User:Average/Lonny Zone

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Hey sailor...

This page is for the diehard nerds. Not the coffeeshop fakers, not the Jabbascript broegrammers, and not the über-gamer gadget fetishists. Here is the page in which to document all lifehacks that offers all the nerd needs to concentrate her and his power into laser focus. Several such targets are documented here on this wiki. If you're looking to become a computer programmer, step onto the OneTruePath (for those out of high-school see the last sections). Otherwise, for those whom, for some unexplained reason, eschew the pretty GUI: this page is for you.

  • Eating. Of course, you don't use 5 pans to cook dinner....,
  • Shelter. No, you don't want that $800/month apartment out of the apartment catalog.
  • Cleaning. Of course, you don't have a cleaning schedule
  • Hygiene. Of course, your wardrobe was made from 80s Atari gear.
  • Gender interfacing You might have to shave the neck-beard.
  • Transport Obviously, driving cars with 100yo engine designs is suboptimal
  • Health concerns: doctors, of course they seem legit. What could go wrong?
  • Fighting: the nerd historically is target of abuse, hence _
  • Healthy Obsessions: Technical reference manuals for PDP-11, better engine designs, radio power needs, math tables, etc...

Semi-healthy obsessions (on the "watch-list"):

  • books of non-engineering related material (shelves of fantasy books, Japanese pornography/hentai).
  • D&D and paraphernalia (probably not $50 figurines)
  • non-vetted micro-controller boards (vetted list pending, but Parallax BASIC Stamp is secured).
  • Anything web programming related (beyond HTML 2.0)
  • Chess and Go are fine, Settlers of Catan, Parcheesi, Backgammon are not (lol).
  • Art.... be very suspicious of anyone claiming to do art. Consider it crafting. But learning to make pigment: good.
  • collections of nearly any kind, beyond exemplars, except as already noted otherwise (baseball cards, coin collections, dolls AS I SAID)
  • how-to guides or other sexual "aids" (except as may be used for flirting), see gender interfacing.
  • specially-crafted beers; nearly everyone in America is nursing some addiction -- don't be one of them.
  • more than 1 box of adapters, patch-cords, and cable ties...


  • stuffed animals or other cute characters, including waving-arm anime cats.
  • fancy wardrobes out of magazines.
  • health wands, or other questionable health aids.
  • drugs for psychiatry, cannibis, or under-the-counter/illicit drugs. Supplements and [holistic medicine|other techniques]] will be superior.
