs42° 45' 37.44" N, 71° 26' 58.05" W
The Inventor's House21° 54' 3.21" N, 102° 18' 58.99" W
Midsouth Makers35° 12' 8.14" N, 89° 52' 6.64" W
Hackerspace Los Angeles34° 12' 13.36" N, 118° 27' 25.88" W
CT Hackerspace41° 36' 12.14" N, 73° 6' 55.42" W
MITERS42° 21' 43.49" N, 71° 5' 49.48" W
Bangor Makerspace44° 47' 43.90" N, 68° 50' 51.12" W
Chimera Arts and Maker Space38° 24' 8.02" N, 122° 49' 14.92" W
Interlock Rochester43° 9' 41.03" N, 77° 34' 58.21" W
Fat Cat FAB LAB40° 44' 1.98" N, 74° 0' 10.62" W
Ctrl-H45° 34' 40.94" N, 122° 40' 54.73" W
Hacker Lab38° 33' 57.89" N, 121° 28' 32.59" W
Nova Labs38° 57' 16.00" N, 77° 20' 18.07" W
Prototype PGH40° 27' 20.23" N, 79° 57' 10.73" W
Black Lodge47° 39' 48.21" N, 122° 6' 14.95" W
Southern Chester County, Pennsylvania Hackerspace39° 44' 35.54" N, 75° 33' 2.31" W
Cape Fear Maker Space34° 13' 36.68" N, 77° 52' 37.31" W
Spark Makerspace41° 21' 14.72" N, 72° 5' 52.27" W
Hackreduce.org42° 21' 57.42" N, 71° 4' 57.25" W
The Gizmo Dojo39° 54' 34.80" N, 105° 4' 26.00" W
Mindseyemanufactory.com40° 34' 35.70" N, 124° 15' 51.00" W
MakerspaceCT41° 46' 6.14" N, 72° 40' 27.56" W
St Joe (MO) Hackerspace39° 45' 29.16" N, 94° 50' 12.12" W
Uptown Labs38° 57' 5.61" N, 92° 19' 39.24" W
Queerious Labs37° 46' 29.28" N, 122° 24' 45.72" W
Splat Space36° 0' 5.39" N, 78° 53' 41.35" W
SnoCo Makerspace47° 55' 14.10" N, 122° 16' 14.41" W
The Underground Studio MakerSpace43° 27' 2.34" N, 80° 29' 26.50" W
MakeICT37° 39' 27.86" N, 97° 16' 3.06" W
KwartzLab43° 26' 16.08" N, 80° 28' 36.84" W
The Ramanujan Lodge37° 47' 31.62" N, 122° 12' 24.62" W
Arch Reactor38° 37' 30.68" N, 90° 12' 53.23" W
Twin Cities Robotics Group44° 57' 15.00" N, 93° 6' 50.00" W
Nelson Tech Club49° 30' 24.28" N, 117° 16' 5.28" W
Baltimore Hackerspace39° 17' 59.04" N, 76° 30' 50.60" W
Rippowam Labs41° 3' 23.76" N, 73° 32' 26.59" W
ProVolt40° 13' 44.51" N, 111° 39' 23.40" W
Droplabs34° 3' 57.21" N, 118° 13' 17.45" W
Norilabs18° 21' 50.37" N, 66° 0' 25.76" W
VHS49° 16' 36.66" N, 123° 4' 21.39" W
Dallas Makerspace32° 56' 26.93" N, 96° 54' 22.44" W
Ace Monster Toys37° 50' 40.43" N, 122° 16' 36.84" W
Columbia Gadget Works38° 58' 0.10" N, 92° 20' 8.90" W
Eyebeam40° 39' 25.98" N, 74° 0' 36.55" W
Fox.Build41° 54' 49.30" N, 88° 18' 45.90" W
Digital Commons at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library38° 53' 55.42" N, 77° 1' 29.20" W
IslandLabs40° 44' 4.92" N, 73° 26' 7.08" W
The Hive at John F. Germany Public Library27° 56' 49.92" N, 82° 27' 30.96" W
River City Labs40° 47' 3.11" N, 89° 36' 25.98" W
Innevation Center Makerspace39° 31' 19.34" N, 119° 48' 29.04" W
Benicia Makerspace38° 4' 52.71" N, 122° 8' 8.80" W
Helios Makerspace45° 28' 30.24" N, 73° 34' 55.98" W
SoTechie Spaces40° 45' 7.85" N, 73° 59' 1.43" W
MakerLab at Joliet Junior College41° 30' 1.72" N, 88° 10' 49.57" W
Fablocker36° 5' 48.15" N, 80° 15' 24.60" W
Club Cyberia39° 48' 42.89" N, 86° 3' 3.67" W
Parachute Factory35° 35' 35.23" N, 105° 13' 32.26" W
HackBerry Lab34° 17' 21.12" N, 85° 11' 20.40" W
Baltimore Node39° 18' 24.30" N, 76° 36' 38.14" W
HexLab Makerspace34° 14' 27.38" N, 118° 36' 5.12" W
Shop Class38° 32' 24.11" N, 121° 27' 0.97" W
Maui Makers20° 51' 45.87" N, 156° 26' 51.98" W
The Makers Alliance41° 27' 45.22" N, 81° 33' 53.83" W
Melbourne Makerspace (Florida USA)28° 6' 44.49" N, 80° 40' 19.58" W
Oahu Makerspace21° 19' 29.22" N, 157° 53' 10.54" W
Reno Bridgewire39° 31' 26.46" N, 119° 45' 32.49" W
Collexion38° 3' 25.44" N, 84° 28' 52.50" W
Buildmore Workshop40° 5' 38.07" N, 83° 9' 2.70" W
The Inventor Center36° 32' 47.85" N, 82° 33' 46.40" W
Vancouver Community Lab49° 17' 3.01" N, 123° 3' 55.08" W
Akron MakerSpace41° 4' 12.70" N, 81° 31' 37.90" W
MACH33° 27' 44.42" N, 112° 4' 23.42" W
TinkerMaker at Connect Ventura34° 16' 51.20" N, 119° 18' 5.20" W
Fraser Valley Makerspace49° 5' 22.34" N, 122° 37' 28.89" W
UAWC3 Labs40° 49' 59.88" N, 81° 46' 0.12" W
Vocademy33° 59' 36.63" N, 117° 21' 26.41" W
The Build Shop, LLC34° 4' 28.91" N, 118° 17' 16.83" W
Prototek35° 28' 42.76" N, 97° 31' 10.00" W
Columbus Idea Foundry39° 57' 31.61" N, 83° 0' 42.48" W
The WatershedPDX45° 29' 9.73" N, 122° 38' 59.16" W
Queen's Hacks44° 13' 45.25" N, 76° 29' 38.56" W
The Purple Peacock "Hackerspace"38° 1' 22.08" N, 107° 40' 17.04" W
MakerPlace32° 46' 7.80" N, 117° 12' 9.60" W
Steel House44° 6' 42.44" N, 69° 6' 28.96" W
PaxSpace38° 19' 15.60" N, 76° 32' 50.77" W
MAKE Santa Fe35° 39' 43.29" N, 105° 59' 35.38" W
MakeHartford41° 45' 44.22" N, 72° 40' 27.38" W
Vehackle zone47° 32' 50.76" N, 122° 18' 50.49" W
Hatchunc35° 54' 36.09" N, 79° 3' 11.31" W
Catalyst Space40° 30' 54.32" N, 78° 24' 12.03" W
Radicand Lab37° 28' 46.22" N, 122° 13' 20.98" W
New Work City40° 43' 8.69" N, 74° 0' 7.18" W
ATX Hackerspace30° 21' 14.59" N, 97° 40' 18.66" W Page
HackLAB Raleigh35° 0' 0.00" N, 78° 0' 0.00" W
MAKE Ventura34° 16' 45.57" N, 119° 17' 39.68" W
HI Capacity21° 17' 47.91" N, 157° 51' 25.18" W
Joplin,Mo36° 58' 19.54" N, 94° 27' 4.50" W
Source Hack20° 35' 19.52" N, 100° 24' 9.96" W
Tech Brewery42° 17' 33.73" N, 83° 44' 3.98" W
Makelab Charleston32° 48' 29.60" N, 80° 0' 38.30" W
Makerbar40° 44' 13.07" N, 74° 2' 31.87" W
Ithaca Generator42° 26' 20.51" N, 76° 30' 0.08" W
The Rabbit Hole44° 1' 18.12" N, 92° 28' 10.92" W
OMNICORPDETROIT42° 20' 53.16" N, 83° 2' 21.12" W
Dayton Diode39° 45' 50.33" N, 84° 10' 30.69" W
BuildMore Workshop40° 5' 38.30" N, 83° 9' 1.95" W
Riverside.io33° 59' 3.08" N, 117° 22' 22.72" W
EnjiGo40° 44' 11.38" N, 111° 53' 24.40" W
The Crucible37° 48' 16.23" N, 122° 17' 26.71" W
ITP40° 43' 45.80" N, 73° 59' 36.26" W
ImpossibleLabs37° 21' 43.84" N, 121° 57' 8.73" W
Mandeville30° 22' 42.90" N, 90° 2' 19.24" W
Ponoko37° 49' 34.66" N, 122° 17' 7.77" W
Male-It-Here41° 48' 32.11" N, 88° 0' 40.23" W
HackerspaceSD32° 42' 47.72" N, 117° 9' 43.77" W
Anchorage Makerspace61° 11' 21.39" N, 149° 54' 33.96" W
SOPO Hackerspace43° 36' 40.81" N, 70° 18' 25.26" W
Ultimate Workshop43° 40' 1.00" N, 79° 27' 32.80" W
Squidwrench41° 43' 9.22" N, 73° 57' 53.35" W
LAB 24439° 21' 1.00" N, 76° 34' 52.20" W
Daily Hacker Space @ Siam Restaurant & Bar40° 57' 46.53" N, 76° 53' 15.57" W
Barrel Hitch Bay37° 35' 55.08" N, 122° 22' 35.21" W
The Archive Hacker Pad34° 7' 15.63" N, 118° 11' 17.76" W
Deep East Texas Hackerspace32° 9' 26.58" N, 94° 20' 14.71" W
SLO Makerspace35° 14' 39.70" N, 120° 40' 20.28" W
HatCH UNC35° 54' 36.09" N, 79° 3' 11.31" W
Texarkana Institute of Technology33° 23' 7.10" N, 94° 6' 4.65" W
High Impedance Air Gap42° 44' 50.05" N, 84° 32' 45.84" W
Jefferson Study Labs40° 35' 22.09" N, 105° 4' 31.34" W
Ideacter40° 38' 51.04" N, 74° 1' 10.73" W!machines/c1btx
MAKERSPACE GENIOS21° 30' 34.73" N, 104° 53' 44.45" W
IEEE MTU47° 7' 9.90" N, 88° 32' 49.06" W
OpenL4B.Norte Hackerspace31° 51' 26.32" N, 116° 37' 1.52" W
Fuzzlabs41° 39' 40.06" N, 91° 31' 48.61" W
505 Labs35° 53' 42.00" N, 106° 18' 57.60" W
Make It So: The Monadnock Makerspace42° 55' 52.36" N, 72° 16' 37.45" W
Missoula Makerspace46° 51' 45.00" N, 114° 0' 42.01" W
New York Hacking Society40° 45' 35.53" N, 73° 59' 27.71" W
BUILDS42° 20' 56.36" N, 71° 6' 15.27" W
NMSU Hackerspace32° 16' 48.33" N, 106° 45' 17.45" W
Mayaware19° 16' 12.50" N, 98° 51' 47.18" W
Monroe County Hackerspace35° 30' 51.10" N, 84° 22' 0.21" W
Non-kinetic Warfare29° 29' 16.53" N, 98° 34' 22.93" W
Thinkbox41° 30' 4.82" N, 81° 36' 26.57" W
Open Source Maker Labs33° 8' 51.31" N, 117° 13' 8.38" W
TheTransistor-SLC40° 45' 55.47" N, 111° 52' 50.76" W
Open to Source Tech Zone49° 59' 25.49" N, 117° 22' 20.31" W
TinkerTech42° 14' 28.50" N, 83° 36' 55.08" W
Rebels Makerspace49° 12' 57.90" N, 122° 59' 6.40" W
Mojave Makers35° 3' 3.27" N, 118° 9' 50.10" W
Joplin Hackspace37° 4' 50.74" N, 94° 29' 27.21" W
Chaos Theory41° 45' 29.00" N, 88° 18' 43.00" W
TESLA42° 14' 29.34" N, 71° 49' 55.65" W
Logan Laser Lab41° 44' 32.67" N, 111° 48' 26.56" W
MakerHQ Sacramento38° 33' 45.03" N, 121° 29' 40.59" W
IdeaFabLabs39° 43' 21.67" N, 121° 50' 39.79" W
Fablocker Hackerspace36° 5' 48.15" N, 80° 15' 24.60" W
The Big Fab Lab41° 23' 53.30" N, 83° 38' 49.95" W
Towson Makerspace39° 24' 6.85" N, 76° 36' 14.23" W
Mt Union Creative Computing Lab Experiment40° 23' 0.24" N, 77° 53' 3.84" W
Firefly42° 52' 14.37" N, 106° 18' 4.19" W
Icewire Makerspace43° 42' 15.72" N, 79° 22' 29.60" W
Coshack38° 54' 0.87" N, 104° 49' 36.83" W
Ribbon Farm42° 19' 46.47" N, 83° 3' 56.06" W
Erie Makerspace42° 6' 39.28" N, 80° 4' 28.14" W
Fairfield County Makers Guild41° 7' 3.00" N, 73° 24' 29.88" W
LETHAL34° 1' 1.42" N, 118° 29' 39.15" W
Catalyze Chicago41° 53' 9.60" N, 87° 38' 40.92" W
Gatineau Sustainable Makerspace45° 28' 59.88" N, 75° 39' 0.00" W
NextFab Studio39° 56' 21.86" N, 75° 10' 38.52" W
Catskill Maker Syndicate42° 13' 0.10" N, 73° 52' 16.22" W
Making Awesome30° 25' 59.33" N, 84° 17' 37.42" W
Geekwine34° 3' 51.99" N, 118° 18' 27.92" W
Counterpoint34° 1' 56.66" N, 84° 20' 42.72" W
TheLab34° 3' 38.88" N, 118° 12' 26.56" W
Club MTC44° 56' 1.35" N, 91° 23' 36.14" W
FifeLakeActivityCenter44° 34' 42.99" N, 85° 21' 8.86" W
Atx FACTORY30° 15' 0.36" N, 97° 41' 45.81" W
UP Makerspace43° 38' 17.21" N, 116° 15' 34.36" W
Knox Labs40° 23' 34.00" N, 82° 28' 52.00" W
Wyoming TinkerSpace41° 7' 56.92" N, 104° 46' 31.46" W
Chicon Collective30° 15' 32.50" N, 97° 43' 24.62" W
Hacker Room19° 25' 37.94" N, 99° 10' 11.24" W
Hacklab North Boynton26° 33' 19.73" N, 80° 4' 31.89" W
AssentWorks49° 53' 58.81" N, 97° 8' 32.44" W
UMake Labs40° 41' 30.37" N, 73° 28' 28.50" W
CoWharf44° 45' 50.60" N, 85° 37' 21.59" W
Gibsons Hack Space (GHS)49° 23' 59.97" N, 123° 30' 35.36" W
Sparq labs: Queen's innovation Connector's Makerspace44° 13' 42.42" N, 76° 29' 33.48" W
Ideas Squared33° 24' 26.30" N, 111° 59' 41.46" W
Syracuse Innovators Guild43° 4' 9.39" N, 76° 5' 39.65" W
SubSpace28° 35' 50.61" N, 81° 17' 11.09" W
Titusville, north Brevard28° 36' 43.99" N, 80° 48' 27.19" W
Minot Makers48° 13' 59.00" N, 101° 17' 32.00" W
REPLIK8TR46° 51' 37.80" N, 114° 1' 10.20" W
Wizards' Lair41° 42' 6.57" N, 73° 3' 30.71" W
Buffalo Lab42° 53' 16.08" N, 78° 52' 23.76" W
Lincoln Hacker League40° 50' 50.96" N, 96° 39' 31.27" W
Fabrica de Sueños18° 56' 23.76" N, 99° 13' 48.06" W
Trenton Atelier40° 13' 27.70" N, 74° 45' 43.30" W
Hackspace Morelos18° 56' 24.08" N, 99° 13' 48.53" W
Artengine Mod Lab45° 25' 31.77" N, 75° 41' 21.67" W
Kokiri Lab34° 2' 41.28" N, 118° 14' 37.32" W
Factory eNova33° 43' 23.31" N, 117° 55' 10.17" W
WIT NetworkingLAB AITP42° 20' 12.42" N, 71° 5' 43.23" W
MakerStation - TekVenture41° 4' 34.82" N, 85° 8' 35.46" W
4-H Robotics & Technology Club44° 40' 49.14" N, 85° 32' 13.46" W
SoftwareSpace19° 14' 21.59" N, 103° 43' 15.66" W
Industrial Commons39° 37' 55.44" N, 77° 40' 2.77" W
Powdersville Coders34° 46' 33.51" N, 82° 29' 18.80" W
STEAM Work Labs39° 45' 16.30" N, 84° 11' 20.50" W
Maine Fab Lab43° 29' 41.58" N, 70° 27' 28.88" W
Wayla40° 43' 18.60" N, 74° 0' 7.02" W
RockIT CoLabs37° 47' 40.35" N, 122° 24' 15.16" W
HackerCave21° 1' 23.31" N, 89° 38' 23.73" W
Radiantstream hackerspace41° 33' 50.61" N, 85° 49' 56.75" W
Hacklab Laval45° 33' 30.22" N, 73° 41' 6.02" W
The Hacktory39° 57' 33.67" N, 75° 11' 41.24" W
InfluenSol Hackerspace40° 42' 28.60" N, 73° 36' 32.48" W
BajHack31° 51' 49.73" N, 116° 37' 10.54" W
WesternMass Hackerspace42° 9' 37.52" N, 72° 30' 18.94" W
Iron Tribe41° 1' 55.51" N, 73° 46' 12.33" W
Davis Makerspace38° 32' 39.65" N, 121° 44' 22.44" W
Mossdale Makerspace37° 48' 18.50" N, 121° 18' 19.22" W
Hackerspace Cholula19° 3' 4.02" N, 98° 18' 9.82" W
Techné19° 30' 55.69" N, 101° 36' 27.26" W
Treasure Coast Maker Space27° 26' 29.20" N, 80° 23' 58.80" W
Paradygm35° 23' 28.83" N, 94° 25' 5.36" W
Beta Two Labs41° 1' 55.51" N, 73° 46' 12.33" W
HackSLV37° 59' 20.77" N, 105° 45' 57.22" W
RnDx233° 57' 14.71" N, 118° 22' 21.27" W
Maker Mill44° 2' 50.33" N, 121° 19' 41.15" W
SubProto33° 43' 7.60" N, 78° 56' 26.59" W
Studio Bricolage44° 55' 29.59" N, 93° 16' 39.13" W
Colima Hacklab19° 14' 48.67" N, 103° 41' 50.54" W
CrashBang Labs50° 27' 1.69" N, 104° 37' 0.65" W
SoDo Makerspace47° 35' 6.28" N, 122° 19' 58.46" W
330ohms Makerspace19° 20' 42.23" N, 99° 9' 48.55" W
Breakwater Makerspace37° 49' 34.09" N, 122° 22' 11.32" W
Intelirobot22° 9' 12.70" N, 100° 59' 40.70" W
FredHack38° 18' 6.48" N, 77° 28' 14.88" W
Area 4238° 39' 32.92" N, 90° 18' 12.98" W
Ideas to Things Inc.42° 23' 2.89" N, 71° 4' 28.62" W
ETC Makerspace52° 8' 5.47" N, 106° 38' 12.57" W
Goodwill Makerspace40° 44' 41.15" N, 74° 8' 58.66" W
Gremlin Collective17° 59' 21.00" N, 92° 55' 41.00" W
Chicken Road Labs36° 6' 22.77" N, 86° 15' 2.90" W
OpenSpace37° 46' 51.99" N, 89° 20' 12.65" W
My inventor club33° 44' 57.71" N, 84° 22' 51.66" W
CoLab Workspace32° 13' 24.05" N, 110° 58' 16.81" W
FreesideAtlanta33° 44' 14.39" N, 84° 24' 37.03" W
Freegeek Little Rock34° 44' 34.25" N, 92° 16' 29.41" W
Fab Lab Baltimore39° 15' 11.63" N, 76° 44' 7.98" W
SVI Hackspace37° 25' 40.06" N, 122° 10' 26.78" W
Ames MakerSpace42° 1' 38.41" N, 93° 37' 53.71" W
Tech Dojo34° 57' 34.50" N, 89° 49' 10.60" W
Tesseract Point35° 3' 49.79" N, 78° 53' 49.92" W
MakerSpace Urbana40° 6' 41.15" N, 88° 12' 26.02" W
BellinghamHackSpace48° 45' 0.82" N, 122° 28' 21.94" W
Brunswick Hackerspace39° 18' 45.60" N, 77° 37' 28.10" W
MELD Workshop46° 52' 36.00" N, 96° 49' 41.00" W
TheLab.ms33° 1' 40.06" N, 96° 42' 39.15" W
Hub Makerspace18° 28' 43.58" N, 69° 57' 30.30" W
Rogue Hack Lab42° 19' 36.00" N, 122° 52' 20.00" W
The Bourse, New Haven's Coworking Un-Office41° 18' 21.32" N, 72° 55' 29.23" W
Cowtown Computer Congress39° 0' 49.50" N, 94° 34' 57.00" W
Bio, Tech and Beyond33° 8' 8.04" N, 117° 16' 28.62" W
Lawrence Creates Makerspace38° 58' 4.91" N, 95° 13' 50.74" W
Make.SI40° 38' 16.17" N, 74° 4' 40.95" W
ColoDesk41° 3' 40.95" N, 73° 32' 29.00" W
Spread the Weird Studio33° 26' 57.12" N, 112° 4' 26.04" W
HubCityLabs46° 5' 44.27" N, 64° 46' 40.25" W
DaytonDiode39° 45' 48.87" N, 84° 10' 30.54" W
Urban Rethink28° 32' 32.63" N, 81° 22' 7.99" W
Www.xlabs-usf.com28° 3' 33.80" N, 82° 24' 56.21" W
LibreZone19° 23' 41.51" N, 99° 10' 17.47" W
20Mission37° 45' 31.10" N, 122° 25' 7.66" W
HackerHub20° 41' 54.01" N, 101° 21' 43.23" W
SocialGeeks42° 33' 46.68" N, 114° 27' 39.14" W
ReCode Hackspace45° 40' 7.81" N, 118° 45' 6.03" W
Devnuts39° 57' 55.62" N, 75° 8' 33.17" W
Close Quarters41° 52' 39.39" N, 71° 23' 7.44" W
Feral Technology Institute41° 42' 55.52" N, 92° 17' 56.55" W
Crafts Center42° 24' 20.05" N, 71° 7' 5.83" W
Fraternal Order of Buffalo42° 53' 11.21" N, 78° 52' 42.13" W
HACKingston44° 14' 17.63" N, 76° 31' 16.22" W
TechStars40° 1' 2.73" N, 105° 16' 37.29" W
BetaLab37° 47' 38.76" N, 122° 13' 29.36" W
Hack50234° 48' 10.32" N, 86° 58' 18.03" W
Foomatic32° 25' 54.25" N, 86° 18' 8.91" W
Jacksonville Alabama LMH33° 46' 41.51" N, 85° 44' 43.86" W
911 Media Arts Center47° 39' 33.99" N, 122° 19' 7.30" W
Proxy Hack Lab36° 5' 56.78" N, 80° 15' 6.14" W
Antitronics34° 42' 59.88" N, 86° 35' 53.32" W
UAT Digital Makers33° 22' 39.36" N, 111° 58' 33.21" W
AS220 labs41° 49' 18.47" N, 71° 24' 57.65" W
Bozeman MakerSpace45° 42' 0.34" N, 111° 1' 18.35" W
The Shop44° 6' 27.26" N, 103° 16' 14.00" W
Tinkersmiths38° 2' 25.27" N, 78° 28' 42.91" W
RoastellaLabs37° 17' 18.34" N, 80° 2' 50.92" W
North Street Labs36° 50' 17.35" N, 76° 17' 59.97" W
The Geek Group42° 59' 6.70" N, 85° 41' 28.41" W
NEST42° 58' 2.41" N, 85° 39' 15.04" W
GRMakers42° 56' 30.87" N, 85° 40' 44.43" W
Ocean State Maker Mill41° 52' 57.10" N, 71° 22' 44.65" W
Fab Lab Tulsa36° 9' 1.77" N, 95° 57' 30.26" W
The Brain Tank41° 49' 38.25" N, 71° 25' 51.61" W
Emerald Coast Community of Makers30° 25' 25.48" N, 87° 12' 56.04" W
ADX45° 31' 11.35" N, 122° 39' 17.15" W
DctrlVan49° 16' 59.65" N, 123° 6' 45.98" W
Synhak41° 4' 58.80" N, 81° 30' 50.40" W
The Wet Lab32° 42' 50.67" N, 117° 9' 7.01" W
Neucleon32° 49' 4.80" N, 116° 58' 32.98" W
IrHACKER32° 44' 45.71" N, 117° 4' 1.99" W
Fab Lab San Diego32° 42' 51.05" N, 117° 9' 7.08" W
3D Printing Makerspace San Diego32° 55' 16.73" N, 117° 12' 58.25" W
San Diego Hacker News Meetup32° 51' 13.06" N, 117° 12' 52.91" W
Mendocino Coast Makers Guild39° 18' 28.00" N, 123° 47' 58.00" W
Voltaje Hacklab20° 35' 4.69" N, 100° 24' 47.71" W
WrongByte21° 9' 33.20" N, 86° 49' 34.93" W
Tijuana makerspace32° 31' 30.00" N, 117° 2' 0.00" W
The Village Workshop42° 25' 50.02" N, 83° 28' 38.87" W
TechShop Detroit42° 17' 46.58" N, 83° 12' 1.49" W
UnLab43° 0' 54.56" N, 81° 16' 49.51" W
MyShop43° 26' 59.56" N, 80° 29' 44.65" W
Maanavta35° 16' 39.86" N, 93° 8' 4.13" W
Metrix Create:Space47° 37' 29.27" N, 122° 19' 15.53" W
MyMakerSpace43° 40' 16.29" N, 79° 19' 38.18" W
Hackerspace Charlotte35° 13' 27.87" N, 80° 49' 0.99" W
Raleigh Makerspace35° 47' 22.98" N, 78° 38' 41.27" W
CoHabitat32° 47' 40.30" N, 96° 48' 0.43" W
ThinkHaus43° 15' 48.13" N, 79° 53' 15.00" W
TechShop Menlo Park37° 29' 7.48" N, 122° 12' 37.20" W
TechShop Chandler33° 17' 59.74" N, 111° 50' 17.14" W
TechShop Pittsburgh40° 27' 26.11" N, 79° 54' 58.35" W
TechShop Austin - Round Rock30° 29' 6.55" N, 97° 40' 39.26" W
TechShop San Jose37° 19' 55.14" N, 121° 53' 9.38" W
TechShop San Francisco37° 46' 51.85" N, 122° 24' 20.46" W
Bucketworks43° 1' 26.20" N, 87° 54' 59.19" W
Quesnel Maker Space52° 58' 33.60" N, 122° 29' 38.40" W
Shadowfoot.net39° 19' 52.86" N, 82° 59' 13.56" W
Southern Arizona Technology Lab32° 13' 40.20" N, 110° 56' 37.62" W
Reverse Space38° 57' 6.84" N, 77° 24' 46.12" W
Hernando County Makerspace28° 30' 4.35" N, 82° 31' 13.35" W
HackShack30° 46' 46.67" N, 89° 52' 54.94" W
Swift space50° 17' 6.12" N, 107° 48' 0.22" W
Lawrenceville, QC45° 25' 16.00" N, 72° 20' 38.00" W
Bloomington-Normal Hackerspace40° 28' 52.17" N, 88° 59' 41.70" W
8 days a week HackerSpace Coming!40° 1' 8.77" N, 105° 16' 21.66" W
Ideamaker33° 58' 50.13" N, 118° 2' 13.99" W
Terre Haute Hackers39° 29' 24.29" N, 87° 22' 30.77" W
InclinePhysics39° 14' 7.08" N, 119° 58' 3.11" W
Proto Makerspace30° 5' 44.64" N, 95° 25' 57.16" W
7hills Makerspace34° 16' 59.71" N, 85° 12' 42.12" W
South Fulton Tool Cooperative33° 34' 33.60" N, 84° 36' 0.00" W
Danger!awesome42° 21' 55.40" N, 71° 6' 13.32" W
Pirateship42° 22' 52.58" N, 71° 6' 9.15" W
Mosswood Park37° 49' 25.27" N, 122° 15' 37.76" W
Treasure Coast Group27° 22' 28.17" N, 80° 23' 32.98" W
Hypernova41° 25' 1.13" N, 87° 21' 55.13" W
Desert Craft Makerspace31° 46' 29.25" N, 106° 27' 57.16" W
AV Hackers34° 40' 0.26" N, 118° 8' 55.68" W
Department of Making + Doing39° 57' 21.60" N, 75° 11' 49.20" W
Code Self Study37° 52' 19.80" N, 122° 16' 6.24" W
GeekWine34° 3' 51.99" N, 118° 18' 27.92" W
Kern Hackers35° 20' 26.00" N, 119° 3' 41.00" W
SoTechie Cincy39° 9' 20.52" N, 84° 28' 51.24" W
Fargo Makerworks46° 52' 36.01" N, 96° 49' 40.58" W
Rockford MakerSpace42° 16' 22.12" N, 89° 5' 39.81" W
The KOIpound39° 7' 7.29" N, 84° 31' 51.37" W
SinCitySlackers36° 5' 0.01" N, 115° 5' 59.91" W
The Mill44° 59' 42.20" N, 93° 13' 42.95" W
Jigsaw Renaissance47° 35' 42.56" N, 122° 19' 36.72" W
Gumbo Labs29° 58' 36.60" N, 90° 6' 37.39" W
TeamTank35° 6' 33.00" N, 77° 4' 9.00" W
Bitsmasher36° 58' 40.46" N, 122° 2' 0.10" W
STEAMLabs43° 39' 0.19" N, 79° 23' 50.04" W
MobileMakerspace48° 26' 15.17" N, 123° 18' 7.01" W
SherSec45° 24' 8.61" N, 71° 53' 26.46" W
The Virtual Free University Think Tank49° 16' 49.44" N, 123° 7' 51.60" W
Mobile Makerspace48° 26' 15.17" N, 123° 18' 7.01" W
Hack.aiken.sc33° 29' 19.72" N, 81° 58' 17.97" W
CSRA Makers33° 28' 14.88" N, 81° 58' 30.00" W
GAST33° 28' 27.29" N, 82° 0' 34.81" W
JaxHax30° 19' 51.60" N, 81° 38' 47.81" W
GeeksOk, LLC35° 43' 19.05" N, 96° 45' 32.46" W
Santa Fe Complex35° 41' 7.54" N, 105° 56' 59.49" W
BrainSilo45° 32' 17.54" N, 122° 40' 23.18" W
Gangplank Tucson32° 13' 24.05" N, 110° 58' 16.81" W
South Shore Makerspace41° 42' 46.90" N, 86° 54' 0.64" W
TekRev Labs53° 18' 33.48" N, 110° 4' 22.79" W
Brazos Valley Makerspace30° 40' 27.71" N, 96° 22' 11.87" W
Ad Astra Labs39° 3' 8.11" N, 95° 40' 21.28" W
M0usePad37° 48' 54.71" N, 122° 17' 34.96" W
Flux45° 31' 25.10" N, 122° 40' 26.91" W
TechShop RDU35° 53' 46.21" N, 78° 44' 41.69" W
EDTRICation33° 41' 24.37" N, 117° 51' 29.19" W
Silicon LakeShore46° 47' 13.20" N, 92° 5' 53.16" W
... further results