Manual Mill

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These hackerspaces have a Manual Mill:

Hackerspaces with a Manual Mill
  1. Area UR-Maker
  2. Arete.Study
  3. Artifactory
  4. Cheltenham Hackspace
  5. Chimera Arts and Maker Space
  6. East Essex Hackspace
  7. FUBAR Labs
  8. Factory 3
  9. Factory Two
  10. FamiLAB
  11. Foothills Community Workshop
  12. Fort Collins Creator Hub
  13. Freeside Atlanta
  14. Fresno Ideaworks
  15. Hackerspace Kraków
  16. Hackerspace Troia
  17. HackerspaceChiba
  18. Hacklab Kyiv
  19. Helsinki Hacklab
  20. I3Detroit
  21. MakerSpace Charlotte
  22. MakerspaceCT
  23. Makerspaces Mackay, Inc.
  24. Makespace
  25. Manchester Makerspace
  26. NPC Innovative Technology Center
  27. Nottinghack
  28. Nova Labs
  29. Pumping Station: One
  30. Quelab
  31. Sector67
  32. Spark Studio Salem
  33. Synergy Mill
  34. The Bodgery

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