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Dieties can be personal and concrete (generally male gods), or womblike and supporting (generally female). This page is about the latter.

The Oerth goddess, GAIA supports all of the others. Tree-Elders are in this category. Each holds a species of tree and its integrity.

Like the gods, deification has special powers:

  • can reproduce trees drawing upon energy from the aether (which ultimately has all the elements) or from worshipers of the goddess. Mana can be built with the co-operation of the complementary pair or from those who worship the goddess.
  • can force and create bloomings, except for cacti (if they even exist in the realm)
  • can animate animals, blobs, ...?
  • can create pregnancies, including gender selection
  • can create special medicines
  • help animals find water and food
  • can make seeds from tree and flower species(?).
  • rewards warriors who help their efforts with special luck and amulets, sometimes a power animal.
  • select exactly where equipment goes when the gods make an item.
  • anchor or de-anchor curses and enchantments on an item through the power of their belief and natural feminine powers.

When druids or herbalists give their loyalty to the goddess, though the stats of the goddess it can confer spe

To become a goddess, one has to give up their HP.

Goddess stats and their effect:

  • HP/STR: POWER to create life
  • CON: LIFEFORCE for life generated
  • INT: INTELLIGENCE of assistance
  • DEX: ability to give aid
  • CHR: ALLURE to others below
  • PTY/WIS: connection to Earth GODDESS
  • PER: SENSITIVITY to the realm under her domain
  • ASM: PLACEMENT for items magically
  • MANA: living force
  • XP: