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Combat, where you test your mettle against the foes across the realms.


Damage is calculated based on your level, your manner offense or weapon, and your class`s primary ability, more or less in that order.

Your defense is calculated based on your primary defensive ability (DEXterity, e.g.), your armor score, and any protection your have from your gods (enchantments, etc).

Surprise attacks get double damage (no xtra critical hits). If opponent`s mana is at zero, players get am automatic critial hit bonus when hitting the top roll.

NPC: -(AC + (d(STR + DEX)) Cleric: area spells affect allies within sight of their eyes.

Ability modifiers. Heightened awareness (like battle), it is assumed that various forces will be NPC must have a higher score to beat you. IDeally if the player is 15str

Anytime there is an interaction between the players and the game universe, for items in which the DM is not familiar and the fate is far from decided, we call that a "negotiation". Negotiations mean: dice rolls. For example, when their weapon hits their opponents armor, you roll dice. When you check to see if you understand the elvish writings on the cliff face. Good DMs can know enough that rolls are kept to a minimum. For example, they know that Tog knows like 1% of elvish language, and that the words used are not likely any he understands, so doesn't have to roll any dice and can say "You can't understand it". Or they know that the bedbug on the ground has SPEED 0.01 and player's weight and boot is sufficiently large that the outcome is certain: bedbug dies.

At underling level, battle rounds can be easy, take the DAM roll of weapon and cross with a die roll for the AC of opponent: for each element of armor, you get a die of equal value to the AC of that armor piece. If AC value does not have a die, alternate rounding up or down to the next die, depending on luck and player attitude. For example, a fighter with good luck and opposite-aligned opponent with a helmet AC3, gauntlets AC2, chain mail AC6 rolls: 2d4, 1d6. If it is less than the player offensive roll then s/he takes a hit equal to the difference.

  • Fighter: Armor Defense: DEX + LEVEL + AC dice. Edge Weapon Offensive: STR + LEVEL + DAM dice.
  • Negotiator: Banter Defense: INT + LEVEL + luck??? Offensive: CHR + LEVEL + disuasion dice
  • Rogue: Fighting Defense: STR + LEVEL + AC dice. Offensive: ASM + LEVEL + piercing
  • Wizard: Magic Defense: CON + LEVEL + AC dice. Offensive: INT + LEVEL + spell dice.
  • Cleric: Pious Defense: PTY + LEVEL + . Offensive:
  • NPC: Monsters: a

Players should not know beforehand all the skills or spells they receive at higher levels. They should learn through the lore of other player stories (cultivating a gaming culture), or through their effort and favor from the gods (finding books related to it). Player development should be a mix of skills/spells and armors/cloaks. So that a warrior gets their ability from combination of skills + fancy weaponry. Anything else will create an unbalanced character, resulting in problems.

Fighter: Skills: Force (get double damage), Parry (block), Dodge (+DEX (battle only)), Attunement (+PER),, Leaders: skills: Decider, you can make executive decisions and get advantage on dice rolls related to it. Knower of the Way (level 15) gets special information from DM about direction.



Each side has to determine the total Time-Slots for each side, if there are more than two sides, then each group. A party of 4 warriors might have 24 time slots amongst them, and their opponents 30. All time slots get used per round and you calculate the damage done. You can be vague if you don't want to do to much work and do battle based on group vs. group, adding all dice together at once, subtracting all defences and making it easy.

  1. Initiative starts, first to initiate we'll call P1, second P2, etc.

Determine 1st strike (PER check), first strike call P1, second P2, etc.

  1. P1 makes offensive move, calculates results:
    1. P1 checks for HIT
    2. P1 calculates DAM if hit.
  2. P2 makes offensive move, calculates results:
    1. P2 checks for HIT
    2. P2 calculates DAM if hit.
  3. PER can modify events depending on set-up time. A spell which isn't known well or a weapon which has to be swung by a weaker player, for example, can lose if their combatant's PER interrupts during the process (these were called saving throws).

The DM can declare a MISS if the Player takes too long (to encourage players to pay attention). Alternatively, player character may be stressed (stunned, surprised, bedazzled), depressed, weak from hunger and choose to finesse how that modifies HIT and DAM amounts.

DAM calculated by (HIT & DMG are magical modifiers independent):

  • fighters: Fighter: STR/20*LVL/5*weapondice == [(STR * LVL) / 100] * weapondice -- fractions round down to next lower integer; modifier: DEX; special effect: crits

STR+weapon+LVL (must subtract relevant opponent AC)

  • magic-users: Mage: (INT * LVL) /100 * (MANAused * spelldam); modifiers: PER (alignment with gods?) + LVL; MANA used * spell dmg/100 mana + LVL: special-effect: mana expended
  • healers : PTY * LVL /100 * clericeffect ;modifier: STR; weapon; special effect: gods interaction
  • naturists: ASM; XP: special effect: earth karmic additions

DAM based on . DMG = force at strike point (a 1 lb rock on 6' string = 6) weapon weight (in lbs) x piercing ability (1 (hammer) up to x5 (named sword)), and enchantments. Heavier weapons give more damage (DMG = Weight in lbs).

Proficiency in a weapon should be included in damage stat: if you are skilled +2, if you are a newbie -2. If your dmg makes your score go negative, just add it to your opponents on the next round. I.e. consider that your poor strike allows your opponent more damage.

Wield ability based on STR + DEX/2 - weight of weapon.


  1. NPC rolls d(DEX) if avoiding weapon or d(PTY) if avoiding a spell and Player rolls d(DEX) if wielding weapon. This means, roll the closest die that is equal or above the DEX score, and re-roll if you roll something above their DEX. For example, if NPC is DEX:5, then you roll a d6 and re-roll if you hit a 6 (i.e. must be within 1-5), if DEX:16, roll a d20 and re-roll on 17-20. If Player roll > NPC roll, you hit!

DAM: , . STR + LVL + Weapon DMG roll - (Enemy AC) (take disadvantage roll if NPC CON is > player CON). DAM: DAMage: Weight, piercing ability, enchantment. In battle, A needle has d1 damage, a dagger up to 15, while a short sword could give about 30, a greatsword 40-50. bludgeoning: multplle rolls of lower dice 3d6., spells: area spells multiple die

The basic idea of DAM is that it is a combination STR + innate weapon DMG (based on the tool used to strike) +/- (any modifiers from the gods) (could be +HIT weapon enchantment, or concealed DM modifiers) + lvl (up to MAX DMG of weapon) - (any missing score from dominant ability). A weapon can serve up to the level of its maximum damage ability. Beyond that you cannot add any more lvl modifier for use of that weapon, you have to get a greater weapon if you want more wielding power.

Fortitude is the accumulation of serious risks that you’ve survived.