User:Ex/Top Trumps

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If you want to be listed, you have to have this information:

hackerspaceCountryStateCityLast UpdatedNumber of membersSize of roomsMembership feeDate of founding
Hacklab JyväskyläFinlandJyväskylä13 March 2025120150m²10€/month or

20€/month for a key

5€ low-income discount
22 September 2011
MakerSpace CharlotteUnited States of AmericaNorth CarolinaCharlotte, North Carolina3 March 202550021000ft^2$50/month keyholder27 August 2015
NYBI.CCFranceLorraineNancy1 March 202534about 100m²120€ a year, 60€ for students & unemployed1 October 2010
CodinglabSwitzerlandTicinoMinusio1 March 20251060m²CHF 399 yearly15 February 2019
FarsetLabsUnited KingdomCounty AntrimBelfast1 March 2025654000sqftStudents: £15 per month,

Enthusiasts: £25 per month, Freelancers: £35 per month
6 April 2012
Hackerspace.grGreeceAtticaAthens1 March 202525220m²20/25/30 EUR monthly membership20 September 2010
MechArtLabSwitzerlandZürichZürich1 March 202525277m² (shared)50CHF yearly1 April 2009
Laboratoire d'Aix-périmentation et de BidouilleFranceProvence-Alpes-Côte d'AzurAix-en-Provence1 March 202510050m²
  • Full: 30€ Per year
  • Day: 20€
  • Half Day: 10€
6 December 2011
Nerdberg HackspaceGermanyBavariaNuremberg1 March 2025308035€/month30 September 2018
MaakplekNetherlandsGroningenGroningen1 March 202540400m²€30 per month payed per quarter or year1 February 2016
CoredumpSwitzerlandSt. GallenJona1 March 202535120m²With regular income: CHF 30+/month. Without regular income: CHF 10+/month.26 August 2013
TinkerSpaceIndiaKeralaErnakulam1 March 202516,000464.5152 m²free18 December 2022
DimSumLabsHong KongHong Kong1 March 202515600ft² plus rooftopHK$700 monthly for full membership (Student discounts and concessions available.)1 July 2011
Chaos Computer Club BaselSwitzerlandBasel-LandschaftMuttenz1 March 202520100m²CHF 20.-/month (minimal) CHF 40.-/month (recommended)23 May 2010
Arete.StudyUkraineCherkasy OblastTalne28 February 20255Possible size: 80 m² (3 rooms, and extra buildings w/ land to build more)$10-100/mo Free to the Public on two days every week10 November 2021
The Gamer Club GlasgowUnited KingdomScotlandGlasgow27 February 202560140m²£39/month11 October 2022
MetalabAustriaViennaVienna25 February 2025168222m²EUR 35 per month1 April 2006
IT-SyndikatAustriaTyrolInnsbruck25 February 20253250m² +20€ regular 10€/5€ reduced(for students and people who cant't afford that much10 October 2010
CCC DarmstadtGermanyHessenDarmstadt21 February 202588113 m²individual, starting from 10 Euro per month23 May 2006
ACME LabsGermanyNorth Rhine-WestphaliaBielefeld17 February 202516120m²15€/month6 July 2018
Glasgow HackerspaceUnited KingdomScotlandGlasgow16 February 20252220m²£25, with discretionary fees if required15 November 2024
3D Berlin HeadquarterGermanyBerlinBerlin13 February 20252155m²Free to visit. Membership starts at 15 EUR.5 December 2006
Workshop 88United States of AmericaIllinoisGlen Ellyn11 February 2025251100ft2$50(USD)/month full $30(USD)/month supporting23 November 2009
Makers Zone BarcelonaSpainCataloniaBarcelona11 February 20253230050 Euro for Membership (hotdesk/community tools)

135 Euro or more for a personal space / desk

Currently 2 personal spaces available (February 2025)!
1 May 2021
Factory 3United States of AmericaMEPortland11 February 2025494,400 ft^2Full-time member 135 USD/mo

Full-time member + small studio 240 USD/mo Full-time member + medium studio 345 USD/mo

Full-time member + large studio 395 USD/mo
1 January 2018
Warsaw HackerspacePolandMasoviaWarsaw4 February 2025130160m²150 pln/month regulars, 75 pln/month students1 January 2011
Laboratoire Ouvert GrenobloisFranceAuvergne-Rhône-AlpesGrenoble2 February 202530100 m²Annual membership (60€).2 July 2010
Chaostreff ChemnitzGermanySaxonyChemnitz24 January 20252273.6 m²23 EUR monthly (10 EUR reduced)1 July 2010
Knyfyrtel Hackerspace PoznańPolandGreater PolandPoznan16 January 202570tbd1 September 2023
Made Makerspace BarcelonaSpainBarcelonaBarcelona15 January 202525200m250 EUR/month for basic membership (incl. usage of all machines and small storage locker). Additional fees for extra storage or personal workbench1 June 2013
BloominglabsUnited States of AmericaIndianaBloomington, Indiana13 January 2025453600ft²Dues are $40 monthly, starving hacker rate available on a case-by-case basis.1 July 2010
AFRAGermanyBerlinBerlin13 January 20254248,4m²15€-20€ per month, or talk to the treasurer for a different membership fee21 September 2012
Mobile MakerSpaceUnited States of AmericaAlabamaMobile13 January 2025251500ft^2Mobile Makers provides a place to engage members to collaborate on innovative ideas and reaching goals. Members join together for the common use of tools, facilities, services, and knowledge to further the capabilities of each other and the community. Everyone is Welcome!16 October 2012
Tech Valley Center of GravityUnited States of AmericaNew YorkTroy, New York13 January 202525018000 ft²Membership Tiers:

Coworking: $50/month. 24/7 access to open desk space, wifi, and printer; no Technology Zone equipment usage.

Maker: $60/month. Access M-F 5:30 - 10 pm, Weekends 10 am - 10 pm. Use of equipment in all Technology Zones following orientation.

Super Maker: $100/month. 24/7 Access. Use of all equipment in Technology Zones following orientation.

Prototyper: $150/month. 24/7 access to Makerspace AND The Prototyping Center. Priority on Prototyping Center machines, 25% discount on Prototyping Center equipment use rates.

Associate: $50 Annual Dues. Purchase day passes for one-time use at $25 each. Day pass access is M-F 9 am - 9 pm; Weekends 10 am - 9 pm. Use of all equipment in Technology Zones following orientation.

Thinqubator: $25/month/adult. THINQubator access only for 1 adult with up to 2 children 12 and under. Access M-F 8 am - 8 pm, Weekends 10 am - 8 pm
23 May 2011
LabomediaFranceCentreOrléans13 January 2025100210m²20€ / year4 January 1999
Starship FactorySwitzerlandBasel-StadtBasel13 January 20253653m²20 CHF monthly or 200 CHF yearly25 August 2013
SUMAGermanyNiedersachsenHannover13 January 202512066 qm5 EUR / month5 July 2004
MuHackItalyLombardyBrescia13 January 20253030m²30 euros yearly29 May 2014
LabitatDenmarkCopenhagen13 January 2025100210m²150,- DKK/month fee (20 euros)30 May 2009
NiemandslandGermanyNorth Rhine-WestphaliaDuesseldorf13 January 202540~300 m²from 2,50 EUR to 20 EUR a month1987
Teesside HackspaceUnited KingdomClevelandMiddlesbrough13 January 2025551500+ ft2 Industrial UnitOur recommended minimum subscription is £15/month. For students, retirees or low income members the minimum subscription is £5/month.1 March 2016
Hackerspace GentBelgiumOost-VlaanderenGhent13 January 20252465m225EUR/month, student/decreased membership is negotiable.6 October 2009
HacklaborGermanyMecklenburg-VorpommernSchwerin10 January 2025622x 72m²15 Euros26 February 2016
Cheltenham HackspaceUnited KingdomGloucestershireCheltenham3 January 2025901400ft²Standard: £17.50

Concession: $12.50

Monthly, Go Cardless Direct Debit
24 June 2014
Taipei HackerspaceTaiwanTaipeiTaipei1 January 202520122+ m2Visit/projects: none, Supporting member: TBD19 March 2013
Hive13United States of AmericaOhioCincinnati1 January 20259411500 ft²$50/mo full, $100/mo cornerstone, $13.37/mo student9 April 2009
SchaffenburgGermanyBavariaAschaffenburg1 January 202550115 m²30 EURO full membership, 15 for students, passive membership starting at sqrt(2) euro.16 April 2015
NottinghackUnited KingdomNottinghamshireNottingham1 January 20256107400ft²Pay-What-You-Like (min £5/mo)

Wednesday's Open Night is always Free

Workshops will be priced on the website
14 February 2010
HackerspaceSGSingaporeSingapore31 December 202416826 sq ft (76.7 m²) August 2009
MakeFixHackUnited States of AmericaMassachusettsEasthampton, Massachusetts31 December 202410600ft²Projected membership fee is ~$40/month with possible yearly discount. Regular free public events, one-time fee workshops, and day use access are also planned or in consideration.20 February 2024
HaxkoGermanyRhineland-PalatinateAndernach29 December 202455150-200m²20€/Month for regular members. Lower fees possible.13 March 2018
DatenburgGermanyNordrhein-WestfalenBonn28 December 20243563m²23€-50€20 May 2019
FabLab NürnbergGermanyBavariaNuremberg20 December 2024200~200m225€/month or 275€/Year21 February 2011
HackalotNetherlandsNoord BrabantEindhoven15 December 202440100m2The default value is €30 per month11 November 2017
Fab20EstoniaTallinn11 December 2024790 m²1 day - 24 EUR

7 days - 128 EUR

1 month - 256 EUR
29 November 2024
Edinburgh HacklabUnited KingdomScotlandEdinburgh9 December 2024117800ft²35 GBP monthly, reduceable for low income and remote members.24 August 2010
Brisbane MakerspaceAustraliaQueenslandBrisbane7 December 202460200m2$45 / month1 November 2021
GuayaHackColombiaAntioquia DepartmentEl Retiro4 December 2024508016 July 2023
OdenwilusenzSwitzerlandSchaffhausenBeringen4 December 202442160 m²120.-CHF yearly23 March 2005
Z-LaborGermanySaxonyZwickau4 December 20241570m²free for the first few visits, 10€ student per month, 20€ normal fee per month20 September 2015
... further results