New Jersey Hackerspace Planning Meeting
NOTE if you're telecommuting we switched rooms. Please use this one: Thank you.
New Jersey Hackerspace Planning Meeting | |
New Jersey Hackerspace Planning Meeting
| |
Type of | Talk |
Start | 2009/07/11 |
Location | |
Venue: | The Fallout Shelter Comics, 27 Bayard st, New Brunswick, NJ (towards the river from George st) |
City: | New Brunswick |
State: | New Jersey |
Country: | United States of America |
The meeting will start at 6:30PM EST
At this meeting we'll take a look at the presentation that the Chaos Computer Club (a hacker org in Germany) uses to guide new hackerspaces, as well as some short videos about other hackerspaces and what projects their members have worked on. We'll also discuss why we think New Jersey, and more specifically New Brunswick is a prime location to set one up, and where we want to go from here.
This is where you will (hopefully) be able to see live video of the meeting and chat with the attendees.
We will also be on #njhackerspace on
For you mindless facebook drones, we also have an event and group set up:
We'll be passing out a questionnaire at the meeting that will look something like this: Questionnaire If you're telecommuting, you can answer the questions and e-mail them to during the meeting.
Some of us will be visiting NYC Resistor, a hackerspace in Brooklyn, after the planning meeting on Saturday. The party in Brooklyn has an open bar. $20 at the door. We'll be leaving from the New Brunswick Train Station at the planning meeting's conclusion. Click this link for more info about the party.