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The Executive is the elected mayor (of a town), commissioner (of a county), governor (state), president (nation), or the premier (New World Order). There are no term limits, but if another candidate expresses interest, it goes back to the ballot for next term. The Period of Term increases linearly with the size of district: 1-year cycles for city elections, 2-year (county), 3-year (state), 4-year (nation), 5-year (world). There is no term limit, but incumbant should be asked if they wish to be on the ballot for the next election cycle or XXX must express interest for the next cycle and get re-elected. This gives a slight bias towards the people, rather than leaders. Elections should occur on a regular date decided by the district, like the date of it`s founding. This staggers election cycles so that people can find a place to express their interest of election at the time the spirit moves them, rather than wait for years. The Executive must be a resident of the relevant district for an equal term as the election cycle. That could mean the term itself or some time prior.

Executives should be sworn in to uphold the principles of the Constitution and the Foundations of liberty and justice for all, to the best of their ability for as long as they hold office once election is official. They should be sworn in by the departing executive. This is their contract to the People for having the leeway to go above the law to protect the principles of the Law. The Court can decide whether they did so, if concerns arise, and make a comment to the Press.

Elections turnovers should give sufficient time for leaving incumbents to close things up before vacating Office. The Executive Office is only filled when there is a positive amount on a fractional vote. When the Office is vacant, the next higher-level Executive can add someone onto the ballot for the next election. This special candidate(s) can be marked on the ballot. The Executive can even appoint a lower-level executive into the office, but have no budget except as they get it from above, and must be elected once that district's election date arrives to stay in office. They can be put on the ballot for the next election in the district and get normal privileges if they get elected. Municipalities should still hold elections at their predetermined dates.

Higher-level exeutives should try to fix any problems at lower levels and check in once in while elsewhere in their district to ensure things are running smoothly. They have no jurisdiction (except in appointing a Judge when no Executive is present), but they can provide guidance like a business manager might in a large organization.

Emergency or elective elections can be held if the issue is brought to the Judge and approves it. Simple majority can be enough here as long as the election time and date is published in advance.

Final votes should not be published, but the voter turn-out percentage should be published. The final order of placement (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) should be shown to the victor and remaining candidates but not published. Totals should be kept in the Judges Chambers.

There is no Vice President (or Vice Mayor), but the Executive should name a President pro-temp (locum tenums) if the President becomes unavailable (falling ill or away on vacation, e.g.). Also, the Executive can bring or appoint however many assistants s/he wants to act as advisers (the "Cabinet"). They can even be paid from the Executive Budget (revenue from sales taxes).

The Executive has official duty to uphold the written Law, formed by the Legislature, but can suggest that a Law gets scratched from the books, where a simple majority can decide. S/He also has to balance enforcing laws with other priorities.

An inaugural address should be given to the public at each election cycle to establish direction and to communicate the income tax rate (for that year) so that it can be collected properly.

The Executive is responsible for the printing of money: when to print it and ensuring it`s security. For those lower-level districts without the need nor desire to print their own money, they can request an order for money from a higher-level Executive Branch to provide to their banks. Higher level executives must ensure the security of this money and set up policies for handling for prevention against fraud.

The Executive doesn't get to create Law, but gets to embark on Projects. These projects are funded from revenue from sales taxes. In fact, all growth and development of the district comes from this Branch, funded by sales taxes. Continual services are funded by income taxes collected by the Legislative Branch. The Executive is responsible for collecting these taxes from citizens and from the lower-level districts therein. As it is money earned by the citizen, they can withhold whatever levels of taxes they do not want to paying at time of filing ([]city (3%), []county (5%), []state (4%), []nation (%1). If you are Mayor and a resident is withholding payment for city taxes, you can arrest them for "denial of revenue".

The Executive gets their own budget funded by revenue from sales taxes (a levy on commercial transactions). This is a reward for stimulating the economy. They can also suggest spending from the Legislature. Itemized expenses and revenues should be published to district-level paper on a monthly basis.

There is another potential source of project monies: bank capital. An elected leader can borrow money from banks and pay back in interest to the bank (which then pays the customers). As long as these loans are on record, it shouldn't be a problem. Whether the bank shares these numbers with customers is up to thier discretion, but it`s Board should be aware.

The Executive should appoint a Judge when a position on the Bench is vacant -- up to one Bench position per contiguous term. Executives can rob judges from lower in the ranks and promote them to higher-level, vacant positions at the Bench. Executives lower-down can fill the newly-vacated position, if their incumbent accepts the appointment from above.

Such Executive should be accessible to the public with an open office. The Executive can set hours of operation, and the Legislative Branch should follow. Such hours can be overruled from the elected Executive above if direct contact is made otherwise there is no overarching power to the executives lower down -- it must remain cooperative. Projects set in motion by the Executive, should be sent to Executives lower down for review and feed-back, then continue downward until it reaches bottom where it should be published in local newspapers.

The Executive is accountable for and has the responsibility to deputize any use of force, like police with guns. There are no property taxes, though there can be service fees for various services like sewer, trash, road, electricity hookups, etc. Ideally, income tax decisions would be decided at the lowest levels where people are closer to each other, while sales taxes at the highest where it is more detached, but there is no known practical way to implement this and the tensions between higher levels of power and lower levels will have to be worked out through participation in the Legislative Branch, Executive election cycles, and Court cases. The Executive, however gets to veto income tax rates.

Executives have a Badge or insignia to signify the Office when in public. If a police force is deputized, they should carry smaller versions of such. Volunteers should be welcome, upon educated on the possible dangers. Upon such deputization, they can issue tickets. Lower-level police can be promoted to higher-level branches of the Executive police force by an executive above. This is particularly noteworthy for police who are enforcing laws enacted by those higher-level districts. Anyone carrying a firearm must be deputized by the elected leader her/himself. Others can volunteer under whatever supervision can be established.

Notices of Death are sent to this Office. Person's of Significance should be forwarded to the Executive Office upwards. Notice of Births go to the local newspaper.

The Legislature (and Executive when setting up higher-level elections) should decide on and perform election and a Judge should oversee. It only takes one Judge to affix a stamp of approval for it to be official. This latter is mandatory when sending in results upstream for higher-level elections(?). On a tie, the Judge should intervene and choose how to decide (even making a deciding vote if they wish). If there simply isn't enough interest to create a positive vote win on a fractional vote, the incumbent should finalize matters before leaving Office -- like setting up the budget for ongoing expenses and setting aside rewards for those who stay behind and keep services running. After that, Rule falls back to the next level down, or if there is no more levels downwards (City level), it's back to the People. Elections when the Office is vacant are open annually.

If no one got approved in the last election cycle lower down, the Executive can incentivize hiring someone with his/her own budget.

The compensation here should be monetary. Set dynamically by the Legislative Branch. Costs of (comfortable) living should be a minimum.

The standard track for Executive leaders is to get promoted by the People into higher-level offices: Mayor >> Commissioner >> Governor >> President.

As this is for a World Order, this document doesn't address the issue of military force for use overseas, but if it were to be decided, the Executive can decide to make an act of war, and the Legislative would have to approve with a quorum of 50% of the population.