User:Average/Network dynamics

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AKA How to churn 200+ years of decrepitude into a new society. Macro.jpeg See that diagram? Yes you do. That simple picture shows how YOU are going to make a world government that lives up to its own principles. Yes, you'll have to hack the law a little, but that's okay, it belongs to you.

In case you can't read it:

  1. First triangle, on the left: Political sphere, pointing downwards.
    1. Its points:
      1. Open Government and
      2. Open Society together build-up to create
      3. New Capital (that's things like living spaces, public transportation, forests)
    2. Its lines:
      1. government (via) Protection and Management (preserves) capital
      2. society (via) Cultural Activity (creates) capital
      3. <- PEOPLE -> as the foundation.
  2. Second triangle, on the right: Public sphere, pointing upwards
    1. Its points:
      1. Open Data and
      2. Open Networks create
      3. Knowledge
    2. Its lines:
      1. As the foundation <-FREE and OPEN SOURCE -> makes for:
      2. "open data" (is a foundation for) application mash-ups (outputting) "knowledge" and
      3. "open networks" (associating data via) hyperlinks (leads to) "knowledge"

On the right, it says: Planetary Nervous System Above right is sf_x.