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Coinage is the how players buy and sell things in the game.

There are several types, in order of value: copper, silver, gold, platinum, electrum.

Coinage can take the form of cardboard pieces that can be traded out-of-game between players for equipment or abstractly within the game by having players keep track of their own count. If you use both, you must sum the pieces you've acquired out-of-game and subtract it out from the paper amount. If you want to trade it into the game, you add the amount to your paper count and give the pieces to your DM.

Approximate values of currency to real goods:

  • 1 cp, One pound of wheat
  • 2 cp, One pound of (course) flour
  • 1 sp, One pound of iron
  • 5 sp, One pound of tobacco or copper
  • 10 sp, One pound of Gandalf's pipeweed
  • 1 gp, One pound of cinnamon, or one chicken
  • 2 gp, One pound of ginger or pepper
  • 4 gp, One square yard of linen
  • 5 gp, One pound of salt or silver
  • 10 gp, One square yard of silk, or one goat or pig
  • 15 gp, One pound of saffron or cloves, one sheep
  • 1 pp, 1 ox
  • 50 gp, 5pp, One pound of gold
  • 500 gp,One pound of platinum