User:Average/Mana strikes

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Mana strikes are the rogue's equivalent to CON battles for leaders. In general parlance, it's just called "being a smart-ass". If they attempt a mana strike at a magistrate class, they may get owned until they offer an act of contrition.

The rogue (typical class) who sees the PC or NPC filled with ego can take the risk of a physical confrontation by striking their mana. If the strike is successful (either the DM can't think of a intelligent counter-response for the NPC, or the other PC cannot), then the player claims all of the mana they have at that moment. If you get a cleric regarding their gods or theology, you can potentially connect to the total mana in their "religion", but the gods will probably notice big drains to their mana and strike you down or bring you bad luck in some fashion.

If the player is a rogue class, this is considered legitimate eXPerience and converts in equal share (1:1) to XP. Otherwise, for other classes, they get to have a connection to use their mana, which lasts until they fall into sleep.