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Status closed
Country France
State or District Ile de France
City Paris
Date of founding 2015/10/01
Last Updated 2020-10-25
Website https://jack.fuz.re/
IRC jack.tf@irc.freenode.net
Snail mail

Le Jack
11-15 rue de la Reunion, Paris
75020 Paris

Size of rooms 70m²
Members Cbj
Open to Exchanges? yes

vCard download

Jack is closed, but you can find its legacy in the FUZ hackerspace that its members founded.


Hackerspace in Paris, brainchild of members from Le Loop, BlackBoxe, /tmp/lab and others. Focused on providing a place to come to to:

  • write software
  • hack hardware
  • host meetings/workshops/talks

And promoting such things as:

  • collaborations between artists and hackers
  • bringing tools, knowledge and people together
  • ...

The hackerspace is part of and located in a bigger collective called Le Jardin d'Alice, a multidisciplinary collective focused on experimental artistic and/or ecological and/or social activities.

We have no membership nor fee. Everything is pay what you want/can/wish.

Weekly meetings[edit]

The space is open every Wednesday evening from 7pm to 0am. The place is virtually open every day of the week to regular and new members. Newcomers, drop us an email or come chat on the IRC channel!


  • Electronics (packed with Arduinos & ESP8266s)
  • Salvaged parts (from hoovers to toys and from laptop keyboards to LEDs)
  • 3D Printing
  • Hardware parts
  • Computer repair (we teach how to, you repair it!)
  • PCB making (chemical etching, milling planned)


Self-hosted services: wiki, gitlab, mpd, http, mail, calendar.