Portable Bandsaw

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These hackerspaces have a Portable Bandsaw:

Hackerspaces with a Portable Bandsaw
  1. /root
  2. 757 Makerspace
  3. Arch Reactor
  4. Arete.Study
  5. Attraktor
  6. BUDA::lab
  7. Baltimore Hackerspace
  8. Bastelbude Dinslaken
  9. BioClub
  10. Bitraf
  11. Bozeman Makerspace
  12. CCC Hamburg
  13. CHAMP
  14. Catalyze
  15. ChaosStuff
  16. Chaospott
  17. Connected Community
  18. Creator Makerspace
  19. District Three
  20. East Essex Hackspace
  21. Eigenbaukombinat Halle
  22. Electrolab
  23. Fab20
  24. FabLab Nürnberg
  25. Factory 3
  26. FamiLAB
  27. Fat Cat FAB LAB
  28. HackLand
  29. Hackerspace.gr
  30. HackerspaceChiba
  31. Hackheim
  32. Hacksburg
  33. Hackwerk Aalen
  34. I3Detroit
  35. Lowell Makes
  36. Maakplek
  37. Make Salt Lake
  38. Maker Cube
  39. Mobile MakerSpace
  40. Pannonian Laboratories
  41. QC Co-Lab
  42. Raumfahrtagentur
  43. Realraum
  44. Scuola Open Source
  45. Sector67
  46. Skillhouse
  47. So Make It (Southampton, UK)
  48. South London Makerspace
  49. Splat Space
  50. Starship Factory
… further results

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