User:Average/Controlled folly

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Controlled folly is how the warrior who's become aware of herself in the world has to act. You see, if she allows herself to be authentic, she'd be enraged or depressed all the time. Perhaps she'd get called a "psycho bitch" or "crazy person" and her life would get more difficult than it should be.

So controlled folly handles that. Controlled folly is how the englighted warrior deals with the world. You do things in the world knowing that most of it doesn't matter a bit. That is, until you join this vast enterprise of helping create the planetary shift. You see, most people take themselves completely seriously. They believe their cause is great, so they're sure that someone knows about it -- in whatever pseudo-concealed fashion that they can to retain their status of feeling "cool", "smart", "educated", "business savvy" -- whatever ego they're nursing for the meaning in their life.

Controlled folly isn't an excuse to be frivolous -- quite the opposite. You don't want to turn into a clown, you're merely making your life tolerable amidst the pressure of the absurd/bourgeois.

The point of exercising controlled folly is to get others out of their routines that are damaging society. Consider it like a cancer patient who's healthy cells are now confused. You have to knock people out and back to reality, disconnecting them from thier little micro-worlds, finding the exact point that thier routine defining who they are breaks. You're not to break their "heart", understand, only their routine of self. Refer to the directive of "kindness" as part of the Enlightened Warrior.

Exercises that have worked in the past:

  • You're at a sports bar. Some burly guy is there with his girlfriend. You point enthusiastically at him and give the "thumbs up!" hand sign, saying "YOU DID IT!!!". Controlling construct "Big Guy".
  • A man is walking down the street. You throw a pebble at him and knock him out of his "I'm the man" routine. He turns around and you shout "WHAT?!?". Controlling construct "Man".
  • A jogger is "jogging" down the sidewalk in your surburban home. She's all tricked out with her iPod and pedometer. You deliberately spray her in the face, looking back down watering your lawn. Key word; "Princess".