Vacuum Former

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These hackerspaces have a Vacuum Former:

Hackerspaces with a Vacuum Former
  1. Artifactory
  2. BricoLabs
  3. Bristol Hackspace
  4. FamiLAB
  5. Fat Cat FAB LAB
  6. Foothills Community Workshop
  7. Fort Collins Creator Hub
  8. Freeside Atlanta
  9. Hacklabor
  10. Hive13
  11. I3Detroit
  12. ICTP SciFabLab
  13. Laboratoire Ouvert Villeurbannais
  14. Leigh Hackspace
  15. Mainframe
  16. MakerspaceCT
  17. Makespace
  18. Pumping Station: One
  19. Sector67
  20. Ventspils design studio RADE

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