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These hackerspaces have a Oscilloscope:

Hackerspaces with a Oscilloscope
  1. /dev/tal
  2. 3D4C
  3. 801 Labs
  4. AFRA
  5. Akiba
  6. All Hands Active!
  7. Arch Reactor
  8. Area UR-Maker
  9. Artifactory
  10. B4CKSP4CE
  11. Bastelbude Dinslaken
  12. Bellingham Makerspace
  13. Bitlair
  14. Bitraf
  15. BricoLabs
  16. Bristol Hackspace
  17. Brixel
  18. Brmlab
  19. Build, RVA
  20. C4
  21. CADR
  22. CBI Maker Space
  23. CCC Darmstadt
  24. CCC Freiburg
  25. CCC Göttingen
  26. CCC Hamburg
  27. CCC Mannheim
  28. CCC Salzburg
  29. CCCFFM
  30. CCCZH
  31. CDL - Computer Deconstruction Lab
  32. Cambridge Hackspace
  33. Canton Hacker and Maker Place
  34. Cascadia Makerspace
  35. Cedar Valley Makers
  36. Chaos Computer Club Basel
  37. Chaosdorf
  38. Chaospott
  39. Chaostreff Backnang
  40. Chaostreff Bern
  41. Chaostreff Chemnitz
  42. Chaostreff Salzburg
  43. Cheltenham Hackspace
  44. Chimera Arts and Maker Space
  45. Claremont Makerspace
  46. Clear Creek Makerspace
  47. Clubelek
  48. CoMakingSpace
  49. ComputerClub Itzehoe
  50. Confluent
… further results

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