Fabriken | |
Status | building |
Country | Sweden |
State or District | Scania |
City | Malmö |
Date of founding | 2011/04/02 |
Last Updated | 2012-07-12 |
Website | http://stpln.se/pa-stpln/fabriken.aspx |
Wiki | http://fabriken.wikispaces.com/ |
http://www.facebook.com/FBRKN | |
http://twitter.com/#!/FBRKN | |
Snail mail |
Size of rooms | 1000m² |
Members | Chris Vighagen |
Location | 55° 36' 42.00" N, 12° 59' 15.16" E |
| |
Fabriken (also known as FBRKN) is a FabLab at STPLN in Malmö. The lab is run in cooperation with 1scale1 and the Medea Collaborative Media Initiative at Malmö University.
The idea of Fabriken is to ferment the development we are already seeing, in which qualified technology is getting smaller and cheaper and thus more widely available. A parallel can be drawn with the development of computer printers, which have in principle placed a print shop in every person's home. The FabLab concept that we have been inspired by is the step between today's mass production and a future where every household has access to the equipment needed to be able to produce customized products.
A successful lab is one that is well-established and has adapted to the place where it was started, and therefore we are expanding Fabriken slowly and in stages. On a smaller scale first, with the opportunity to expand gradually. Here's how:
We provide: - Location and facilities - Machinery and tools
You provide: - Lots of energy and passion to build, create, hack, change and improve - Ideas and projects - Materials
Fabriken has Open Lab every Thursday from 18.00 to around 22.00. If you would like to sit and work with your own projects, we are also open on Tuesdays between 16.00 and 20.00 as well as on Sundays between 12.00 and 16.00. The facilities are also usually open during office hours, but please call and check if you want to be sure.