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NuclearHackerSpace Dedicated to promoting Nuclear Transmution of elements from one to another position on the Atomic Chart (Periodic Table)for education and to help assure Liberty for all. Distributing tools to help ensure Liberty is the first goal to be met.
Those wishing to assist may e-mail
My understanding of making web pages has of been enhanced yet. By accident, I have another such:
My web browser is Firefox, my old "send Link" used Outlook Express, which is not now used. A substitute browser worked..and gave me the TACPLlive@at address. TACPL is The Adams County Patriot's League, a newslatter dedicated to stopping the Communist takeover of the United States of America. There are currently 116 issues available to all merely for the asking. Many nuclear devices are included in the issues of TACPL. TACPL is free, as we should be. Albert T. Viar 836 Maine Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 Phone 217-228-3207, e-mail:
Yours in Liberty, Albert T. Viar