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Experience Points encode the accumulation of true experience. When this is the case, they are the equivalent to power. The more XP, the more power. Killing 1000 kobolds isn't gaining a fighter much new experience after the first one, and perhaps shouldn't gain her much more XP either. So power is just used to accumulate epicness; however, as you gain levels from XP, you gain more ability to do DAMage.

XP is roughly equivalent to your HP2 * mana. If you are down on HP, then, your power is also down. Likewise, if your mana has dropped to zero, you have no power.

In some cases, you can trade power for life force and vice versa. A jester is called for (a special class of NPC) in this instance to bargain for the soul (see tips for the DM). Players can also lose XP if a stronger, more noble(?) character comes around (like one of a class that they had killed) and pounds it out of them. They may or may not be killed for the "XP collection" event to terminate. XXconversion value????

If player's win an argument, they should gain XP. These are called "mana strikes" and it is taken from the opponent's mana.

Player XP should be private and tracked only by the DM. If players wish to know how close they are to their next level, s/he can inform them if they've passed the half-way point. This is to avoid obsessions with XP with regard to different NPCs which wouldn't be known by an actual character AND helps make leveling more of a nice surprise.

In some edge cases (multi-classing), XP can be traded for gold, and perhaps vice versa. Multi-classing, for example, costs approximately 5gp for every 1000XP you wish to keep.

One can forego leveling and apply excess XP towards other goals like forging a named sword (5,000XP*2enchantment level -- the more enchantment or curse the more XP required), crafting a superior spellbook (conferring invisibility for an object to up to level X players, except oneself, where X is equivalent to the amount of XP a player would have) , or calling on the gods to enlist favor in battle.

You can only do this at level boundaries -- the gods need to know if you're willing to sacrifice the level advantage to gain another.

A warrior could use it to gain +STR (approx 1000xp*LVL to gain +1 STR and you must still gain the level before you use this technique again for it to remain permanent, otherwise it only lasts 4-5 levels). A leader could develop their insignia (if developed in-game--otherwise out-of-game takes no sacrifice as their own time is used). The power of the objective is generally proportional to how much XP you sacrifice.

Converting XP into HP for named swords requires lawful alignment (requires help from leader class) or from a non-lawful god whose power exceeds the leaders of the region. This is to encourage engagement with the leader classes by regular adventurers.