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Warriors. The defining feature of this class is their ability to fight. For this, they have commonly have a trusted weapon, which they hone to perfection. They also have armors. The perfection of that is one of the defining features of the best warriors. Most warriors eventually go out into the wild and slay to make a name for themselves.

Warriors draw strength from having a worthy purpose and from the history and lineage of warriors who came before them. Perhaps they will clear out a territory of goblins to build a great city that is amenable to trade routes running far away. They may become the defender of the realm, preventing bandits from ransacking the city. Or perhaps they are dwarven and will forge a tunnel through a mountain range to make them passable by the average faeruni. They may hone themselves to greatness, perfecting the blade, and gathering whole armies to aid them. Whatever their purpose, they inherit various skills and dispensations of the warrior. They can get skills with knives, swords, shields, whips, hammers, and such.

Warrior can declare their loyalty to a god and receive +DAM modifiers in battle (depending on their god`s STR) or be ronin and independent. Their PTY will dictate how much trust the god places in the warrior for DAM benefits. For this reason, this class can transfer points from other stats (INT, CHR, etc.) to aid their PTY score. They can do this as they want in accordance with their fealty to their god.

For this class, STR helps them wield their weapon, DEX helps them hit the intended target, WIS lets them know if they should bring their long sword or just a knife, while CHR prevents them from having to swing at all.

They level by taking HP. XP = (HP taken)2 + ((mana remaining)/10))2; +1DAM on next fight if last kill was oppositely aligned (-200 mana * ? if they lose, meaning they will likely die rather than get a resurrection save)

Rather than guilds, warriors establish armies. They may besiege a city, or defend one worthy of their strength. Such a warrior clan establishes a shield which can be put on their city's flag. For this they must befriend a leader, magistrate, or become one. Perhaps they will claim the ONE sword of Excalibur (blessed, enchanted 3d8 sword).

Warriors can build fab by "counting coup". Even though you may not be able to kill an ancient dragon, for example, getting a hit gives you HP2 XP. You can also strike other players, but should not kill them. If you do, you lose all of your death saving throws and one goes to the other player. If you have none, you lose your own character.

Since warriors get XP by hit-points they've taken, they can have more sophisticated strategies of engagement. If they get an NPC to relinquish their main purpose (guarding the bridge, protecting a secret treasure room) over to the party, they forfeit their remaining mana-points (mana/10)2 as XP.

It would be good for a warrior to make friends with an herbalist as she has remedies that can bring full restoration to fighters that s/he can bring along with them. Although as a warrior learns to recover from battle, s/he can l/earn special abilities. These abilities amount to better CON. Warrior's can also ally with clerics and fight for or with their gods to get protection and be shielded from critical hits (hits that do double damage). Clerics get experience by restoring your hit-points.

STUB in process of revision

  1. 1, (moving on ones own)
  2. 2, (recognizing something and verbalizing)
  3. 4, (locomotion)
  4. 8, (walking) (basic words)
  5. 16, (regular talking, walking with own purpose)
  6. 31, (learning to read, a skill)
  7. 62, (learning to write, getting others attentions meaningfully -- like shouting an alarm)
  8. 125, (do chores, take care of self and hygiene)
  9. 250, (be independent, )
  10. 500 (collaborate with adults)
  11. 1000
  12. 2000
  13. 4000
  14. 7000
  15. 11000 and thereafter (LVL-10)*1000)