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Books, scrolls, and other writings can have a level associated with them. That means if you're not at that level or above, you won't understand them easily.

Characters of the same level can read the writings with an accuracy rate equal to their (INT/20)%. Since the mind can interpolate words of which it doesn't have complete understanding, wizards (and only wizards -- for their specialty is the mind) of the same level but only INT 18 can still understand the writings well-enough to use without error (as long as the writing isn't intentionally obfuscated). That is, at 90% accuracy, their mind can "fill in the gaps" and comprehend the meaning of what was intended.

If they are above the level and their INT is 20, they understand any writings in their own language perfectly (minus any words they may not be familiar with, like gear names for a complex machine when a cleric reads it). Accuracy rates for those above or below the level of the writing: just take the difference in levels and add or subtract it to/from their INT, keeping in range(0,20). So, for example, a level 10 wizard (INT 18) reading a level 20 spellbook, then subtract 10 points from their INT score to get their accuracy (INT 18- 10). Conclusion: they are understanding (8/20)% or 40% -- probably not well enough to be safe. Wizards can add up to 10%, perhaps up to 50% if they are familiar with the subject matter, through extrapolation.