Hackerspace | Hackerspace | Country | State | City | Website | Date of founding | Hackerspace status |
Things Lab | Things Lab | Albania | Tirana | Tirana | | 1 May 2014 | closed |
Open Labs | Open Labs | Albania | | Tirana | https://www.openlabs.cc | 15 June 2012 | active |
Wameedh Scientific Club | Wameedh Scientific Club | Algeria | Boumerdes | Boumerdas | https://wameedhsc.com/ | 1 March 2016 | suspected inactive |
The Hackademy | The Hackademy | Antigua and Barbuda | | St. John's | | | planned |
BAH | BAH | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | http://www.hackerspace.com.ar | 1 April 2010 | suspected inactive |
Bariloche | Bariloche | Argentina | | Bariloche | | | planned |
Herejia | Herejia | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Buenos Aires Province | http://herejia.net/ | 23 November 2012 | closed |
Toylab | Toylab | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | http://toylab.wordpress.com/ | | active |
MatesLab | MatesLab | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Mar del Plata | http://www.mateslab.com.ar | 5 October 2009 | closed |
Cordoba Maker Space | Cordoba Maker Space | Argentina | Córdoba Province, Argentina | La Falda | http://www.cbamakerspace.com/ | 20 August 2011 | suspected inactive |
MDZHack | MDZHack | Argentina | Mendoza | Mendoza | http://github.com/mdzhack | 7 May 2014 | planned |
4-cy3r | 4-cy3r | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | La Plata | | 26 October 2021 | suspected inactive |
Fab Lab Bariloche | Fab Lab Bariloche | Argentina | | Bariloche | https://facebook.com/fablabbrc | 25 August 2015 | active |
Ekoparty hackerspace | Ekoparty hackerspace | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | http://eko.space/ | 15 June 2015 | suspected inactive |
Hackfun | Hackfun | Argentina | Santa Fe | Rosario | https://hackfunrosario.com/ | 30 August 2019 | active |
Hackspace Litoral | Hackspace Litoral | Argentina | Santa Fe | Santa Fe | | 13 October 2013 | suspected inactive |
Hack@PX | Hack@PX | Argentina | | Rosario | http://hacklab.planetax.org.ar/ | | |
RLab | RLab | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | https://rlab.be/ | | active |
La Plata Make | La Plata Make | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | La Plata | http://www.laplatamake.com.ar | 25 November 2015 | closed |
Pandora | Pandora | Argentina | Cordoba | Cordoba | https://web.archive.org/web/20190504012942/http://ctpcordoba.com.ar/ | 10 March 2014 | closed |
Foike | Foike | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | | 2 February 2014 | building |
Garage Lab | Garage Lab | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | https://web.archive.org/web/20160903093902/http://www.garagelab.cc/ | 1 May 2012 | suspected inactive |
Loop Coworking | Loop Coworking | Argentina | CORDOBA | Cordoba | http://loopcoworking.org/ | 1 November 2013 | closed |
HackLab Barracas | HackLab Barracas | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Buenos Aires Province | http://wiki.hackcoop.com.ar | 10 September 2011 | |
Iterate hackerspace | Iterate hackerspace | Armenia | Yerevan | Yerevan | http://iteratehackerspace.com (Inactive) | 8 September 2016 | closed |
Hacker Embassy | Hacker Embassy | Armenia | | Yerevan | https://hackem.cc/ | 10 May 2022 | active |
The Battery Shed | The Battery Shed | Australia | Tasmania | Launceston | http://www.innovationcircle.com.au | 1 July 2014 | closed |
Connected Community | Connected Community | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://www.hackmelbourne.org/ | 1 March 2009 | active |
Robots and Dinosaurs | Robots and Dinosaurs | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | http://robodino.org/ | 29 June 2009 | active |
Southwest HackerSpace | Southwest HackerSpace | Australia | Western Australia | Bunbury | | 21 July 2009 | planned |
Coffs Hacker Space | Coffs Hacker Space | Australia | New South Wales | Coffs Harbour | https://www.coffshackerspace.org | 1 January 2018 | active |
SparkCC | SparkCC | Australia | New South Wales | Gosford | http://www.sparkcc.org/ | 7 January 2015 | suspected inactive |
ANU Maker Club | ANU Maker Club | Australia | Australian Capital Territory | Canberra | http://anumaker.club | 9 April 2015 | active |
Make-Create | Make-Create | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://make-create.org/ | 10 December 2013 | suspected inactive |
Creative Technology Hub | Creative Technology Hub | Australia | Victoria | Williamstown, Victoria | https://libraries.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/creative-tech-hub | 25 October 2019 | suspected inactive |
Hobart Makers | Hobart Makers | Australia | Tasmania | Hobart | http://hobartmakers.com | 21 January 2017 | active |
Ballarat Hackerspace | Ballarat Hackerspace | Australia | Victoria | Ballarat | https://ballarathackerspace.org.au | 13 November 2013 | active |
Lismore Makers | Lismore Makers | Australia | New South Wales | Lismore | | 1 December 2018 | suspected inactive |
Hamilton Hackerspace | Hamilton Hackerspace | Australia | Victoria | Hamilton | | 25 June 2015 | suspected inactive |
South West Makers | South West Makers | Australia | Western Australia | Bunbury | http://www.swmakers.org | 1 January 2013 | planned |
Connected Community HackerSpace | Connected Community HackerSpace | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://www.hackmelbourne.org/ | 1 January 2012 | active |
Makerspaces Mackay, Inc. | Makerspaces Mackay, Inc. | Australia | Queensland | Mackay, Queensland | http://www.msmky.org/ | 19 January 2015 | active |
Hacker space qld | Hacker space qld | Australia | Queensland | Bundaberg | http://www.hsqld.org | 28 June 2013 | building |
Hobart Hackerspace Inc. | Hobart Hackerspace Inc. | Australia | Tasmania | Hobart | http://www.hobarthackerspace.org.au/ | 21 November 2012 | active |
FAB9 | FAB9 | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | https://fab9.com.au/ | 1 August 2018 | building |
Creative Geelong Makers Hub | Creative Geelong Makers Hub | Australia | Victoria | Geelong | http://www.creativegeelong.com.au/spaces.html | 20 September 2017 | suspected inactive |
Falcon eLibrary FabLab | Falcon eLibrary FabLab | Australia | Western Australia | Mandurah | | 1 December 2015 | planned |
Makerspace Newcastle, by Core Electronics | Makerspace Newcastle, by Core Electronics | Australia | New South Wales | Adamstown, New South Wales | https://www.makerspacenewcastle.com.au/ | 4 January 2016 | suspected inactive |
HS Ipswich | HS Ipswich | Australia | Queensland | Ipswich | http://www.hsipswich.org.au | 21 November 2016 | suspected inactive |
DMZ Sydney | DMZ Sydney | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | | 1 May 2014 | planned |
Gold Coast TechSpace | Gold Coast TechSpace | Australia | Queensland | Mudgeeraba, Gold Coast | http://gctechspace.org | 13 July 2010 | suspected inactive |
Hack This Co-op Ltd. Toowoomba QLD | Hack This Co-op Ltd. Toowoomba QLD | Australia | Queensland | Toowoomba | | 6 April 2013 | suspected inactive |
West Coast Makers | West Coast Makers | Australia | Western Australia | Perth | http://westcoastmakers.com | 26 October 2012 | closed |
Miss Despoinas Hackspace | Miss Despoinas Hackspace | Australia | Tasmania | Hobart | http://miss-hack.org | 1 April 2008 | active |
Autoluminescence.institute | Autoluminescence.institute | Australia | Tasmania | Bonnet Hill | https://www.autoluminescence.institute/ | 19 May 2023 | reformatting |
OzBerryPi | OzBerryPi | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | http://www.ozberrypi.org/ | 21 July 2012 | closed |
Geelong ARC Hackerspace | Geelong ARC Hackerspace | Australia | Victoria | Geelong | | 15 November 2011 | building |
Eastern Suburbs Hackers Group | Eastern Suburbs Hackers Group | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://easthack.com/ | 29 June 2014 | active |
University of Newcastle Makerspace | University of Newcastle Makerspace | Australia | New South Wales | Newcastle | http://makerspace.newcastlelug.org | 20 January 2012 | closed |
Toowoomba Hackerspace | Toowoomba Hackerspace | Australia | Queensland | Toowoomba | | 12 April 2013 | reformatting |
StartupCloud Hackerspace | StartupCloud Hackerspace | Australia | Victoria | Geelong | http://startupcloud.com.au/ | 5 December 2013 | closed |
Northern Suburbs Maker Space | Northern Suburbs Maker Space | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://northernmakers.org/ | | planned |
MakeHackVoid | MakeHackVoid | Australia | Australian Capital Territory | Canberra | https://makehackvoid.com/ | 27 November 2009 | suspected inactive |
Caboolture | Caboolture | Australia | Queensland | Caboolture | | 19 June 2012 | suspected inactive |
Hackerspace Townsville | Hackerspace Townsville | Australia | Queensland | Townsville | | 27 May 2010 | closed |
Newcastle Public Makerspace | Newcastle Public Makerspace | Australia | New South Wales | Newcastle | http://newcastlemakerspace.org | 1 April 2009 | active |
East Gippsland Makerspace | East Gippsland Makerspace | Australia | Victoria | Bairnsdale | http://www.egmakerspace.org | 14 November 2011 | closed |
Brisbane Makerspace | Brisbane Makerspace | Australia | Queensland | Brisbane | https://brisbanemaker.space | 1 November 2021 | active |
HackerSpace Adelaide | HackerSpace Adelaide | Australia | South Australia | Adelaide | http://www.hackerspace-adelaide.org.au/ | 30 January 2010 | active |
Artifactory | Artifactory | Australia | Western Australia | Perth | https://artifactory.org.au | 30 March 2009 | active |
Dubbo Hackerspace | Dubbo Hackerspace | Australia | New South Wales | Dubbo | | 1 June 2011 | planned |
HSBNE | HSBNE | Australia | Queensland | Brisbane | https://hsbne.org | 30 March 2009 | active |
Makaz Place | Makaz Place | Australia | Queensland | Cairns | http://makazplace.com | 15 November 2015 | planned |
RoboDojo | RoboDojo | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | https://groups.google.com/d/forum/robodojo | 5 March 2012 | suspected inactive |
Woodford | Woodford | Australia | Queensland | Woodford | | | planned |
Metalab | Metalab | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | https://metalab.at/ | 1 April 2006 | active |
Otelo Linz | Otelo Linz | Austria | Upper Austria | Linz | http://otelolinz.at/ | 1 January 2016 | active |
Mz Baltazar's Laboratory | Mz Baltazar's Laboratory | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | http://www.mzbaltazarslaboratory.org | 1 January 2008 | suspected inactive |
Pannonian Laboratories | Pannonian Laboratories | Austria | Burgenland | Eisenstadt | http://www.panlab.at | | active |
Hand.Werk.Stadt | Hand.Werk.Stadt | Austria | Lower Austria | Mödling | https://handwerkstadt.org | 10 March 2014 | active |
Realraum | Realraum | Austria | Styria | Graz | https://realraum.at/ | 1 March 2007 | active |
Zeitsparwerk | Zeitsparwerk | Austria | Tyrol | Wörgl | http://www.zeitsparwerk.org/ | 1 April 2009 | closed |
Chaostreff Salzburg | Chaostreff Salzburg | Austria | Salzburg | Salzburg | https://sbg.chaostreff.at | 15 December 2011 | active |
Machquadrat | Machquadrat | Austria | Styria | Gleisdorf | https://www.machquadrat.org | 1 March 2019 | suspected inactive |
HappyLab | HappyLab | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | http://www.happylab.at/ | 7 October 2006 | active |
Segmentation Vault | Segmentation Vault | Austria | Lower Austria | Sankt Pölten | https://segvault.space | 13 January 2017 | active |
Otelo Gmunden | Otelo Gmunden | Austria | Upper Austria | Gmunden | http://www.otelo.or.at/werknetz/nodes/#c252 | | closed |
OpenLandLAB | OpenLandLAB | Austria | Burgenland | Kirchfidisch | http://www.openlandlab.org | 1 November 2014 | active |
Chaos Cafe | Chaos Cafe | Austria | Salzburg | Salzburg | | 6 June 2021 | building |
Skonk Worx | Skonk Worx | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | https://www.skonkworx.eu/ | 6 April 2018 | closed |
Maker Austria | Maker Austria | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | http://www.makeraustria.at | 1 September 2014 | active |
IT-Syndikat | IT-Syndikat | Austria | Tyrol | Innsbruck | https://it-syndikat.org/ | 10 October 2010 | active |
Computerclub Unterland | Computerclub Unterland | Austria | Tyrol | Wörgl | https://computerpool.at/ | 1 July 1985 | suspected inactive |
Endstation | Endstation | Austria | Burgenland | | http://endstation.cc | | planned |
Usr/space | Usr/space | Austria | Lower Austria | Leobersdorf | https://www.usrspace.at | 1 May 2017 | active |
Polymath Villach | Polymath Villach | Austria | Carinthia | Villach | https://polymathvillach.webflow.io/ | | building |
Mutterschiff | Mutterschiff | Austria | Vorarlberg | Dornbirn | http://mutterschiff.at/ | 30 June 2017 | active |
CCC Salzburg | CCC Salzburg | Austria | Salzburg | Salzburg | https://cccsbg.at/ | 15 December 2011 | active |
SegFaultDragons | SegFaultDragons | Austria | Burgenland | Grosshoeflein | http://segfaultdragons.net | 27 December 2022 | building |
Vienna OpenLab | Vienna OpenLab | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | http://www.viennaopenlab.at/ | 23 May 2006 | active |
DevLoL | DevLoL | Austria | Upper Austria | Linz | https://devlol.org | 18 October 2012 | active |
Openlab Vorarlberg | Openlab Vorarlberg | Austria | Vorarlberg | Klaus in Vorarlberg | http://open-lab.at/ | 1 April 2017 | active |
Chaostreff Klaus | Chaostreff Klaus | Austria | Vorarlberg | Klaus, Vorarlberg | https://open-lab.at/ | September 2021 | active |
Makerspace Azerbaijan | Makerspace Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan | Absheron | Baku | https://makerspace.az/ | 16 August 2021 | active |
GOYS MakerSpace | GOYS MakerSpace | Bahrain | Umm Al Hassam | Manama | | 1 March 2010 | unknown |
TRONIC EDGE | TRONIC EDGE | Bahrain | | Aali | http://www.c4-i.net | | active |
Dhakaspace | Dhakaspace | Bangladesh | Dhaka District | Dhaka | | 1 January 2010 | building |
HackerSpace Bangladesh | HackerSpace Bangladesh | Bangladesh | Dhaka District | Dhaka | | 12 December 2016 | suspected inactive |
LinuxNetowork | LinuxNetowork | Bangladesh | Dhaka | Baridhara | https://linuxnetwork.org | 6 June 2021 | active |
Roms Tech | Roms Tech | Bangladesh | Dhaka | Savar | | 31 December 2019 | building |
Hackerspace@Chittagong | Hackerspace@Chittagong | Bangladesh | | Chittagong | | 26 March 2011 | planned |
Hackerspace Minsk Malino | Hackerspace Minsk Malino | Belarus | Minsk | Minsk | https://hackerspace.by | March 2019 | closed |
Stolbcy Hackerspace | Stolbcy Hackerspace | Belarus | Minsk region | Stolbcy | https://vk.com/spacest | | planned |
Hackerspace Minsk | Hackerspace Minsk | Belarus | | Minsk | http://hackerspace.by/ | 11 February 2012 | active |
ZenSecurity | ZenSecurity | Belarus | Minsk | Minsk | http://zensecurity.su | 1 January 2013 | closed |
Varenberg's evil playground | Varenberg's evil playground | Belgium | Antwerp | Mechelen | | 19 October 2010 | planned |
Ice hackerspace | Ice hackerspace | Belgium | Liège | Liege | | 1 April 2012 | suspected inactive |
Localhost | Localhost | Belgium | Antwerp | Turnhout | http://www.127001.be | 4 August 2012 | building |
FabLab-Leuven | FabLab-Leuven | Belgium | Vlaams-Brabant | Leuven | http://www.fablab-leuven.be/ | | active |
Ko-Lab | Ko-Lab | Belgium | | Mechelen | http://www.ko-lab.space | 2 September 2015 | suspected inactive |
Wolfplex Hackerspace | Wolfplex Hackerspace | Belgium | Hainaut | Charleroi | http://www.wolfplex.be | 20 May 2010 | building |
District Three | District Three | Belgium | Antwerp Province | Lier, Belgium | https://www.districtthree.be | 1 June 2018 | active |
Hacklab.Brussels | Hacklab.Brussels | Belgium | Brussels | Schaerbeek | https://hacklab.brussels/ | 21 June 2018 | suspected inactive |
UrLab | UrLab | Belgium | Brussels | Brussels | https://urlab.be/ | 29 March 2012 | active |
Quixotic Lab | Quixotic Lab | Belgium | West Flanders | Bruges | http://www.qyat.be | 15 July 2012 | closed |
VoidWarranties | VoidWarranties | Belgium | Antwerp Province | Deurne, Belgium | https://we.voidwarranties.be | 1 March 2010 | active |
FoAM | FoAM | Belgium | | Brussels | http://fo.am | 1 July 2000 | active |
G-Hive | G-Hive | Belgium | Brussels | Brussels | http://www.g-hive.org | 1 February 2013 | planned |
Brixel | Brixel | Belgium | Limburg | Hasselt | http://www.brixel.be | 19 November 2012 | active |
Hackerspace Bruges | Hackerspace Bruges | Belgium | West Flanders | Bruges | | | planned |
Hackerspace Gent | Hackerspace Gent | Belgium | Oost-Vlaanderen | Ghent | https://hackerspace.gent/ | 6 October 2009 | active |
MicroFactory | MicroFactory | Belgium | Brussels | Brussels | http://microfactory.be/ | 1 April 2011 | suspected inactive |
BUDA::lab | BUDA::lab | Belgium | | Kortrijk | http://www.budalab.be | 1 January 2013 | active |
Brainstorm | Brainstorm | Belgium | | Brasschaat | http://www.brainstorm-vzw.be | 27 July 2013 | closed |
Open Garage | Open Garage | Belgium | Antwerp Province | Schilde | http://opengarage.org | 29 November 2011 | active |
Hackerspace Brussels | Hackerspace Brussels | Belgium | Brussels | Brussels | https://hsbxl.be | 14 October 2008 | active |
Walkingrobot | Walkingrobot | Belgium | Antwerp | Deurne, Belgium | http://lab.walkingrobot.be | 10 December 2015 | closed |
Realize | Realize | Belgium | Brussels | Brussels | http://www.realizeBXL.be | 1 April 2012 | closed |
BHackspace | BHackspace | Belgium | Luxembourg | Bastogne | http://www.bhackspace.be | 19 October 2011 | closed |
Eco-Fab-Lab | Eco-Fab-Lab | Belgium | | Bruges | http://www.facebook.com/ecofablab | 9 September 2013 | suspected inactive |
Incubhacker | Incubhacker | Belgium | Namur Province | Namur | http://www.incubhacker.be/ | 8 February 2013 | active |
Carbon hackerspace | Carbon hackerspace | Belgium | Limburg | Houthalen | | 12 September 2014 | active |
Instantcity | Instantcity | Belgium | | Brussels | https://harbour.instantcity.be | 1 April 2018 | closed |
Liege Hackerspace | Liege Hackerspace | Belgium | Liege | Liege | https://lghs.be | 28 February 2016 | active |
P'yŏngyang Hackerspace | P'yŏngyang Hackerspace | Best Korea | P'yŏngyang | P'yŏngyang | http://pyongyanghackerspace.org | 15 April 1946 | closed |
R00thouse | R00thouse | Bolivia | La Paz | La Paz | https://www.hacklab.org.bo | 15 January 2010 | active |
HackLAB | HackLAB | Bosnia and Herzegovina | | Visoko | http://hacklab.hk | 13 November 2011 | planned |
Makerspace@Burch | Makerspace@Burch | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo | http://innovation.ibu.edu.ba | 14 December 2011 | suspected inactive |
Hackerspace Sarajevo | Hackerspace Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina | | | | 23 October 2014 | closed |
7elektron | 7elektron | Brazil | Minas Gerais | Belo Horizonte | http://www.7elektron.com.br | 1 October 2012 | planned |
Base 12 | Base 12 | Brazil | São Paulo | Sorocaba | http://base12.com.br | 12 May 2018 | active |
Raul Hacker Club | Raul Hacker Club | Brazil | Bahia | Salvador, Bahia | http://raulhc.cc | 29 March 2013 | active |
Evoino Lab | Evoino Lab | Brazil | Mato Grosso | Cuiabá | http://www.usecoworking.com.br | 5 February 2012 | suspected inactive |
Kamasary Hacker Clube | Kamasary Hacker Clube | Brazil | Bahia | Camaçari | | 4 September 2018 | building |
KackLab Sorocaba | KackLab Sorocaba | Brazil | São Paulo | Sorocaba | http://hacklab.club/ | 7 August 2014 | suspected inactive |
Cuiabá Hackerspace | Cuiabá Hackerspace | Brazil | Mato Grosso | Cuiabá | https://cuiaba-hackerspace.github.io/ | 1 October 2022 | planned |
BugHackers Hackerspace | BugHackers Hackerspace | Brazil | Amazonas | Manaus | http://bughackers.org | 25 November 2013 | suspected inactive |
Teresinahc | Teresinahc | Brazil | Piaui | Teresina | | 25 May 2014 | suspected inactive |
HackerspaceRio | HackerspaceRio | Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro | http://groups.google.com/group/hackerspace-rio | 1 July 2011 | planned |
Hackerspace Sanca | Hackerspace Sanca | Brazil | São Paulo | São Carlos | | 9 June 2018 | building |
Laboratório Hacker de Campinas | Laboratório Hacker de Campinas | Brazil | São Paulo | Campinas | http://lhc.net.br/ | 12 October 2011 | active |
Hackerspace Chapecó | Hackerspace Chapecó | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Chapecó | | 22 July 2013 | planned |
Fundacao.cc | Fundacao.cc | Brazil | São Paulo | São Paulo | http://www.fundacao.cc | 1 January 32202 | unknown |
Bug Hackers | Bug Hackers | Brazil | Amazonas | Manaus | | 26 February 2014 | building |
Intellecta | Intellecta | Brazil | São Paulo | São Paulo | http://www.intellecta.com.br | 3 January 2011 | closed |
HackerspaceSC | HackerspaceSC | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Blumenau | http://hackerspacesc.tumblr.com/ | 17 July 2011 | planned |
3drevolution | 3drevolution | Brazil | São Paulo | São Paulo | http://www.3drevolution.com.br | 10 January 2014 | planned |
Freesecurity.com.br | Freesecurity.com.br | Brazil | São Paulo | Ipuã | https://www.freesecurity.com.br/ | 1 May 2019 | planned |
Little London Hackerspace | Little London Hackerspace | Brazil | Paraná | Londrina | | 29 January 2013 | planned |
Dumont Hackerspace | Dumont Hackerspace | Brazil | | | | 7 May 2014 | active |
Caravela Hackerclub | Caravela Hackerclub | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Florianópolis | https://caravela.ufsc.br | 7 September 2017 | suspected inactive |
Pixa Hacker Clube | Pixa Hacker Clube | Brazil | Espirito Santo | Vitoria | http://pixahc.com.br | 18 March 2015 | closed |
The Hacking Crew | The Hacking Crew | Brazil | Piaui | Teresina | | 2 October 2012 | planned |
Hackerspace-santacruzdosul | Hackerspace-santacruzdosul | Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | Santa Cruz do Sul | | 18 April 2014 | building |
Fabrica de Ideias | Fabrica de Ideias | Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | Porto Alegre | http://www.fabricadeideiascw.com.br/startups/hackerspace/ | 12 April 2014 | closed |
Conexao coworking | Conexao coworking | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Balneario camboriu | http://www.conexaocoworking.com.br | 11 November 2012 | planned |
CG Hackspace | CG Hackspace | Brazil | Paraíba | Campina Grande | http://cghackspace.org | 9 October 2011 | closed |
INTELLECTX TECNOLOGIA | INTELLECTX TECNOLOGIA | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Balneário Camboriú | https://intellectx.com.br/ | 1 January 2018 | active |
HackerSpace Blumenau | HackerSpace Blumenau | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Blumenau | https://www.hackerspaceblumenau.org | 12 March 2016 | suspected inactive |
Hacker fun | Hacker fun | Brazil | | Recife | | 30 July 2012 | building |
Oeste Hacker Club | Oeste Hacker Club | Brazil | São Paulo | Bauru | http://www.oestehc.com.br/ | | planned |
Londrina | Londrina | Brazil | Paraná | Londrina | | 28 May 2013 | planned |
Jaraqui Hackerspace | Jaraqui Hackerspace | Brazil | Amazonas | Manaus | | 16 February 2014 | planned |
Área 21 hacker clube | Área 21 hacker clube | Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro | http://area21.rio/ | 1 October 2016 | closed |
HackerSpace Maringá | HackerSpace Maringá | Brazil | Paraná | Maringá | | 5 October 2013 | suspected inactive |
Estação H4ck3r | Estação H4ck3r | Brazil | | | http://estacaohacker.com.br/ | 27 November 2011 | planned |
Triangulo Hackerspace | Triangulo Hackerspace | Brazil | Minas Gerais | Uberlandia | http://www.triangulohackerspace.net.br/ | 17 February 2013 | closed |
Black Labs | Black Labs | Brazil | São Paulo | São Paulo | https://blacklabs.cc | 20 November 2018 | building |
Hacklab pipa | Hacklab pipa | Brazil | Rio Grande do Norte | Tibau do Sul, Pipa | | 1 July 2015 | suspected inactive |
Calango hacker clube | Calango hacker clube | Brazil | Federal District | Brasilia | http://www.calango.club | 15 June 2015 | active |
Spacepirate | Spacepirate | Brazil | Bahia | Salvador, Bahia | | 1 April 2014 | unknown |
Chakhal Hacker Club | Chakhal Hacker Club | Brazil | São Paulo | Bauru | http://www.chakhal.com.br | | planned |
SJC Hacker Clube | SJC Hacker Clube | Brazil | São Paulo | São José dos Campos | http://www.sjchackerclube.com.br/ | 13 August 2011 | closed |
XAP-Hacks | XAP-Hacks | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Chapecó | http://xap-hacks.org/ | 9 August 2013 | suspected inactive |
0xe Hacker Club | 0xe Hacker Club | Brazil | Alagoas | Maceió | | 1 January 2017 | suspected inactive |
WeekendTinkers | WeekendTinkers | Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro | http://www.weekendtinkers.net | 31 October 2009 | closed |
ForHacker | ForHacker | Brazil | Ceará | Fortaleza | http://www.forhackerspace.org | 12 April 2014 | closed |
Marialab | Marialab | Brazil | São Paulo (state) | São Paulo | https://marialab.org/ | 23 March 2014 | active |
APT Data Dungeon | APT Data Dungeon | Brazil | Paraíba | João Pessoa | https://datadungeon.skate.fan | 19 January 2024 | active |
HCA51 - FZEA/USP | HCA51 - FZEA/USP | Brazil | São Paulo | Pirassununga | | 1 June 2016 | suspected inactive |
Hackerspace Londrina | Hackerspace Londrina | Brazil | Paraná | Londrina | | 19 August 2014 | suspected inactive |
Patolivre | Patolivre | Brazil | Paraná | Pato Branco | | | planned |
Area31 | Area31 | Brazil | Minas Gerais | Belo Horizonte | http://www.area31.net.br | 29 April 2013 | suspected inactive |
Baia Hacker | Baia Hacker | Brazil | São Paulo | Itu | https://baiahacker.space/ | 21 January 2015 | reformatting |
Pequi Tech HackerSpace | Pequi Tech HackerSpace | Brazil | Goias | Goiania | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pequi-tech-hakcerspace | 4 October 2014 | planned |
HackLab Itajaí | HackLab Itajaí | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Itajaí | http://hacklabitajai.org | 15 March 2013 | building |
Hackerspace Jaragua | Hackerspace Jaragua | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Jaraguá do Sul | http://www.hackerspacejaragua.blogspot.com | 5 January 2012 | suspected inactive |
Matehackers | Matehackers | Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | Porto Alegre | http://matehackers.org | | active |
Garoa Hacker Clube | Garoa Hacker Clube | Brazil | | São Paulo | http://garoa.net.br | 28 August 2010 | active |
Club Hacker JP | Club Hacker JP | Brazil | Paraíba | João Pessoa | | 14 September 2012 | suspected inactive |
HackoonSpace | HackoonSpace | Brazil | São Paulo | Sorocaba | https://hackoonspace.com/ | 31 August 2018 | active |
Hackerspace IFUSP | Hackerspace IFUSP | Brazil | São Paulo | São Paulo | https://mestre.if.usp.br/~hackersp/ | 19 June 2018 | active |
Hacklab Independência | Hacklab Independência | Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | Porto Alegre | http://www.hi.ato.br | | building |
Engenho Maker | Engenho Maker | Brazil | São Paulo | São Paulo | http://www.engenhomaker.com.br | 2 May 2016 | closed |
Laboratório TransformARTE | Laboratório TransformARTE | Brazil | Parana | Medianeira | | 1 July 2014 | suspected inactive |
LabHacker Câmara dos Deputados | LabHacker Câmara dos Deputados | Brazil | Distrito Federal | Brasília | | 1 January 2014 | active |
Tesla Hacker Lab | Tesla Hacker Lab | Brazil | Pará | Belém | | 12 January 2012 | closed |
Triangulo | Triangulo | Brazil | Minas Gerais | Uberlandia | http://www.triangulohackerspace.net.br | 1 January 2013 | building |
Inorama | Inorama | Brazil | Espírito Santo | Vitória | http://inorama.com.br | 15 December 2017 | closed |
42 HackerSpace | 42 HackerSpace | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Florianópolis | http://42hs.org | 4 August 2015 | building |
Hackerspace Natal | Hackerspace Natal | Brazil | Rio Grande do Norte | Natal | | 14 June 2013 | suspected inactive |
Moqueca Hacker Clube | Moqueca Hacker Clube | Brazil | ES | Vitoria | | 1 August 2012 | building |
Hackerspace-sobral | Hackerspace-sobral | Brazil | Ceará | Sobral | http://groups.google.com/group/hackerspace-sobral. | 1 February 2015 | planned |
Mandacaru Hackerspace | Mandacaru Hackerspace | Brazil | Bahia | Feira de Santana | http://mandacaruhs.com.br/ | 1 August 2016 | suspected inactive |
Jerimum HackerSpace | Jerimum HackerSpace | Brazil | Rio Grande do Norte | Natal | http://jerimumhacker.space | 6 May 2013 | active |
Tarrafa Hacker Clube | Tarrafa Hacker Clube | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Florianópolis | http://tarrafa.net | 25 May 2013 | suspected inactive |
Arduino-brasilia | Arduino-brasilia | Brazil | DF | Brasilia | http://groups.google.com/group/arduino-brasilia | 10 July 2010 | planned |
ABC Makerspace | ABC Makerspace | Brazil | São Paulo | São Bernardo do Campo | | 1 August 2014 | active |
Concas Hackerspace | Concas Hackerspace | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Concórdia | http://concas-hacks.org/ | 10 July 2013 | suspected inactive |
Kernel 40º HackerClub | Kernel 40º HackerClub | Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro | | 1 March 2013 | closed |
Laboratório Hacker | Laboratório Hacker | Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | Santiago | http://laboratoriohacker.org/ | 1 November 2014 | suspected inactive |
HackerGru | HackerGru | Brazil | São Paulo | Guarulhos | | 8 February 2013 | planned |
Manguehack | Manguehack | Brazil | Pernambuco | Recife | | 13 February 2013 | building |
ImperatriX | ImperatriX | Brazil | Maranhão | Imperatriz | https://www.facebook.com/groups/hackerspaceitz/ | 30 September 2013 | building |
Carioca HackerSpace | Carioca HackerSpace | Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro | http://www.cariocahackerspace.com.br | 18 July 2016 | closed |
Rondônia Hacker Space | Rondônia Hacker Space | Brazil | Rondônia | Santa Luzia d'Oeste | http://rondoniahacker.tk | 25 February 2015 | planned |
Garagemhacker | Garagemhacker | Brazil | Paraná | Curitiba | http://garagemhacker.org | 14 November 2012 | suspected inactive |
Mirako concept | Mirako concept | Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro | http://www.mirako.org | 17 January 2010 | closed |
VarnaLab | VarnaLab | Bulgaria | Varna | Varna | https://www.varnalab.org/ | 15 June 2011 | active |
/dev/null | /dev/null | Bulgaria | Veliko Turnovo | Veliko Turnovo | | 11 August 2013 | building |
Startup Factory | Startup Factory | Bulgaria | Ruse | Ruse | http://startupfactory.bg | | active |
Init Lab | Init Lab | Bulgaria | Sofia | Sofia | https://initlab.org | 14 January 2009 | active |
OpenBGLab | OpenBGLab | Bulgaria | Plovdiv | Plovdiv | http://openbglab.org | 28 November 2011 | closed |
Hackube | Hackube | Bulgaria | Veliko Tarnovo | Veliko Tarnovo | | 1 May 2014 | building |
BurgasLab | BurgasLab | Bulgaria | Burgas | Burgas | http://burgaslab.org | 5 December 2012 | closed |
Hackafe | Hackafe | Bulgaria | | Plovdiv | | 30 May 2013 | active |
Central Alberta Maker Space | Central Alberta Maker Space | CANADA | Alberta | Red Deer | | 1 May 2016 | building |
HackerSpacePP | HackerSpacePP | Cambodia | Phnom Penh | Phnom Penh | http://www.hackerspacepp.org/ | 23 December 2010 | closed |
ARC Hub PNH | ARC Hub PNH | Cambodia | Phnom Penh | Phnom Penh | http://www.archubpnh.com | 1 November 2013 | suspected inactive |
CoLAB Cambodia | CoLAB Cambodia | Cambodia | | Phnom Penh | http://colab-cambodia.com/ | | closed |
MboaLab | MboaLab | Cameroon | Centre | Yaounde | https://www.mboalab.africa/ | 1 December 2017 | active |
ActivSpaces | ActivSpaces | Cameroon | Southwest Region (Cameroon) | Buea | http://activspaces.com/ | | active |
MakerLabs | MakerLabs | Canada | British Columbia | Vancouver | https://www.makerlabs.com | 1 April 2014 | active |
Kamloopsmakerspace | Kamloopsmakerspace | Canada | British Columbia | Kamloops | http://kamloopsmakerspace.com/ | 26 January 2015 | active |
HCo Hackerspace | HCo Hackerspace | Canada | Ontario | Goderich, Ontario | | | planned |
ThinkHaus | ThinkHaus | Canada | Ontario | Hamilton | http://www.thinkhaus.org | 2 June 2009 | closed |
Québec 3d printing Community | Québec 3d printing Community | Canada | Quebec | | | 15 February 2013 | planned |
Studio ponnuki | Studio ponnuki | Canada | British Columbia | Riondel | https://ponnuki.net | 1 July 2013 | building |
Maker Cube | Maker Cube | Canada | British Columbia | Langley, British Columbia (city) | https://makercube.ca | 1 June 2015 | active |
Icewire Makerspace | Icewire Makerspace | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://make.icewire.ca | 15 August 2014 | closed |
CrashBang Labs | CrashBang Labs | Canada | Saskatchewan | Regina | http://crashbanglabs.org/ | 1 June 2012 | closed |
Maker Kids | Maker Kids | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://www.makerkids.ca | 19 April 2012 | active |
UnLab | UnLab | Canada | Ontario | London | http://unlab.ca | 13 July 2010 | closed |
Halifax Maker Space | Halifax Maker Space | Canada | Nova Scotia | Halifax | http://halifaxmakerspace.org/ | 6 August 2012 | active |
Ylab | Ylab | Canada | Ontario | Richmond Hill, Ontario | http://ylab.ca | 1 December 2015 | active |
KwartzLab | KwartzLab | Canada | Ontario | Kitchener | http://www.kwartzlab.ca | 9 July 2009 | active |
Meta Makers Co-operative | Meta Makers Co-operative | Canada | Ontario | Windsor | https://www.metamakers.org | 25 April 2019 | active |
AssentWorks | AssentWorks | Canada | Manitoba | Winnipeg | http://www.assentworks.ca/ | 1 September 2011 | closed |
SimCoLab | SimCoLab | Canada | Ontario | Barrie | http://simcolab.org/ | 15 September 2013 | building |
Makerspace YK | Makerspace YK | Canada | Northwest Territories | Yellowknife | https://www.makerspaceyk.com/ | 9 March 2019 | active |
Le Hackersoace de la Chambre Blanche | Le Hackersoace de la Chambre Blanche | Canada | Quebec | Quebec | | 6 March 2013 | active |
Victoria | Victoria | Canada | British Columbia | Victoria | http://www.makerspace.ca | 18 February 2010 | |
Protospace | Protospace | Canada | Alberta | Calgary | http://protospace.ca | 29 May 2009 | active |
SkullSpace | SkullSpace | Canada | Manitoba | Winnipeg | http://www.skullspace.ca/ | 7 December 2010 | active |
Helios Makerspace | Helios Makerspace | Canada | Quebec | Montreal | http://heliosmakerspace.ca/ | 1 December 2013 | suspected inactive |
Quesnel Maker Space | Quesnel Maker Space | Canada | British Columbia | Quesnel, British Columbia | http://www.quesnelmakerspace.org/ | 25 August 2017 | building |
Rebels Makerspace | Rebels Makerspace | Canada | British Columbia | Burnaby | http://www.rebelsmakerspace.com | 1 January 2016 | suspected inactive |
Toronto Hackerspace | Toronto Hackerspace | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | | 4 January 2012 | unknown |
Lawrenceville, QC | Lawrenceville, QC | Canada | Quebec | Lawrenceville, Georgia | | 17 January 2011 | planned |
BRIX Barrie | BRIX Barrie | Canada | Ontario | Barrie | http://brix.work/ | | planned |
The Hax0r Dojo | The Hax0r Dojo | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://www.hax0rdojo.com | 1 October 2012 | building |
Swift space | Swift space | Canada | Saskatchewan | Swift Current | | 1 November 2012 | closed |
Hacklab Laval | Hacklab Laval | Canada | Quebec | Laval | http://hacklablaval.tumblr.com/ | | closed |
Vancouver Community Lab | Vancouver Community Lab | Canada | British Columbia (Unceded Coast Salish Land) | Vancouver | http://www.vancommunitylab.com | 1 April 2010 | suspected inactive |
Cranbrook comunity workshop | Cranbrook comunity workshop | Canada | British Columbia | Cranbrook, British Columbia | http://cbkcw.simdif.com | | planned |
HalifHACKS | HalifHACKS | Canada | Nova Scotia | Halifax | http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/HalifHACKS | 8 August 2009 | closed |
Diyode Guelph | Diyode Guelph | Canada | Ontario | Guelph | http://www.diyode.com | 30 March 2009 | active |
Interaccess electronic media arts centre | Interaccess electronic media arts centre | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://www.interaccess.org/ | 1 July 1983 | active |
VHS | VHS | Canada | British Columbia | Vancouver | http://vanhack.ca | 19 August 2008 | active |
Hackerspace Barrie | Hackerspace Barrie | Canada | Ontario | Barrie | | 24 April 2013 | planned |
ENTS | ENTS | Canada | Alberta | Edmonton | https://ents.ca | 10 May 2009 | active |
DctrlVan | DctrlVan | Canada | British Columbia | Vancouver | https://dctrl.ca | 1 February 2014 | unknown |
HackLab.TO | HackLab.TO | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://hacklab.to | 1 July 2008 | active |
United Greenworks | United Greenworks | Canada | Alberta | Grande Prairie | http://www.unitedgreenworks.com | 17 March 2009 | closed |
Queen's Hacks | Queen's Hacks | Canada | Ontario | Kingston | | 1 September 2011 | suspected inactive |
SherSec | SherSec | Canada | Quebec | Sherbrooke | http://SherSec.io | 11 June 2015 | planned |
Site 3 coLaboratory | Site 3 coLaboratory | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://site3.ca | 4 January 2010 | active |
Nelson Tech Club | Nelson Tech Club | Canada | British Columbia | Nelson | http://www.nelson-tech-club.info | 1 October 2010 | suspected inactive |
Bathurst Hackerspace | Bathurst Hackerspace | Canada | New Brunswick | Bathurst | | 23 April 2010 | closed |
Lethbridge Hackspace | Lethbridge Hackspace | Canada | Alberta | Lethbridge | | | building |
Open to Source Tech Zone | Open to Source Tech Zone | Canada | British Columbia | New Denver | http://opentosource.net | 1 January 2016 | suspected inactive |
Sparq labs: Queen's innovation Connector's Makerspace | Sparq labs: Queen's innovation Connector's Makerspace | Canada | Ontario | Kingston | http://www.sparqlabs.org | 1 May 2013 | closed |
The Virtual Free University Think Tank | The Virtual Free University Think Tank | Canada | British Columbia | Vancouver | http://VirtualFreeu.com | 19 September 1972 | closed |
Windsor Hackforge | Windsor Hackforge | Canada | Ontario | Windsor | http://hackf.org/ | 29 August 2012 | active |
Sensorica | Sensorica | Canada | Quebec | Montreal | https://www.sensorica.co | 11 February 2011 | active |
ProtoShed Community Workshop | ProtoShed Community Workshop | Canada | Newfoundland and Labrador | St. John's | http://protoshed.ca | 20 March 2012 | active |
JAHackS | JAHackS | Canada | Quebec | Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue | | | planned |
Fraser Valley Makerspace | Fraser Valley Makerspace | Canada | British Columbia | Langley, British Columbia (city) | http://fvmakers.com/ | 8 July 2014 | suspected inactive |
Mobile Makerspace | Mobile Makerspace | Canada | British Columbia | Victoria | http://www.mobilemakerspace.com | 20 March 2013 | building |
Ohm Base | Ohm Base | Canada | Ontario | Thunder Bay | http://web.archive.org/web/20181224052029/http://ohmbase.org/ | 1 January 2011 | closed |
HACKingston | HACKingston | Canada | Ontario | Kingston | http://hackingston.wordpress.com/ | 18 August 2010 | closed |
Prince Albert Hackerspace | Prince Albert Hackerspace | Canada | Saskatchewan | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | | 9 December 2017 | planned |
Gibsons Hack Space (GHS) | Gibsons Hack Space (GHS) | Canada | British Columbia | Gibsons | http://GibsonsHackSpace.com | 1 April 2014 | closed |
ThinkAsylum | ThinkAsylum | Canada | Ontario | Napanee | | 7 August 2012 | planned |
STEAMLabs | STEAMLabs | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://steamlabs.ca/ | | building |
Hackfest | Hackfest | Canada | Quebec | Quebec | http://www.hackfest.ca | 1 March 2010 | active |
ETC Makerspace | ETC Makerspace | Canada | Saskatchewan | Saskatoon | http://sites.usask.ca/make/ | 11 January 2016 | closed |
Rothesay | Rothesay | Canada | New Brunswick | Rothesay | | 6 June 2015 | planned |
TekRev Labs | TekRev Labs | Canada | Alberta | Lloydminster | | | planned |
Makerspace Nanaimo | Makerspace Nanaimo | Canada | British Columbia | Nanaimo | https://makerspacenanaimo.org | | active |
MyShop | MyShop | Canada | Ontario | Kitchener | http://myshopmakerspace.com | 5 September 2015 | closed |
Artengine Mod Lab | Artengine Mod Lab | Canada | Ontario | Ottawa | http://artengine.ca/community/modlab-en.php | 7 April 2009 | closed |
Queer Computer Club | Queer Computer Club | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | https://queercomputerclub.ca/ | 1 September 2023 | active |
The Hornby Spark | The Hornby Spark | Canada | British Columbia | Hornby Island | https://hornbyspark.com | 20 November 2016 | active |
Gatineau Sustainable Makerspace | Gatineau Sustainable Makerspace | Canada | Quebec | Gatineau | http://www.meetup.com/Gatineau-Sustainable-Makerspace-Meetup/ | 3 February 2014 | closed |
HubCityLabs | HubCityLabs | Canada | New Brunswick | Moncton | http://hubcitylabs.org | 4 February 2012 | closed |
MyMakerSpace | MyMakerSpace | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | | 12 May 2018 | planned |
Saskatoon TechWorks | Saskatoon TechWorks | Canada | Saskatchewan | Saskatoon | http://www.sktechworks.ca | 14 February 2011 | active |
The Underground Studio MakerSpace | The Underground Studio MakerSpace | Canada | Ontario | Kitchener | http://www.themuseum.ca/exhibition/underground-studio-makerspace | 20 November 2016 | active |
Ultimate Workshop | Ultimate Workshop | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | http://www.ultimateworkshop.ca | | suspected inactive |
MobileMakerspace | MobileMakerspace | Canada | British Columbia | Victoria | http://www.mobilemakerspace.com | 20 March 2013 | building |
Victoria Makerspace | Victoria Makerspace | Canada | British Columbia | Victoria | http://victoria.makerspace.ca/ | 10 September 2010 | active |
FOULAB | FOULAB | Canada | Quebec | Montreal | https://foulab.org/ | 18 July 2008 | active |
Null Hacklab | Null Hacklab | Catalonia | Barcelona | Barcelona | http://www.lagresca.org/ | 15 March 2005 | active |
Alt+Ctrl+Supr | Alt+Ctrl+Supr | Catalonia | Barcelona | Terrassa | http://www.altctrlsupr.net/ | 1 May 2006 | building |
Logout | Logout | Catalonia | Barcelona | Barcelona | https://sindominio.net/logout/web | 18 March 2019 | active |
MegaLabsFree | MegaLabsFree | Catalonia | Province of Tarragona | Calafell | | 15 July 2022 | building |
Don't panic! | Don't panic! | Catalonia | Barcelona | Barcelona | | | closed |
Hs-bcn | Hs-bcn | Catalonia | Barcelona | Barcelona | https://red.artelibredigital.net/pg/groups/9080/hackerspace-barcelona/ | 13 October 2009 | closed |
La Vila del Pingüí | La Vila del Pingüí | Catalonia | Barcelona | Vilanova i la Geltrú | | | closed |
F53Hack | F53Hack | Catalonia | Catalonia | Olot (La Garrotxa) | | 1 January 2013 | closed |
Riereta | Riereta | Catalonia | | Barcelona | http://riereta.org/ | 31 May 2001 | closed |
UdGeeks | UdGeeks | Catalonia | Girona | Girona | http://www.udgeeks.com | 27 October 2011 | building |
Duesaigües Institute of Technology | Duesaigües Institute of Technology | Catalonia | Province of Tarragona | Duesaigües | | 15 August 2021 | building |
Video-transito-local | Video-transito-local | Chile | La victoria | Santiago | https://we.riseup.net/video-transito-local | 1 March 2008 | suspected inactive |
WikicharliE | WikicharliE | Chile | Región Metropolitana | Santiago | http://wikicharlie.cl | 25 February 2014 | active |
Hacklab.cl | Hacklab.cl | Chile | Santiago | Santiago | http://hacklab.cl | | closed |
CHILEBOT | CHILEBOT | Chile | Los Lagos Region | Osorno, Chile | http://www.chilebot.com | 7 November 2011 | suspected inactive |
Robotics-Chile | Robotics-Chile | Chile | Santiago | Santiago | http://www.roboticschile.com | 7 November 2011 | closed |
Hackerspace Santiago | Hackerspace Santiago | Chile | Santiago | Santiago | https://www.hackerspace.cl | 22 August 2023 | active |
KinopioLabs | KinopioLabs | Chile | Arica | Arica | | 26 June 2017 | planned |
Trouble Maker | Trouble Maker | China | Guangdong | Shenzhen | http://www.troublemaker.site | 23 June 2016 | suspected inactive |
Wukong Club | Wukong Club | China | Hubei | Wuhan | http://www.wukongclub.com | 1 May 2014 | closed |
Ks | Ks | China | Jiangsu | Kunshan | | 10 December 2016 | building |
Xinchejian | Xinchejian | China | Shanghai | Shanghai | http://www.xinchejian.com | 1 October 2010 | active |
Zhengzhou Maker Space | Zhengzhou Maker Space | China | Henan | Zhengzhou | http://www.zmaker.cn/ | 3 February 2014 | suspected inactive |
Opensource Makerspace | Opensource Makerspace | China | Guangdong | Shenzhen | http://www.opensourcemakerspace.com | 5 December 2014 | closed |
TechSpace | TechSpace | China | Guangdong | Shenzhen | http://www.techspace.cn | 1 November 2013 | closed |
Chaihuo x.factory | Chaihuo x.factory | China | Shenzhen | Shenzhen | https://www.xfactory.io/ | 14 March 2017 | suspected inactive |
LabZero | LabZero | China | Guangdong | Shenzhen | https://lab0x0.com/ | 1 September 2017 | closed |
Coderbunker | Coderbunker | China | Shanghai | Shanghai | http://coderbunker.com | 1 January 2016 | active |
Dongguanmaker | Dongguanmaker | China | Guangdong | Dongguan | http://304.kechuang.org/?page id=107 | 19 November 2013 | closed |
IChengdu | IChengdu | China | SiChuan | Chengdu | http://www.ichengdu.org | 8 August 2008 | closed |
Tinymake | Tinymake | China | SiChuan | Chengdu | http://www.tinymake.com | 30 May 2013 | closed |
SWJTU Makerspace | SWJTU Makerspace | China | SiChuan | Chengdu | http://maker.swjtu.edu.cn | 16 December 2013 | closed |
5Stones | 5Stones | China | Jilin | Changchun | http://5cshi.com | 1 September 2016 | closed |
Chaihuo | Chaihuo | China | Guangdong | Shenzhen | http://www.Chaihuo.org | 28 July 2011 | active |
HTG | HTG | China | Guangdong | Guangzhou | | 14 September 2010 | planned |
Tsinghua i.Center | Tsinghua i.Center | China | | Beijing | http://www.xlzx.tsinghua.edu.cn | 1 September 1922 | closed |
YFF | YFF | China | Beijing | Beijing | http://www.yuanfenflow.org/ | 1 November 2010 | closed |
Hackers in Residence Tsinghua | Hackers in Residence Tsinghua | China | Beijing | Beijing | http://toyhouse.cc | 1 November 2013 | planned |
Qspace | Qspace | China | Beijing | Beijing | | 23 April 2016 | active |
FlamingoEDA Open Space | FlamingoEDA Open Space | China | Beijing | Beijing | http://space.flamingoeda.com | 14 February 2011 | closed |
GK Fab | GK Fab | China | Beijing | Beijing | http://chinamakerspaces.org/index.php?title=GK Fab | 7 July 2011 | building |
88 Spaces | 88 Spaces | China | | Shanghai | http://88spaces.com | 8 January 2010 | active |
YFF~HackerLab | YFF~HackerLab | China | Beijing | Beijing | http://www.yuanfenflow.org/ | 25 November 2010 | building |
SteamHead | SteamHead | China | Guangdong | Shenzhen | http://www.SteamHead.space | 15 August 2014 | active |
NanjingMakerSpace | NanjingMakerSpace | China | Jiangsu | Nanjing | http://do-idea.org | 1 May 2012 | active |
Largo City Hackerspace | Largo City Hackerspace | China | Beijing | Beijing | | 15 March 2013 | suspected inactive |
HackerSpace@GZ | HackerSpace@GZ | China | Guangdong | Guangzhou | http://www.kevinsmake.com | 19 January 2011 | closed |
SZDIY | SZDIY | China | Guangdong | Shenzhen | http://szdiy.org | 19 April 2009 | active |
Subterrakeo | Subterrakeo | Colombia | Antioquia Department | Medellin | http://subterrakeo.org | 5 December 2010 | closed |
GuayaHack | GuayaHack | Colombia | Antioquia Department | El Retiro | https://guayahack.co | 16 July 2023 | active |
La Galeria MakerSpace | La Galeria MakerSpace | Colombia | Quindío | Armenia | http://lagaleriaarmenia.com | 1 December 2013 | closed |
Materializacion 3D | Materializacion 3D | Colombia | | Bogota | http://materializacion3d.com | 10 August 2014 | active |
Liure | Liure | Colombia | Valle | Buga | http://liure.uk.to | 17 October 2009 | closed |
GeeKLab | GeeKLab | Colombia | Cundinamarca | Bogota | http://geeklab.co | 7 April 2009 | closed |
Rootdevel Hackerspace | Rootdevel Hackerspace | Colombia | Boyacá Department | Sogamoso | http://rootdevel.org/ | 24 July 2013 | active |
BogoHack | BogoHack | Colombia | DC | Bogota | http://www.bogohack.co | 5 May 2009 | closed |
Espuma Lab | Espuma Lab | Colombia | Antioquia Department | Medellin | http://espuma.co | 29 November 2012 | building |
Unloquer | Unloquer | Colombia | Antioquia Department | Medellin | http://unloquer.org/ | 1 February 2009 | suspected inactive |
HackerSpace GLUD | HackerSpace GLUD | Colombia | Cundinamarca | Bogota | http://hackerspace.glud.org/ | 9 April 2011 | closed |
Cali Makerspace | Cali Makerspace | Colombia | Valle del Cauca | Cali | | 15 August 2016 | closed |
HackBo | HackBo | Colombia | Bogota | Bogota | https://www.hackbo.org | 9 December 2010 | active |
Usinette | Usinette | Conques bas village | Berry | Vallée d'Humbligny | https://usinette.org | | suspected inactive |
JáquerEspeis | JáquerEspeis | Costa Rica | San José | San José | https://jaquerespeis.org/ | 23 July 2010 | suspected inactive |
LabOS | LabOS | Croatia | | Osijek | http://hacklabos.org | 10 September 2012 | suspected inactive |
Hacklab01 | Hacklab01 | Croatia | | Zagreb | http://hacklab01.org | 17 December 2009 | suspected inactive |
Molekula | Molekula | Croatia | | Rijeka | http://www.molekula.org/ | | suspected inactive |
RADIONA | RADIONA | Croatia | | Zagreb | https://radiona.org/ | 12 June 2011 | active |
Hacklab Moravice | Hacklab Moravice | Croatia | Croatia | Moravice | http://www.moravice.com | | suspected inactive |
FOI Open Systems and Security Lab | FOI Open Systems and Security Lab | Croatia | Croatia | Varazdin | | 15 December 2011 | suspected inactive |
Monteparadiso hacklab | Monteparadiso hacklab | Croatia | | Pula | http://fazan.org/ | | closed |
Hacklab in mama | Hacklab in mama | Croatia | | Zagreb | http://razmjenavjestina.org | | closed |
Radiona | Radiona | Croatia | | Zagreb | http://radiona.org/ | 12 June 2011 | active |
Hack66.info | Hack66.info | Cyprus | | Limassol | https://hack66.info | 18 June 2013 | active |
Limassol | Limassol | Cyprus | Limassol | Limassol | http://www.limassolhackerspace.org | 11 February 2016 | closed |
Limassol Hackerspace | Limassol Hackerspace | Cyprus | Limassol | Limassol | http://www.limassolhackerspace.org/ | 1 November 2013 | closed |
Cyprus Hackerspace | Cyprus Hackerspace | Cyprus | | Nicosia | | 1 February 2012 | planned |
Lefkosa Hackerspace (KTGD) | Lefkosa Hackerspace (KTGD) | Cyprus | | Nicosia | | 25 October 2017 | closed |
Paralelni polis | Paralelni polis | Czech Republic | Prague | Prague | https://www.paralelnipolis.cz/koncepty/hackerspace/ | | active |
PiSeC | PiSeC | Czech Republic | | Pisek | http://www.kufr.cz | 1 November 2010 | active |
MacGyver | MacGyver | Czech Republic | | Prague | http://macgyver.siliconhill.cz/ | 10 October 2006 | active |
Brmlab | Brmlab | Czech Republic | | Prague | https://brmlab.cz/ | 22 June 2010 | active |
INDUSTRA LABS | INDUSTRA LABS | Czech Republic | | Brno | https://industra.space/laby | 1 January 2018 | suspected inactive |
Pardubice Hackerspace | Pardubice Hackerspace | Czech Republic | | Pardubice | http://hackerspacepardubice.cz/ | 29 January 2015 | closed |
Base48 | Base48 | Czech Republic | | Brno | http://base48.cz | 16 July 2010 | active |
TAKT | TAKT | Czech Republic | | Prague | https://taktpraha.cz | 1 June 2020 | active |
Labka | Labka | Czech Republic | | Ostrava | https://labka.cz | 1 December 2015 | active |
Cryptoanarchy institute | Cryptoanarchy institute | Czech Republic | | Prague | http://www.paralelnipolis.cz/cryptoanarchy-institute/ | 9 October 2014 | active |
FIH Gigatron | FIH Gigatron | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Kinshasa | Kinshasa | | 4 January 2017 | planned |
MakerLab.dk | MakerLab.dk | Denmark | | Årslev | https://www.makerlab.dk/ | | active |
Labitat | Labitat | Denmark | | Copenhagen | https://labitat.dk/ | 30 May 2009 | active |
FabLab | FabLab | Denmark | | Herning | http://www.fablab.nu | 4 November 2010 | building |
HackerLabKolding | HackerLabKolding | Denmark | | Kolding | https://www.designskolenkolding.dk/node/2292 | 1 April 2013 | active |
TEK-Space | TEK-Space | Denmark | Fyn | Odense | http://www.tek-space.dk | 1 December 2009 | closed |
Tossestreger @ Platform4 | Tossestreger @ Platform4 | Denmark | | Aalborg | http://www.tossestreger.org | 1 June 2009 | building |
Hackeskur | Hackeskur | Denmark | Copenhagen | Hvidovre | | 11 February 2025 | active |
STORM20 | STORM20 | Denmark | | København V | https://storm20.kk.dk/ | 31 August 2017 | closed |
PRG | PRG | Denmark | Copenhagen | Lyngby | http://www.prg.dtu.dk/ | 1 January 1950 | suspected inactive |
Open Space Aarhus | Open Space Aarhus | Denmark | | Aarhus | http://osaa.dk | 1 June 2010 | active |
GeekLabs | GeekLabs | Denmark | | Esbjerg | | 1 October 2014 | active |
Green Makerspace | Green Makerspace | Denmark | | Sønderborg | http://greenmakerspace.dk/ | 1 January 2013 | closed |
InventorsFactory | InventorsFactory | Denmark | | Silkeborg | http://inventorsfactory.com/ | | suspected inactive |
Hal9k | Hal9k | Denmark | Northern Jutland | Aalborg | http://www.hal9k.dk/ | 19 February 2011 | active |
Illutron.dk | Illutron.dk | Denmark | | Copenhagen | http://www.illutron.dk/ | | suspected inactive |
Makerspace Randers | Makerspace Randers | Denmark | | Randers | | 23 August 2015 | suspected inactive |
Silicon Trailer | Silicon Trailer | Denmark | Sout Denmark | Skærbæk | https://silicontrailer.com | 24 January 2019 | suspected inactive |
Platform4 | Platform4 | Denmark | | Aalborg | http://www.platform4.dk | 1 June 2008 | closed |
Hackerspace-RepDom | Hackerspace-RepDom | Dominican Republic | | Santo Domingo | http://www.hackerspace-repdom.blogspot.com | 20 November 2009 | planned |
Hub Makerspace | Hub Makerspace | Dominican Republic | | Santo Domingo | http://www.hubmakerspace.do | 20 February 2014 | closed |
Taws | Taws | Ecuador | Guayas | Guayaquil | http://taws.espol.edu.ec/ | 1 October 2007 | closed |
ATARI HACKERSPACE | ATARI HACKERSPACE | Ecuador | IMBABURA | IBARRA | https://sites.google.com/site/atarihackerspace/home | 22 April 2016 | suspected inactive |
Ayni HackLab Cuenca | Ayni HackLab Cuenca | Ecuador | Azuay | Cuenca | | 27 June 2013 | building |
Icecairo | Icecairo | Egypt | | Cairo | http://www.icecairo.com/ | | unknown |
Alexandria Hackerspace | Alexandria Hackerspace | Egypt | Alexandria | Alexandria | http://www.facebook.com/alexhackerspace | | active |
Cairo HackerSpace | Cairo HackerSpace | Egypt | Cairo | Cairo | http://www.cairohackerspace.org | 26 September 2009 | active |
Idea Hacker Space | Idea Hacker Space | Egypt | October 6 City | October 6 City | | 28 August 2011 | planned |
Portsaid hacker space | Portsaid hacker space | Egypt | Port Said | Port Said | | 1 January 2015 | suspected inactive |
El-Minya Hacker space | El-Minya Hacker space | Egypt | | El-Minya | | 1 November 2011 | suspected inactive |
Alex Hackerspace | Alex Hackerspace | Egypt | Alexandria | Alexandria | http://www.alexhacker.com | 1 January 2012 | active |
Iskandria | Iskandria | Egypt | Alexandria | Alexandria | | 28 August 2011 | building |
Kham | Kham | Egypt | Dakahlia | Mansoura | | 20 October 2016 | closed |
Fab Lab Egypt | Fab Lab Egypt | Egypt | Giza | Dokki | http://fablab-egypt.com | 20 December 2011 | closed |
Hackerspace San Salvador | Hackerspace San Salvador | El Salvador | San Salvador | San Salvador | http://hackerspace.teubi.co/ | 1 April 2016 | suspected inactive |
K-space.ee | K-space.ee | Estonia | | Tallinn | https://k-space.ee/ | 22 February 2016 | active |
Hobilabor | Hobilabor | Estonia | Harju | Tallinn | http://www.hobilabor.ee | | closed |
Tartu Häkkerikoda | Tartu Häkkerikoda | Estonia | | Tartu | https://hakkerikoda.ee/en | 25 November 2013 | active |
SPARK Makerlab | SPARK Makerlab | Estonia | Tartumaa | Tartu | http://www.makerlab.ee | 20 July 2016 | building |
Fab20 | Fab20 | Estonia | | Tallinn | https://fab20.ee/ | 29 November 2024 | active |
KWAD.space | KWAD.space | Estonia | Harju | Tallinn | https://kwad.space/ | 11 September 2020 | suspected inactive |
Sprinter startup | Sprinter startup | Estonia | Harju | Tallinn | http://www.sprinterstartup.com | 11 January 2011 | closed |
Www.skeemipesa.ee | Www.skeemipesa.ee | Estonia | Harju | Tallinn | http://www.skeemipesa.ee | 1 April 2013 | closed |
Iceaddis | Iceaddis | Ethiopia | Addis Ababa | Addis Ababa | http://ice-ethiopia.org | 20 May 2011 | closed |
Helsinki Hacklab | Helsinki Hacklab | Finland | | Helsinki | http://helsinki.hacklab.fi/ | 17 January 2010 | active |
Vaasa Hacklab | Vaasa Hacklab | Finland | | Vaasa | https://vaasa.hacklab.fi/ | 27 March 2013 | active |
Seinäjoki Hacklab | Seinäjoki Hacklab | Finland | | Seinäjoki | http://seinajoki.hacklab.fi/ | 6 October 2016 | building |
Laphack | Laphack | Finland | Etela-Karjala | Lappeenranta | | 5 November 2009 | unknown |
Hakkerikartano | Hakkerikartano | Finland | | Sysmä | https://hakkerikartano.fi/ | | building |
Tampere Hacklab | Tampere Hacklab | Finland | Pirkanmaa | Tampere | https://tampere.hacklab.fi | 17 August 2009 | active |
Turku Hacklab | Turku Hacklab | Finland | | Turku | https://turku.hacklab.fi | 22 September 2011 | active |
Helsinki Bike Kitchen | Helsinki Bike Kitchen | Finland | Uusimaa | Helsinki | https://pyorapaja.info | 21 November 2011 | active |
Kuopio Hacklab | Kuopio Hacklab | Finland | Northern Savonia | Kuopio | https://halko.fi/ | 6 August 2015 | active |
Kaupunkiverstas - Urban Workshop | Kaupunkiverstas - Urban Workshop | Finland | | Helsinki | http://www.kaupunkiverstas.fi/en/ | 1 January 2013 | reformatting |
Makr | Makr | Finland | Uusimaa | Helsinki | http://www.makr.fi | 3 September 2014 | closed |
Pori-Hacklab | Pori-Hacklab | Finland | Satakunta | Pori | http://pori.hacklab.fi | 4 March 2014 | reformatting |
Aalto Fablab | Aalto Fablab | Finland | | Espoo | http://fablab.aalto.fi/ | 1 August 2012 | suspected inactive |
Hacklab Mikkeli | Hacklab Mikkeli | Finland | | Mikkeli | https://www.hacklabmikkeli.fi/ | 19 February 2015 | active |
Tech Club Joensuu | Tech Club Joensuu | Finland | | Joensuu | http://tcj.fi/ | 3 May 2012 | suspected inactive |
Garde | Garde | Finland | Kainuu | Kajaani | http://www.garde.fi | 1 January 2014 | planned |
Tarlab | Tarlab | Finland | | Oulu | https://tarlab.fi | 15 September 2011 | active |
Hacklab Jyväskylä | Hacklab Jyväskylä | Finland | | Jyväskylä | https://jkl.hacklab.fi/ | 22 September 2011 | active |
Hacklab Lahti | Hacklab Lahti | Finland | | Lahti | http://lahti.hacklab.fi/ | 25 September 2017 | active |
A.O.C & Usinette | A.O.C & Usinette | France | | Humbligny | http://usinette.org/hacklabs-fablabs/article/potlatch | | building |
LOHS | LOHS | France | Rhône-Alpes | Cran-Gevrier | http://lohs.fr | 1 January 2014 | suspected inactive |
Corrèze Elab | Corrèze Elab | France | Corrèze | Meyssac | | | suspected inactive |
HacKnowledge | HacKnowledge | France | | Rennes | http://www.hacknowledge.org | 7 December 2010 | closed |
L@Bx | L@Bx | France | Aquitaine | Bordeaux | https://www.labx.fr | 1 October 2011 | closed |
Laboratoire Ouvert Grenoblois | Laboratoire Ouvert Grenoblois | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Grenoble | https://logre.eu | 2 July 2010 | active |
La Bidouille | La Bidouille | France | Seine-Saint-Denis | Aubervilliers | https://bidouille93.fr | 16 October 2021 | building |
Ventres mous | Ventres mous | France | | Rouen | https://www.ventresmous.fr/ | 19 March 2013 | active |
Hackerspace@Brest | Hackerspace@Brest | France | | Brest | | 10 September 2011 | planned |
PMClab | PMClab | France | Île-de-France | Paris | http://pmclab.fr | 28 October 2013 | suspected inactive |
TBD | TBD | France | | Pau | | 10 December 2010 | planned |
Thack | Thack | France | Occitanie | Tarbes | https://thack.mutu.fdn.fr | 20 October 2019 | suspected inactive |
LABio | LABio | France | | Senlis | http://www.asso-labio.fr/ | 8 April 2014 | closed |
400Q | 400Q | France | Rhône-Alpes | Chambéry | | 24 January 2012 | unknown |
Rivier'Hack | Rivier'Hack | France | Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | Sophia Antipolis | | 8 September 2011 | |
Le BIB | Le BIB | France | Hérault | Montpellier | http://lebib.org | 1 July 2013 | closed |
Labomedia | Labomedia | France | Centre | Orléans | http://labomedia.org | 4 January 1999 | active |
Sainté openlab | Sainté openlab | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Saint-Étienne | https://www.steopenlab.eu/ | 20 July 2014 | closed |
Fabtechspace | Fabtechspace | France | Lorraine | Nancy | | 1 October 2010 | closed |
LabOVE | LabOVE | France | Vienne | Poitiers | http://www.modulcopter.org | | planned |
Imladris | Imladris | France | Britanny | Lanvollon | https://imladris.bzh | 12 March 2022 | active |
Sunlab | Sunlab | France | Île-de-France | Viroflay | http://mysunlab.org/ | 13 June 2015 | active |
L'abscisse | L'abscisse | France | | Dijon | http://www.coagul.org | | active |
Tetalab | Tetalab | France | | Toulouse | http://tetalab.org | 1 May 2009 | active |
La Suite Logique | La Suite Logique | France | | Paris | | 9 September 2009 | closed |
Hackers-Lab | Hackers-Lab | France | Corsica | Sartène | http://www.hackers.camp | 18 August 2012 | closed |
Cocoba | Cocoba | France | | Puyoo | https://www.cocoba.work | 2016 | active |
LaBi: Laboratoire de Bidouille | LaBi: Laboratoire de Bidouille | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Lyon | https://labi.aliens-lyon.fr/ | 2020 | active |
BKLP | BKLP | France | Île-de-France | Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis | | 24 August 2015 | closed |
Hack Lab Vallée | Hack Lab Vallée | France | Île-de-France | Marne-la-Vallée | | | planned |
HackGyver | HackGyver | France | Franche-Comté | Belfort | http://www.hackgyver.fr | 24 May 2012 | active |
Laboratoire Ouvert Lyonnais | Laboratoire Ouvert Lyonnais | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Lyon | http://labolyon.fr | 12 January 2011 | active |
FunLAB | FunLAB | France | Centre | Tours | http://funlab.fr/ | | planned |
Jeanne D'Hack | Jeanne D'Hack | France | Upper Normandy | Rouen | http://www.jeannedhack.org/ | 8 October 2012 | closed |
Le Reset | Le Reset | France | Île-de-France | Paris | https://lereset.org | 4 September 2016 | closed |
Les Fabriqueurs | Les Fabriqueurs | France | | Malakoff | http://www.fabriqueurs.com/ | 1 September 2015 | suspected inactive |
Artlab | Artlab | France | Île-de-France | Paris | http://www.digitalarti.com/artlab | | closed |
Coh@bit Fablab | Coh@bit Fablab | France | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | Bordeaux | https://www.iut.u-bordeaux.fr/cohabit/ | 2015 | active |
Hackerspace Angers | Hackerspace Angers | France | | Angers | http://hackerspaceangers.noblogs.org/ | 1 May 2015 | suspected inactive |
LabSaintes | LabSaintes | France | Charente-Maritime | Saintes, Charente-Maritime | | | building |
Ha - Ha | Ha - Ha | France | Aquitaine | Bordeaux | | 10 March 2011 | planned |
ALICELab | ALICELab | France | Pyrénées-Orientales | Perpignan | http://alicelab.fr/ | 29 September 2014 | suspected inactive |
3D4C | 3D4C | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Saint-Laurent-du-Pont | https://www.3d4c.fr/ | 1 January 2023 | active |
La Barhack | La Barhack | France | Basse Normandie | Saint-Lo | http://www.barhack.fr/ | 21 November 2015 | closed |
Moulins LAB | Moulins LAB | France | | Moulins | | | building |
L'Ampoule | L'Ampoule | France | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | La Souterraine | | 16 September 2017 | suspected inactive |
Halsacker space | Halsacker space | France | Alsace | Mulhouse | | 1 May 2011 | planned |
Crysteo ISEN | Crysteo ISEN | France | Nord-Pas-de-Calais | Lille | http://www.crysteo.fr | | closed |
Tyfab | Tyfab | France | | Brest | http://tyfab.fr | 1 January 2012 | suspected inactive |
PiNG | PiNG | France | Pays de la Loire | Nantes | http://www.pingbase.net/ | 1 September 2008 | active |
Angouleme | Angouleme | France | Charente | Angouleme | | | planned |
Massy Makerspace | Massy Makerspace | France | Île-de-France | Massy | | | planned |
BetaMachine | BetaMachine | France | Centre-Val de Loire | Chartres | https://www.betamachine.fr/ | | suspected inactive |
Mars MakerLab | Mars MakerLab | France | Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | Marseille | http://www.marsmakerlab.org | 3 September 2012 | building |
MDesign | MDesign | France | Lorraine | Metz | http://mdesign.fr | | suspected inactive |
Clubelek | Clubelek | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Villeurbanne | http://clubelek.fr | 25 May 1990 | active |
Breizh Entropy | Breizh Entropy | France | Brittany | Rennes | https://breizh-entropy.org/ | 1 October 2010 | active |
Nicelab | Nicelab | France | Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | Nice | https://nicelab.eu | 15 December 2009 | suspected inactive |
Ha-Ha | Ha-Ha | France | Aquitaine | Bordeaux | https://www.labx.fr | 9 July 2001 | building |
PhenixIT | PhenixIT | France | Seine et Marne | Melun | http://www.phenixit.net | 1 January 2013 | closed |
META | META | France | Centre | Blois | https://cc-meta.cc/ | 1 January 2009 | closed |
HAUM | HAUM | France | Pays de la Loire | Le Mans | https://haum.org | 31 October 2011 | active |
Laboratoire Ouvert Ardèche-Drôme | Laboratoire Ouvert Ardèche-Drôme | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Valence, Drôme | http://l0ad.org | 1 February 2012 | suspected inactive |
Technistub | Technistub | France | Alsace | Mulhouse | http://www.technistub.org | 1 January 2012 | active |
Electrolab | Electrolab | France | Île-de-France | Nanterre | http://www.electrolab.fr | 26 July 2010 | active |
Le Loop | Le Loop | France | Île-de-France | Paris | https://leloop.org/ | 4 January 2011 | closed |
Hackerspace Quimper | Hackerspace Quimper | France | Brittany | Quimper | http://pad.qth.fr/p/hsquimper | 29 June 2013 | closed |
/tmp/lab | /tmp/lab | France | Île-de-France | Choisy le Roi | http://www.tmplab.org/ | 1 October 2007 | active |
HZV | HZV | France | Seine Saint Denis | Saint Ouen | https://www.hackerzvoice.net | 10 April 2002 | closed |
Le Garage | Le Garage | France | | Saint-Étienne | http://www.legarage-gpl.org | 1 April 2008 | closed |
Lille Makers | Lille Makers | France | | Lille | http://lille-makers.info/ | 11 February 2014 | suspected inactive |
SSL | SSL | France | Île-de-France | Ivry-sur-seine | | | suspected inactive |
Crealab | Crealab | France | 44000 | Nantes | http://www.crealab.info | 1 June 2006 | closed |
EmancipoLab | EmancipoLab | France | | Paris | | 7 January 2014 | active |
OptiPwney | OptiPwney | France | Aquitaine | Pau | | 24 May 2012 | building |
Laboratoire d'Aix-périmentation et de Bidouille | Laboratoire d'Aix-périmentation et de Bidouille | France | Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | Aix-en-Provence | http://www.labaixbidouille.com/ | 6 December 2011 | active |
SHL // Sophia Hack Lab | SHL // Sophia Hack Lab | France | Alpes Maritimes | Sophia Antipolis | https://www.shl.contact | 1 January 2023 | active |
Kaouenn-noz | Kaouenn-noz | France | Brittany | Rennes | https://kaouenn-noz.fr | 1 September 2014 | active |
Le-localhost | Le-localhost | France | Nord-Pas-de-Calais | Lille | | 30 April 2010 | closed |
H3O | H3O | France | Réunion | Bras Panon | https://www.fablab-h3o.re | 1 January 2013 | active |
Laboratoire Ouvert Villeurbannais | Laboratoire Ouvert Villeurbannais | France | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Villeurbanne | https://LaboVilleurbanne.fr/ | 17 July 2015 | active |
NYBI.CC | NYBI.CC | France | Lorraine | Nancy | http://nybi.cc | 1 October 2010 | active |
Jack | Jack | France | Île-de-France | Paris | https://jack.fuz.re/ | 1 October 2015 | closed |
SmartLab aka dumbLab | SmartLab aka dumbLab | France | | Limoges | https://web.archive.org/web/20161103191724/https://smartlab.re/ | 15 March 2012 | closed |
Hackers Ouverts | Hackers Ouverts | France | Seine-Saint-Denis | Epinay sur Seine | http://www.hackersouverts.fr | 14 December 2010 | closed |
HackEns | HackEns | France | Île-de-France | Paris | http://hackens.org/ | 29 September 2010 | active |
Hackstub | Hackstub | France | Alsace | Strasbourg | https://hackstub.eu/ | 15 October 2012 | active |
A.R.N. | A.R.N. | France | | Die, Drôme | https://artisans-numeriques.net | 1 October 2021 | active |
Ubqt | Ubqt | France | | Toulouse | http://ubqt.tv | 12 September 2010 | closed |
DataPaulette | DataPaulette | France | Île-de-France | Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis | http://datapaulette.org/ | 1 October 2014 | active |
Digital Non-Sense | Digital Non-Sense | France | | Paris | http://www.digitalnonsense.org/ | 1 August 2009 | closed |
La Paillasse | La Paillasse | France | Île-de-France | Paris | | 15 May 2011 | suspected inactive |
BlackBoxe | BlackBoxe | France | Île-de-France | Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis | https://web.archive.org/web/20160207131729/http://blog.blackboxe.org/ | | closed |
PRINT | PRINT | France | | Dijon | http://print.squat.net/ | | closed |
Atelier Numérique Romorantin | Atelier Numérique Romorantin | France | Centre | Romorantin-Lanthenay | http://anr.adeti.org/ | 13 July 2016 | suspected inactive |
Osilab | Osilab | France | Nord-Pas-de-Calais | Lille | http://www.osilab.org | 7 January 2011 | closed |
Fabelier | Fabelier | France | Île-de-France | Paris | http://fabelier.org | | closed |
FUZ | FUZ | France | Île-de-France | Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis | https://fuz.re/ | 1 September 2018 | active |
NavLab | NavLab | France | French Riviera | Antibes | http://navlab.avitys.com | 1 January 2014 | planned |
AcoLab | AcoLab | France | Auvergne | Clermont Ferrand | http://www.acolab.fr | 25 May 2013 | building |
NaoHack | NaoHack | France | | Nantes | http://naohack.org/ | 11 January 2013 | closed |
Lab rousse | Lab rousse | France | Creuse | Croze | http://www.lab-rousse.org | 1 May 2016 | suspected inactive |
Ipéfix | Ipéfix | France | | Angers | | 15 August 2011 | building |
Destination Pirate | Destination Pirate | French West Indies | Guadeloupe | Baie-Mahault | http://www.lefablabdejarry.com | 1 March 2013 | suspected inactive |
Hacker space ghana | Hacker space ghana | GHANA | ASHANTI REGION | KUMASI | | 22 February 2011 | building |
F0RTHSP4CE | F0RTHSP4CE | Georgia | | Tbilisi | https://f0rth.space/ | 26 March 2022 | active |
Tbilisi Open Labs | Tbilisi Open Labs | Georgia | Tbilisi | Tbilisi | http://tbilisiopenlabs.org | 2012 | planned |
Wau Holland Stiftung | Wau Holland Stiftung | Germany | | Hamburg | https://www.wauland.de/ | 2003 | active |
Traumschule Riebau | Traumschule Riebau | Germany | Saxony-Anhalt | Salzwedel | http://ts.blogsport.de | 1 March 2010 | closed |
Toppoint e.V. | Toppoint e.V. | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Kiel | http://toppoint.de | 20 July 1990 | active |
Labor23 | Labor23 | Germany | Bavaria | Wuerzburg | http://www.labor23.org/ | 23 March 2009 | suspected inactive |
Hotel-Paradies | Hotel-Paradies | Germany | Niedersachsen | Herzberg am Harz | http://paradie.so/ | 23 May 2009 | building |
BFZ Berlin e.V. | BFZ Berlin e.V. | Germany | | Berlin | http://www.bfz-berlin.org | 1 January 2008 | active |
DAI Makerspace | DAI Makerspace | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Heidelberg | https://dai-heidelberg.de/de/bibliothek-usa-information/makerspace/ | | closed |
FabLab Nürnberg | FabLab Nürnberg | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | http://www.fablab-nuernberg.de/ | 21 February 2011 | active |
Kiosk of Piracy | Kiosk of Piracy | Germany | | Weimar | http://www.kioskofpiracy.org/ | 7 September 2009 | closed |
Lin-Lab | Lin-Lab | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://lin-lab.de | 1 November 2019 | active |
Chaostreff Backnang | Chaostreff Backnang | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Backnang | https://ctbk.de | 27 January 2019 | active |
Leinelab | Leinelab | Germany | Niedersachsen | Hannover | http://www.leinelab.org | 6 November 2012 | active |
NewchuirchHS | NewchuirchHS | Germany | Saxony | Neukirchen | http://go-seven.de/?page id=3348 | 16 May 2012 | building |
LUG Saar | LUG Saar | Germany | Saarland | Saarlouis | http://lug-saar.de/ | 21 February 2002 | active |
Unperfekthaus | Unperfekthaus | Germany | | Essen | http://www.unperfekthaus.de/ | 1 June 2004 | closed |
Bastelbude Dinslaken | Bastelbude Dinslaken | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Dinslaken | http://bastelbude.grade.de | 1 February 2017 | active |
BeLUG | BeLUG | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://belug.de | 1 February 1995 | active |
FAU FabLab | FAU FabLab | Germany | Bavaria | Erlangen | http://fablab.fau.de | 25 July 2011 | active |
Motionlab | Motionlab | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://motionlab.berlin | 23 December 2017 | active |
Wurmloch | Wurmloch | Germany | Lower-Saxony | Osnabrück | https://wurmloch.de/ | 1 September 2013 | suspected inactive |
/emdria | /emdria | Germany | Saxony-Anhalt | Quedlinburg | http://grimmbart.org/ | 6 December 2011 | planned |
MuCCC | MuCCC | Germany | Bavaria | Munich | http://muc.ccc.de/ | 1 June 2008 | active |
Spline | Spline | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | http://spline.de | 26 October 1998 | active |
BHACKyard Berlin | BHACKyard Berlin | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | | 15 February 2023 | building |
Entität | Entität | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Neubrandenburg | https://entitaet.org | 13 January 2014 | active |
FeM | FeM | Germany | Thuringia | Ilmenau | https://www.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/index.php?id=30 | 15 April 1997 | active |
C-Hack Calw | C-Hack Calw | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Calw | http://c-hack.de | 3 October 2014 | active |
Embassy of Nerdistan | Embassy of Nerdistan | Germany | Bremen | Bremen | http://embassy.ccchb.de/ | 7 August 2012 | closed |
Audiolab Berlin | Audiolab Berlin | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | | 1 June 2013 | planned |
WerkRaum | WerkRaum | Germany | Saxony | Zittau | http://werkraum.freiraumzittau.de/ | 23 May 2014 | active |
Void | Void | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Duisburg | http://void-due.de/ | 18 January 2013 | closed |
KOLab | KOLab | Germany | | Koblenz | http://www.kolab-koblenz.de | | active |
Mithackzentrale | Mithackzentrale | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Gerlingen | https://www.die-mitmachzentrale.de | 29 April 2021 | building |
Hackspace Marburg | Hackspace Marburg | Germany | Hessen | Marburg | https://hsmr.cc/ | 23 October 2012 | active |
Hackerfleet | Hackerfleet | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://hackerfleet.eu | 16 June 2011 | suspected inactive |
Warpzone | Warpzone | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Münster | https://www.warpzone.ms/ | 15 August 2009 | active |
Coworking Nuremberg | Coworking Nuremberg | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | http://coworking-nuernberg.de | 1 May 2011 | closed |
Makerspace Esslingen | Makerspace Esslingen | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Esslingen am Neckar | https://makerspace-esslingen.de | 4 July 2021 | active |
C-base | C-base | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://c-base.org/ | 20 August 1995 | active |
Hackerspace Burghausen | Hackerspace Burghausen | Germany | Bavaria | Burghausen | | | planned |
XHain | XHain | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | http://x-hain.de | 15 April 2016 | active |
NeuroGenPhyEngPer Lab | NeuroGenPhyEngPer Lab | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | | 28 September 2014 | suspected inactive |
Kanthaus | Kanthaus | Germany | Saxony | Wurzen | https://kanthaus.online | 2017 | active |
HackStock | HackStock | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | | 18 July 2014 | planned |
Hackerspace Ansbach | Hackerspace Ansbach | Germany | Bavaria | Ansbach | http://www.lug-an.de | | planned |
Nerd-Cafe | Nerd-Cafe | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | http://nerd-cafe.org | 1 April 2010 | closed |
HLHaxx | HLHaxx | Germany | | Lübeck | | | planned |
Fablabc | Fablabc | Germany | Saxony | Chemnitz | https://stadtfabrikanten.org | 13 January 2016 | active |
The Binary Project | The Binary Project | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Luedenscheid | http://tbp-labs.org/ | 23 April 2010 | planned |
CCC Göttingen | CCC Göttingen | Germany | Niedersachsen | Goettingen | https://www.cccgoe.de/ | 1 November 2007 | active |
Kulturgewächshaus Fürth | Kulturgewächshaus Fürth | Germany | Bavaria | Fürth | | 14 September 2019 | suspected inactive |
Attraktor | Attraktor | Germany | Hamburg | Hamburg | https://www.attraktor.org | 1 March 2010 | active |
/dev/tal | /dev/tal | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Wuppertal | http://devtal.de | 13 July 2011 | active |
Hackerspace Ffm e.V. | Hackerspace Ffm e.V. | Germany | Hessen | Oberursel | https://hackerspace-ffm.de | 20 August 2010 | active |
Straze | Straze | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Greifswald | | 12 December 2012 | planned |
Krautspace | Krautspace | Germany | Thuringia | Jena | https://kraut.space/ | 1 September 2011 | active |
Ostfriesland | Ostfriesland | Germany | Ostfriesland | Aurich | | | planned |
Futev | Futev | Germany | Lower-Saxony | Lingen | https://forschungundtechnikev.de | 1 July 2014 | closed |
Warendorf | Warendorf | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Warendorf | | | planned |
Magrathea Laboratories | Magrathea Laboratories | Germany | Hessen | Fulda | http://mag.lab.sh | | suspected inactive |
FabLab Munich | FabLab Munich | Germany | Bavaria | Munich | http://www.fablab-muenchen.de/ | 29 June 2010 | active |
CCC Kassel | CCC Kassel | Germany | Hessen | Kassel | https://kassel.ccc.de/w/CCC Kassel | | closed |
CCC Mainz | CCC Mainz | Germany | Hessen | Wiesbaden | https://www.cccwi.de/ | 23 October 2003 | active |
Haxko | Haxko | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Andernach | https://haxko.space | 13 March 2018 | active |
Toolbox Bodensee e.V. | Toolbox Bodensee e.V. | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Markdorf | http://toolbox-bodensee.de/ | 1 March 2014 | suspected inactive |
STDio.h | STDio.h | Germany | Niedersachsen | Stade | http://stdio.unterelbe.net | | planned |
Freies Labor | Freies Labor | Germany | Niedersachsen | Hildesheim | http://freieslabor.org | 25 January 2014 | active |
CCC Mannheim | CCC Mannheim | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Mannheim | https://mannheim.ccc.de/ | 10 December 2008 | active |
Port39 - Hackerspace Stralsund | Port39 - Hackerspace Stralsund | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Stralsund | https://port39.de | 14 October 2021 | active |
Sublab | Sublab | Germany | Saxony | Leipzig | http://www.sublab.org/ | 19 June 2008 | closed |
Digitales Aachen e.V. (digitac) | Digitales Aachen e.V. (digitac) | Germany | | Aachen | http://digitac.cc | 28 July 2008 | active |
Chaos inKL. | Chaos inKL. | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Kaiserslautern | http://chaos-inkl.de | 1 December 2012 | active |
Niemandsland | Niemandsland | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Duesseldorf | http://niemandsland.org/ | 1987 | active |
LUGR | LUGR | Germany | Bavaria | Regensburg | http://www.lugr.de | 20 March 2008 | suspected inactive |
BlinkenLab | BlinkenLab | Germany | Bavaria | Amberg | https://blinkenlab.de/ | 15 July 2010 | closed |
Leitstelle511-ccch | Leitstelle511-ccch | Germany | Niedersachsen | Hannover | https://hannover.ccc.de | | active |
Hackerspace Naheland | Hackerspace Naheland | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Bad Kreuznach,Kirn,Idar-Oberstein | http://naheland.space | 3 October 2009 | planned |
Computer Club an der RWTH Aachen e.V. | Computer Club an der RWTH Aachen e.V. | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Aachen | http://www.ccac.rwth-aachen.de/ | 1 January 1982 | suspected inactive |
ZTL | ZTL | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Landau | https://www.ztl.space | 22 January 2019 | active |
Dotslashinit | Dotslashinit | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Bad Oldesloe | http://init.inihaus.de/ | | closed |
Makerspace Wacken | Makerspace Wacken | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Wacken | https://makerspace-wacken.de | 26 June 2024 | active |
Metameute | Metameute | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Lübeck | https://www.metameute.de | 14 December 2007 | active |
Hackspace Georgsmarienhütte | Hackspace Georgsmarienhütte | Germany | Lower-Saxony | Georgsmarienhütte | https://www.hackspace-gmh.de/ | 16 June 2020 | active |
CCC Darmstadt | CCC Darmstadt | Germany | Hessen | Darmstadt | https://www.chaos-darmstadt.de | 23 May 2006 | active |
C4 | C4 | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Cologne | https://koeln.ccc.de/ | 29 July 1998 | active |
FabLab Heidelberg | FabLab Heidelberg | Germany | | Heidelberg | | | suspected inactive |
NüLand | NüLand | Germany | Bavaria | Schnaittach | https://nueland.de | 16 March 2015 | active |
Reaktor23 | Reaktor23 | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Waldshut-Tiengen | https://reaktor23.org | 1 December 2010 | suspected inactive |
Lug.KL-Lab | Lug.KL-Lab | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Kaiserslautern | http://www.lug-kl.de/ | 3 October 2009 | planned |
NerdBridge | NerdBridge | Germany | Lower-Saxony | Einbeck | http://www.nerdbridge.de | 27 June 2014 | active |
Offene Werkstatt Norderstedt e.V. | Offene Werkstatt Norderstedt e.V. | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Norderstedt | https://www.ow-norderstedt.de | 13 February 2020 | active |
Fablab Neckar-Alb | Fablab Neckar-Alb | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Tübingen | https://www.fablab-neckar-alb.org/ | 22 September 2015 | active |
Bytespeicher | Bytespeicher | Germany | Thuringia | Erfurt | http://technikkultur-erfurt.de/start | 1 May 2013 | active |
Freiraum | Freiraum | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Ulm | http://hackerspace-ulm.de | 15 January 2011 | suspected inactive |
Chaostreff Dortmund | Chaostreff Dortmund | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Dortmund | https://www.chaostreff-dortmund.de/ | February 2003 | active |
LUG-MYK | LUG-MYK | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Kruft | http://lug-myk.de/ | 19 December 2009 | closed |
CCC Hannover | CCC Hannover | Germany | Niedersachsen | Hannover | https://hannover.ccc.de | | closed |
Simon's Room | Simon's Room | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Mönchengladbach | http://simonsroom.neocities.org | 23 May 2012 | suspected inactive |
ZwoNullEins | ZwoNullEins | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Cologne | https://wandelwerk.koeln/kreativwerkstatt/ | 1 October 2020 | active |
OpenLab Augsburg | OpenLab Augsburg | Germany | Bavaria | Augsburg | https://www.openlab-augsburg.de/ | 26 March 2013 | active |
ODW4H | ODW4H | Germany | Hessen | Michelstadt | | 19 February 2010 | planned |
Hackers Lounge | Hackers Lounge | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | | 14 November 2003 | closed |
Opennet - Frieda23 | Opennet - Frieda23 | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Rostock | https://www.opennet-initiative.de/ | 1 August 2007 | active |
Technik.cafe | Technik.cafe | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Lörrach | http://technik.cafe/ | 24 September 2016 | active |
Hackerspace Bad Oeynhausen | Hackerspace Bad Oeynhausen | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Bad Oeynhausen | | | planned |
Backspace | Backspace | Germany | Bavaria | Bamberg | http://hackerspace-bamberg.de | 23 October 2011 | active |
Hackzogtum | Hackzogtum | Germany | Bavaria | Coburg | http://hackzogtum-coburg.de/ | 25 April 2013 | active |
Maschinenraum | Maschinenraum | Germany | Thuringia | Weimar | https://maschinenraum.tk/ | 1998 | active |
Baustelle Hamburg | Baustelle Hamburg | Germany | Hamburg | Hamburg | http://www.baustelle-hamburg.de | | closed |
Happylab Berlin | Happylab Berlin | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | http://happylab.de | 30 September 2017 | active |
AFRA | AFRA | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://afra-berlin.de/ | 21 September 2012 | active |
Chaostreff Heilbronn | Chaostreff Heilbronn | Germany | | Heilbronn | http://cthn.de | 1 November 2009 | building |
Macherburg | Macherburg | Germany | Saxony-Anhalt | Magdeburg | https://macherburg.de/ | 1 October 2018 | active |
MakerSpace Bonn | MakerSpace Bonn | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Bonn | http://makerspacebonn.de | 3 March 2018 | active |
L3V | L3V | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Leverkusen | http://l3v.org | | planned |
Apollo-NG Mobile Hackerspace | Apollo-NG Mobile Hackerspace | Germany | Bavaria | Munich | https://apollo.open-resource.org | 1 September 2011 | |
DingFabrik Köln | DingFabrik Köln | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Cologne | https://dingfabrik.de/ | 12 July 2010 | active |
Nooumenon | Nooumenon | Germany | Niedersachsen | Osnabrück | | 23 July 2009 | closed |
See-base | See-base | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Überlingen | https://see-base.de | 12 September 2015 | suspected inactive |
MakerSpace Minden | MakerSpace Minden | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Minden | https://www.makerspace-minden.de | | active |
Alpha | Alpha | Germany | Brandenburg | Potsdam | http://alpha.autodidaktikum.de | 17 September 2010 | closed |
ChaosKueste | ChaosKueste | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Kiel | http://chaoskueste.de | 3 February 2005 | closed |
Duisentrieb | Duisentrieb | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Duisburg | https://www.duisentrieb.de | 1 November 2018 | active |
Flipdot | Flipdot | Germany | Hessen | Kassel | http://flipdot.org/blog | 5 September 2009 | active |
Project-lab.space | Project-lab.space | Germany | Bremen | Bremen | https://project-lab.space | | building |
Wieslocher Hackertreff | Wieslocher Hackertreff | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Wiesloch | | 7 February 2013 | building |
CCCAC | CCCAC | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Aachen | https://aachen.ccc.de/ | 15 October 2009 | active |
Sub-Etha | Sub-Etha | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Dortmund | https://subetha.perseus.uberspace.de/ | 14 July 2012 | planned |
Chaosdorf | Chaosdorf | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Duesseldorf | https://chaosdorf.de/ | 24 April 2001 | active |
Chaostreff Chemnitz | Chaostreff Chemnitz | Germany | Saxony | Chemnitz | https://www.chaoschemnitz.de/ | 1 July 2010 | active |
Devbase | Devbase | Germany | Bavaria | Unterzeitlbach | https://wiki.d.evba.se/ | 18 August 2017 | active |
CCC Berlin | CCC Berlin | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://berlin.ccc.de/ | | active |
Kuckucksmühle | Kuckucksmühle | Germany | Brandenburg | Heiligengrabe | https://wiki.ecohackerfarm.org/kuckucksmuehle:start | 1 May 2016 | active |
ByteBunker | ByteBunker | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Reutlingen | https://bytebunker.org | 11 February 2024 | building |
Mainframe | Mainframe | Germany | Niedersachsen | Oldenburg | http://www.mainframe.io/ | 22 May 2011 | active |
Anon-Me::Access One | Anon-Me::Access One | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | https://anon-me.de/ | 16 July 2009 | closed |
SUMA | SUMA | Germany | Niedersachsen | Hannover | http://suma-ev.de | 5 July 2004 | active |
PILARKTO.ORG - Open Laboratory e.V. | PILARKTO.ORG - Open Laboratory e.V. | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Stuttgart | http://www.open-laboratory.de | 12 April 2010 | closed |
Netz39 | Netz39 | Germany | Saxony-Anhalt | Magdeburg | https://www.netz39.de/ | 6 May 2012 | active |
Hickerspace | Hickerspace | Germany | Niedersachsen | Hildesheim | https://hickerspace.org | 20 October 2009 | closed |
Temporärhaus | Temporärhaus | Germany | Bavaria | Neu-Ulm | https://temporaerhaus.de | 2015 | active |
Z-Labor | Z-Labor | Germany | Saxony | Zwickau | https://www.z-labor.space/ | 20 September 2015 | active |
Nerd2Nerd | Nerd2Nerd | Germany | Bavaria | Würzburg | http://www.nerd2nerd.org | 1 March 2014 | active |
ZAM | ZAM | Germany | Bavaria | Erlangen | https://zam.haus | 15 October 2021 | building |
Das Labor | Das Labor | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Bochum | https://das-labor.org | 25 January 2005 | active |
Namespace Gera | Namespace Gera | Germany | Thuringia | Gera | https://buergernetz-gera-greiz.de/namespace | 2018 | active |
C3RE | C3RE | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Recklinghausen | https://www.c3re.de/ | 29 January 2015 | active |
C3D2 | C3D2 | Germany | Saxony | Dresden | https://www.c3d2.de/ | 30 August 2005 | active |
Vspace.one | Vspace.one | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Villingen-Schwenningen | http://vspace.one | 14 June 2016 | active |
Stratum 0 | Stratum 0 | Germany | Niedersachsen | Braunschweig | https://stratum0.org | 23 July 2011 | active |
SPACE | SPACE | Germany | Thuringia | Ilmenau | http://ilmspace.de/ | 5 December 2019 | building |
Tüftelstube | Tüftelstube | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Neustrelitz | http://tueftelstube.de/ | 1 November 2014 | planned |
Forschung und Technik e.V. | Forschung und Technik e.V. | Germany | Lower-Saxony | Lingen | https://forschungundtechnikev.de | 3 March 2012 | active |
FabLab Neuenstadt | FabLab Neuenstadt | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Neuenstadt | http://www.fablab-neuenstadt.de | 1 September 2015 | suspected inactive |
UN-Hack-Bar | UN-Hack-Bar | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Unna | https://www.un-hack-bar.de/ | 20 September 2018 | active |
Hackerspace nbg | Hackerspace nbg | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | http://www.carookee.com/forum/hs-nbg | 14 August 2009 | planned |
LuaPlex | LuaPlex | Germany | Hamburg | Hamburg | | 20 April 2012 | closed |
IF3M | IF3M | Germany | Hessen | Frankfurt am Main | http://if3m.com | 1 July 2012 | closed |
Milliways | Milliways | Germany | Bremen | Bremen | | 5 September 2011 | building |
Open Design City | Open Design City | Germany | | Berlin | http://opendesigncity.de | 12 April 2010 | closed |
Raum 404 | Raum 404 | Germany | Bavaria | Pfaffenhofen | https://www.bn-paf.de/aktionsteams/hackerspace/ | 1 January 2012 | closed |
Proto.lab | Proto.lab | Germany | Brandenburg | Kleinmachnow | http://lab.prototypen.com/ | 1 June 2009 | building |
Space.bi | Space.bi | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Bielefeld | https://space.bi | 9 June 2011 | active |
CCCFFM | CCCFFM | Germany | Hessen | Frankfurt | http://ccc-ffm.de | 1 November 2010 | active |
ComputerClub Itzehoe | ComputerClub Itzehoe | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Itzehoe | https://www.cciz.de | 15 March 2001 | active |
HacKNology | HacKNology | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Konstanz | http://hacknology.de/ | 9 February 2016 | active |
Imaginärraum | Imaginärraum | Germany | Bavaria | Bayreuth | https://imaginaerraum.de | 30 January 2017 | suspected inactive |
Bytewerk | Bytewerk | Germany | Bavaria | Ingolstadt | https://bytewerk.org/ | 28 April 2009 | active |
Westwoodlabs | Westwoodlabs | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Ransbach-Baumbach | https://westwoodlabs.de | 11 June 2016 | active |
ACME Labs | ACME Labs | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Bielefeld | https://acmelabs.space | 6 July 2018 | active |
Planraum makerspace | Planraum makerspace | Germany | Bavaria | Ratisbon | http://planraum.org/ | 1 August 2010 | suspected inactive |
CCC Hamburg | CCC Hamburg | Germany | Hamburg | Hamburg | http://www.hamburg.ccc.de/ | 12 April 1985 | active |
Dezentrale | Dezentrale | Germany | Saxony | Leipzig | https://dezentrale.space | 11 June 2017 | active |
Degghack | Degghack | Germany | Bavaria | Deggendorf | | | planned |
Nerdberg Hackspace | Nerdberg Hackspace | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | https://nerdberg.de/ | 30 September 2018 | active |
Munich Maker Space MCSM | Munich Maker Space MCSM | Germany | Bavaria | Munich | http://munichmakerspace.de/ | 1 January 1988 | closed |
GEOLab | GEOLab | Germany | Bavaria | Gerolzhofen | https://geolab.space | 15 May 2021 | active |
Hecospace | Hecospace | Germany | Hessen | Witzenhausen | | 7 November 2015 | reformatting |
Raumfahrtagentur | Raumfahrtagentur | Germany | | Berlin | http://raumfahrtagentur.org/ | 14 November 2008 | active |
Ploenne | Ploenne | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | | 1 December 2010 | planned |
Hopfenspace | Hopfenspace | Germany | Bavaria | Pfaffenhofen | https://hopfenspace.org | 28 June 2018 | active |
CoMakingSpace | CoMakingSpace | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Heidelberg | https://comakingspace.org | 8 August 2017 | active |
Entropia | Entropia | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | https://entropia.de/ | 17 May 2001 | active |
Shackspace | Shackspace | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Stuttgart | https://shackspace.de/ | 13 September 2009 | active |
Hack HRO | Hack HRO | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Rostock | https://hack-hro.de | | active |
Terminal21 Basislager | Terminal21 Basislager | Germany | Saxony-Anhalt | Halle | http://www.terminal21.de/basislager | 1 September 2011 | closed |
Hacksaar | Hacksaar | Germany | Saarland | Saarbrücken | https://www.hacksaar.de | 12 June 2013 | active |
Fablab Wuerzburg | Fablab Wuerzburg | Germany | Bavaria | Wuerzburg | https://fablab-wuerzburg.de | 1 July 2014 | active |
CCC Bremen | CCC Bremen | Germany | Bremen | Bremen | https://ccchb.de/ | 2 April 2008 | suspected inactive |
RaumZeitLabor | RaumZeitLabor | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Mannheim | https://raumzeitlabor.de/ | 10 October 2009 | active |
GarageLab eV | GarageLab eV | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Duesseldorf | https://garage-lab.de | | active |
DIYWW | DIYWW | Germany | Niedersachsen | Wilhelmshaven | https://diyww.de | 22 August 2015 | suspected inactive |
TIF-IT-Labor | TIF-IT-Labor | Germany | Thuringia | Gotha | https://www.tif-it.org/ | 7 December 2013 | active |
Chaostreff Flensburg e.V. | Chaostreff Flensburg e.V. | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Flensburg | https://chaostreff-flensburg.de/ | 20 January 2015 | active |
Hack EN | Hack EN | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Witten | https://forum.hack-en.de | | planned |
FabLab Aachen | FabLab Aachen | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Aachen | http://fablab.rwth-aachen.de | 7 December 2009 | suspected inactive |
FreeSpace Cologne | FreeSpace Cologne | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Cologne | | 1 October 2009 | planned |
Hasi | Hasi | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Siegen | https://ha.si | 24 August 2011 | active |
Turmlabor | Turmlabor | Germany | Saxony | Dresden | http://www.turmlabor.de | 1 October 2010 | closed |
Section77 | Section77 | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Offenburg | https://section77.de | 28 May 2014 | active |
Chaos Computer Club | Chaos Computer Club | Germany | | Hamburg | https://www.ccc.de/ | 1 January 1981 | active |
Localhorst | Localhorst | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Viersen | https://localhorst.nrw/ | 1 October 2017 | suspected inactive |
Nobreakspace | Nobreakspace | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Lübeck | https://www.chaotikum.org/ | 20 March 2012 | active |
Schaffenburg | Schaffenburg | Germany | Bavaria | Aschaffenburg | http://www.schaffenburg.org | 16 April 2015 | active |
Fab Lab Aachen | Fab Lab Aachen | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Aachen | http://fablab.rwth-aachen.de | 7 December 2009 | suspected inactive |
Chaospott | Chaospott | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Essen | https://www.chaospott.de | 15 September 2010 | active |
HackBar | HackBar | Germany | NRW | Bergheim | http://www.hackbar.cc | 26 June 2013 | planned |
Chaostreff Potsdam (CCCP) | Chaostreff Potsdam (CCCP) | Germany | Brandenburg | Potsdam | https://www.ccc-p.org/ | | active |
Subraum | Subraum | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Paderborn | http://www.c3pb.de/ | 19 May 2004 | active |
Codeforheilbronn | Codeforheilbronn | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Heilbronn | https://codeforheilbronn.de/ | 24 July 2017 | active |
Nordlab e.V. | Nordlab e.V. | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Flensburg | http://www.nordlab-ev.de | 6 April 2013 | suspected inactive |
K4CG | K4CG | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | http://www.k4cg.org/ | 5 October 1999 | active |
Knösterkotten | Knösterkotten | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Solingen | http://knoesterkotten.de | 21 July 2016 | suspected inactive |
Computerclub Ostfriesland | Computerclub Ostfriesland | Germany | Niedersachsen | Hesel | http://www.cco-ev.de/ | 1 January 1990 | closed |
Hackwerk Aalen | Hackwerk Aalen | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Aalen | https://aalen.space/ | 14 January 2022 | active |
CCC Freiburg | CCC Freiburg | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Freiburg | http://cccfr.de | 1 November 2001 | active |
Hackerspace Bremen | Hackerspace Bremen | Germany | Bremen | Bremen | https://www.hackerspace-bremen.de | 9 November 2011 | active |
Machwerk | Machwerk | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Hennef | https://www.machwerk-hennef.de | 5 April 2018 | active |
Black hole | Black hole | Germany | | | | | reformatting |
Hackerspace Westerwald | Hackerspace Westerwald | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Merkelbach | http://hackerspace.eu | 18 August 2009 | closed |
Datenburg | Datenburg | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Bonn | https://www.datenburg.org/ | 20 May 2019 | active |
Hacklabor | Hacklabor | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Schwerin | https://hacklabor.de/ | 26 February 2016 | active |
Maschinendeck | Maschinendeck | Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Trier | http://www.maschinendeck.org | 23 July 2014 | active |
OpenBerlin | OpenBerlin | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | | 8 January 2014 | building |
Eigenbaukombinat Halle | Eigenbaukombinat Halle | Germany | Saxony-Anhalt | Halle | http://eigenbaukombinat.de | 19 January 2013 | active |
Netzladen | Netzladen | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Bonn | http://netzladen.org/ | | closed |
Makerspace-coworking-ebe | Makerspace-coworking-ebe | Germany | Bavaria | Ebersberg | | | planned |
Clever inside | Clever inside | Germany | Brandenburg | Lübbenau | http://www.jfvnet.de/ | 6 July 1994 | suspected inactive |
FNordeingang Neuss | FNordeingang Neuss | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Neuss | https://fnordeingang.de | 21 April 2010 | active |
0x90.space | 0x90.space | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | https://0x90.space | 1 June 2019 | active |
Hackerspace-Wetzlar | Hackerspace-Wetzlar | Germany | Hessen | Wetzlar | http://www.Hackerspace-Wetzlar.de | 1 December 2015 | suspected inactive |
IN-Berlin | IN-Berlin | Germany | Germany | Berlin | http://www.in-berlin.de/ | 3 February 1995 | active |
Infuanfu | Infuanfu | Germany | Bayern | Wartenberg | https://infuanfu.de/ | 9 April 2016 | reformatting |
Epicnamespace | Epicnamespace | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Bonn | https://www.epicnamespace.org | 23 April 2014 | planned |
Instant9 | Instant9 | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | | 26 June 2013 | building |
DIY CAMPUS | DIY CAMPUS | Germany | Hessen | Frankfurt | http://campus.auge.de | 1 January 2017 | reformatting |
Bits'n'Bugs | Bits'n'Bugs | Germany | Bavaria | Erlangen | http://erlangen.ccc.de | | active |
Hof | Hof | Germany | Bavaria | Hof | http://hackerspacehof.pbworks.com/ | 19 February 2010 | planned |
OpenCodes | OpenCodes | Germany | Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | https://open-codes.zkm.de/en | 20 October 2017 | suspected inactive |
Fablab Lueneburg | Fablab Lueneburg | Germany | Lower-Saxony | Fablab Lueneburg | https://www.fablab-lueneburg.org/ | | active |
FabLab Cottbus | FabLab Cottbus | Germany | Brandenburg | Cottbus | http://fablab-cottbus.de | | active |
Munich Maker Lab | Munich Maker Lab | Germany | Bavaria | Munich | https://munichmakerlab.de/ | 1 February 2014 | active |
Makerspace Leipzig | Makerspace Leipzig | Germany | Saxony | Leipzig | https://makerspace-leipzig.de/ | | active |
3D Berlin Headquarter | 3D Berlin Headquarter | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | http://www.youin3d.com/hackerspace-3d-berlin-headquarter/ | 5 December 2006 | active |
Base-k | Base-k | Germany | Hessen | Kassel | | 1 December 2011 | closed |
Chaos-treff-wismar | Chaos-treff-wismar | Germany | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Wismar | | 7 April 2010 | planned |
Binary Kitchen | Binary Kitchen | Germany | Bavaria | Regensburg | http://www.binary-kitchen.de/ | 23 January 2013 | active |
3D Druckzentrum Ruhr | 3D Druckzentrum Ruhr | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Essen | http://www.3d-druckzentrum-ruhr.de | | suspected inactive |
Bootlab | Bootlab | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | http://bootlab.org | 23 January 2000 | closed |
Fablab Nuernberg | Fablab Nuernberg | Germany | Bavaria | Nuremberg | http://www.fablab-nuernberg.de | 1 October 2011 | closed |
Chania hackerSoace | Chania hackerSoace | Greece | Chania | Chania | | | planned |
To LABaki | To LABaki | Greece | Crete | Herakleion | http://tolabaki.gr | 21 June 2011 | suspected inactive |
P-Space | P-Space | Greece | Achaia | Patras | http://www.p-space.gr | 15 December 2010 | closed |
Radix Hacklab | Radix Hacklab | Greece | Attica | Athens | https://radix.one | | closed |
~/tinycore.lab | ~/tinycore.lab | Greece | Pieria | Litochoro | https://tinycorelab.noblogs.org | 24 December 2016 | active |
KLUG.gr (Kozani Linux User's Group | KLUG.gr (Kozani Linux User's Group | Greece | West Macedonia | Kozani | http://klug.gr | 1 October 2009 | closed |
TheHackerspace | TheHackerspace | Greece | Central Macedonia | Thessaloniki | http://the-hackerspace.blogspot.com | 25 May 2011 | closed |
GreekLUG | GreekLUG | Greece | Central Macedonia | Thessaloniki | http://www.greeklug.gr | 21 May 2007 | active |
Hackerspace.gr | Hackerspace.gr | Greece | Attica | Athens | https://www.hackerspace.gr | 20 September 2010 | active |
Po/iw | Po/iw | Greece | Crete | Herakleion | https://poiw.org | 1 August 2021 | building |
Lamda Space | Lamda Space | Greece | | Thessaloniki | https://www.lambdaspace.gr/ | 14 May 2015 | suspected inactive |
Thehackerspace | Thehackerspace | Greece | | Thessaloniki | http://the-hackerspace.blogspot.com | | closed |
Digilions | Digilions | Greece | Attica | Piraeus | | 29 December 2013 | planned |
Anax | Anax | Greece | Attica | Athens | | 3 March 2009 | closed |
Greenbridge | Greenbridge | Greece | Thessaly | Trikala | https://greenbridge.gr | 25 October 2022 | active |
CommonsLab | CommonsLab | Greece | Crete | Heraklion | http://www.commonslab.gr | 19 April 2016 | reformatting |
0x0lab.org | 0x0lab.org | Greece | Attika | Athens | http://www.0x0lab.org | 25 January 2009 | closed |
Habibi.Works | Habibi.Works | Greece | Epirus | Ioannina | http://habibi.works | 1 August 2016 | closed |
Spacetime.community | Spacetime.community | Greece | Central Macedonia | Thessaloniki | https://spacetime.community | 1 May 2021 | active |
P2P Lab | P2P Lab | Greece | | Ioannina | http://p2plab.gr/en | 29 December 2012 | suspected inactive |
DevelHackerSpace | DevelHackerSpace | Guatemala | Guatemala | Guatemala | http://www.devel.group | 30 July 2019 | building |
TecLab | TecLab | Guatemala | Guatemala | Guatemala City | https://tec.gt/teclab | 1 July 2016 | suspected inactive |
Hacktenango | Hacktenango | Guatemala | Guatemala | Guatemala | http://hacktenango.com/ | 13 January 2013 | planned |
Hackerspace Guatemala | Hackerspace Guatemala | Guatemala | Guatemala | Guatemala | | 5 June 2011 | suspected inactive |
InnovationLabUG | InnovationLabUG | Guatemala | Guatemala | Guatemala | http://innovacion.galileo.edu/ | 1 December 2012 | closed |
DimSumLabs | DimSumLabs | Hong Kong | | Hong Kong | https://www.dimsumlabs.com | 1 July 2011 | active |
M-Labs | M-Labs | Hong Kong | Quarry Bay | Hong Kong | https://m-labs.hk | | active |
User:Makerbay | User:Makerbay | Hong Kong | Kowloon | Yau Tong | http://makerbay.org | 21 June 2015 | suspected inactive |
Station for Open Cultures | Station for Open Cultures | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | | 28 March 2018 | closed |
Fill in the Blank | Fill in the Blank | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | http://www.fillintheblank.hk | 1 July 2012 | active |
HackerGom | HackerGom | Hungary | Komárom-Esztergom County | Esztergom | | 1 August 2010 | planned |
Hungarian Robot Builders | Hungarian Robot Builders | Hungary | Pest | Budapest | http://www.hungarianrobot.hu | 1 June 2016 | closed |
Hackerspace Szeged | Hackerspace Szeged | Hungary | Csongrad | Szeged | http://szeged.hacker-space.hu/ | 1 September 2014 | suspected inactive |
Nextlab | Nextlab | Hungary | | | http://nextlab.hu/ | | |
B9 Space | B9 Space | Hungary | Fejér County | Gárdony | https://bone9.hu/ | 1 June 2019 | building |
Hackerspace Kismaros | Hackerspace Kismaros | Hungary | Pest | Kismaros | http://malnasuli.hu | 7 January 2017 | suspected inactive |
Hackerspace Budapest | Hackerspace Budapest | Hungary | | Budapest | https://hsbp.org/ | 1 February 2009 | active |
VMW corp | VMW corp | INDIA | TAMIL NADU | CHENNAI | | 6 February 2017 | |
Hakkavélin | Hakkavélin | Iceland | | Reykjavik | https://hakkavelin.is | 7 April 2010 | active |
Neuboo | Neuboo | India | Tamil Nadu | Chennai | | 1 September 2007 | suspected inactive |
SCS | SCS | India | Maharashtra | Mumbai | http://scispace.tk/ | 6 June 2011 | closed |
PotentialLabs | PotentialLabs | India | Andhra Pradesh | Hyderabad | http://potentiallabs.com | 8 November 2012 | suspected inactive |
H-Space | H-Space | India | West Bengal | Kolkata | http://hspace.root.sx/ | 10 January 2018 | closed |
Geekybuddha | Geekybuddha | India | Rajasthan | Phalodi | http://geekybuddha.org | 1 March 2017 | closed |
Moonlighting Delhi | Moonlighting Delhi | India | Delhi | New Delhi | http://moonlighting.in/Delhi | 1 January 2011 | closed |
Know Hacking,But no Hacking! | Know Hacking,But no Hacking! | India | Manipur | Imphal | https://arjunhackingstuff.wordpress.com | 19 March 2012 | closed |
The Playce | The Playce | India | Maharashtra | Mumbai | http://www.theplayce.in | 22 November 2012 | building |
Centre for Internet and Society | Centre for Internet and Society | India | Karnataka | Bangalore | http://cis-india.org | 1 July 2008 | active |
KEK | KEK | India | Karnataka | Bangalore | http://kek.org.in/ | | closed |
Centre for Electronics Design and Technology | Centre for Electronics Design and Technology | India | Delhi | New Delhi | http://www.cedtnsit.in | 1 August 2003 | closed |
EMC Techlabs | EMC Techlabs | India | Gujarat | Ahmedabad | https://www.emctechlabs.com | 1 January 2014 | active |
हैकरgram (Hackergram), Almora | हैकरgram (Hackergram), Almora | India | Uttarakhand | Bhimtal | http://hackergram.org | 1 April 2013 | active |
Jayso Labs | Jayso Labs | India | Gujarat | Ahmedabad | http://jaysolabs.com/ | 5 July 2013 | closed |
Steam Labs | Steam Labs | India | Haryana | Gurgaon | http://www.steamlabs.in | | suspected inactive |
Kontorspace | Kontorspace | India | Maharashtra | Mumbai | https://iemsajeed.wordpress.com | 11 July 2018 | building |
Indore, Inadia | Indore, Inadia | India | Madhya Pradesh | Indore | | | planned |
The Startup Centre | The Startup Centre | India | Tamil Nadu | Chennai | http://www.thestartupcentre.com | 1 May 2011 | suspected inactive |
HasGeek House | HasGeek House | India | Karnataka | Bangalore | https://hasgeek.com | 1 June 2013 | active |
JMoon MakerSpace | JMoon MakerSpace | India | Delhi | New Delhi | http://JMoonLabs.com/MakerSpace | 18 September 2014 | closed |
WhitehatGuru.net | WhitehatGuru.net | India | Delhi | New Delhi | http://www.whitehatguru.net | 17 October 2009 | closed |
Manivasagam hacking tutz | Manivasagam hacking tutz | India | Tamil Nadu | Cuddalore | http://www.techzian.blogspot.com | | suspected inactive |
EN1gm@ | EN1gm@ | India | Madhya Pradesh | Gwalior | | 13 February 2017 | building |
White-Hat Club | White-Hat Club | India | Assam | Guwahati | http://www.whitehatgroup.in | 6 February 2008 | closed |
TheSpace | TheSpace | India | Tamil Nadu | Chennai | http://hackden.feroze.in/ | 29 January 2012 | building |
Makers Universe | Makers Universe | India | Maharashtra | Mumbai | http://www.universesimplified.com/ate-makers-universe/ | 8 October 2016 | active |
Dexterinside | Dexterinside | India | Delhi | New Delhi | http://www.dexterinside.com | 18 April 2014 | closed |
MakersBox | MakersBox | India | Delhi | New Delhi | http://www.makersbox.in | 30 October 2015 | active |
Meerut Maker Space | Meerut Maker Space | India | Utter Pradesh | Meerut | | 1 February 2015 | building |
Trivandrum | Trivandrum | India | Kerala | Trivandrum | | | |
Yuvalay Electronics Lab | Yuvalay Electronics Lab | India | Gujarat | Vadodara | http://elab.yuvalay.org | 7 May 2017 | active |
HackerspaceNagar | HackerspaceNagar | India | Himachal Pradesh | Naggar | | 14 January 2013 | building |
Mumbai Hackerspace | Mumbai Hackerspace | India | Maharashtra | Mumbai | | 10 February 2013 | planned |
Sarai | Sarai | India | Delhi | New Delhi | http://www.sarai.net | | active |
Hacklabz | Hacklabz | India | Karnataka | Bangalore | http://hacklabz.org | 26 December 2012 | planned |
Chennai Makerspace | Chennai Makerspace | India | Tamil Nadu | Chennai | http://chennaimakerspace.com/ | 10 June 2015 | closed |
Vigyan Ashram DIY Lab | Vigyan Ashram DIY Lab | India | Maharashtra | Pune | http://www.vigyanashram.com/ | 10 December 2013 | active |
IdeaCliff | IdeaCliff | India | Kerala | Trivandrum | http://www.ideacliff.in | 13 August 2013 | active |
Headstart Hackerspace | Headstart Hackerspace | India | Delhi | New Delhi | | 21 July 2012 | planned |
Hackerspace Kolkata | Hackerspace Kolkata | India | West Bengal | Kolkata | http://groups.google.com/group/hackerspace-kolkata | 21 December 2009 | planned |
Infinity | Infinity | India | Himachal Pradesh | Dharamsala | | 16 July 2012 | suspected inactive |
Kerala | Kerala | India | Kerala | Trivandrum | | 1 November 2012 | suspected inactive |
TinkerSpace | TinkerSpace | India | Kerala | Ernakulam | https://www.tinkerhub.org/tinkerspace | 18 December 2022 | active |
Public Research Association of Social Hacktivity | Public Research Association of Social Hacktivity | India | Tamil Nadu | Trichy | | 8 December 2019 | active |
Makers Hive | Makers Hive | India | Andhra Pradesh | Ramachandrapuram | http://www.makershive.org | 23 December 2014 | suspected inactive |
Bengal hackers | Bengal hackers | India | West Bengal | Asansol-durgapur-kolkata | | 1 September 2011 | planned |
MozHackerSpace | MozHackerSpace | India | Madhya Pradesh | Guna, India | https://www.mpcjuet.tech | 26 August 2018 | building |
Reserved-bit | Reserved-bit | India | Maharashtra | Pune | https://reserved-bit.com | 1 January 2017 | suspected inactive |
Makers Asylum | Makers Asylum | India | Goa | Moira | https://makersasylum.com/ | 7 November 2013 | active |
Tamil Nadu hackers | Tamil Nadu hackers | India | Tamil Nadu | Madurai | http://tn hackers.0fees.net/ | 12 April 2009 | planned |
Jaaga: Bangalore Art & Technology Space | Jaaga: Bangalore Art & Technology Space | India | Karnataka | Bangalore | http://jaaga.in | 9 August 2009 | active |
Hacked@mumbai | Hacked@mumbai | India | Maharashtra | Mumbai | http://www.thinklabs.in | 22 September 2010 | planned |
HackerSpaceYK | HackerSpaceYK | Indonesia | DIY | Yogyakarta | http://hackerspaceyk.org | 4 May 2011 | closed |
Hackerspace Medan | Hackerspace Medan | Indonesia | Sumatera Utara | Medan | http://hackerspacemedan.com | 9 May 2012 | planned |
HackerspaceSBY | HackerspaceSBY | Indonesia | East Java | Surabaya | | 1 April 2011 | closed |
Jakarta, Indonesia | Jakarta, Indonesia | Indonesia | Jakarta | Jakarta | http://space.hackers.co.id | 5 January 2011 | closed |
The house of natural fiber | The house of natural fiber | Indonesia | Soragan | Yogyakarta | http://www.natural-fiber.com/about.html | | |
Pusat-Komputer-Masyarakat | Pusat-Komputer-Masyarakat | Indonesia | Central Java | Pekalongan | http://puskomas.web.id/ | 1 May 2012 | active |
SurabayaHackerspaceII | SurabayaHackerspaceII | Indonesia | East Java | Surabaya | http://hackerspacesby.webstarts.com/ | 1 February 2013 | closed |
Godhack.org | Godhack.org | Indonesia | East borneo | Borneo | http://www.godhack.org/ | 9 September 2009 | closed |
GoodBandit | GoodBandit | Indonesia | West Java | Bandung | | 3 June 1999 | closed |
Hackerspaces Soroako | Hackerspaces Soroako | Indonesia | South Sulawesi | Soroako | | | building |
Semarang | Semarang | Indonesia | Central Java | Semarang | | 3 October 2012 | suspected inactive |
Biznet Techspace | Biznet Techspace | Indonesia | West Java | Bogor | http://www.biznettechspace.com/En/ | 3 August 2012 | closed |
HackerspaceBekasi | HackerspaceBekasi | Indonesia | West Java | Bekasi | http://hackerspacebekasi.org | 1 March 2012 | planned |
Indonesia Hackerspace | Indonesia Hackerspace | Indonesia | West Java | Bandung | https://idnHS.com | 13 December 2019 | suspected inactive |
Maliome Hackerspace | Maliome Hackerspace | Indonesia | DIY | Yogyakarta | | 10 September 2014 | suspected inactive |
Hackerspace Bandung | Hackerspace Bandung | Indonesia | West Java | Bandung | | 10 November 2010 | building |
Gadai-BPKB-Mobil | Gadai-BPKB-Mobil | Indonesia | Jawa barat | Bandung | https://bpkb-ku.com/ | 16 July 2019 | planned |
Jogja Digital Valley | Jogja Digital Valley | Indonesia | | Yogyakarta | http://jogjadigitalvalley.com/ | 21 August 2014 | suspected inactive |
TEKNONESIA | TEKNONESIA | Indonesia | North Sumatra | Medan | http://teknonesia.com | 10 April 2011 | suspected inactive |
Iranian hackerspace | Iranian hackerspace | Iran | Tehran | Tehran | http://hackerspace.ir/ | 20 December 2009 | suspected inactive |
Some Hackers In Town | Some Hackers In Town | Iran | Alborz | Karaj | | 16 January 2009 | closed |
Tehran | Tehran | Iran | Tehran | Tehran | | | building |
Emperor-team | Emperor-team | Iran | Tehran | Tehran | http://emperor-team.org/ | 27 June 2005 | active |
Mosul space | Mosul space | Iraq | Nineveh Governorate | Mosul | | 22 May 2014 | active |
Fikra Space | Fikra Space | Iraq | | Baghdad | http://fikraspace.com/ | 17 October 2012 | closed |
Sample Studios | Sample Studios | Ireland | Munster | Cork (city) | http://www.sample-studios.com | | active |
Sligo | Sligo | Ireland | Sligo | Sligo | | 13 January 2009 | closed |
Wicklow | Wicklow | Ireland | Leinster | Wicklow | https://wicklowmakers.ie | 1 January 2011 | planned |
NUIMMakersClub | NUIMMakersClub | Ireland | Leinster | Maynooth | | 24 October 2008 | closed |
Nexus Cork | Nexus Cork | Ireland | Munster | Cork (city) | http://nexuscork.com | 1 July 2010 | closed |
Drogheda | Drogheda | Ireland | Leinster | | http://www.lightboxlab.ie | 1 January 2012 | closed |
091 Labs | 091 Labs | Ireland | Connacht | Galway | http://091labs.com | 25 February 2010 | active |
Forma Labs | Forma Labs | Ireland | Munster | Cork (city) | http://formalabs.org | 1 October 2014 | closed |
TOG | TOG | Ireland | Leinster | Dublin | http://tog.ie/ | 21 January 2009 | active |
MiLKlabs | MiLKlabs | Ireland | Munster | Limerick | http://www.milklabs.ie | 7 February 2010 | closed |
Recyclism Hacklab | Recyclism Hacklab | Ireland | Leinster | Dublin | http://hacklab.recyclism.com/ | 1 December 2011 | closed |
CorkHacker.Space | CorkHacker.Space | Ireland | Munster | Ballingcollig | | | planned |
Athlone Hackerspace | Athlone Hackerspace | Ireland | Westmeath | Athlone | http://groupspaces.com/AthloneHackerspace/ | 26 February 2014 | unknown |
LovelaceSpace | LovelaceSpace | Ireland | Leinster | Dublin | | | planned |
Navan Hacker Space | Navan Hacker Space | Ireland | Meath | Navan | https://groups.google.com/d/forum/navan-labs | 1 November 2012 | closed |
South East Makerspace | South East Makerspace | Ireland | Munster | Waterford | https://www.southeastmakerspace.org | 4 April 2013 | active |
EHS | EHS | Ireland | Clare | Ennis | http://ennishackerspace.webs.com | 1 February 2010 | planned |
GarageGeeks | GarageGeeks | Israel | | Holon | http://www.garagegeeks.org/ | | unknown |
Tel Aviv Makers Intl. | Tel Aviv Makers Intl. | Israel | | Tel Aviv | http://telavivmakers.org/ | 8 May 2010 | active |
TechnoDream | TechnoDream | Israel | Zafon | Haifa | http://www.technodream.org | 16 February 2011 | closed |
Shadow Socket | Shadow Socket | Italian | Treviso | Treviso | | 8 January 2021 | planned |
Scuola Open Source | Scuola Open Source | Italy | Bari | Bari | https://www.lascuolaopensource.xyz | | active |
Monachers | Monachers | Italy | Basilicata | Matera | | 15 October 2014 | closed |
MvtinaPwn | MvtinaPwn | Italy | Emilia Romagna | Modena | https://www.mvtinapwn.it | | active |
Calabrian Hackers | Calabrian Hackers | Italy | Calabria | Cosenza | | | building |
Unplugged | Unplugged | Italy | Pesaro e Urbino | Pesaro | https://unplugged.city | | building |
Museo dell'Informatica Funzionante | Museo dell'Informatica Funzionante | Italy | Sicily | Palazzolo Acreide | http://museo.freaknet.org/ | | closed |
Hacklabudine | Hacklabudine | Italy | Friuli Venezia Giulia | Castions di Strada | http://www.hacklabudine.it | 4 November 2011 | closed |
Poetry hacklab | Poetry hacklab | Italy | Sicily | Palazzolo Acreide | http://poetry.freaknet.org | 1 January 2001 | suspected inactive |
HackLab Terni | HackLab Terni | Italy | Umbria | Terni | http://hacklabterni.org | 21 October 2011 | active |
Adalab | Adalab | Italy | Veneto | Vicenza | http://www.ada-lab.it/ | 1 January 2012 | closed |
OSHW.IT | OSHW.IT | Italy | Tuscany | Livorno | http://oshw.it | 15 September 2014 | suspected inactive |
Verdebinario | Verdebinario | Italy | Calabria | Cosenza | http://www.verdebinario.org | 19 December 2002 | active |
/root | /root | Italy | Emilia Romagna | Forlì | https://www.rootclub.it | 1 January 2018 | active |
Mittelab | Mittelab | Italy | Friuli Venezia Giulia | Trieste | https://www.mittelab.org | 28 March 2015 | active |
Transductors Connections | Transductors Connections | Italy | Tuscany | Carrara | | 1 February 2010 | building |
Delete-me | Delete-me | Italy | Calabria | Catanzaro | http://hacklab.cz | 7 July 2007 | closed |
SH-404 | SH-404 | Italy | | | http://isole.ecn.org/sh404/ | | |
Foxolab | Foxolab | Italy | Lecco | Paderno D'Adda | https://lab.foxo.me | | building |
MuHack | MuHack | Italy | Lombardy | Brescia | https://muhack.org/ | 29 May 2014 | active |
Unit | Unit | Italy | Lombardy | Milan | https://unit.abbiamoundominio.org/ | 24 November 2016 | active |
Italian Hackers Embassy | Italian Hackers Embassy | Italy | | | https://italianhackerembassy.it/#not yet existing | 1 August 2007 | active |
Mes3hacklab | Mes3hacklab | Italy | Veneto | Mestre | http://www.mes3hacklab.org | | suspected inactive |
HackTung | HackTung | Italy | | | http://www.autistici.org/hacktung/ | | active |
F-HackLab | F-HackLab | Italy | | Rome | http://fhl.noblogs.org/ | 1 September 2001 | suspected inactive |
Hackspace Catania | Hackspace Catania | Italy | Sicily | Catania | http://www.hackspacecatania.it | 11 November 2013 | suspected inactive |
Politecnico Open unix Labs | Politecnico Open unix Labs | Italy | Lombardy | Milan | https://poul.org | | active |
GUTSU | GUTSU | Italy | Sicily | Messina | http://www.giovanniraco.com | 1 August 2000 | closed |
ICTP SciFabLab | ICTP SciFabLab | Italy | Friuli-Venezia Giulia | Trieste | http://scifablab.ictp.it | 12 August 2014 | active |
Underscore To | Underscore To | Italy | | Torino | http://www.autistici.org/underscore/ | 20 January 2010 | planned |
ArtLab Pesaro - Coworking culturale | ArtLab Pesaro - Coworking culturale | Italy | Pesaro e Urbino | Pesaro | https://www.tavolostudenti.it/artlab | 15 November 2023 | active |
Hacklab Cosenza | Hacklab Cosenza | Italy | Calabria | Cosenza | http://hlcs.it | 1 September 2005 | suspected inactive |
FrankensteinGarage FabLabMilano | FrankensteinGarage FabLabMilano | Italy | | Milan | http://www.frankensteingarage.it | 10 June 2011 | active |
FreeSide | FreeSide | Italy | | | http://www.autistici.org/freeside | | unknown |
MediaLab | MediaLab | Italy | | Rome | http://avana.forteprenestino.net/ | | active |
LIFO | LIFO | Italy | | Varese | http://lifolab.org | | closed |
MindsHub | MindsHub | Italy | Trentino | Ala | https://mindshub.it/ | 2016 | active |
Freaknet | Freaknet | Italy | Sicily | Catania | http://freaknet.org | 24 November 1994 | suspected inactive |
Reload | Reload | Italy | | | http://reload.realityhacking.org/ | | closed |
EigenLab | EigenLab | Italy | Tuscany | Pisa | https://eigenlab.org | 23 November 2010 | active |
Openspace | Openspace | Italy | Lombardy | Milan | https://openspace.xxx | 4 August 2012 | building |
HaSGO | HaSGO | Italy | Friuli Venezia Giulia | Gorizia | http://www.hasgo.org | 23 April 2012 | closed |
HackLab CatanZaro | HackLab CatanZaro | Italy | Calabria | Catanzaro | http://hacklab.cz | 7 July 2007 | closed |
AMN Co Working Space | AMN Co Working Space | Ivory Coast | | Abidjan | | | closed |
OkayamaHackerSpace | OkayamaHackerSpace | Japan | Okayama | Okayama | http://okayamahs.web.fc2.com/index.html | 16 January 2012 | closed |
HackerspaceChiba | HackerspaceChiba | Japan | Chiba Prefecture | Ōamishirasato | http://4hacker.github.io/hackerhouse/ | 1 January 2019 | active |
Anno lab | Anno lab | Japan | Fukuoka | Fukuoka | http://annolab.com | 2 April 2012 | active |
Shinagawa Hackerspace | Shinagawa Hackerspace | Japan | Tokyo | Shinagawa | http://hackerspace.me | 10 June 2018 | suspected inactive |
BioClub | BioClub | Japan | | Tokyo | http://www.bioclub.org/ | 3 March 2016 | active |
Yutoribeya | Yutoribeya | Japan | Tokyo | Shibuya | http://yutoribeya.com/ | 9 October 2014 | closed |
OfficeShareFukuoka | OfficeShareFukuoka | Japan | Fukuoka | Fukuoka | http://www.office-share.jp/ | 1 April 2006 | closed |
Hackerspace@tamabi | Hackerspace@tamabi | Japan | Tokyo | Tokyo | http://dp.idd.tamabi.ac.jp/hackerspace/ | 1 April 2010 | closed |
4nchor5 la6 | 4nchor5 la6 | Japan | Tokyo | Tokyo | http://456.im | 24 February 2008 | closed |
Osaka Makers' Space | Osaka Makers' Space | Japan | Osaka Prefecture | Osaka | http://www.osakamakers.jp | 1 April 2017 | closed |
NODE-LAB | NODE-LAB | Japan | Aichi | Nagoya | http://www.node-lab.org/ | 1 May 2012 | closed |
HackerspaceShinjuku | HackerspaceShinjuku | Japan | Tokyo | Shinjuku | http://4hacker.github.io/hackerhouse/hackerspace shinjuku.html | 1 August 2016 | suspected inactive |
Ginza Hub | Ginza Hub | Japan | Ginza | Tokyo | http://mkt.com/ginza-hub | 1 August 2014 | suspected inactive |
Hackerspace Nagoya | Hackerspace Nagoya | Japan | Aichi | Nagoya | https://hackerspace-nagoya.squarespace.com/#about | 1 April 2014 | planned |
Tokyo Hacker Space | Tokyo Hacker Space | Japan | Tokyo | Tokyo | https://www.tokyohackerspace.jp/ | 16 May 2009 | active |
FabLab Saga | FabLab Saga | Japan | Saga Prefecture | Saga (city) | https://www.facebook.com/FabLabSaga | 4 July 2014 | active |
HackerSpace JUST | HackerSpace JUST | Jordan | Irbid Governorate | Irbid | | 5 August 2019 | active |
Amman Hacker Space | Amman Hacker Space | Jordan | Amman | Amman | http://ammanhs.com | 11 November 2012 | building |
Sheberkhana | Sheberkhana | Kazakhstan | Almaty | Almaty | http://sheberkhana.com | 1 February 2018 | building |
Pacifica | Pacifica | Kazakhstan | | Almaty | https://hackerspace.kz | 27 July 2018 | suspected inactive |
Black Ice | Black Ice | Kazakhstan | Almaty | Almaty | https://t.me/blackicehackerspace | 1 May 2024 | active |
Candmike2 | Candmike2 | Kenya | Eastern | Nairobi | http://WWW.candmike2.blogspot.com | 1 October 2010 | planned |
IHub | IHub | Kenya | | Nairobi | http://iHub.co.ke | 1 January 2010 | suspected inactive |
Discovery Lab | Discovery Lab | Kosovo | Kosovo | Kacanik | http://www.discoverylab.online | 6 November 2019 | suspected inactive |
Prishtina Hackerspace | Prishtina Hackerspace | Kosovo | | Prishtina | http://www.prishtinahackerspace.org | 1 July 2014 | closed |
LaOS HackerSpace | LaOS HackerSpace | Laos | Vientiane | Vientiane | | 25 February 2013 | planned |
MAKE RIGA | MAKE RIGA | Latvia | | Riga | http://makeriga.org | 18 September 2012 | active |
Valmiera's Makerspace DARE | Valmiera's Makerspace DARE | Latvia | Vidzeme | Valmiera | https://darevalmiera.lv/ | 28 February 2020 | active |
Ventspils design studio RADE | Ventspils design studio RADE | Latvia | | Ventspils | https://www.vatp.lv/rade | 1 June 2020 | active |
Seeqnce | Seeqnce | Lebanon | Beirut | Beirut | http://seeqnce.com/ | 1 June 2010 | closed |
Lamba Labs | Lamba Labs | Lebanon | Beirut | Beirut | http://lambalabs.com | 11 September 2012 | suspected inactive |
Karaj | Karaj | Lebanon | | Beirut | http://www.karajbeirut.org | 1 March 2010 | closed |
Vilnius hideout | Vilnius hideout | Lithuania | | Vilnius | http://www.hackerspace.lt | 3 October 2010 | unknown |
Kaunas Makerspace | Kaunas Makerspace | Lithuania | | Kaunas | https://makerspace.lt/ | 16 July 2013 | active |
VTDK.hackLAB | VTDK.hackLAB | Lithuania | | Vilnius | http://vtdk.hacklab.lt | 1 September 2013 | closed |
Padirbtuves | Padirbtuves | Lithuania | | Vilnius | http://padirbtuves.lt | 13 April 2013 | suspected inactive |
Technarium | Technarium | Lithuania | | Vilnius | http://technariumas.lt | 1 September 2011 | suspected inactive |
ChaosStuff | ChaosStuff | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Luxembourg City | http://chaosstuff.lu | 11 June 2015 | active |
Syn2cat | Syn2cat | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Luxembourg City | http://www.hackerspace.lu | 26 August 2008 | active |
Srg | Srg | MALAYSIA | PULAU PINANG | MINDEN | | 21 August 2010 | planned |
Hackerspace Malaysia | Hackerspace Malaysia | MALAYSIA | Kuala Lumpur | Cyberjaya | http://planned | 1 January 1970 | planned |
G.O.W. | G.O.W. | MALAYSIA | KUALA LUMPUR | SUNGAI BESI | | 11 June 2010 | planned |
KIKA | KIKA | Macedonia | | Skopje | http://blog.spodeli.org/ | 9 September 2009 | active |
Hacker Space Kuala Lumpur | Hacker Space Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia | Wilayah Persekutuan | Kuala Lumpur | http://hackerspace.my | 17 March 2009 | closed |
S.Y.M Playground | S.Y.M Playground | Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | Kuala Lumpur | | 28 October 2015 | planned |
Hackerspace Johor Bahru | Hackerspace Johor Bahru | Malaysia | Johor | Johor Bahru | http://www.hackerspacejb.org/ | 27 June 2009 | closed |
Makespace (Malaysia) | Makespace (Malaysia) | Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | Kuala Lumpur | http://www.makespace.my | | closed |
Kikidan | Kikidan | Malaysia | Kuala lampur | Sungai besi | | 11 June 2010 | planned |
CoWorkSpacer Nusajaya | CoWorkSpacer Nusajaya | Malaysia | Johor | Nusajaya | http://www.coworkspacer.com | 15 October 2013 | suspected inactive |
Maker Space Malta | Maker Space Malta | Malta | | Valletta | http://www.msmalta.com | | planned |
Gremlin Collective | Gremlin Collective | Mexico | Tabasco | Villahermosa | http://gremlincollective.blogspot.com | 15 August 2013 | closed |
MAKERSPACE GENIOS | MAKERSPACE GENIOS | Mexico | Nayarit | Tepic | | 11 September 2017 | suspected inactive |
HackerGarage | HackerGarage | Mexico | Jalisco | Guadalajara | http://hackergarage.mx/ | 19 February 2011 | active |
Oventhack | Oventhack | Mexico | | Chiapas | http://www.oventhack.net/ | | |
ApatzyTI | ApatzyTI | Mexico | Michoacan | Apatzingán | https://www.apatzyti.org/ | 1 January 2012 | active |
Estudio 664 | Estudio 664 | Mexico | Baja California | Tijuana | http://estudio664.net | 7 April 2014 | active |
Saltillo Hackspce | Saltillo Hackspce | Mexico | Coahuila | Saltillo | | 1 October 2018 | planned |
Monterrey-hackspace | Monterrey-hackspace | Mexico | Nuevo Leon | Monterrey | | 21 November 2011 | planned |
SoftwareSpace | SoftwareSpace | Mexico | Colima | Colima | http://www.softwarespace.org | 1 August 2012 | closed |
Uxati | Uxati | Mexico | Michoacan | Patzcuaro | | 1 August 2015 | active |
WrongByte | WrongByte | Mexico | Quintana Roo | Cancun | http://wrongbyte.com/ | 1 April 2018 | closed |
BajHack | BajHack | Mexico | Baja California | Ensenada, Baja California | http://www.bajhack.com | 18 January 2011 | closed |
330ohms Makerspace | 330ohms Makerspace | Mexico | Distrito Federal | Mexico City | http://makerspace.330ohms.com/ | 26 September 2014 | closed |
HackLab OB | HackLab OB | Mexico | Sonora | Obregon | | 1 April 2012 | planned |
Rancho Electrónico | Rancho Electrónico | Mexico | Distrito Federal (Mexico) | Mexico City | http://ranchoelectronico.org/ | 1 April 2013 | active |
Hackerspace Cholula | Hackerspace Cholula | Mexico | Puebla | Cholula | http://hackerspacecholula.org | 1 June 2010 | closed |
Intelirobot | Intelirobot | Mexico | San Luis Potosí | San Luis Potosí | http://www.intelirobot.com.mx/makerspace.html | 30 May 2014 | closed |
Techné | Techné | Mexico | Michoacan | Patzcuaro | http://www.techne.space | 1 April 2016 | closed |
Hacker Room | Hacker Room | Mexico | DF | Mexico City | http://hackerroom.mx | 30 July 2010 | closed |
HackerCave | HackerCave | Mexico | Yucatan | Merida | http://hackercave.com.mx | 6 August 2011 | closed |
Saltillo Hackerspace | Saltillo Hackerspace | Mexico | Coahuila | Saltillo | | 1 October 2018 | planned |
Source Hack | Source Hack | Mexico | Queretaro | Queretaro | http://sourcehack.org/ | 19 November 2016 | suspected inactive |
Hsmty | Hsmty | Mexico | Nuevo Leon | Monterrey | http://hsmty.org/ | 19 December 2011 | active |
HackerHub | HackerHub | Mexico | Guanajuato | Irapuato | http://www.hackerhub.com | 15 January 2011 | closed |
LagunaLabs | LagunaLabs | Mexico | Coahuila | Torreon | http://www.lagunalabs.com | 8 August 2011 | building |
Inventoteca | Inventoteca | Mexico | Puebla | Puebla (city) | http://www.inventoteca.com | 15 April 2013 | active |
Hacedores Makerspace | Hacedores Makerspace | Mexico | Distrito Federal | Mexico City | http://makerspace.hacedores.com | 1 March 2015 | active |
Mayaware | Mayaware | Mexico | Estado de Mexico | Chalco | | 8 November 2009 | suspected inactive |
Fabrica de Sueños | Fabrica de Sueños | Mexico | Morelos | Cuernavaca | http://www.cingneieros.com | 15 January 2009 | closed |
Hacklab ZAM | Hacklab ZAM | Mexico | Distrito Federal | Mexico City | http://espora.org/zam | 4 September 2009 | active |
Voltaje Hacklab | Voltaje Hacklab | Mexico | Queretaro | Queretaro | http://voltaje.net | 1 August 2016 | closed |
Colima Hacklab | Colima Hacklab | Mexico | Colima | Colima | http://hacklab.cc | 1 February 2014 | closed |
Hackspace Morelos | Hackspace Morelos | Mexico | Morelos | Cuernavaca | http://hspacemor.ucoz.es | 14 November 2011 | closed |
LibreZone | LibreZone | Mexico | DF | Mexico City | http://www.librezone.com | 1 January 2010 | closed |
The Inventor's House | The Inventor's House | Mexico | Aguascalientes | Aguascalientes | http://www.theinventorhouse.org | 17 May 2013 | active |
OpenL4B.Norte Hackerspace | OpenL4B.Norte Hackerspace | Mexico | Baja California | Ensenada, Baja California | | 11 May 2008 | suspected inactive |
Tijuana makerspace | Tijuana makerspace | Mexico | Baja California | Tijuana | http://tijuanamakerspace.wordpress.com/about/ | 7 April 2008 | closed |
Kernel Panic Room | Kernel Panic Room | Mexico | Queretaro | Queretaro | https://kernelpanic.lol | 15 October 2018 | active |
Jethum | Jethum | Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar | Ulaanbaatar | | 24 March 2016 | suspected inactive |
Tangier Hack Lab | Tangier Hack Lab | Morocco | | Tangier | | 14 July 2013 | suspected inactive |
Enactus Esith Labs | Enactus Esith Labs | Morocco | | Casablanca | | 26 May 2013 | active |
Sahara Labs - Tarfaya Hackerspace مختبرات الصحراء طرفاية هاكرسبايس | Sahara Labs - Tarfaya Hackerspace مختبرات الصحراء طرفاية هاكرسبايس | Morocco | | Tarfaya | http://saharalabs.org/ | 1 January 2013 | closed |
Hackwara Labs. | Hackwara Labs. | Morocco | | Kenitra | | 1 May 2013 | closed |
Had Kourt Lab | Had Kourt Lab | Morocco | Sidi Kacem | Had Kourt | | 1 September 2013 | suspected inactive |
Casablanca HackerSpace | Casablanca HackerSpace | Morocco | Casablanca | Casablanca | | 5 August 2013 | planned |
Midnightmoon | Midnightmoon | Myanmar | Yangon | Yangon | http://affiliate.kickapps.com/106756/rainy17 | 13 April 2009 | planned |
FABlab Namibia | FABlab Namibia | Namibia | | Windhoek | http://fablabnamibia.blogspot.com/ | 1 March 2013 | closed |
Karkhana | Karkhana | Nepal | Kathmandu | Kathmandu | http://karkhana.asia/ | 20 October 2012 | active |
HackersNepal | HackersNepal | Nepal | Kathmandu | Kathmandu | | 15 November 2005 | suspected inactive |
HackHardware Nepal | HackHardware Nepal | Nepal | | Kathmandu | | 13 September 2011 | closed |
Ijhack | Ijhack | Netherlands | | Amsterdam | https://ijhack.nl | 26 August 2014 | planned |
Pixelbar | Pixelbar | Netherlands | Zuid-Holland | Rotterdam | https://www.pixelbar.nl | 26 August 2015 | active |
ICR3ATE | ICR3ATE | Netherlands | Gelderland | Wageningen | http://www.icr3ate.nl | 1 January 2016 | closed |
BackspaceNL | BackspaceNL | Netherlands | Groningen | Groningen | | 19 February 2013 | building |
Hackerspace Nijmegen | Hackerspace Nijmegen | Netherlands | Gelderland | Nijmegen | http://www.hackerspacenijmegen.nl | 7 March 2018 | active |
DukesOfHackers | DukesOfHackers | Netherlands | | 's-Hertogenbosch | http://dukesofhackers.org | 21 January 2010 | building |
TDvenlo | TDvenlo | Netherlands | Limburg | Venlo | https://tdvenlo.nl | 1 November 2013 | active |
Revelation space | Revelation space | Netherlands | Zuid-Holland | Leidschendam | http://revspace.nl/ | 17 August 2009 | active |
Sk1llz Almere | Sk1llz Almere | Netherlands | | Almere | http://www.sk1llz.nl | 10 April 2010 | closed |
RandomData | RandomData | Netherlands | Utrecht | Utrecht | https://www.randomdata.nl | | active |
TwenSpace | TwenSpace | Netherlands | Overijssel | Enschede | https://twenspace.nl | 1 January 2019 | closed |
Mononoke | Mononoke | Netherlands | | All over the country | http://www.mononoke.nl/ | | active |
Technologia Incognita | Technologia Incognita | Netherlands | Noord-Holland | Amsterdam | http://techinc.nl/ | 13 December 2011 | active |
Bhack | Bhack | Netherlands | | Zwolle | http://www.bhack.nl | 1 July 2013 | closed |
IkMaak Maastricht | IkMaak Maastricht | Netherlands | Limburg | Maastricht | http://hackerspacemaastricht.nl | 14 November 2009 | suspected inactive |
Hackerspace Drenthe | Hackerspace Drenthe | Netherlands | Drenthe | Coevorden | https://hackerspace-drenthe.nl | 30 March 2021 | active |
NURDspace | NURDspace | Netherlands | Gelderland | Wageningen | http://nurdspace.nl/ | 1 August 2011 | active |
Moenenspace | Moenenspace | Netherlands | Gelderland | Nijmegen | http://www.moenenspace.nl | 23 January 2010 | closed |
Grundev | Grundev | Netherlands | Groningen | Groningen | | 19 February 2012 | building |
Groningen's Hackerspace | Groningen's Hackerspace | Netherlands | Groningen | Groningen | http://www.hackerspace-groningen.nl | 1 June 2010 | |
ASCII | ASCII | Netherlands | | Amsterdam | http://scii.nl/ | | closed |
MakersBase | MakersBase | Netherlands | Noord Brabant | Breda | http://makersbase.nl/ | 1 February 2016 | active |
MakerSpaceLeiden | MakerSpaceLeiden | Netherlands | | Leiden | http://makerspaceleiden.nl/ | 1 September 2012 | suspected inactive |
Hive5 | Hive5 | Netherlands | Groningen | Groningen | | 19 February 2013 | active |
Hackerspace Gouda | Hackerspace Gouda | Netherlands | Zuid-Holland | Gouda, South Holland | https://hackerspace-gouda.nl/ | 2 July 2012 | planned |
MAD emergent art center | MAD emergent art center | Netherlands | Noord Brabant | Eindhoven | http://mad.dse.nl | 1 May 2008 | closed |
PUSCII | PUSCII | Netherlands | | Utrecht | http://puscii.squat.net/ | | |
The Space Leiden | The Space Leiden | Netherlands | Zuid-Holland | Leiden | https://spaceleiden.nl | 1 September 2020 | active |
HackerHeaven.net | HackerHeaven.net | Netherlands | Groningen | Groningen | http://www.morphle.org:8502/silicsonsqueak/hackerheaven.net | 20 December 2008 | building |
IFabrica | IFabrica | Netherlands | Noord-Holland | Amsterdam | http://www.ifabrica.nl/ | | closed |
MADspace | MADspace | Netherlands | Noord Brabant | Eindhoven | https://www.madspace.nl | 16 August 2009 | closed |
Hack42 | Hack42 | Netherlands | Gelderland | Arnhem | http://hack42.nl | 20 November 2009 | active |
Bitlair | Bitlair | Netherlands | Utrecht | Amersfoort | https://bitlair.nl/ | 15 March 2011 | active |
ACKspace | ACKspace | Netherlands | Limburg | Heerlen | https://ackspace.nl/ | 27 August 2010 | active |
Vers | Vers | Netherlands | Zuid Holland | Rotterdam | http://www.verswerk.org | 1 August 2007 | unknown |
Qeske Maastricht | Qeske Maastricht | Netherlands | Limburg | Maastricht | https://qeske.nl/qeske-maastricht/ | | active |
Hackalot | Hackalot | Netherlands | Noord Brabant | Eindhoven | https://hackalot.nl | 11 November 2017 | active |
Red Circle | Red Circle | Netherlands | Gelderland | Nijmegen | https://redcircle.space | 10 July 2024 | active |
HackerHeaven | HackerHeaven | Netherlands | Groningen | Wehe-den Hoorn | http://www.morphle.org:8502/silicsonsqueak/hackerheaven.net | 20 December 2008 | building |
AwesomeSpace | AwesomeSpace | Netherlands | North Holland | Hilversum | http://www.awesomespace.nl | 1 October 2014 | active |
Fablab013 Tilburg (Netherlands) | Fablab013 Tilburg (Netherlands) | Netherlands | Noord brabant | Tilburg | http://fablab013.nl | 1 March 2013 | suspected inactive |
HackAmsterdam | HackAmsterdam | Netherlands | | Amsterdam | | 1 January 2015 | planned |
TkkrLab | TkkrLab | Netherlands | Overijssel | Enschede | https://www.tkkrlab.nl | 1 September 2010 | active |
Maakplek | Maakplek | Netherlands | Groningen | Groningen | http://maakplek.nl | 1 February 2016 | active |
Moddr | Moddr | Netherlands | | Rotterdam | http://moddr.net | 26 October 2007 | closed |
Projekt072 | Projekt072 | Netherlands | North-Holland | Alkmaar | http://projekt072.nl/ | 1 August 2009 | planned |
Randomdata | Randomdata | Netherlands | Utrecht | Utrecht | http://www.randomdata.nl | 1 January 2009 | active |
Qwerty | Qwerty | Netherlands | Noord-Holland | Amsterdam | | 14 October 2010 | |
LAG | LAG | Netherlands | Noord-Holland | Amsterdam | https://www.laglab.org | 10 May 2007 | active |
Frack | Frack | Netherlands | Friesland | Leeuwarden | http://frack.nl | 10 June 2011 | suspected inactive |
Hackzwolle | Hackzwolle | Netherlands | | Zwolle | | 8 August 2008 | planned |
Co-lab(x) | Co-lab(x) | New Zealand | | Wellington | http://co-lab181.co.nz/ | 1 July 2010 | closed |
TAPLab | TAPLab | New Zealand | | Auckland | http://www.meetup.com/TAPLab/ | 12 October 2015 | building |
Wellington Makerspace | Wellington Makerspace | New Zealand | Wellington | Wellington | http://www.wellingtonmakerspace.com | 1 March 2012 | closed |
MakerSpace | MakerSpace | New Zealand | | Wellington | http://makerspace.org.nz | 27 March 2009 | closed |
Tangleball | Tangleball | New Zealand | Auckland | Auckland | http://tangleball.org.nz/ | 15 May 2010 | closed |
Hamilton New Zealand | Hamilton New Zealand | New Zealand | Waikato | Hamilton | | | planned |
The Clay Store | The Clay Store | New Zealand | Auckland | North Shore | | 1 January 1983 | closed |
HakLand | HakLand | New Zealand | Auckland | Auckland | http://hackland.nz | 1 November 2018 | closed |
TAP:lab | TAP:lab | New Zealand | Auckland | Auckland | http://www.taplab.nz/ | 7 April 2016 | active |
DunedinMakerspace | DunedinMakerspace | New Zealand | Otago | Dunedin | http://www.dspace.org.nz | 1 December 2010 | suspected inactive |
MakePlace | MakePlace | New Zealand | Hawkes Bay | Napier | http://www.makeplace.co.nz | 1 October 2012 | closed |
HackLand | HackLand | New Zealand | Auckland | Auckland | http://hackland.nz | 27 June 2017 | active |
MoNZ | MoNZ | New Zealand | Wellington | Wellington | http://makers.org.nz | | suspected inactive |
ProjectSpace | ProjectSpace | New Zealand | Manawatu | Palmerston North | http://www.projectspace.co.nz | 1 April 2009 | building |
Auckland Hackerspace | Auckland Hackerspace | New Zealand | Auckland | Auckland | | 19 January 2010 | closed |
The Foundation | The Foundation | New Zealand | Canterbury | Christchurch | http://spacecraft.org.nz/ | | closed |
NgHackerspace | NgHackerspace | Nigeria | Lagos State | Lagos State | http://nghackerspace.wordpress.com | 7 November 2012 | closed |
CcHUB (Co-creation Hub Nigeria) | CcHUB (Co-creation Hub Nigeria) | Nigeria | Lagos State | Yaba, Lagos | http://www.cchubnigeria.com/ | 1 September 2011 | active |
Rusted Minds Lab | Rusted Minds Lab | Nigeria | Kano state | Kano | | 14 February 2024 | active |
Port Harcourt Hackerspace | Port Harcourt Hackerspace | Nigeria | Rivers | Port Harcourt | | 15 April 2013 | building |
LabKraken | LabKraken | Norway | Oppland | Otta | http://bitkraken.no | 26 December 2015 | building |
Hackroralis | Hackroralis | Norway | Finnmark | Alta | | 19 October 2009 | closed |
Åpen sone for eksperimentell informatikk | Åpen sone for eksperimentell informatikk | Norway | | Oslo | http://sonen.ifi.uio.no/ | 1 January 2011 | active |
Hackerspace Bergen | Hackerspace Bergen | Norway | Hordaland | Bergen | http://hackbergen.org | | closed |
Nerdix | Nerdix | Norway | Rogaland | Sandnes | http://nerdix.no | | closed |
StavangerHackSpace | StavangerHackSpace | Norway | Rogaland | Stavanger | http://www.meetup.com/Stavanger-Hackerspace/ | 13 March 2011 | closed |
HackNet-Tromsø | HackNet-Tromsø | Norway | Troms | Tromsø | | 23 June 2009 | planned |
Creator Makerspace | Creator Makerspace | Norway | | Stavanger | http://www.creator.no | 1 September 2015 | active |
Dataklubb | Dataklubb | Norway | Rogaland | Sandnes | https://dataklubb.no | 25 August 2022 | active |
Hackeriet | Hackeriet | Norway | | Oslo | https://hackeriet.no/index.en.html | 17 December 2009 | active |
MAKE NTNU | MAKE NTNU | Norway | Trøndelag | Trondheim | https://makentnu.no/ | 29 September 2017 | active |
Bitraf | Bitraf | Norway | | Oslo | https://bitraf.no/ | 1 March 2012 | active |
Omega Verksted | Omega Verksted | Norway | Sør-Trøndelag | Trondheim | http://www.omegav.no | 1 March 1971 | active |
Programvareverkstedet | Programvareverkstedet | Norway | Trøndelag | Trondheim | https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/ | 1985 | active |
Hackerspace NTNU | Hackerspace NTNU | Norway | Trøndelag | Trondheim | https://www.hackerspace-ntnu.no/ | 18 March 2014 | active |
Tinkartank | Tinkartank | Norway | Telemark | Porsgrunn | http://tinkartank.org/ | 4 September 2013 | closed |
PING | PING | Norway | | Oslo | http://www.ping.uio.no | 10 September 1997 | closed |
Hackheim | Hackheim | Norway | Sør-Trøndelag | Trondheim | http://www.hackheim.com | | active |
YOUBLOB | YOUBLOB | Norway | Rogaland | Stavanger | https://www.youblob.com | 18 July 2012 | suspected inactive |
HackNorway | HackNorway | Norway | Hordaland | Bergen | http://www.hacknorway.com/ | | active |
Horten Folkeverksted | Horten Folkeverksted | Norway | Vestfold | Horten | https://folkeverkstedet.com | 6 February 2017 | active |
Hackistan | Hackistan | Pakistan | | Lahore | | | active |
TajurbaGah | TajurbaGah | Pakistan | Sindh | Karachi | http://ejaadtech.com/tajurbagah/ | 1 January 2015 | suspected inactive |
SMART Lab | SMART Lab | Pakistan | | Islamabad | http://smart.seecs.nust.edu.pk | 14 March 2014 | closed |
Robo Club | Robo Club | Pakistan | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | Topi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | | 1 July 2012 | active |
Convergence | Convergence | Pakistan | Punjab | Lahore | | 9 February 2014 | planned |
Nustians Hackerspace | Nustians Hackerspace | Pakistan | Punjab | Sargodha | | 14 August 2013 | planned |
DIY SPACE | DIY SPACE | Pakistan | Punjab | Lahore | http://www.diyspace.com.pk | 1 February 2014 | suspected inactive |
Vecbox | Vecbox | Palestine | West-Bank | Ramallah | https://www.vecbox.com | 7 June 2014 | closed |
HackLabAsu | HackLabAsu | Paraguay | Asuncion | Asuncion | http://www.hacklabasu.org/ | 12 June 2014 | suspected inactive |
Mecanicat Hacktaller | Mecanicat Hacktaller | Peru | Lima | Lima | | 22 August 2012 | suspected inactive |
Experimedia | Experimedia | Peru | Lima | Lima | http://experimedia.com.pe | 15 November 2006 | closed |
Educación | Educación | Peru | Callao | Callao | http://julioatencio.blogspot.com | 25 May 2011 | suspected inactive |
Hackspace Peru | Hackspace Peru | Peru | Lima | Lima | https://hackspace.pe | 15 December 2013 | closed |
Yachachiq | Yachachiq | Peru | Lima | Lima | http://scitechbizdev.blogspot.com/ | 1 January 2006 | suspected inactive |
Startable Hub | Startable Hub | Philippines | Metro Manila | Quezon City | https://startablehub.business.site/ | 24 October 2017 | active |
CebuMakers | CebuMakers | Philippines | Cebu | Cebu City | http://www.meetup.com/CebuMakers | 27 April 2012 | planned |
Shadow Script | Shadow Script | Philippines | Surigao del Norte | Surigao City | | 12 October 2012 | suspected inactive |
Logic House | Logic House | Philippines | Manila | Manila | http://accessplus.com.ph/logic/ | 27 December 2010 | closed |
HackerSpace Philippines | HackerSpace Philippines | Philippines | Manila | Taguig | http://hackspace.ph | 18 March 2012 | building |
Laredo | Laredo | Philippines | | Makati | | 30 September 2010 | suspected inactive |
Tsinelas Labs | Tsinelas Labs | Philippines | National Capital Region | Manila | | 31 October 2012 | building |
Logic House Group | Logic House Group | Philippines | Rizal | Cainta | http://accessplus.com.ph/logic/ | 12 December 2010 | closed |
Waterspace | Waterspace | Philippines | Negros Oriental | Dumaguete | http://www.facebook.com/WaterspaceIncubator/ | 7 May 2016 | building |
HackerSpace Ortigas | HackerSpace Ortigas | Philippines | Manila | Pasig | | 18 May 2011 | building |
Knyfyrtel Hackerspace Poznań | Knyfyrtel Hackerspace Poznań | Poland | Greater Poland | Poznan | https://hspoz.pl | 1 September 2023 | active |
Warsaw Hackerspace | Warsaw Hackerspace | Poland | Masovia | Warsaw | http://hackerspace.pl | 1 January 2011 | active |
NigmaLabs | NigmaLabs | Poland | Greater Poland | Poznan | http://nigmalabs.org | | closed |
Hackerspace Pomerania | Hackerspace Pomerania | Poland | Pomerania | Gdansk | https://hsp.sh/ | 10 October 2020 | active |
HACKLAG Białystok | HACKLAG Białystok | Poland | | Białystok | https://hacklag.org | | closed |
Tricity Hackerspace | Tricity Hackerspace | Poland | Pomerania | Gdansk | http://hs3.pl/ | 3 August 2016 | active |
Hackerspace Bydgoszcz | Hackerspace Bydgoszcz | Poland | Kujawy-Pomerania | Bydgoszcz | https://hsbdg.pl/ | | closed |
3HACK.PL | 3HACK.PL | Poland | | Tricity | http://www.3hack.pl | 1 June 2012 | closed |
Cohabitat Hackerspace | Cohabitat Hackerspace | Poland | | Bukowiec | http://www.cohabitat.net/ | 11 November 2011 | planned |
Hackerspace Silesia | Hackerspace Silesia | Poland | Silesia | Katowice | http://hs-silesia.pl | | closed |
Hackerspace Kraków | Hackerspace Kraków | Poland | Lesser Poland | Cracow | https://hackerspace-krk.pl/ | 17 October 2012 | active |
Hackerspace Lodz | Hackerspace Lodz | Poland | Łódzkie | Łódź | https://hs-ldz.pl | | active |
Hackerspace Wrocław | Hackerspace Wrocław | Poland | Lower Silesia | Wroclaw | http://www.hswro.org | 24 November 2012 | active |
Majstrownia - Solarpunk Makerspace | Majstrownia - Solarpunk Makerspace | Poland | MAZOWIECKIE | Ustanów | https://majstrownia.space | 15 December 2023 | active |
Hackerspace Lublin | Hackerspace Lublin | Poland | Lubelskie | Lublin | http://hackerspace-lbn.pl | 11 May 2013 | closed |
Hakser | Hakser | Poland | Mazowieckie | Warsaw | http://www.hackerspace.pl | | closed |
Diodo.Org | Diodo.Org | Portugal | Lisbon | Lisbon | http://diodo.org | 18 January 2009 | closed |
Hack'Aveiro | Hack'Aveiro | Portugal | Aveiro | Aveiro | http://www.hackaveiro.org | 13 August 2014 | closed |
Byte me | Byte me | Portugal | Ribatejo | Torres Novas | http://hs.crazydog.pt | 17 February 2011 | building |
Hacklaviva | Hacklaviva | Portugal | Porto | Porto | http://hacklaviva.net | 20 February 2009 | closed |
Bits&Ohms | Bits&Ohms | Portugal | | Guimarães | | 11 February 2009 | planned |
Águeda Living Lab | Águeda Living Lab | Portugal | Aveiro | Águeda | http://all.cm-agueda.pt/ | 1 November 2012 | suspected inactive |
LCD - Audiência Zero | LCD - Audiência Zero | Portugal | Porto | Matosinhos | https://www.lcdporto.org | 20 September 2008 | active |
Kaotik | Kaotik | Portugal | | | http://blog.kaotik.org/ | | |
XDA | XDA | Portugal | Coimbra | Coimbra | http://xdatelier.org | 1 September 2009 | closed |
AltLab - Audiência Zero | AltLab - Audiência Zero | Portugal | Lisbon | Lisbon | http://www.altlab.org | 1 February 2009 | suspected inactive |
Hacklab-Cvl | Hacklab-Cvl | Portugal | Covilha | Covilha | http://hacklab.it.ubi.pt | 20 September 2011 | suspected inactive |
HackerSchool @ IST | HackerSchool @ IST | Portugal | | Lisbon | http://hackerschool.io | 25 May 2012 | active |
HIT Space | HIT Space | Portugal | Porto | Porto | http://hitspace.org | 13 December 2011 | closed |
Bragahertz | Bragahertz | Portugal | Minho | Braga | | | unknown |
MafraLab - Makers Community | MafraLab - Makers Community | Portugal | Lisbon | Mafra, Portugal | http://www.mafralab.org | 12 August 2013 | active |
Dona Esperança | Dona Esperança | Portugal | Leiria | Caldas da Rainha | http://www.donaesperanca.com | 25 April 2012 | closed |
Artek | Artek | Puerto Rico | | San Juan | http://www.mio4.me/ | 1 July 2011 | planned |
Republic of Blah | Republic of Blah | Republic of BLAH | Republic of BLAH | N/a | http://republicofblah.org/ | 4 April 2009 | planned |
Hacker Space Seoul | Hacker Space Seoul | Republic of Korea | Euljiro | Seoul | http://hackerspaceseoul.com/ | 10 October 2010 | closed |
YongDoByunKyung | YongDoByunKyung | Republic of Korea | Daejeon | Daejeon | http://makerspaceydbk.tistory.com/ | 24 July 2011 | suspected inactive |
Don's Open Brain House | Don's Open Brain House | Republic of Korea | Gyonggi | Uijeongbu | https://openbrainhouse.com | 30 November 2011 | closed |
Jkemc | Jkemc | Republic of Korea | | Seoul | http://www.toolparts.co.kr | 19 May 2016 | suspected inactive |
Hackerspace Moldova | Hackerspace Moldova | Republic of Moldova | Chisinau | Chisinau | http://itinmd.com/ | 1 December 2013 | planned |
Embedded Society | Embedded Society | Romania | Timiș County | Timisoara | http://embeddedsociety.ro/ | 23 April 2015 | building |
Hackerspace Iasi | Hackerspace Iasi | Romania | Iasi | Iasi | http://hackerspaceiasi.ro/ | 15 November 2013 | closed |
Cluj Makers | Cluj Makers | Romania | Cluj | Cluj-Napoca | http://clujmakers.com/ | | building |
Hatch | Hatch | Romania | Bucharest | Bucharest | http://hatchatelier.ro | 1 January 2014 | reformatting |
PlanZero | PlanZero | Romania | Timiș County | Timisoara | http://planzero.ro | 18 October 2013 | active |
Laborazon | Laborazon | Romania | Brasov | Brasov | http://www.laborazon.ro/ | | suspected inactive |
Makerz | Makerz | Romania | Brasov | Brasov | | 1 August 2013 | planned |
Sponge | Sponge | Romania | Bucharest | Bucharest | http://www.thesponge.eu | 1 January 2012 | unknown |
Modulab | Modulab | Romania | Bucharest | Bucharest | http://www.modulab.ro | 28 December 2009 | active |
Hacklab Brasov | Hacklab Brasov | Romania | Brasov | Brasov | | 6 November 2022 | planned |
C53ATC | C53ATC | Romania | | Bucharest | | | building |
HackerspaceWiki:Inventeaza.ro | HackerspaceWiki:Inventeaza.ro | Romania | Bucharest | Bucharest | http://inventeaza.ro | 1 June 2011 | active |
Chaos Cowork Cluj | Chaos Cowork Cluj | Romania | Cluj | Cluj-Napoca | http://chaoscc.ro/ | 11 January 2014 | closed |
Timisoara Startup Hub | Timisoara Startup Hub | Romania | Timiș County | Timisoara | http://www.startuphub.ro | 15 December 2012 | closed |
HackSpace Taganrog | HackSpace Taganrog | Russian Federation | Rostov region | Taganrog | http://hackspace.tk | 1 September 2012 | closed |
DC7342 Hackerspace | DC7342 Hackerspace | Russian Federation | Perm | Perm | https://dc7342.im | 11 August 2021 | suspected inactive |
Akiba | Akiba | Russian Federation | | Tomsk | https://akiba.space | 5 May 2022 | active |
CADR | CADR | Russian Federation | | Nizhniy Novgorod | https://cadrspace.ru/ | 25 May 2013 | active |
HackNsk | HackNsk | Russian Federation | | Novosibirsk | http://www.hacknsk.org/ | | closed |
Makeitlab | Makeitlab | Russian Federation | Sverdlovskaya obl. | Ekaterinburg | http://www.makeitlab.ru | 14 May 2013 | suspected inactive |
Navigatorcampus | Navigatorcampus | Russian Federation | Tatarstan | Kazan | http://navigatorcampus.com/ | 15 February 2014 | closed |
Tech-In.RU | Tech-In.RU | Russian Federation | Amur | Blagoveshchensk | https://vk.com/club63688449 | 30 September 2014 | suspected inactive |
Undefspace | Undefspace | Russian Federation | Moscow | Moscow | https://undef.club | 28 November 2020 | active |
Neuron | Neuron | Russian Federation | | Moscow | http://neuronspace.ru/ | 1 July 2011 | |
Hackspace.obnin.sk | Hackspace.obnin.sk | Russian Federation | Kaluga region | Obninsk | https://hackspace.obnin.sk/ | 1 September 2020 | suspected inactive |
Hackspace Ulan-Ude | Hackspace Ulan-Ude | Russian Federation | Buryatia | Ulan-Ude | http://vk.com/club66171791 | 11 February 2014 | building |
Hackspace-spb | Hackspace-spb | Russian Federation | Saint-Petersburg | Saint-Petersburg | http://hackspb.ru/ | 29 October 2011 | suspected inactive |
Boring Place | Boring Place | Russian Federation | Saratov Oblast | Saratov | https://boringplace.org | 20 September 2017 | active |
Hackspb | Hackspb | Russian Federation | Saint-Petersburg | Saint-Petersburg | http://hackspb.ru | 30 October 2011 | active |
Perm Makerspace | Perm Makerspace | Russian Federation | | Perm | https://vk.com/perm makerspace | 17 October 2014 | suspected inactive |
Navigator | Navigator | Russian Federation | Tatarstan | Kazan | http://navigatorcampus.com/ | 16 February 2014 | suspected inactive |
B4CKSP4CE | B4CKSP4CE | Russian Federation | | Saint-Petersburg | https://0x08.in | 5 October 2019 | active |
AmberLab | AmberLab | Russian Federation | Kaliningradskaya | Kaliningrad | http://amberlab.org | 22 January 2012 | planned |
Kirishi Hackerspace | Kirishi Hackerspace | Russian Federation | Leningrad Oblast | Kirishi | https://vk.com/cyberunit | 9 November 2011 | active |
FOSS Labs | FOSS Labs | Russian Federation | Tatarstan | Kazan | http://fosslabs.ru | 1 October 2010 | closed |
ConCore | ConCore | Russian Federation | Saint-Petersburg | Saint-Petersburg | http://ConCore.su | 7 November 2013 | closed |
Bratsk hackerspace | Bratsk hackerspace | Russian Federation | | Bratsk | https://defconbratsk.team | | active |
ЦМИТ «Дружба»/Friendship FabLab | ЦМИТ «Дружба»/Friendship FabLab | Russian Federation | | Tomsk | http://cmit.ru/ | 21 May 2013 | active |
Dark age advanced hacker | Dark age advanced hacker | Rwanda | Gasabo | Kigali | | 26 June 2012 | building |
Dot.com | Dot.com | Réunion | | Saint Denis | http://inklabs.objectis.net/ | 30 August 2010 | building |
Rsecurity | Rsecurity | Saudi Arabia | Riyadh | Riyadh | | 25 December 2020 | suspected inactive |
Kilmarnock Hackerspace | Kilmarnock Hackerspace | Scotland | East Ayrshire | Kilmarnock | | 6 November 2021 | active |
Fife Hackspace | Fife Hackspace | Scotland | Fife | Thornton, Fife | https://sites.google.com/site/fifehackspace | 1 October 2016 | active |
Hacklab Belgrade | Hacklab Belgrade | Serbia | | Belgrade | http://oosm.org | 11 February 2012 | closed |
LUGoNS | LUGoNS | Serbia | Vojvodina | Novi Sad | https://lugons.org | 11 May 2001 | closed |
Tilda Center | Tilda Center | Serbia | Vojvodina | Novi Sad | http://tilda.center/ | 1 April 2015 | active |
Hackerspace Zenta | Hackerspace Zenta | Serbia | Vojvodina | Senta | | | suspected inactive |
Niški Hackerspace | Niški Hackerspace | Serbia | | Niš | | | planned |
SmokedLogic | SmokedLogic | Serbia | | Belgrade | | 22 December 2012 | unknown |
Decentrala | Decentrala | Serbia | | Belgrade | https://dmz.rs | 17 October 2022 | active |
Hack Lab | Hack Lab | Serbia | Central Serbia | | | 1 January 2010 | active |
HackerspaceSG | HackerspaceSG | Singapore | | Singapore | https://hackerspace.sg | 27 August 2009 | active |
V01D | V01D | Slovakia | Kosice | Kosice | http://www.v01d.sk | | suspected inactive |
FORTIS AURIS | FORTIS AURIS | Slovakia | Pezinok | Modra | https://fortisauris.com/ | 14 February 2020 | suspected inactive |
Progressbar | Progressbar | Slovakia | Bratislava | Bratislava | https://www.progressbar.sk | 1 June 2010 | |
Kiberpipa | Kiberpipa | Slovenia | | Ljubljana | | 1 October 2001 | active |
Garaža Ajdovščina | Garaža Ajdovščina | Slovenia | | Ajdovščina | https://garazawajdusna.si | 1 October 2021 | active |
Hekovnik | Hekovnik | Slovenia | Ljubljana | Ljubljana | http://hekovnik.si/ | 27 July 2009 | closed |
RizomaLab | RizomaLab | Slovenia | Eastern Slovenia | Žetale | http://zavodrizoma.si/ | 1 January 2023 | active |
LeftClick | LeftClick | Slovenia | | Ljubljana | https://leftclick.si | 20 August 2024 | active |
LJUDMILA | LJUDMILA | Slovenia | | Ljubljana | http://www.ljudmila.org/ | 1 November 1994 | active |
Ductape | Ductape | South Africa | Kwazulu Natal | Durban | http://ductape.co.za/ | 14 September 2008 | closed |
Maker Labs | Maker Labs | South Africa | Gauteng | Johannesburg | http://www.makerlabs.co.za | 1 January 2014 | closed |
BinarySpace | BinarySpace | South Africa | Gauteng | Vanderbijlpark | http://www.binaryspace.co.za | 1 February 2013 | suspected inactive |
TheMakerSpace - Durban | TheMakerSpace - Durban | South Africa | Kwazulu Natal | Durban | http://themakerspace.co.za/hackerspaces/durban/ | 23 October 2014 | active |
House4Hack | House4Hack | South Africa | Gauteng | Centurion, South Africa | http://www.house4hack.co.za | 1 August 2011 | active |
PretoriaHackers | PretoriaHackers | South Africa | Gauteng | Pretoria | | 15 April 2009 | planned |
House4Hack KZN - Durban | House4Hack KZN - Durban | South Africa | Kwazulu Natal | Durban | http://kzn.house4hack.co.za | 6 March 2013 | suspected inactive |
Tool Share Studio | Tool Share Studio | South Africa | | Johannesburg | http://www.toolshare.co.za/ | 1 February 2013 | closed |
Www.toolshare.co.za | Www.toolshare.co.za | South Africa | Gauteng | Johannesburg | http://www.toolshare.co.za | 1 April 2013 | closed |
Geekstudio | Geekstudio | South Africa | Western Cape | Cape Town | | 10 May 2009 | planned |
Codebridge | Codebridge | South Africa | Western Cape | Cape Town | http://www.codebridge.co.za | 15 October 2011 | suspected inactive |
Jozi HackerSpace | Jozi HackerSpace | South Africa | Gauteng | Johannesburg | http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=68342579822 | 6 April 2009 | planned |
Maker Station | Maker Station | South Africa | Western Cape | Cape Town | http://makerstation.co.za/ | 1 October 2014 | suspected inactive |
Rossum Robotics | Rossum Robotics | South Africa | Western Cape | Cape Town | | 24 November 2009 | planned |
Makespace Madrid | Makespace Madrid | Spain | Madrid | Madrid | https://makespacemadrid.org/ | 15 April 2013 | active |
Base42 | Base42 | Spain | Girona | Girona | https://base42.org | 7 March 2013 | building |
Trebelab | Trebelab | Spain | Galiza | Vigo | http://trebelab.arkipelagos.net | 2 January 2007 | closed |
Metabolik | Metabolik | Spain | Vizcaye | Leioa (Gran Bilbao) | http://www.sindominio.net/metabolik/ | | closed |
MurciaLanParty | MurciaLanParty | Spain | Murcia | Murcia | https://www.murcialanparty.com/ | 7 April 2001 | suspected inactive |
Makers Zone Barcelona | Makers Zone Barcelona | Spain | Catalonia | Barcelona | https://mzbcn.es | 1 May 2021 | active |
Area UR-Maker | Area UR-Maker | Spain | La Rioja | Logrono | https://www.unirioja.es/urmaker/ | 19 October 2016 | active |
Made Makerspace Barcelona | Made Makerspace Barcelona | Spain | Barcelona | Barcelona | http://made-bcn.org | 1 June 2013 | active |
BricoLabs | BricoLabs | Spain | Corunna | Corunna | http://bricolabs.cc | November 2011 | active |
Orotava Hackerspace | Orotava Hackerspace | Spain | Tenerife, Canary Islands | La Orotava | http://www.orohack.com | 1 May 2013 | closed |
Downgrade hackerspace | Downgrade hackerspace | Spain | Zaragoza | Zaragoza | http://downgrade.hacklabs.org | 17 October 2001 | closed |
Cyberhippietotalism | Cyberhippietotalism | Spain | Canary Islands | Puerto del Rosario | http://totalism.org | 23 December 2011 | active |
Gamaker | Gamaker | Spain | Álava | Vitoria-Gasteiz | http://gamaker.org | | active |
Labrechadigital | Labrechadigital | Spain | Madrid | Madrid | https://labrecha.digital | 15 June 2015 | closed |
Kaslab | Kaslab | Spain | | | http://www.kaslab.net/ | | |
Racó Nòmada | Racó Nòmada | Spain | Alicante | Elche | http://www.raconomada.com | 12 November 2010 | closed |
MADE Makerspace | MADE Makerspace | Spain | Barcelona | Barcelona | http://made-bcn.org/ | 1 January 2013 | suspected inactive |
Kreitek | Kreitek | Spain | Santa Cruz de Tenerife | San Cristóbal de La Laguna | http://kreitek.org/ | 28 August 2015 | suspected inactive |
Pica Pica HackLab | Pica Pica HackLab | Spain | Asturias | Oviedo | http://www.picahack.org | 20 February 2010 | active |
Veintidós | Veintidós | Spain | Malaga | Mijas Pueblo | | 1 January 32202 | reformatting |
Valhala | Valhala | Spain | Valencia | Mislata | http://www.valhala.es/ | | closed |
HackCS | HackCS | Spain | Province of Castellón | Castellon de la Plana | http://hackcs.org | 23 November 2011 | active |
AKASHA Hub Barcelona | AKASHA Hub Barcelona | Spain | Catalonia | Barcelona | https://akasha.barcelona | 17 December 2017 | active |
Asturlab | Asturlab | Spain | | | http://asturlab.xwiki.com/ | | |
HackLab Almería | HackLab Almería | Spain | Almeria | Almeria | http://hacklabalmeria.net | 30 March 2012 | active |
HacksturLab | HacksturLab | Spain | Asturias | Gijon | https://cottonio.no-ip.org/hacklab/ | 9 November 2013 | suspected inactive |
HackArena | HackArena | Spain | Sevilla | Sevilla | http://sevilla.hacklabs.org | 1 November 2004 | closed |
Hackers of Camp de Tarragona | Hackers of Camp de Tarragona | Spain | Province of Tarragona | Reus | | 2018 | suspected inactive |
Makers VLC | Makers VLC | Spain | Valencia | Valencia | | 26 December 2012 | closed |
Hamlab | Hamlab | Spain | Madrid | Madrid | http://patiomaravillas.net/hamlab | | closed |
Hirikilabs | Hirikilabs | Spain | Gipuzkoa | Donostia / San Sebastian | https://www.tabakalera.eu/en/hirikilabs-digital-culture-technology-laboratory-labs | 1 October 2013 | suspected inactive |
Voight-Kampff institute | Voight-Kampff institute | Spain | Barcelona | Barcelona | http://about.me/Voight.Kampff.institute | 1 January 2012 | building |
Hacklablaraiz.net | Hacklablaraiz.net | Spain | Madrid | Madrid | http://hacklablaraiz.net | 5 November 2023 | active |
HackLabValls | HackLabValls | Spain | Province of Tarragona | Valls | http://hacklabvalls.org/ | 1 October 2009 | closed |
MADfab | MADfab | Spain | Madrid | Madrid | http://madfab.es/ | 27 November 2009 | suspected inactive |
Gobelab | Gobelab | Spain | Vizcaye | Getxo | http://mundurat.net/getxokohacklab/ | | closed |
Morloklabs | Morloklabs | Spain | Seville | Seville | http://morloklabs.blogspot.com.es | 1 January 2009 | building |
North Hackerspace | North Hackerspace | Spain | | Madrid | | 20 August 2019 | closed |
NodoLab | NodoLab | Spain | Seville | Seville | | 1 January 2010 | building |
Hackerspace valencia | Hackerspace valencia | Spain | Valencia | Valencia | http://hackvlc.es/ | 1 April 2014 | suspected inactive |
KernelPanic | KernelPanic | Spain | | Barcelona | http://kernelpanic.hacklabs.org/ | | closed |
Makers of murcia | Makers of murcia | Spain | Murcia | Murcia | http://makersofmurcia.org/ | 1 January 2016 | active |
-RWebLAB | -RWebLAB | Spain | Menorca | | http://sevilleta.es | | closed |
Dlabs | Dlabs | Spain | Zaragoza | Zaragoza | | 5 May 2012 | closed |
MalaHack | MalaHack | Spain | | Malaga | | | closed |
Ingobernable | Ingobernable | Spain | Madrid | Madrid | https://ingobernable.net | 20 May 2017 | active |
Bilbao Makers | Bilbao Makers | Spain | Bizkaia | Bilbao | http://www.bilbaomakers.org | 26 July 2012 | suspected inactive |
BitValley | BitValley | Spain | | Malaga | http://bitvalley.cc | 1 October 2013 | closed |
MadHacklab | MadHacklab | Spain | | | http://sindominio.net/wh2001 | | |
Danaus | Danaus | Spain | Catalonia | Barcelona | https://www.danaus.io/ | 9 April 2019 | active |
Hacklab101.com | Hacklab101.com | Spain | Spain | Barcelona | https://hacklab101.com | 21 December 2019 | planned |
*.* | *.* | Spain | Alicante | Villajoyosa | | 14 July 2011 | planned |
R-A-M | R-A-M | Spain | | Barcelona | http://ram.squat.net/ | | closed |
Cyberdelia | Cyberdelia | Sweden | SE | STUREPLAN | | 14 January 2003 | closed |
Kodmården | Kodmården | Sweden | Värmland | Karlstad | http://serv1.kodmarden.kau.se | 7 November 2014 | building |
Skövde Makerspace | Skövde Makerspace | Sweden | | Skövde | https://skovdemakerspace.se | 1 May 2014 | active |
Mikrofabriken | Mikrofabriken | Sweden | | Gothenburg | http://www.mikrofabriken.se/ | 23 May 2015 | active |
Abbenay Hackspace | Abbenay Hackspace | Sweden | Stockholm | Stockholm | http://www.abbenay.org | 17 June 2009 | closed |
Uppsala Makerspace | Uppsala Makerspace | Sweden | Uppsala County | Uppsala | https://www.uppsalamakerspace.se | 15 September 2014 | active |
Datorföreningen Update | Datorföreningen Update | Sweden | Uppsala County | Uppsala | https://www.dfupdate.se | 21 April 1983 | active |
SysOp | SysOp | Sweden | | Gothenburg | | 30 April 2009 | closed |
LINKPing | LINKPing | Sweden | | Linköping | https://linkping.org/ | 10 December 2019 | active |
Escape | Escape | Sweden | Värmland | Arvika | http://arvikahackerspace.blogspot.com/ | 12 September 2009 | active |
Umeå Hackerspace | Umeå Hackerspace | Sweden | Västerbotten County | Umeå | http://umeahackerspace.se/ | 29 November 2009 | active |
CreativeLab | CreativeLab | Sweden | Scania | Helsingborg | http://www.creativelab.nu/ | 23 May 2013 | suspected inactive |
Fabriken | Fabriken | Sweden | Scania | Malmö | http://stpln.se/pa-stpln/fabriken.aspx | 2 April 2011 | closed |
Chalmers Robotförening | Chalmers Robotförening | Sweden | | Gothenburg | http://chalmersrobotics.se/ | 16 September 2004 | active |
HAS | HAS | Sweden | Vasterbotten | Vannasby | | 21 December 2012 | building |
Falkenberg Hackerspace | Falkenberg Hackerspace | Sweden | Halland | Falkenberg | | 11 August 2011 | planned |
LED Alert | LED Alert | Sweden | | Gothenburg | http://ledalert.org/ | 20 February 2016 | planned |
Stockholm Makerspace | Stockholm Makerspace | Sweden | | Stockholm | http://www.makerspace.se | 10 April 2012 | active |
Sis-afk | Sis-afk | Sweden | Blekinge | Karlskrona | https://sis.bthstudent.se/afk.html | 14 January 2011 | suspected inactive |
Gothenburg Hackerspace | Gothenburg Hackerspace | Sweden | | Gothenburg | https://gbghackerspace.se/ | 23 April 2009 | suspected inactive |
Svarta Hammarby | Svarta Hammarby | Sweden | | Johanneshov | | 20 April 2010 | closed |
Uppsala Hackerspace | Uppsala Hackerspace | Sweden | Uppsala County | Uppsala | https://github.com/richelbilderbeek/uppsala hackerspace | 16 September 2022 | suspected inactive |
Sparvnästet | Sparvnästet | Sweden | Stockholm | Stockholm | http://sparvnastet.org | 23 June 2010 | closed |
Geekubator | Geekubator | Sweden | Halland | Halmstad | http://www.geekubator.org | 12 July 2010 | building |
Ix Stockholm | Ix Stockholm | Sweden | Stockholms län | Stockholm | https://proxxi.org/ | | reformatting |
Lodis | Lodis | Sweden | Skåne | Malmö | https://lodis.se | April 2019 | active |
Hackerspace in Norrrköping | Hackerspace in Norrrköping | Sweden | | Norrköping | | | planned |
Bageriet | Bageriet | Sweden | | Malmoe | | 30 July 2013 | closed |
Recompile | Recompile | Sweden | Skåne | Malmö | https://www.recompile.se/ | 11 April 2011 | active |
Proxxi | Proxxi | Sweden | Stockholm | Stockholm | http://www.proxxi.nu/ | | closed |
Forskningsavdelningen | Forskningsavdelningen | Sweden | Skåne | Malmö | http://forskningsavd.se | 25 August 2008 | closed |
CCCZH | CCCZH | Switzerland | Zürich | Zürich | https://www.ccczh.ch | | active |
Engrenage | Engrenage | Switzerland | Neuchâtel | La Chaux-de-Fonds | http://engrenage.ch/ | 1 April 2017 | active |
Odenwilusenz | Odenwilusenz | Switzerland | Schaffhausen | Beringen | http://odenwilusenz.ch | 23 March 2005 | active |
Eastermundigen | Eastermundigen | Switzerland | Bern | Ostermundigen | http://www.eastermundigen.ch | 1 May 2011 | suspected inactive |
GaudiLabs | GaudiLabs | Switzerland | Lucerne | Lucerne | http://www.gaudi.ch/ | 13 August 2011 | active |
Starship Factory | Starship Factory | Switzerland | Basel-Stadt | Basel | http://www.starship-factory.ch/ | 25 August 2013 | active |
Fablab Lucerne | Fablab Lucerne | Switzerland | Lucerne | Horw | http://luzern.fablab.ch | 1 January 2010 | building |
MechArtLab | MechArtLab | Switzerland | Zürich | Zürich | https://www.mechatronicart.ch | 1 April 2009 | active |
Codinglab | Codinglab | Switzerland | Ticino | Minusio | https://codinglab.ch | 15 February 2019 | active |
Bastli | Bastli | Switzerland | Zürich | Zürich | http://www.bastli.ch/ | | closed |
HackerspaceWiki:W3rkH0f | HackerspaceWiki:W3rkH0f | Switzerland | Schaffhausen | Schaffhausen | https://w3rkhof.ch | 1 September 2017 | closed |
Chaostreff Bern | Chaostreff Bern | Switzerland | Bern | Bern | https://chaostreffbern.ch | 25 October 2016 | active |
Makers im Zigerschlitz | Makers im Zigerschlitz | Switzerland | Glarus | Näfels | https://zigerschlitzmakers.ch | 26 October 2015 | active |
Bureau.D | Bureau.D | Switzerland | Zürich | Dietikon | http://www.bureaud.ch | 1 July 2015 | active |
Waotoyz | Waotoyz | Switzerland | 2300 | La Chaux-de-Fonds | http://www.wao.ch | 1 January 2020 | suspected inactive |
OpenLab Group | OpenLab Group | Switzerland | Ticino | Lamone - Lugano | http://www.openlabgroup.com | 1 June 2015 | suspected inactive |
Remedium Hackerspace Zug | Remedium Hackerspace Zug | Switzerland | Zug | Zug | | | planned |
Ruum42 | Ruum42 | Switzerland | St. Gallen | St. Gallen | https://ruum42.ch | 1 February 2012 | active |
Coredump | Coredump | Switzerland | St. Gallen | Jona | https://www.coredump.ch/ | 26 August 2013 | active |
Computerlabor@KuZeB | Computerlabor@KuZeB | Switzerland | Aargau | Bremgarten | http://computerlabor.kire.ch | 29 August 2006 | closed |
Digital Glarus | Digital Glarus | Switzerland | Glarus | Schwanden | http://www.digitalglarus.ch | 13 October 2015 | active |
Queer feminist kompitreff | Queer feminist kompitreff | Switzerland | Basel-Stadt | Basel | https://spit.noblogs.org/kompitreff/ | 1 January 2022 | active |
Hackerspace-Uri | Hackerspace-Uri | Switzerland | Uri | Altdorf | https://hackerspace-uri.ch | 1 July 2016 | active |
LABOR Luzern | LABOR Luzern | Switzerland | Lucerne | Lucerne | http://www.laborluzern.ch | 1 September 2012 | suspected inactive |
Projektlabor | Projektlabor | Switzerland | Zürich | Winterthur | http://www.projektlabor.ch | | closed |
Hackburg | Hackburg | Switzerland | Freiburg | Freiburg | http://hackburg.ch | 28 August 2008 | closed |
Dock18 | Dock18 | Switzerland | Zürich | Zürich | http://www.dock18.ch/ | 1 January 2007 | active |
FIXME | FIXME | Switzerland | Vaud | Renens | http://fixme.ch | 13 July 2010 | active |
Hackuarium | Hackuarium | Switzerland | Vaud | Renens | http://hackuarium.ch | 3 July 2014 | suspected inactive |
Chaos Computer Club Basel | Chaos Computer Club Basel | Switzerland | Basel-Landschaft | Muttenz | https://ccc-basel.ch/ | 23 May 2010 | active |
PostTenebrasLab | PostTenebrasLab | Switzerland | Geneva | Geneva | https://www.posttenebraslab.ch | 27 November 2009 | active |
Aiki lab | Aiki lab | Syria | Damascus | Damascus | http://web.archive.org/web/20120316092438/http://aikilab.org/ | 1 July 2010 | closed |
QHS | QHS | Syria | Homs | Al-Qaryatayn | | 8 April 2012 | suspected inactive |
Taipei Hackspace | Taipei Hackspace | Taiwan | Taipei | Taipei City | http://hackspace.tw | | planned |
Taipei Hackerspace | Taipei Hackerspace | Taiwan | Taipei | Taipei | https://taipeihack.org | 19 March 2013 | active |
Openlab.Taipei | Openlab.Taipei | Taiwan | | Taipei | http://www.openlabtaipei.org/ | 23 July 2009 | active |
CITEC-HackerSpace | CITEC-HackerSpace | Thailand | Bangkok | Bangkok | http://www.meetup.com/CITEC-Hacker-Space/ | 10 August 2001 | suspected inactive |
Makerspace Thailand | Makerspace Thailand | Thailand | | Chiang Mai | https://www.facebook.com/makerspaceth?locale=en TH | 2016 | active |
Bangkok MakerSpace | Bangkok MakerSpace | Thailand | Bangkok | Bangkok | http://www.bangkokmakerspace.com | 15 January 2014 | closed |
2600Thailand | 2600Thailand | Thailand | | Bangkok | | | active |
Phuket Hackerspace | Phuket Hackerspace | Thailand | Phuket Island | Phuket | http://groups.google.com/group/Hackerspace-Phuket-Community | 30 May 2009 | planned |
Bangspace | Bangspace | Thailand | Ekkemai | Bangkok | http://www.bangspace.org | 29 December 2009 | |
CITEC HackerSpace | CITEC HackerSpace | Thailand | Bangkok | Bangkok | http://www.meetup.com/CITEC-Hacker-Space/ | 1 January 2013 | suspected inactive |
CITEC | CITEC | Thailand | Bangkok | Bangkok | https://www.facebook.com/CITEC.Evolution | 10 October 2001 | planned |
The Gambia | The Gambia | The Gambia | KMC | Senegambia | | 12 August 2012 | building |
Woelab | Woelab | Togo | | Lomé | http://www.woelabo.com/ | 1 January 2012 | active |
KanGouLya.org | KanGouLya.org | Tunisia | Tunisia | Tunis | https://kangoulya.org | 5 November 1984 | active |
Astronomy hacker space | Astronomy hacker space | Tunisia | Tunis | Tunis | http://www.ahs.sat.tn/ | 12 April 2018 | suspected inactive |
TAKRIZ | TAKRIZ | Tunisia | | Tunis | https://www.takriz.org | | suspected inactive |
Nawaat | Nawaat | Tunisia | | Tunis | http://nawaat.org/ | 7 November 2011 | suspected inactive |
THE-ZODIAC-HACKERSPACE | THE-ZODIAC-HACKERSPACE | Tunisia | Tunisia | Tunis | | 14 March 2006 | active |
Hackerspace Djerba | Hackerspace Djerba | Tunisia | Djerba | Ajim | http://www.hsd.tn/ | 1 January 2015 | planned |
Elgazala HackerSpace | Elgazala HackerSpace | Tunisia | Tunisia | Ariana | https://ghazela-hackerspace.github.io/ | 20 September 2016 | suspected inactive |
Jethum north | Jethum north | Tyva | Kyzyl | Kyzyl | | 27 September 2018 | suspected inactive |
Base Istanbul | Base Istanbul | Türkiye | Istanbul | Istanbul | http://baseistanbul.org/ | 1 February 2012 | closed |
Hackerspace İstanbul | Hackerspace İstanbul | Türkiye | | Istanbul | https://hackerspace.ist | 1 December 2017 | active |
Dijital Çağ Atölyesi | Dijital Çağ Atölyesi | Türkiye | Ankara | Ankara | https://dijitalcagatolyesi.com/ | 27 December 2017 | active |
Gelişen Zeka Robotik Kodlama ve Maker Atölyesi | Gelişen Zeka Robotik Kodlama ve Maker Atölyesi | Türkiye | Kemalpasa | Izmir | http://www.gelisenzeka.com | 1 May 2019 | closed |
İzmir Hackerspace | İzmir Hackerspace | Türkiye | Bornova | IZMIR | http://izmirhs.org | 2 November 2012 | suspected inactive |
Garaj | Garaj | Türkiye | | Istanbul | http://garaj.co | 19 March 2015 | suspected inactive |
Innovoid | Innovoid | Türkiye | | Istanbul | http://www.mclightning.com | 19 January 2009 | building |
HackUP | HackUP | Türkiye | | Istanbul | | 9 September 2019 | closed |
Makerspace IZMIR | Makerspace IZMIR | Türkiye | TR | IZMIR | http://www.makerspaceizmir.com | 1 December 2012 | building |
Anadolu MakerSpace | Anadolu MakerSpace | Türkiye | | Istanbul | http://www.anadolums.com | 1 March 2014 | planned |
IstanbulHS | IstanbulHS | Türkiye | Kadikoy | Istanbul | https://istanbulhs.org/ | 16 February 2012 | closed |
Dadabit | Dadabit | Türkiye | | Istanbul | http://www.dadabit.com | 1 August 2010 | planned |
Ankara HackerSpace | Ankara HackerSpace | Türkiye | Ankara | Ankara | http://www.ankarahs.org | 25 May 2012 | planned |
Hackerspace Troia | Hackerspace Troia | Türkiye | Canakkale | Canakkale | https://hackerspace.dev | 24 May 2024 | active |
Parker Concepts | Parker Concepts | US | New York | New York | http://www.parkerconcepts.com/ | 15 January 2014 | building |
M4Reactor | M4Reactor | US | Maryland | Salisbury | https://M4Reactor.org | 1 February 2017 | suspected inactive |
Staten Island MakerSpace | Staten Island MakerSpace | US | NY | Staten Island | http://www.simakerspace.com | 23 March 2013 | building |
Synergy Mill | Synergy Mill | US | South Carolina | Greenville | http://www.synergymill.com | 1 November 2015 | active |
Blind Security Uganda | Blind Security Uganda | Uganda | Kampala | Kampala | http://www.Blindsecurity.org | 12 June 2010 | closed |
Cyberia | Cyberia | Ukraine | | Kiev | | 6 April 2018 | suspected inactive |
Hacklab Kyiv | Hacklab Kyiv | Ukraine | Kyiv | Kyiv | http://www.hacklab.kiev.ua | 15 February 2013 | active |
KHackerSpace | KHackerSpace | Ukraine | Kharkoskii Region | Kharkov | http://www.khackerspace.org/ | 29 August 2013 | closed |
Witlab | Witlab | Ukraine | | Kiev | http://www.touchme.com.ua | 3 September 2011 | planned |
PreciousLab | PreciousLab | Ukraine | | Cherkasy | https://preciouslab.org.ua/ | 10 February 2018 | suspected inactive |
Arete.Study | Arete.Study | Ukraine | Cherkasy Oblast | Talne | https://arete.study | 10 November 2021 | active |
Ostriv Lab | Ostriv Lab | Ukraine | Kyiv | Kyiv | | 13 October 2017 | active |
Dubai MakerSpace | Dubai MakerSpace | United Arab Emirates | Dubai | Dubai | http://originbase.com | | planned |
Swansea Hackspace | Swansea Hackspace | United Kingdom | Wales | Swansea | http://swansea.hackspace.org.uk | 15 November 2013 | active |
GIST Lab | GIST Lab | United Kingdom | South Yorkshire | Sheffield | http://thegisthub.net | 31 May 2010 | unknown |
Nottinghack | Nottinghack | United Kingdom | Nottinghamshire | Nottingham | http://nottinghack.org.uk | 14 February 2010 | active |
Norwich | Norwich | United Kingdom | Norfolk | Norwich | http://makerspacenorwich.com/ | 18 July 2012 | planned |
FreedomLab | FreedomLab | United Kingdom | | London | http://www.hacklab.org.uk/ | | closed |
Potteries | Potteries | United Kingdom | Staffordshire | Stoke-On-Trent | http://potterieshackspace.org.uk/ | 5 May 2010 | active |
Everyone's Warehouse | Everyone's Warehouse | United Kingdom | Essex | Barking, London | | 15 March 2019 | closed |
EPIK kids hackspace | EPIK kids hackspace | United Kingdom | Kent | Canterbury | http://epik.org.uk | | closed |
Glasgow Hackspace | Glasgow Hackspace | United Kingdom | Scotland | Glasgow | | 2 September 2010 | closed |
UberVolt | UberVolt | United Kingdom | Wiltshire | Swindon | http://www.ubervolt.net | 3 January 2007 | building |
"Portsmouth Makerspace" | "Portsmouth Makerspace" | United Kingdom | Hampshire | Portsmouth | | 5 January 2017 | building |
Maker Space (Newcastle, UK) | Maker Space (Newcastle, UK) | United Kingdom | Tyne and Wear | Newcastle | http://makerspace.org.uk | 15 September 2010 | suspected inactive |
FarsetLabs | FarsetLabs | United Kingdom | County Antrim | Belfast | https://www.farsetlabs.org.uk | 6 April 2012 | active |
So Make It (Southampton, UK) | So Make It (Southampton, UK) | United Kingdom | Hampshire | Southampton | http://www.somakeit.org.uk/ | 13 March 2013 | active |
Leigh Hackspace | Leigh Hackspace | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Leigh | https://www.leighhack.org/ | 2014 | active |
Fab Lab Devon | Fab Lab Devon | United Kingdom | Devon | Exeter | http://fablabdevon.org/ | 1 August 2014 | active |
Leeds Hackspace | Leeds Hackspace | United Kingdom | West Yorkshire | Leeds | http://www.leedshackspace.org.uk | 23 April 2009 | active |
Bristol Hackspace | Bristol Hackspace | United Kingdom | | Bristol | https://bristolhackspace.org | 10 November 2009 | active |
MAKE Gosport | MAKE Gosport | United Kingdom | Hampshire | Gosport | https://www.makegosport.co.uk | 1 September 2020 | active |
Coventry Makerspace | Coventry Makerspace | United Kingdom | West Midlands (region) | Coventry | http://www.coventrymakerspace.com | 19 June 2014 | building |
The T-Exchange | The T-Exchange | United Kingdom | Scotland | Findhorn, Forres | http://www.t-exchange.net | 6 December 2011 | closed |
Chit | Chit | United Kingdom | | Glasgow | http://www.chateau.org.uk/chit/ | | closed |
Chelmsford Makerspace | Chelmsford Makerspace | United Kingdom | Essex | Chelmsford | http://www.chelmsfordmakerspace.co.uk | 15 February 2012 | closed |
Dragonhack (Carmarthen Hackerspace) | Dragonhack (Carmarthen Hackerspace) | United Kingdom | Carmarthenshire | Carmarthen | http://dragonhack.org | 1 November 2011 | planned |
Lincoln Hackspace | Lincoln Hackspace | United Kingdom | Lincolnshire | Lincoln, England | http://lincolnhack.space/ | 10 April 2013 | building |
Becycle Aberdeen | Becycle Aberdeen | United Kingdom | Scotland | Aberdeen | http://becycle.wordpress.com/ | | suspected inactive |
Edinburgh Hacker Cafe | Edinburgh Hacker Cafe | United Kingdom | Scotland | Edinburgh | | 3 April 2019 | closed |
Spark at Penketh High School | Spark at Penketh High School | United Kingdom | Cheshire | Warrington | | 1 January 2018 | suspected inactive |
Ipswich Makerspace | Ipswich Makerspace | United Kingdom | Suffolk | Ipswich | http://www.ipswichmakerspace.com | 24 July 2014 | suspected inactive |
High Wycombe Hackspace | High Wycombe Hackspace | United Kingdom | Buckinghamshire | High Wycombe | | 24 May 2012 | planned |
Hack Oldham | Hack Oldham | United Kingdom | Greater Manchester | Manchester | http://hackoldham.com | 3 April 2015 | suspected inactive |
LuneLab Makerspace | LuneLab Makerspace | United Kingdom | Lancashire | Lancaster, Lancashire | http://lunelab.org.uk | 1 August 2014 | active |
Herts Hack Space | Herts Hack Space | United Kingdom | Hertfordshire | St. Albans | http://www.hertshackspace.co.uk | 22 August 2013 | closed |
Birmingham Hack Space | Birmingham Hack Space | United Kingdom | West Midlands (region) | Birmingham | http://www.fizzpop.org.uk | 1 January 2009 | closed |
IExploit | IExploit | United Kingdom | Portsmouth | Southampton | http://www.iexploit.org | 1 March 2010 | unknown |
HACMan | HACMan | United Kingdom | Manchester | Manchester | http://hacman.org.uk | 24 June 2009 | active |
East Essex Hackspace | East Essex Hackspace | United Kingdom | Essex | Hockley | http://eehack.space | 1 September 2018 | active |
Hackspace Cardiff | Hackspace Cardiff | United Kingdom | Wales | Cardiff | http://cardiffhackspace.com | | building |
Spc | Spc | United Kingdom | London | New Cross | http://spc.org/ | 10 June 1996 | suspected inactive |
DoESLiverpool | DoESLiverpool | United Kingdom | Merseyside | Liverpool | http://doesliverpool.com/ | 22 April 2009 | active |
Surrey and Hampshire Makerspace | Surrey and Hampshire Makerspace | United Kingdom | Surrey | Guildford | https://www.shmakerspace.org/ | 5 May 2012 | active |
Telford Makerspace | Telford Makerspace | United Kingdom | Shropshire | Telford | https://telfordmakerspace.org.uk/ | | active |
York Hackspace | York Hackspace | United Kingdom | Yorkshire | York | https://york.hackspace.org.uk/ | 16 September 2011 | active |
HackNI | HackNI | United Kingdom | | Belfast | http://www.hackni.org/ | 1 January 2010 | planned |
ICMP Medway | ICMP Medway | United Kingdom | Kent | Chatham | http://www.icmp.org.uk/ | 1 January 2011 | closed |
Cheltenham Hackspace | Cheltenham Hackspace | United Kingdom | Gloucestershire | Cheltenham | https://www.cheltenhamhackspace.org | 24 June 2014 | active |
Coupar Angus SBC | Coupar Angus SBC | United Kingdom | Perthshire | Coupar Angus | https://forwardcouparangus.co.uk/our-projects/ | | unknown |
MadLab | MadLab | United Kingdom | Manchester | Manchester | http://madlab.org.uk/ | 1 October 2009 | active |
Quantum Tech Club | Quantum Tech Club | United Kingdom | Lancashire | Ormskirk | http://www.quantumtech.club | 1 November 2016 | active |
OmegaSpace | OmegaSpace | United Kingdom | Wales | Bangor, Maine | | 1 June 2012 | closed |
RMS | RMS | United Kingdom | Berkshire | Reading | http://rlab.org.uk | 5 November 2011 | active |
L-space | L-space | United Kingdom | | London | | | closed |
Leicester Hackspace | Leicester Hackspace | United Kingdom | Leicestershire | Leicester | http://leicesterhackspace.org.uk | 1 November 2013 | active |
Swindon Makerspace | Swindon Makerspace | United Kingdom | Wiltshire | Swindon | https://www.swindon-makerspace.org// | 1 June 2012 | active |
Milton Keynes Makerspace | Milton Keynes Makerspace | United Kingdom | Buckinghamshire | Milton Keynes | http://www.mkmakerspace.co.uk | 1 March 2015 | active |
Edinburgh Hacklab | Edinburgh Hacklab | United Kingdom | Scotland | Edinburgh | http://www.edinburghhacklab.com/ | 24 August 2010 | active |
Teesside Hackspace | Teesside Hackspace | United Kingdom | Cleveland | Middlesbrough | https://www.teessidehackspace.org.uk/ | 1 March 2016 | active |
Entrepreneurs for the future | Entrepreneurs for the future | United Kingdom | West Midlands (region) | Birmingham | http://www.bsp-a.com/e4f | | unknown |
GIMPS | GIMPS | United Kingdom | Rhondda Cynon Taff | Aberdare | | 21 October 2014 | building |
Build Brighton | Build Brighton | United Kingdom | East Sussex | Brighton and Hove | http://www.buildbrighton.com | 5 July 2009 | active |
MakerSpace (Newcastle, UK) | MakerSpace (Newcastle, UK) | United Kingdom | Tyne and Wear | Newcastle upon Tyne | http://www.makerspace.org.uk | 18 May 2010 | suspected inactive |
FizzPOP | FizzPOP | United Kingdom | West Midlands (region) | Birmingham | http://www.fizzpop.org.uk | 28 February 2009 | active |
Mkmis | Mkmis | United Kingdom | Buckinghamshire | Milton Keynes | http://meninshedsmk.org.uk | 1 June 2012 | active |
Open Shed | Open Shed | United Kingdom | Cornwall | Penzance | http://openshed.org | 19 June 2012 | closed |
Southackton | Southackton | United Kingdom | Hampshire | Southampton | http://www.southackton.org.uk/ | 20 May 2009 | unknown |
Newport Makerspace Creudy Casnewydd | Newport Makerspace Creudy Casnewydd | United Kingdom | Newport, Wales | Newport, Wales | https://newportmakerspace.org/ | 20 November 2021 | active |
Sheffield Hardware Hackers and Makers | Sheffield Hardware Hackers and Makers | United Kingdom | South Yorkshire | Sheffield | https://www.sheffieldhackspace.org.uk/ | 17 February 2015 | active |
Create At NEST | Create At NEST | United Kingdom | Perthshire | Blairgowrie | http://createatnest.co.uk/ | | closed |
Oxhack | Oxhack | United Kingdom | Oxfordshire | Oxford | http://oxhack.org/ | 1 December 2010 | suspected inactive |
Dundee MakerSpace | Dundee MakerSpace | United Kingdom | Scotland | Dundee | https://www.dundeemakerspace.co.uk | 28 July 2014 | reformatting |
Darlington Makerspace | Darlington Makerspace | United Kingdom | Durham | Darlington | | 13 March 2020 | planned |
Kingston Makerlabs | Kingston Makerlabs | United Kingdom | Richmond Upon Thames | London | | 20 June 2013 | closed |
Salisbury Hackerspace | Salisbury Hackerspace | United Kingdom | Wiltshire | Salisbury | | 1 April 2013 | building |
Planetry Hackspace | Planetry Hackspace | United Kingdom | | | | 25 September 2011 | closed |
Tandridge Hackers | Tandridge Hackers | United Kingdom | Surrey | Oxted | | 14 October 2011 | closed |
Access Space | Access Space | United Kingdom | South Yorkshire | Sheffield | http://access-space.org | 4 April 2009 | suspected inactive |
The Gamer Club Glasgow | The Gamer Club Glasgow | United Kingdom | Scotland | Glasgow | https://www.thegamerclub.co.uk | 11 October 2022 | active |
MusicTechSW | MusicTechSW | United Kingdom | Cornwall | Mullion | http://groups.google.com/group/sound-tech-group | 20 April 2010 | planned |
South London Makerspace | South London Makerspace | United Kingdom | London | London | http://southlondonmakerspace.org | 25 October 2012 | active |
Perthshire Creates - Makerspace | Perthshire Creates - Makerspace | United Kingdom | Perthshire | Perth | http://perthshirecreates.co.uk | 1 October 2017 | suspected inactive |
Astralship.org | Astralship.org | United Kingdom | Bangor, Maine | Deiniolen | https://astralship.org | 24 December 2016 | building |
Makespace | Makespace | United Kingdom | Cambridgeshire | Cambridge | http://www.makespace.org | | active |
EOF Hackspace | EOF Hackspace | United Kingdom | Oxfordshire | Oxford | https://eof.org.uk | 18 June 2018 | active |
Cassius Collective | Cassius Collective | United Kingdom | Scotland | Langholm | | 5 January 2012 | unknown |
Making Place | Making Place | United Kingdom | West Yorkshire | Hebden Bridge | http://alternativetechnology.org.uk/ | 27 October 2012 | building |
SuperHappyDevClub | SuperHappyDevClub | United Kingdom | Cambridgeshire | Cambridge | http://superhappydevclub.org | 11 August 2007 | closed |
Make:Bromyard | Make:Bromyard | United Kingdom | Herefordshire | Bromyard | http://www.makebromyard.org.uk/ | 23 February 2015 | suspected inactive |
Marie's Tea Room Hackerspace | Marie's Tea Room Hackerspace | United Kingdom | Kent | London | http://mariestearoom.co.uk/events/makerspace | 12 May 2014 | active |
Lancaster Lab | Lancaster Lab | United Kingdom | Lancashire | Lancaster, Lancashire | http://www.lancasterlab.org.uk/ | 1 January 2013 | planned |
Hitchin Hackspace | Hitchin Hackspace | United Kingdom | Hertfordshire | Hitchin | http://hitchin.hackspace.org.uk | 13 March 2012 | building |
Nerd Nights | Nerd Nights | United Kingdom | Guernsey | Guernsey St Peter Port | http://www.nerdnights.wordpress.com | 5 March 2012 | closed |
London Hackspace | London Hackspace | United Kingdom | London | London | https://london.hackspace.org.uk | 2 February 2009 | active |
Lancaster And Morecambe Makers (LAMM) | Lancaster And Morecambe Makers (LAMM) | United Kingdom | Lancashire | Lancaster, Lancashire | http://lamm.space/ | 29 November 2012 | active |
Preston | Preston | United Kingdom | Lancashire | Preston | http://prestonhackspace.org.uk/ | 7 May 2013 | planned |
57North | 57North | United Kingdom | Scotland | Aberdeen | http://www.57north.org.uk | | active |
The Skiff | The Skiff | United Kingdom | Sussex | Brighton | http://theskiff.org | 5 December 2008 | active |
LeodisSpace | LeodisSpace | United Kingdom | West Yorkshire | Leeds | | 19 June 2009 | planned |
Carlisle HackerSpace | Carlisle HackerSpace | United Kingdom | Cumbria | Carlisle | | 1 September 2015 | planned |
Glasgow Hackerspace | Glasgow Hackerspace | United Kingdom | Scotland | Glasgow | https://www.glashack.space | 15 November 2024 | active |
Blackpool | Blackpool | United Kingdom | Lancashire | Blackpool | https://blackpoolmakerspace.wordpress.com/ | 11 August 2013 | closed |
Piel View Hackers | Piel View Hackers | United Kingdom | Cumbria | Barrow-in-Furness | http://octopuscollective.org | 24 March 2012 | suspected inactive |
Basingstoke Makerspace | Basingstoke Makerspace | United Kingdom | Hampshire | Basingstoke | http://www.basingstokemakerspace.org.uk/ | | active |
Derby Makers | Derby Makers | United Kingdom | Derbyshire | Derby | http://derbymakers.co.uk/ | 6 September 2011 | active |
Richmond Makerlabs | Richmond Makerlabs | United Kingdom | Surrey | Ham, London | http://wiki.richmondmakerlabs.uk/index.php?title=Main Page | 20 June 2013 | active |
Electron Club | Electron Club | United Kingdom | Scotland | Glasgow | http://www.electronclub.org/ | 29 July 2006 | suspected inactive |
Baltimore Hackerspace | Baltimore Hackerspace | United States of America | Maryland | Baltimore | http://www.baltimorehackerspace.com | 1 February 2009 | active |
Neverlan | Neverlan | United States of America | Idaho | Twin Falls | | 9 November 2013 | building |
Nordeast Makers | Nordeast Makers | United States of America | Minnesota | Minneapolis | http://nordeastmakers.com | | active |
Brunswick Hackerspace | Brunswick Hackerspace | United States of America | Maryland | Brunswick | http://brunswickhackerspace.com | 1 February 2016 | closed |
South Shore Makerspace | South Shore Makerspace | United States of America | Indiana | Michigan City | | 11 April 2015 | building |
ThriftyPants | ThriftyPants | United States of America | Michigan | Clio | http://thriftypants.com | | planned |
Makerbar | Makerbar | United States of America | New Jersey | Hoboken | http://makerbar.com | 1 May 2012 | suspected inactive |
NEST | NEST | United States of America | Michigan | Grand Rapids | http://www.g-rad.org/ | | closed |
AMach | AMach | United States of America | New Hampshire | Keene | | 18 June 2011 | planned |
BroBrian Hackerspace | BroBrian Hackerspace | United States of America | Massachusetts | Amherst | | 15 August 2010 | building |
Build, RVA | Build, RVA | United States of America | Virginia | Richmond, Virginia | https://www.rvabuild.com/ | 13 March 2017 | active |
Kepler | Kepler | United States of America | South Carolina | Bluffton | | 20 February 2013 | planned |
StudentRND | StudentRND | United States of America | Washington | Bellevue | | 19 April 2009 | closed |
ONSP | ONSP | United States of America | Arizona | Tempe | | | building |
Fox.Build | Fox.Build | United States of America | Illinois | Saint Charles | https://fox.build | 11 February 2016 | suspected inactive |
MACH | MACH | United States of America | Arizona | Phoenix | http://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/teens/Pages/MACH/MACH.aspx | 1 January 2014 | suspected inactive |
Workshop Factory Cleveland | Workshop Factory Cleveland | United States of America | Ohio | Cleveland | | 19 September 2011 | planned |
UTPAH | UTPAH | United States of America | Texas | Edinburg | | 5 April 2011 | building |
757 WHQ (Defunct) | 757 WHQ (Defunct) | United States of America | Virginia | Virginia Beach | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifrirlhLYko | | closed |
Panhandle Area Network of Tecnology Specialists | Panhandle Area Network of Tecnology Specialists | United States of America | Oklahoma | Goodwell | | 8 August 2011 | planned |
Project Hydra | Project Hydra | United States of America | California | San Jose | | 28 May 2010 | building |
FreesideAtlanta | FreesideAtlanta | United States of America | Georgia | Atlanta | http://www.freesideatlanta.org | 2 December 2008 | closed |
Pawprint Prototyping | Pawprint Prototyping | United States of America | California | Santa Clara | https://pawprintprototyping.org | 1 April 2020 | active |
Cuppa Pulp Creative | Cuppa Pulp Creative | United States of America | New York | Nanuet | | 1 October 2013 | building |
Prototek | Prototek | United States of America | Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | http://prototekokc.com/ | 1 February 2013 | suspected inactive |
The Crucible | The Crucible | United States of America | California | Oakland | http://thecrucible.org | 1 January 2010 | suspected inactive |
Club Workshop | Club Workshop | United States of America | Colorado | Denver | http://www.clubworkshop.com/ | 5 September 2008 | closed |
Hackerspace Los Angeles | Hackerspace Los Angeles | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://hackerspacela.org/ | 2 February 2015 | suspected inactive |
Jackson Makerspace | Jackson Makerspace | United States of America | Michigan | Jackson | http://www.JacksonMakerSpace.org/ | 4 October 2014 | active |
SoTechie Cincy | SoTechie Cincy | United States of America | Ohio | Cincinnati | http://www.coworkcincy.com | 3 October 2013 | unknown |
Ventura/Oxnard Area Hackerspace | Ventura/Oxnard Area Hackerspace | United States of America | California | Ventura / Oxnard | http://www.meetup.com/Ventura-Area-Makers-Builders-Hackers/ | | planned |
TekVenture | TekVenture | United States of America | Indiana | Fort Wayne | http://www.TekVenture.org | 1 January 2008 | active |
23b Shop | 23b Shop | United States of America | California | Fullerton, California | https://23bshop.org | 1 May 2007 | active |
CCCCCCC | CCCCCCC | United States of America | Georgia | Atlanta | | 15 June 2010 | closed |
Xerocraft | Xerocraft | United States of America | Arizona | Tucson | http://xerocraft.org/ | 17 April 2011 | active |
Hive13 | Hive13 | United States of America | Ohio | Cincinnati | http://www.hive13.org | 9 April 2009 | active |
Breadmill Inc | Breadmill Inc | United States of America | Oregon | Portland, OR | | 1 January 2021 | building |
Wyoming TinkerSpace | Wyoming TinkerSpace | United States of America | Wyoming | Cheyenne | http://www.wyotinkerspace.org | 31 July 2014 | closed |
Lab Rats hackerspace | Lab Rats hackerspace | United States of America | Florida | Fort Lauderdale | | 1 January 2014 | planned |
Red Oak Makerspace | Red Oak Makerspace | United States of America | Texas | Red Oak | http://www.redoakmakerspace.org/ | 14 March 2013 | suspected inactive |
SideWalkLabs | SideWalkLabs | United States of America | South Carolina | Greenville/Anderson | | 1 October 2010 | closed |
GammaLab | GammaLab | United States of America | Indiana | Indianapolis | http://www.gamma-lab.org | 24 March 2010 | planned |
HackerspaceWiki:Proto.Lab | HackerspaceWiki:Proto.Lab | United States of America | Minnesota | Duluth, Minnesota | | 1 March 2014 | planned |
EDTRICation | EDTRICation | United States of America | California | Irvine | http://www.edtric.com/co-op-engineering.html | 1 January 2013 | closed |
NOLAnode | NOLAnode | United States of America | Louisiana | New Orleans | | 1 January 2012 | building |
Close Quarters | Close Quarters | United States of America | Rhode Island | Pawtucket | http://www.closequarters.org/ | 3 March 2010 | closed |
Unallocated Space | Unallocated Space | United States of America | Maryland | Millersville | http://unallocatedspace.org/ | 1 October 2010 | active |
Retrohackerspace | Retrohackerspace | United States of America | | Snowflake, Arizona | http://www.wulfman.com | 1 November 2012 | active |
Jacksonville Alabama LMH | Jacksonville Alabama LMH | United States of America | Alabama | Jacskonville | | 10 August 2011 | closed |
L0pht | L0pht | United States of America | Massachusetts | Watertown, Connecticut | http://www.l0pht.com | 15 July 1993 | closed |
Null Space Labs | Null Space Labs | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://032.la | 1 May 2010 | active |
Fort Collins Creative Co-op | Fort Collins Creative Co-op | United States of America | Colorado | Fort Collins | http://groups.google.com/group/fococc | 31 March 2009 | planned |
Coshack | Coshack | United States of America | Colorado | | http://CosHack.co | 1 September 2012 | closed |
Yuba City | Yuba City | United States of America | California | Yuba City | | | planned |
MakeSpace | MakeSpace | United States of America | California | Watsonville | | | closed |
505 Labs | 505 Labs | United States of America | New Mexico | Los Alamos | | 1 June 2012 | closed |
The Ramanujan Lodge | The Ramanujan Lodge | United States of America | Californa | Oakland | https://ramanujanlodge.org/ | 25 March 2023 | planned |
Shadowfoot.net | Shadowfoot.net | United States of America | Ohio | Chillicothe | http://shadowfoot.net | 25 July 2017 | planned |
TheLab | TheLab | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://www.thel4b.com | 1 October 2010 | closed |
Warehouse 51 | Warehouse 51 | United States of America | Kansas | Fredonia | | 29 June 2013 | building |
ToTally Fab Lab | ToTally Fab Lab | United States of America | Florida | Tallahassee | http://www.totallyfablab.com | 15 February 2012 | planned |
Sudo room | Sudo room | United States of America | California | Oakland | https://sudoroom.org | 14 November 2011 | active |
Haxion | Haxion | United States of America | New Jersey | Middletown | http://haxion.space | 18 April 2016 | planned |
Vector Space | Vector Space | United States of America | Virginia | Lynchburg, Virginia | http://vector-space.org/ | 1 February 2015 | active |
Make Lehigh Valley | Make Lehigh Valley | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Allentown, Pennsylvania | http://www.makelehighvalley.com | 1 November 2010 | suspected inactive |
Melbourne Makerspace (Florida USA) | Melbourne Makerspace (Florida USA) | United States of America | Florida | Melbourne | http://www.melbournemakerspace.org | 27 April 2013 | suspected inactive |
6' Warranty | 6' Warranty | United States of America | Ohio | Mount Vernon | | 1 August 2008 | building |
HacClearwater | HacClearwater | United States of America | Florida | Clearwater | http://hacclearwater.wikia.org | 5 September 2008 | closed |
Solid State Depot | Solid State Depot | United States of America | Colorado | Boulder | http://boulderhackerspace.com/ | 20 February 2010 | suspected inactive |
Mission Control | Mission Control | United States of America | Florida | Pensacola | http://eccmakers.com/ | 25 May 2010 | planned |
Cville hSpace | Cville hSpace | United States of America | Virginia | Charlottesville | http://lab4fab.com | 1 December 2009 | planned |
Midnight Research Labs | Midnight Research Labs | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://midnightresearch.com/ | | closed |
Hack.aiken.sc | Hack.aiken.sc | United States of America | South Carolina | North Augusta | http://hack.aiken.sc | 1 March 2010 | unknown |
Spark Makerspace | Spark Makerspace | United States of America | Connecticut | New London, Connecticut | https://sparkmakerspace.org | 7 April 2015 | active |
M.A.C.H. 925 | M.A.C.H. 925 | United States of America | California | Concord | http://www.eastbayhackers.com | 14 February 2014 | planned |
LA Makerspace | LA Makerspace | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://lamakerspace.org | 5 May 2012 | active |
Greenville Makers | Greenville Makers | United States of America | South Carolina | Greenville | | 15 October 2012 | closed |
Club Cyberia | Club Cyberia | United States of America | Indiana | Indianapolis | https://clubcyberia.org | 1 February 2011 | active |
Kre8now | Kre8now | United States of America | Kentucky | Lexington | https://www.kre8now.com/ | 1 June 2014 | active |
Confluent | Confluent | United States of America | Washington | Richland, Washington | https://confluent.space | 6 February 2016 | active |
Ideacter | Ideacter | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.fc-architect.com/#!machines/c1btx | 15 April 2015 | suspected inactive |
Lake Norman Hackerspace | Lake Norman Hackerspace | United States of America | North Carolina | Huntersville | | 5 September 2013 | planned |
IdeaFabLabs | IdeaFabLabs | United States of America | California | Chico | http://www.ideafablabs.com | 4 May 2013 | closed |
4-H Robotics & Technology Club | 4-H Robotics & Technology Club | United States of America | Michigan | Traverse City | http://tech.dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/4-HRoboticsAndTechnologyClub/ | | closed |
Emerald Coast Community of Makers | Emerald Coast Community of Makers | United States of America | Florida | Pensacola | http://www.eccmakers.com | 18 February 2012 | closed |
NuclearHackerSpace | NuclearHackerSpace | United States of America | Illinois | Quincy | http://NuclearHackerSpace | 21 November 2010 | building |
Montana Ethical Hackers | Montana Ethical Hackers | United States of America | Montana | Helena | http://mthackers.com | 1 September 2010 | active |
Hive 76 | Hive 76 | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | https://hive76.org | 18 May 2009 | active |
Hackerspace DSI SVA | Hackerspace DSI SVA | United States of America | New York | New York City | | 18 January 2014 | planned |
The Grid USM Makerspace | The Grid USM Makerspace | United States of America | Maine | Portland, ME | | 25 January 2013 | active |
GJ Makerspace | GJ Makerspace | United States of America | Colorado | Grand Junction | http://www.gjmakerspace.org/ | 13 April 2012 | planned |
NIMBY | NIMBY | United States of America | California | Oakland | http://www.nimbyspace.org | 1 April 2004 | suspected inactive |
Air Light Time & Space | Air Light Time & Space | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://www.altspaceseattle.com/ | 9 January 2011 | active |
Interlock Rochester | Interlock Rochester | United States of America | New York | Rochester | http://www.interlockroc.org | 11 October 2009 | closed |
TechShop RDU | TechShop RDU | United States of America | North Carolina | Raleigh | http://techshoprdu.com/ | 23 March 2009 | closed |
Steel House | Steel House | United States of America | Maine | Rockland | http://www.rocklandsteelhouse.com | 1 January 2014 | suspected inactive |
Fort | Fort | United States of America | California | San Francisco | http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Fort | 13 January 2013 | building |
Spring City Launchpad | Spring City Launchpad | United States of America | Wisconsin | Waukesha | http://springcitylaunchpad.org | 12 May 2012 | closed |
HacroEvolution | HacroEvolution | United States of America | Kansas | Manhattan | http://www.hacroevolution.blogspot.com/ | 1 March 2012 | active |
Syracuse Innovators Guild | Syracuse Innovators Guild | United States of America | New York | Syracuse | https://sig315.org | 19 November 2010 | closed |
Boilerhackers | Boilerhackers | United States of America | Indiana | | http://LafayetteMakerspace.org | | closed |
Make Nashville | Make Nashville | United States of America | Tennessee | Nashville | http://makenashville.org | 30 July 2016 | suspected inactive |
Catalyze Chicago | Catalyze Chicago | United States of America | Illinois | Chicago | http://www.catalyzechicago.org | 17 February 2014 | closed |
Makeville | Makeville | United States of America | Minnesota | Lakeville | http://www.Makeville.org | 1 January 2014 | planned |
Factor e Farm | Factor e Farm | United States of America | Missouri | Kansas City | http://opensourceecology.org/ | 19 October 2007 | active |
Analytics Lounge | Analytics Lounge | United States of America | Illinois | Chicago | http://www.analyticslounge.org/ | 25 March 2015 | reformatting |
Barrel of Makers | Barrel of Makers | United States of America | Delaware | Wilmington, Delaware | http://barrelofmakers.org/ | 1 June 2011 | active |
TechShop San Jose | TechShop San Jose | United States of America | California | San Jose | http://www.techshop.com | | closed |
The Tooolbox | The Tooolbox | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | https://exmachinaparlor.github.io/Webpage/ | 15 December 2023 | active |
Inventor Forge Maker Space | Inventor Forge Maker Space | United States of America | Missouri | Cottleville | http://www.inventorforgemakerspace.org | 1 February 2016 | active |
Tesseract Point | Tesseract Point | United States of America | North Carolina | Fayetteville | http://www.tesseractpoint.com/ | 17 April 2015 | closed |
ProVolt | ProVolt | United States of America | Utah | Provo | http://www.Provolt.org | 20 September 2014 | suspected inactive |
Hacksburg | Hacksburg | United States of America | Virginia | Blacksburg, Virginia | http://hacksburg.org | 23 September 2013 | active |
TeamTank | TeamTank | United States of America | North Carolina | New Bern | http://www.teamtanknc.net | 15 April 2013 | unknown |
Portcityhackerspace.org | Portcityhackerspace.org | United States of America | New Hampshire | Portsmouth | http://www.portcityhackerspace.org | 7 March 2012 | building |
Hypernova | Hypernova | United States of America | Indiana | Crown Point | http://hypernova.vaperized.com | 1 May 2010 | planned |
Bozeman MakerSpace | Bozeman MakerSpace | United States of America | Montana | Bozeman, Montana | http://bozemanmakers.org | 7 January 2011 | closed |
IdeaVault OPENLab | IdeaVault OPENLab | United States of America | Texas | Houston | | 11 November 2010 | building |
NextFab Studio | NextFab Studio | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | http://nextfabstudio.com/ | 23 January 2010 | closed |
Passable | Passable | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://passable.art | | active |
Chicon Collective | Chicon Collective | United States of America | Texas | Austin | http://chicon.co | 1 September 2012 | closed |
Parachute Factory | Parachute Factory | United States of America | New Mexico | Las Vegas | http://parachutefactory.org/ | 5 May 2012 | suspected inactive |
HackBerry Lab | HackBerry Lab | United States of America | Georgia | Rome | http://hackberrylab.com | 1 June 2014 | suspected inactive |
TrepHub | TrepHub | United States of America | Florida | Melbourne | http://trephub.com/ | 1 November 2012 | active |
Experimentalcollege | Experimentalcollege | United States of America | North Carolina | Asheville | http://www.experimentalcollege.org | 1 October 2012 | building |
Joplin,Mo | Joplin,Mo | United States of America | Missouri | Joplin | | 29 January 2011 | suspected inactive |
PaxSpace | PaxSpace | United States of America | Maryland | St. Mary's County | https://paxspace.org | 27 August 2013 | suspected inactive |
TinkerMaker at Connect Ventura | TinkerMaker at Connect Ventura | United States of America | California | Ventura | http://connectventura.com/2012/12/19/tinkermaker-at-connect-ventura/ | 1 September 2012 | suspected inactive |
ITP | ITP | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://itp.nyu.edu | | suspected inactive |
Buffalo Lab | Buffalo Lab | United States of America | New York | Buffalo Lab | http://www.buffalolab.org/blog | 6 May 2009 | closed |
Maanavta | Maanavta | United States of America | Arkansas | Russellville | https://www.maanavta.org | 1 October 2016 | closed |
Tachyon Station | Tachyon Station | United States of America | Nebraska | Gothenburg | | | planned |
8 days a week HackerSpace Coming! | 8 days a week HackerSpace Coming! | United States of America | Colorado | Boulder | http://www.8days.com/ | | planned |
Counter Culture Labs | Counter Culture Labs | United States of America | California | Oakland | https://counterculturelabs.org/ | 12 March 2013 | active |
Ithaca Generator | Ithaca Generator | United States of America | New York | Ithaca | http://ithacagenerator.org | 1 October 2012 | suspected inactive |
North Street Labs | North Street Labs | United States of America | Virginia | Portsmouth | http://www.Northstreetlabs.org | 2 September 2010 | closed |
Main Line Hackerspace | Main Line Hackerspace | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Wayne | http://www.thehackshack.info | 7 August 2011 | planned |
Machine Project | Machine Project | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://www.machineproject.com/ | | closed |
The Brain Tank | The Brain Tank | United States of America | Rhode Island | Providence | http://www.TheBrainTank.org | 12 July 2010 | closed |
Columbus Idea Foundry | Columbus Idea Foundry | United States of America | Ohio | Columbus | https://ideafoundry.com/ | 21 February 2009 | suspected inactive |
The Big Fab Lab | The Big Fab Lab | United States of America | Ohio | Bowling Green | http://bigfablab.com/ | | closed |
Hack.rva | Hack.rva | United States of America | Virginia | Richmond, Virginia | http://hackrva.org | 26 March 2009 | active |
Proto Makerspace | Proto Makerspace | United States of America | Texas | Spring | http://www.protomx.com | 14 August 2014 | closed |
HackCville | HackCville | United States of America | Virginia | Charlottesville | http://www.hackcville.com/ | 1 August 2012 | suspected inactive |
South Coast Innovator Labs | South Coast Innovator Labs | United States of America | Massachusetts | Taunton, Massachusetts | http://scilspace.com | 3 May 2011 | building |
Southern Arizona Technology Lab | Southern Arizona Technology Lab | United States of America | Arizona | Tucson | | 25 December 2008 | planned |
Reno Bridgewire | Reno Bridgewire | United States of America | Nevada | Reno | http://www.bridgewire.org | 13 January 2011 | suspected inactive |
TinkTank | TinkTank | United States of America | North Carolina | Asheville | | 1 January 2010 | planned |
FamiLAB | FamiLAB | United States of America | Florida | Longwood, Florida | http://familab.org/ | 16 June 2009 | active |
Danger!awesome | Danger!awesome | United States of America | Massachusetts | Cambridge | http://www.dangerawesome.com | | closed |
Factory Two | Factory Two | United States of America | Michigan | Flint, Michigan | http://www.factorytwo.org | 1 January 2015 | active |
Hardware Hack Lab | Hardware Hack Lab | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://hardwarehacklab.io | 28 August 2013 | active |
Pirateship | Pirateship | United States of America | Massachusetts | Somerville | http://p.irateship.com/ | 1 September 2010 | closed |
Brazos Valley Makerspace | Brazos Valley Makerspace | United States of America | Texas | Bryan | http://www.meetup.com/BV-Makers/ | 15 November 2011 | building |
HACKMIAMI | HACKMIAMI | United States of America | Florida | Miami | http://www.hackmiami.org/ | 1 August 2008 | active |
Founders | Founders | United States of America | Indiana | Fort Wayne | http://atfounders.com | 30 July 2012 | active |
7hills Makerspace | 7hills Makerspace | United States of America | Georgia | Rome | http://www.7hillsmake.org | 1 June 2011 | reformatting |
ATX Hackerspace | ATX Hackerspace | United States of America | Texas | Austin | http://atxhs.org/index.php/Main Page | 1 May 2009 | suspected inactive |
Buildmore Workshop | Buildmore Workshop | United States of America | Ohio | Dublin | http://www.buildmoreworkshop.com | 1 January 2010 | suspected inactive |
Root Access | Root Access | United States of America | California | Fresno, California | https://rootaccess.org/ | 28 June 2017 | active |
Mt Union Creative Computing Lab Experiment | Mt Union Creative Computing Lab Experiment | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Mount Union | http://muccle.com | | closed |
Fargo FabLab | Fargo FabLab | United States of America | North Dakota | Fargo | http://www.fargofablab.com | 23 January 2013 | closed |
The Lab in Marin City | The Lab in Marin City | United States of America | California | Marin City | | 4 May 2024 | building |
Fresno Ideaworks | Fresno Ideaworks | United States of America | California | Fresno, California | http://fresnoideaworks.org | 26 July 2012 | active |
GeekspaceGwinnett | GeekspaceGwinnett | United States of America | Georgia | Lawrenceville, Georgia | http://www.geekspacegwinnett.org | 1 June 2012 | active |
Erie Makerspace | Erie Makerspace | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Erie | http://eriemakerspace.com | 1 February 2012 | closed |
ReCode Hackspace | ReCode Hackspace | United States of America | Oregon | Pendleton | https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=114415871948346 | 1 September 2010 | closed |
Area 42 | Area 42 | United States of America | Missouri | Saint Louis | http://www.area-42.org/ | 1 September 2011 | closed |
Vehackle zone | Vehackle zone | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://www.vehacklezone.org | 1 June 2011 | closed |
FAIL | FAIL | United States of America | Wisconsin | Menomonie, Wisconsin | http://thefail.net | | |
CT Hackerspace | CT Hackerspace | United States of America | Connecticut | Watertown, Connecticut | http://www.cthackerspace.com | 14 February 2010 | active |
Treasure Coast Maker Space | Treasure Coast Maker Space | United States of America | Florida | Fort Pierce | http://www.treasurecoastmakerspace.com/ | | closed |
Raleigh Makerspace | Raleigh Makerspace | United States of America | North Carolina | Raleigh | http://www.raleighmakerspace.com/ | 1 March 2014 | closed |
Blueseed | Blueseed | United States of America | California | Blueseed | http://blueseed.co | 1 July 2014 | planned |
Foomatic | Foomatic | United States of America | Alabama | Montgomery | http://foomatic.org | 14 April 2012 | closed |
MinotMakers | MinotMakers | United States of America | North Dakota | Minot | | 17 November 2011 | building |
Bellingham Makerspace | Bellingham Makerspace | United States of America | Washington | Bellingham, Washington | http://www.bellinghammakerspace.org/ | 13 September 2007 | active |
Building24 | Building24 | United States of America | Illinois | Naperville | http://www.building24.org | | planned |
Erectorial Collage | Erectorial Collage | United States of America | California | Sacramento | | 24 January 2011 | closed |
Maine Fab Lab | Maine Fab Lab | United States of America | Maine | Biddeford | http://www.mainefablab.org/ | 1 September 2013 | closed |
LFTUM | LFTUM | United States of America | Louisiana | Lafayette | http://lftum.com | 11 March 2014 | building |
Flux | Flux | United States of America | Oregon | Portland, OR | http://fluxlab.io/ | 1 August 2013 | closed |
PerfectFab | PerfectFab | United States of America | Tennessee | Clarksville, Tennessee | | 2 February 2013 | active |
SPARKS | SPARKS | United States of America | Massachusetts | Danvers | | | closed |
Chaos Theory | Chaos Theory | United States of America | Illinois | Aurora | http://chaos-theory.us | | suspected inactive |
Pumping Station: One | Pumping Station: One | United States of America | Illinois | Chicago | http://www.pumpingstationone.org | 26 September 2008 | active |
Hasty Pastry | Hasty Pastry | United States of America | Massachusetts | Cambridge | http://www.hastypastry.net | 10 February 2003 | active |
Burning River ProtoStudio | Burning River ProtoStudio | United States of America | Ohio | Cleveland | http://groups.google.com/group/neo-makers | | planned |
Beltrami | Beltrami | United States of America | Minnesota | Beltrami county | | | planned |
Make Salt Lake | Make Salt Lake | United States of America | Utah | Salt Lake City | http://www.makesaltlake.org | 15 August 2010 | active |
ACGNJ | ACGNJ | United States of America | New Jersey | Scotch Plains | http://www.acgnj.org | 10 March 2013 | planned |
Robot Garden | Robot Garden | United States of America | California | Livermore, California | http://robotgarden.org | 20 October 2012 | active |
InfluenSol Hackerspace | InfluenSol Hackerspace | United States of America | New York | Hempstead | http://www.InfluenSol.com | 7 February 2011 | closed |
TinkerTech | TinkerTech | United States of America | Michigan | Ypsilanti | http://tinkertech.io/ | 4 May 2018 | suspected inactive |
Male-It-Here | Male-It-Here | United States of America | Illinois | Downers Grove | http://www.make-it-here.com | 1 January 2017 | |
NESIT | NESIT | United States of America | Connecticut | Meriden, Connecticut | http://www.nesit.org | 1 June 2010 | suspected inactive |
Hayhackers | Hayhackers | United States of America | California | Hayward | http://www.hayhackers.org | 23 May 2013 | planned |
Prospective hacker/makerspace: Fairfield, Iowa | Prospective hacker/makerspace: Fairfield, Iowa | United States of America | Iowa | Fairfield | | 6 August 2012 | planned |
GeeksOk, LLC | GeeksOk, LLC | United States of America | Oklahoma | Davenport | http://www.geeksok.com | | closed |
RoastellaLabs | RoastellaLabs | United States of America | Virginia | Roanoke/Salem | http://groups.google.com/group/roastellalabs | 29 April 2011 | closed |
Laboratory B | Laboratory B | United States of America | Vermont | Burlington, Vermont | http://www.laboratoryb.org | 27 November 2010 | active |
Monoceros Media | Monoceros Media | United States of America | California | San Jose | | 1 July 2009 | closed |
Add a hackerspace | Add a hackerspace | United States of America | New Jersey | Mount Holly | | 1 May 2009 | planned |
MakerLab at Joliet Junior College | MakerLab at Joliet Junior College | United States of America | Illinois | Joliet | http://www.trainingupdate.org/makerlab/ | 29 March 2016 | suspected inactive |
HackSLV | HackSLV | United States of America | Colorado | Crestone | http://www.hackslv.org | 1 July 2016 | closed |
UAWC3 Labs | UAWC3 Labs | United States of America | Ohio | Orrville | http://blogs.uakron.edu/waynec3/ | 1 January 2014 | suspected inactive |
Chillicothe.Labs | Chillicothe.Labs | United States of America | Ohio | Chillicothe | | 1 August 2014 | building |
TechKnow Lab - Brunswick Hackerspace | TechKnow Lab - Brunswick Hackerspace | United States of America | Georgia | Brunswick | http://techknowlab.us | 5 January 2012 | building |
Makers Realm | Makers Realm | United States of America | Indiana | Griffith, IN | http://www.makersrealm.com | 6 March 2011 | building |
The Makers Alliance | The Makers Alliance | United States of America | Ohio | Cleveland | http://www.makersalliance.org/ | 18 April 2009 | suspected inactive |
SocialGeeks | SocialGeeks | United States of America | Idaho | Twin Falls | http://www.socialgeeks.com | 5 October 2010 | closed |
HaSCC | HaSCC | United States of America | Texas | Corpus Christi | http://www.facebook.com/pages/HaSCC/162395588957?ref=sgm | 20 October 2009 | building |
Artifice | Artifice | United States of America | Illinois | Chicago | http://www.artificechicago.org | 11 November 2013 | planned |
Davis Makerspace | Davis Makerspace | United States of America | California | Davis | http://davismakerspace.org | 22 August 2012 | closed |
OMNICORPDETROIT | OMNICORPDETROIT | United States of America | Michigan | Detroit | http://omnicorpdetroit.com | 1 November 2010 | suspected inactive |
FredHack | FredHack | United States of America | Virginia | Fredericksburg | http://fredhack.blogspot.com | | closed |
Antitronics | Antitronics | United States of America | Alabama | Huntsville | http://www.antitronics.com | 13 April 2009 | closed |
NIMBY LLC | NIMBY LLC | United States of America | California | Oakland | http://www.nimbyspace.org/ | | active |
STL Makers | STL Makers | United States of America | Missouri | Saint Louis | http://stlmakers.org | 1 January 2014 | building |
Baltimore's Under Ground Science Space (BUGSS) | Baltimore's Under Ground Science Space (BUGSS) | United States of America | Maryland | Baltimore | http://www.bugssonline.org/ | 1 July 2012 | active |
River City Makers | River City Makers | United States of America | Wisconsin | Waterford | http://rivercitymakers.weebly.com/ | 11 June 2012 | planned |
What the... | What the... | United States of America | California | Dana Point | | | building |
AS220 Labs | AS220 Labs | United States of America | Rhode Island | Providence | http://labs.as220.org | 1 April 2008 | active |
Nightshade | Nightshade | United States of America | Missouri | Jefferson City | http://www.facebook.com/htjk | 24 June 1999 | building |
Red Mountain Makers | Red Mountain Makers | United States of America | Alabama | Birmingham | https://www.redmountainmakers.org | 27 March 2012 | active |
EnlaceRio | EnlaceRio | United States of America | Texas | McAllen | | 8 June 2011 | planned |
San Diego Hacker News Meetup | San Diego Hacker News Meetup | United States of America | California | San Diego | http://sdhn.org/ | 29 January 2010 | closed |
Sector67 | Sector67 | United States of America | Wisconsin | Madison, Wisconsin | http://sector67.org | 10 March 2010 | active |
Milwaukee Makerspace | Milwaukee Makerspace | United States of America | Wisconsin | Milwaukee | http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/ | 22 September 2009 | active |
Reforge Charleston | Reforge Charleston | United States of America | South Carolina | Charleston, South Carolina | https://www.reforge.io | 3 March 2016 | suspected inactive |
Hartville Makerspace | Hartville Makerspace | United States of America | Ohio | Hartville | | | planned |
Keystone Makers | Keystone Makers | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Marysville | https://keystonemakers.org | 15 December 2023 | active |
DeVry University Cybersecurity Lab | DeVry University Cybersecurity Lab | United States of America | Arizona | Phoenix | http://www.phx.devry.edu | | active |
Treasure Coast Group | Treasure Coast Group | United States of America | Florida | Fort Pierce | | | planned |
RRevo Labs | RRevo Labs | United States of America | California | Pasadena | | | planned |
Makerspace Anchorage | Makerspace Anchorage | United States of America | Alaska | Anchorage | http://www.meetup.com/anchorage-makers/ | 15 January 2012 | planned |
Simple Circuit | Simple Circuit | United States of America | Arkansas | Fayetteville | http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Simple Circuit | 1 April 2009 | building |
MakerDepot | MakerDepot | United States of America | New Jersey | Totowa, New Jersey | http://www.themakerdepot.com | 15 June 2014 | suspected inactive |
Fargo Makerworks | Fargo Makerworks | United States of America | North Dakota | Fargo | http://www.fargomakerworks.com | | closed |
FifeLakeActivityCenter | FifeLakeActivityCenter | United States of America | Michigan | Fife Lake | https://www.facebook.com/FifeLakeActivityCenterMakerspaceCollective | 1 July 2012 | closed |
Morgantown Makers Movement | Morgantown Makers Movement | United States of America | West Virginia | Morgantown | | 29 November 2011 | building |
SYN/HAK | SYN/HAK | United States of America | Ohio | Akron | https://SynHak.org | 13 July 2011 | closed |
Studio Bricolage | Studio Bricolage | United States of America | Minnesota | Minneapolis | http://www.studiobricolage.org | | closed |
Innevation Center Makerspace | Innevation Center Makerspace | United States of America | Nevada | Reno | https://www.unr.edu/innevation/inside/makerspace | 1 November 2015 | active |
Maui Makers | Maui Makers | United States of America | Hawaii | Waikapu | http://www.mauimakers.com | | suspected inactive |
BisHack | BisHack | United States of America | North Dakota | Bismarck | http://www.bishack.org | | closed |
Free Information Exchange Foundation | Free Information Exchange Foundation | United States of America | Oklahoma | Tulsa | http://www.fiefoundation.net | 17 February 2009 | closed |
Ctrl-H | Ctrl-H | United States of America | Oregon | Portland, OR | https://pdxhackerspace.org | 12 July 2014 | active |
Geekwine | Geekwine | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://twitter.com/geekwine/ | 25 March 2014 | closed |
Ad Astra Labs | Ad Astra Labs | United States of America | Kansas | Topeka | http://www.adastralabs.org/ | 1 April 2012 | building |
West Central Community Workshop | West Central Community Workshop | United States of America | Minnesota | Morris | https://sites.google.com/site/wccworkshop | 4 October 2011 | planned |
757 Labs | 757 Labs | United States of America | Virginia | Norfolk | | 25 December 2009 | closed |
Al3ph | Al3ph | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://al3ph.com | 19 May 2009 | planned |
The Wet Lab | The Wet Lab | United States of America | California | San Diego | http://www.thewetlab.org | 1 November 2013 | closed |
Thinkbox | Thinkbox | United States of America | Ohio | Cleveland | http://thinkbox.case.edu | 11 November 2011 | suspected inactive |
Dead Programmers Society | Dead Programmers Society | United States of America | New Mexico | Las Cruces | | 14 September 2012 | active |
Quelab | Quelab | United States of America | New Mexico | Albuquerque | https://quelab.net | 22 July 2010 | active |
Bloominglabs | Bloominglabs | United States of America | Indiana | Bloomington, Indiana | http://www.bloominglabs.org | 1 July 2010 | active |
Sugar Shack | Sugar Shack | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://www.twitter.com/sugarshack | 21 September 2001 | active |
UMake Labs | UMake Labs | United States of America | New York | Massapequa | http://www.umakelabs.com | 1 October 2014 | closed |
Hackerspace Bemidji | Hackerspace Bemidji | United States of America | Minnesota | Bemidji | | | unknown |
Nova Labs | Nova Labs | United States of America | Virginia | Fairfax, Virginia | http://nova-labs.org/ | 2 December 2011 | active |
Fablocker | Fablocker | United States of America | North Carolina | Winston Salem | http://fablocker.org/ | 1 February 2011 | closed |
ARC Labs | ARC Labs | United States of America | Pennsylvania | TBA | | 3 January 2010 | building |
Seattle Makers | Seattle Makers | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | https://seattlemakers.org/ | 1 September 2017 | active |
BSpectrum | BSpectrum | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://bspectrumarts.com | | active |
CoLab Workspace | CoLab Workspace | United States of America | Arizona | Tucson | | 15 October 2011 | closed |
Technology Creation Center | Technology Creation Center | United States of America | Missouri | Saint Clair, Missouri | | 1 January 2017 | building |
The Out Of Band | The Out Of Band | United States of America | California | Oakland | https://oob.systems/ | 1 December 2014 | building |
Splat Space | Splat Space | United States of America | North Carolina | Durham | http://splatspace.org | 1 September 2010 | active |
Hackerspace Toledo | Hackerspace Toledo | United States of America | Ohio | Toledo | http://sites.google.com/site/hackerspacetoledo/ | 1 August 2010 | closed |
The Archive Hacker Pad | The Archive Hacker Pad | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | | 1 February 2010 | suspected inactive |
Hacklab North Boynton | Hacklab North Boynton | United States of America | Florida | Boynton Beach | http://www.hacklabnobo.org | | closed |
TechShop Austin - Round Rock | TechShop Austin - Round Rock | United States of America | Texas | Austin | http://www.techshop.com | 20 October 2012 | closed |
Make McPherson | Make McPherson | United States of America | Kansas | McPherson | | 1 September 2012 | planned |
GRMakers | GRMakers | United States of America | Michigan | Grand Rapids | http://www.grmakers.com | 25 August 2012 | closed |
Iron Tribe | Iron Tribe | United States of America | New York | White Plains | http://betatwolabs.com/ | 18 May 2010 | closed |
ItHACKa | ItHACKa | United States of America | New York | Ithaca | | 18 August 2009 | closed |
Synhak | Synhak | United States of America | Ohio | Akron | http://synhak.org | | closed |
Wayla | Wayla | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.twitter.com/hij1nx | 1 May 2013 | closed |
Omega Anomaly LLC | Omega Anomaly LLC | United States of America | Michigan | Flint, Michigan | | 28 February 2013 | suspected inactive |
Maker Bench | Maker Bench | United States of America | Arizona | Tempe | http://www.makerbench.com | 21 January 2011 | closed |
Omaha Maker Group | Omaha Maker Group | United States of America | Nebraska | Omaha | http://www.omahamakergroup.org/ | 31 August 2010 | active |
Tweak Labs | Tweak Labs | United States of America | Alabama | Florence | http://tweaklabs.org | 16 March 2010 | closed |
OpenSpace | OpenSpace | United States of America | Illinois | Murphysboro | http://Openspace.io | 17 March 2014 | closed |
LocalWorks | LocalWorks | United States of America | Arizona | Flagstaff | http://flaglocalworks.com/ | 30 July 2013 | active |
Mojave Makers | Mojave Makers | United States of America | California | Mojave | http://mojavemakers.org/ | 23 January 2012 | suspected inactive |
AV Hackers | AV Hackers | United States of America | California | Lancaster, Lancashire | | 26 September 2011 | building |
Joplin Hackspace | Joplin Hackspace | United States of America | Missouri | Joplin | http://www.kickstarter.com/profile/joplinhackspace | 11 April 2011 | closed |
Denhac | Denhac | United States of America | Colorado | Denver | https://denhac.org | 3 September 2008 | active |
Phoenix Asylum | Phoenix Asylum | United States of America | Colorado | Boulder | http://phoenixasylum.org | 1 November 2008 | active |
Ponoko | Ponoko | United States of America | California | Oakland | http://www.ponoko.com/about/contact | | suspected inactive |
Akron MakerSpace | Akron MakerSpace | United States of America | Ohio | Akron | https://www.akronmakerspace.org | | suspected inactive |
Open Source Maker Labs | Open Source Maker Labs | United States of America | California | Vista | http://www.opensourcemakerlabs.com/ | 1 August 2014 | suspected inactive |
Missoula Makerspace | Missoula Makerspace | United States of America | Montana | Missoula | http://missoulamakerspace.com | 1 January 2014 | suspected inactive |
WinonaHackers | WinonaHackers | United States of America | Minnesota | Winona, Minnesota | | 15 March 2013 | active |
Tsuki Labs | Tsuki Labs | United States of America | Colorado | Tabernash | https://tsukilabs.org | 1 May 2011 | planned |
US STEM Foundation Makerspace | US STEM Foundation Makerspace | United States of America | Virginia | Haymarket | http://usstem.org/ | | planned |
Blog.thekeyboardcowboy.net | Blog.thekeyboardcowboy.net | United States of America | West Virginia | Philippi | http://blog.thekeyboardcowboy.net | 1 February 2011 | building |
Texarkana Institute of Technology | Texarkana Institute of Technology | United States of America | Texas | Texarkana | | | suspected inactive |
WIT NetworkingLAB AITP | WIT NetworkingLAB AITP | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://witaitp.org | 10 October 2009 | closed |
Freeside Atlanta | Freeside Atlanta | United States of America | Georgia | Atlanta | https://www.freesideatlanta.org/ | 1 July 2009 | active |
H4ckL4luch4 | H4ckL4luch4 | United States of America | Arkansas | Conway | http://thelocals.be | 15 November 2013 | planned |
Ideamaker | Ideamaker | United States of America | CA | Whittier | http://www.ideamaker.org | 21 February 2014 | building |
Trolegio | Trolegio | United States of America | Puerto Rico | Mayagüez | http://www.uprm.edu | 1 October 2013 | planned |
Inventors Warehouse | Inventors Warehouse | United States of America | Arizona | Phoenix | http://inventorswarehouse.net/ | 1 January 2013 | planned |
Makers' Realm | Makers' Realm | United States of America | Indiana | Griffith, IN | http://www.makersrealm.com | 1 February 2011 | planned |
Saturday House | Saturday House | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://saturdayhouse.org | | closed |
The Ambiguous Consortium | The Ambiguous Consortium | United States of America | Oklahoma | Tulsa | | 1 October 2009 | building |
MakerFX | MakerFX | United States of America | Florida | Orlando | http://www.MakerFX.org | 9 June 2017 | active |
CBI Maker Space | CBI Maker Space | United States of America | Tennessee | Crossville, Tennessee | http://www.cbimakerspace.com/cbi/maker-space/ | | active |
SubProto | SubProto | United States of America | South Carolina | Myrtle Beach | http://subproto.com/ | 1 March 2013 | closed |
Circle City Creative Center "C4" | Circle City Creative Center "C4" | United States of America | Alabama | Dothan | http://www.indiegogo.com/c4Dothan?a=794214 | 16 June 2012 | closed |
Ventureforge | Ventureforge | United States of America | Michigan | Traverse City | http://ventureforge.org/ | 3 September 2010 | planned |
NEOHACK | NEOHACK | United States of America | Oklahoma | Miami | http://groups.google.com/group/neohack | 28 April 2010 | planned |
HI Capacity | HI Capacity | United States of America | Hawaii | Honolulu | http://hicapacity.org | 24 February 2011 | suspected inactive |
BrainSilo | BrainSilo | United States of America | Oregon | Portland, OR | http://brainsilo.org/ | 2 May 2009 | closed |
TinkerMill | TinkerMill | United States of America | Colorado | Longmont | http://tinkermill.org | 11 May 2013 | active |
Vocademy | Vocademy | United States of America | California | Riverside | http://www.Vocademy.com | | suspected inactive |
Springfield Make Club | Springfield Make Club | United States of America | Missouri | Springfield | http://www.squidfoo.com | 6 May 2011 | closed |
Code Self Study | Code Self Study | United States of America | California | Berkeley | http://codeselfstudy.com/edu | 9 December 2013 | unknown |
SoDo Makerspace | SoDo Makerspace | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://sodomakerspace.org/ | 9 August 2014 | closed |
Rippowam Labs | Rippowam Labs | United States of America | Connecticut | Stamford, Connecticut | http://www.rippowamlabs.org | | active |
Fab Lab Baltimore | Fab Lab Baltimore | United States of America | Maryland | Baltimore | http://www.fablabbaltimore.org/ | | closed |
MakeICT | MakeICT | United States of America | Kansas | Wichita | http://makeict.org | 13 December 2012 | active |
HackerspaceLA | HackerspaceLA | United States of America | California | SHERMAN OAKS | http://www.hackerspacela.org | 30 April 2015 | building |
BizSol Systems | BizSol Systems | United States of America | Florida | Orlando | http://www.bizsolsystems.com | | building |
Fairfield County Makers Guild | Fairfield County Makers Guild | United States of America | Connecticut | Norwalk | http://www.meetup.com/Fairfield-County-Makers-Guild/ | | closed |
Open Lab Idaho | Open Lab Idaho | United States of America | Idaho | Garden City | http://www.openlabidaho.org | 1 January 2012 | building |
Yakima Hackerspace | Yakima Hackerspace | United States of America | Washington | Yakima | | 1 June 2001 | closed |
Zero1 Nation | Zero1 Nation | United States of America | Colorado | Colorado Springs | http://zero1-nation.github.io/ | 17 August 2007 | active |
Extinction | Extinction | United States of America | Oklahoma | Tulsa | http://www.borgsteamfactory.com/Hcontact.html | 21 October 2010 | building |
Workshop 88 | Workshop 88 | United States of America | Illinois | Glen Ellyn | http://workshop88.com | 23 November 2009 | active |
OHM | OHM | United States of America | Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | http://www.ohmspace.org | 15 January 2011 | closed |
10BitWorks | 10BitWorks | United States of America | Texas | San Antonio | http://10bitworks.com | 10 June 2010 | suspected inactive |
Mindseyemanufactory.com | Mindseyemanufactory.com | United States of America | California | Ferndale, California | https://www.mindseyemanufactory.com/ | | building |
Fab lab El Paso | Fab lab El Paso | United States of America | Texas | El Paso | http://www.fablabelpaso.org | 19 August 2013 | suspected inactive |
Frostbox | Frostbox | United States of America | California | Oakland | https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Frostbox | 10 December 2013 | building |
Double Union | Double Union | United States of America | California | San Francisco | http://www.doubleunion.org | 11 June 2013 | active |
NI Hackerspace | NI Hackerspace | United States of America | Illinois | DeKalb, Illinois | | 12 March 2013 | suspected inactive |
Lynchburg Hackerspace | Lynchburg Hackerspace | United States of America | Virginia | Lynchburg, Virginia | http://www.lynchburghackerspace.org | | planned |
Madlabindustries | Madlabindustries | United States of America | SD | Sioux Falls | http://MadLabIndustries.com | | planned |
Clear Creek Makerspace | Clear Creek Makerspace | United States of America | Colorado | Wheat Ridge | https://clearcreekmakerspace.com/ | 28 May 2024 | active |
MakerHQ Sacramento | MakerHQ Sacramento | United States of America | California | Sacramento | http://makerhq.org | 25 March 2016 | closed |
Ideas to Things Inc. | Ideas to Things Inc. | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://ideastothings.org/ | 24 October 2012 | closed |
Beltechs | Beltechs | United States of America | California | Bellflower | | 1 July 2013 | unknown |
Creative Solutions Central | Creative Solutions Central | United States of America | Tennessee | | | 23 February 2012 | closed |
Monroe County Hackerspace | Monroe County Hackerspace | United States of America | Tennessee | Madisonville | | 22 September 2011 | suspected inactive |
Take3.NWA | Take3.NWA | United States of America | Arkansas | Rogers | http://take3nwa.blogspot.com | 6 April 2011 | planned |
Conjunctured | Conjunctured | United States of America | Texas | Austin | http://www.conjunctured.com | | planned |
New York Hacking Society | New York Hacking Society | United States of America | New York | New York City | | 1 May 2008 | suspected inactive |
Tux-Lab | Tux-Lab | United States of America | California | Los Angeles County (SGV) | | 1 December 2009 | closed |
MakeFixHack | MakeFixHack | United States of America | Massachusetts | Easthampton, Massachusetts | https://www.MakeFixHack.org | 20 February 2024 | active |
Towson Makerspace | Towson Makerspace | United States of America | Maryland | Towson | https://www.towsonmakerspace.org/ | 3 February 2017 | closed |
The Maker Station | The Maker Station | United States of America | Georgia | Marietta, Georgia | http://www.themakerstation.com | 9 July 2014 | active |
Socal Hackerspace | Socal Hackerspace | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | | 26 June 2014 | planned |
M0usePad | M0usePad | United States of America | California | Oakland | | 6 January 2014 | closed |
Spokane Create! | Spokane Create! | United States of America | Washington | Spokane, Washington | http://spokanecreate.org | 1 April 2013 | suspected inactive |
CreatorSpace | CreatorSpace | United States of America | Texas | Houston | http://www.creatorspace.org/ | 9 April 2012 | active |
Making Awesome | Making Awesome | United States of America | Florida | Tallahassee | http://www.makingawesome.org | 15 January 2012 | closed |
Myjanky Protomake | Myjanky Protomake | United States of America | Texas | Arlington | http://www.myjanky.com | 12 May 2012 | planned |
Mechanical Resistor | Mechanical Resistor | United States of America | Florida | Boynton Beach | http://www.mechanicalresistor.org | 10 February 2011 | planned |
The Village Workshop | The Village Workshop | United States of America | Michigan | Northville | http://www.thevillageworkshop.com | 1 March 2015 | closed |
Eyebeam | Eyebeam | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.eyebeam.org/ | | active |
HackShack | HackShack | United States of America | Louisiana | Bogalusa | http://wptech.webs.com | 26 May 2011 | closed |
All Hands Active! | All Hands Active! | United States of America | Michigan | Ann Arbor | https://allhandsactive.org | 10 September 2009 | active |
Cambridge Hackspace | Cambridge Hackspace | United States of America | Massachusetts | Somerville | http://www.cambridgehackspace.com/ | 1 February 2013 | active |
Silicon LakeShore | Silicon LakeShore | United States of America | Minnesota | Duluth, Minnesota | http://siliconlakeshore.com/ | 16 February 2013 | closed |
Wausau Collaboration Center | Wausau Collaboration Center | United States of America | Wisconsin | Wausau | http://www.wausaucollaborationcenter.com/ | 1 October 2011 | planned |
MITERS | MITERS | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://miters.mit.edu | 1973 | active |
Cape Fear Maker Space | Cape Fear Maker Space | United States of America | Wilmington, North Carolina | Wilmington, North Carolina | http://www.capefearmakersguild.org | 17 May 2022 | active |
The Roosevelt 2.0 (closed) | The Roosevelt 2.0 (closed) | United States of America | Florida | Tampa | http://www.creativityincommerce.com/ | 1 February 2010 | closed |
757 Makerspace | 757 Makerspace | United States of America | Virginia | Norfolk | http://www.757Makerspace.com | 4 April 2013 | active |
Riverside.io | Riverside.io | United States of America | California | Riverside | http://riverside.io | 1 August 2013 | suspected inactive |
LBKhackerspace | LBKhackerspace | United States of America | Texas | Lubbock | | 28 May 2012 | planned |
Mothership HackerMoms | Mothership HackerMoms | United States of America | California | Berkeley | http://mothership.hackermoms.org | 1 September 2011 | building |
Area515 | Area515 | United States of America | Iowa | Des Moines | https://area515.org | 17 August 2011 | active |
Mille Lacs | Mille Lacs | United States of America | Minnesota | Princeton | | 20 March 2011 | planned |
GrendelVan | GrendelVan | United States of America | Colorado | Colorado Springs | http://mhs.hackerdemia.com | 1 January 2008 | closed |
The Cove | The Cove | United States of America | Indiana | Indianapolis | http://www.the-cove.org | 24 March 2010 | planned |
SteamCup | SteamCup | United States of America | Florida | Orlando | | | planned |
Eugene Maker Space | Eugene Maker Space | United States of America | Oregon | Eugene, Oregon | https://www.eugenemakerspace.com | 7 January 2011 | active |
Santa Fe Complex | Santa Fe Complex | United States of America | New Mexico | Santa Fe | http://sfcomplex.org/ | | closed |
TinkerByte | TinkerByte | United States of America | California | Lake Forest | http://tinkerbyte.com | 23 December 2010 | planned |
Reverse Space | Reverse Space | United States of America | Virginia | Herndon | http://reversespace.com | 1 October 2010 | closed |
Uptown Labs | Uptown Labs | United States of America | Missouri | Columbia, Missouri | http://uptownlabs.net | 4 July 2009 | closed |
The Shop | The Shop | United States of America | South Dakota | Rapid City | https://www.theshop-rc.com | 12 September 2017 | closed |
STEAM Work Labs | STEAM Work Labs | United States of America | Ohio | Dayton | http://www.STEAMWorksLabs.com | 15 January 2016 | closed |
Area 432 | Area 432 | United States of America | Texas | Midland, Texas | http://www.area432.com | | active |
Darlington | Darlington | United States of America | Utah | Midvale | http://thetransistor.com | 1 May 2012 | closed |
Maker Works | Maker Works | United States of America | Michigan | Ann Arbor | http://www.maker-works.com/ | 8 August 2011 | active |
AS220 labs | AS220 labs | United States of America | Rhode Island | Providence | http://as220.org/labs | 1 April 2008 | closed |
Detroit Makers at District VII | Detroit Makers at District VII | United States of America | Michigan | Detroit | http://detroitmakers.tumblr.com | 1 May 2011 | building |
Crafts Center | Crafts Center | United States of America | Massachusetts | Medford | http://tuftscrafts.com/ | | closed |
WesternMass Hackerspace | WesternMass Hackerspace | United States of America | Massachusetts | Indian Orchard | http://www.meetup.com/TheGeekGroupofWesternMass/ | 1 October 2010 | closed |
Lowell Makes | Lowell Makes | United States of America | Massachusetts | Lowell, Massachusetts | http://lowellmakes.com | 1 November 2013 | active |
MakeHartford | MakeHartford | United States of America | Connecticut | Hartford | http://www.makehartford.com/ | 7 December 2012 | closed |
ICR (Iowa City/Cedar Rapids) | ICR (Iowa City/Cedar Rapids) | United States of America | Iowa | Iowa City | http://hackerspaceicr.org | 7 March 2012 | building |
Chattahack | Chattahack | United States of America | Tennessee | Chattanooga | http://www.chattahack.com/ | 1 June 2011 | closed |
Makers Workshop | Makers Workshop | United States of America | Massachusetts | Maynard, Massachusetts | https://makersworkshop.com/ | 1 January 2019 | active |
South Fulton Tool Cooperative | South Fulton Tool Cooperative | United States of America | Georgia | Fairburn | | 1 March 2017 | building |
Decatur Makers | Decatur Makers | United States of America | Georgia | Decatur, Georgia | http://decaturmakers.org | 7 November 2012 | active |
Hackerspace CDA | Hackerspace CDA | United States of America | Idaho | Coeur D' Alene | http://www.bubblegumcorporation.com | 27 August 2013 | planned |
SoTechie Spaces | SoTechie Spaces | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.sotechiespaces.com/ | 15 October 2010 | suspected inactive |
Flagstaff Hackerspace | Flagstaff Hackerspace | United States of America | Arizona | Flagstaff | | | planned |
Collab | Collab | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.collab-orators.com | 1 August 2009 | active |
Artisan's Asylum | Artisan's Asylum | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://www.artisansasylum.com | 1 May 2010 | active |
The Detroit Facility | The Detroit Facility | United States of America | Michigan | Detroit | | 3 August 2008 | closed |
Maker Nexus | Maker Nexus | United States of America | California | Sunnyvale, California | https://www.makernexus.com/ | 1 January 2018 | active |
Idea Fab Labs Santa Cruz | Idea Fab Labs Santa Cruz | United States of America | California | Santa Cruz, California | http://santacruz.ideafablabs.com | 6 June 2015 | active |
Freegeek Little Rock | Freegeek Little Rock | United States of America | Arkansas | Fayetteville, AR | http://www.freegeekarkansas.org | 1 May 2012 | closed |
Minot Makers | Minot Makers | United States of America | North Dakota | Minot | http://www.minotmakers.com | 10 November 2011 | closed |
Alaska MakerSpace | Alaska MakerSpace | United States of America | Alaska | Anchorage | http://groups.google.com/group/akmakerspace | 31 January 2011 | planned |
Canton Hacker and Maker Place | Canton Hacker and Maker Place | United States of America | Ohio | Canton, Ohio | http://hackcanton.com | 1 October 2013 | active |
HexLab Makerspace | HexLab Makerspace | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://www.hexlabmakerspace.com | 31 December 2013 | suspected inactive |
Weird Science Salon | Weird Science Salon | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://amasci.com/wsci/ | | active |
Daily Hacker Space @ Siam Restaurant & Bar | Daily Hacker Space @ Siam Restaurant & Bar | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Lewisburg | http://www.siamlewisburg.com/ | 3 October 2014 | suspected inactive |
Kennebec County Hackerspace | Kennebec County Hackerspace | United States of America | Maine | Augusta, Georgia | | 1 May 2013 | active |
ChattLab | ChattLab | United States of America | Tennessee | Chattanooga | http://www.chattlab.org/ | 1 March 2012 | active |
Makelab Charleston | Makelab Charleston | United States of America | South Carolina | Charleston, South Carolina | http://www.makelabcharleston.org/ | 22 November 2010 | suspected inactive |
Prototype PGH | Prototype PGH | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh | https://prototypepgh.com/ | 1 January 2017 | suspected inactive |
RnDx2 | RnDx2 | United States of America | California | Inglewood | http://rndx2.com/ | 1 January 2017 | closed |
MAKERoanoke | MAKERoanoke | United States of America | Virginia | Roanoke | https://makeroanoke.org/ | | active |
SpaceLab1 | SpaceLab1 | United States of America | Illinois | Mokena | http://www.spacelab1.com | 1 July 2013 | active |
Hackerspace Anderson/Greenville | Hackerspace Anderson/Greenville | United States of America | South Carolina | Anderson/Greenville | http://www.sidewalklabs.com | 27 September 2010 | planned |
TESLA | TESLA | United States of America | Massachusetts | Worcester | http://teslaract.org | 16 April 2010 | closed |
Crash Space | Crash Space | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://crashspace.org/ | 12 October 2009 | active |
Framingham Makerspace | Framingham Makerspace | United States of America | Massachusetts | Framingham | https://www.FraminghamMakerspace.org | 6 June 2013 | active |
Deland Hackerspace | Deland Hackerspace | United States of America | Florida | Deland | | 8 January 2013 | planned |
Lincoln Hacker League | Lincoln Hacker League | United States of America | Nebraska | Lincoln, England | http://www.lincolnhackerleague.org | 20 December 2010 | closed |
Bitsmasher | Bitsmasher | United States of America | California | Santa Cruz, California | http://bitsmasher.com | 21 June 2009 | closed |
Synbyo Prototyping Guild | Synbyo Prototyping Guild | United States of America | California | Rancho Cordova | http://www.synbyo.com | 15 January 2017 | active |
TechShop Chandler | TechShop Chandler | United States of America | Arizona | Chandler | http://www.techshop.com | 16 November 2013 | closed |
Benicia Makerspace | Benicia Makerspace | United States of America | California | Benicia | http://www.beniciamakerspace.org/ | 4 July 2013 | suspected inactive |
Hatchunc | Hatchunc | United States of America | North Carolina | Chapel Hill | | 4 August 2012 | building |
Hackerspace of North Eastern New York and Western New England | Hackerspace of North Eastern New York and Western New England | United States of America | New York | Albany | | 5 January 2011 | planned |
ImpossibleLabs | ImpossibleLabs | United States of America | California | Santa Clara | | 16 September 2015 | suspected inactive |
Desert Craft Makerspace | Desert Craft Makerspace | United States of America | Texas | El Paso | http://desertcraft.org | 29 January 2013 | reformatting |
Fab Lab San Diego | Fab Lab San Diego | United States of America | California | San Diego | http://www.fablabsd.org/ | | unknown |
TechShop Pittsburgh | TechShop Pittsburgh | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh, PA | http://www.techshop.com | 2 March 2013 | closed |
MakerStation - TekVenture | MakerStation - TekVenture | United States of America | Indiana | Fort Wayne | http://tekventure.org/maker-station/ | | closed |
Maketory | Maketory | United States of America | California | San Diego | http://maketory.com | 2020 | active |
HackLAB Raleigh | HackLAB Raleigh | United States of America | NC | Raleigh | https://www.meetup.com/thehacklab/ | 1 August 1999 | suspected inactive |
HacKafe US | HacKafe US | United States of America | New Mexico | Albuquerque | http://www.hackafe.us | 1 June 2014 | active |
Radicand Lab | Radicand Lab | United States of America | California | Redwood City | http://radicandlabs.com/ | 1 April 2013 | suspected inactive |
Generalhax prescott | Generalhax prescott | United States of America | Arizona | Prescott Valley | | 30 November 2012 | planned |
Mod technologies | Mod technologies | United States of America | Utah | Ogden | | 30 March 2011 | planned |
UW-W Hackathon | UW-W Hackathon | United States of America | Wisconsin | Whitewater | http://www.uwwhackathon.com | 3 December 2010 | planned |
Irontribe | Irontribe | United States of America | New York | White Plains | http://www.irontribe.us | 18 May 2010 | building |
Hack Rolla! | Hack Rolla! | United States of America | Missouri | Rolla | | 1 March 2010 | closed |
Gumbo Labs | Gumbo Labs | United States of America | Louisiana | New Orleans | http://www.gumbolabs.org/ | 1 August 2009 | closed |
Tinker Tank | Tinker Tank | United States of America | Florida | Miami | http://www.tinkertankmiami.com | 10 January 2011 | active |
TechShop Detroit | TechShop Detroit | United States of America | Michigan | Dearborn | http://www.techshop.ws/ | 1 August 2010 | closed |
TechNode | TechNode | United States of America | Georgia | Macon | http://tech-node.org/ | 25 February 2010 | planned |
Lakeland Maker Community | Lakeland Maker Community | United States of America | Florida | Lakeland | http://www.lakelandmakers.org/ | | planned |
Appletonmakerspace | Appletonmakerspace | United States of America | Wisconsin | Appleton, Wisconsin | https://appletonmakerspace.org/ | 2 August 2010 | active |
LETHAL | LETHAL | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://www.meetup.com/LETHAL/ | 1 February 2013 | closed |
Geekdom | Geekdom | United States of America | Texas | San Antonio | http://geekdom.com/san-antonio | | active |
RGV MakerSpace | RGV MakerSpace | United States of America | Texas | Edinburg | | | planned |
Hammerspace | Hammerspace | United States of America | Missouri | Kansas City | http://hammerspacehobby.com/ | 1 September 2011 | active |
Southern Maryland Hacker Space | Southern Maryland Hacker Space | United States of America | Maryland | Huntingtown, Maryland | http://www.smhack.org | 1 July 2011 | suspected inactive |
The Soldered Resistor | The Soldered Resistor | United States of America | Rhode Island | Pawtucket | | 17 March 2010 | active |
MELD Workshop | MELD Workshop | United States of America | North Dakota | Fargo | http://www.meldworkshop.com | 1 May 2013 | closed |
Optimacy Corp Hackerspace Colorado Springs | Optimacy Corp Hackerspace Colorado Springs | United States of America | Colorado | Colorado Springs | http://optimacy.com | 1 August 2012 | building |
Pack 'o' Hackerz | Pack 'o' Hackerz | United States of America | Georgia | Vidalia | | 17 February 2012 | planned |
Hacker Consortium | Hacker Consortium | United States of America | Tennessee | Nashville | http://www.hackerconsortium.com | 1 October 2007 | closed |
Rockford MakerSpace | Rockford MakerSpace | United States of America | Illinois | Rockford | http://rockfordmaker.space | 17 December 2015 | building |
FredWorks | FredWorks | United States of America | Virginia | Fredericksburg | http://www.meetup.com/FredWorks/ | | active |
Bio, Tech and Beyond | Bio, Tech and Beyond | United States of America | California | Carlsbad | http://biotechnbeyond.com/ | 12 July 2013 | closed |
MakeHaven | MakeHaven | United States of America | Connecticut | New Haven | http://www.makehaven.org | 1 January 2012 | active |
Oosss.org | Oosss.org | United States of America | Florida | Orlando | http://oosss.org | 30 December 2011 | unknown |
DARC | DARC | United States of America | Arizona | Phoenix | http://thedarc.org | 28 August 2010 | planned |
CoHabitat | CoHabitat | United States of America | Texas | Dallas | http://www.cohabitat.us | 1 December 2008 | closed |
Midsouth Makers | Midsouth Makers | United States of America | Tennessee | Midsouth Makers | http://www.midsouthmakers.org | 8 January 2010 | active |
Bozeman Makerspace | Bozeman Makerspace | United States of America | Montana | Bozeman, Montana | http://bozemanmakers.org | 7 January 2011 | active |
BetaLab | BetaLab | United States of America | California | Oakland | http://betalab01.org | | closed |
CollabLab | CollabLab | United States of America | Massachusetts | Worcester | http://collablab.wpi.edu/ | 24 January 2011 | active |
CSpace | CSpace | United States of America | Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | http://cspaceokc.com | 11 January 2013 | closed |
South Side Hackerspace | South Side Hackerspace | United States of America | Illinois | Chicago | http://sshchicago.org | 7 March 2012 | active |
Wizards' Lair | Wizards' Lair | United States of America | Connecticut | Plymouth | http://www.phreakingadventures.info/ | 20 October 2011 | closed |
Bucketworks | Bucketworks | United States of America | Wisconsin | Milwaukee | http://bucketworks.org | 20 May 2002 | closed |
High Impedance Air Gap | High Impedance Air Gap | United States of America | Michigan | Lansing | http://www.highimpedanceairgap.com/ | 16 November 2010 | suspected inactive |
Gangplank | Gangplank | United States of America | Arizona | Queen Creek | http://gangplankhq.com | 1 October 2009 | active |
Hak-IT | Hak-IT | United States of America | Florida | Indiantown | http://site=hak-it.squarespace.com | 1 June 2009 | building |
Shop Class | Shop Class | United States of America | California | Sacramento | https://communityshopclass.com/ | 1 June 2022 | building |
∕dev/hack | ∕dev/hack | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | https://devhack.net | 1 June 2023 | active |
Make South Bend | Make South Bend | United States of America | Indiana | South Bend, Indiana | http://www.makesouthbend.com/ | | active |
Fort Collins Creator Hub | Fort Collins Creator Hub | United States of America | Colorado | Fort Collins | http://www.fortcollinscreatorhub.org/ | 1 June 2014 | active |
Gangplank Tucson | Gangplank Tucson | United States of America | Arizona | Tucson | http://www.colab.ws | 15 October 2011 | reformatting |
Open Hack Space | Open Hack Space | United States of America | Virginia | Locust Grove | http://openhackspace.com | 30 March 2013 | planned |
TheTransistor-SLC | TheTransistor-SLC | United States of America | Utah | Salt Lake City | https://www.801labs.org | 1 November 2012 | suspected inactive |
Lower Bucks Hackerspace | Lower Bucks Hackerspace | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Bensalem | http://hackerspace.lowerbucks.org | 1 July 2012 | planned |
The Learned Nerd | The Learned Nerd | United States of America | Florida | Fort Lauderdale | http://www.thelearnednerd.com | 1 March 2010 | closed |
Makers Local 256 | Makers Local 256 | United States of America | Alabama | Huntsville | https://256.makerslocal.org | 20 March 2008 | active |
Cyberia Labs | Cyberia Labs | United States of America | North Carolina | Boone | https://1drv.ms/b/s!AkYuDyS1zeZYgiVFOH4jL6Gd Fu6 | 5 November 2009 | building |
DogSolitude | DogSolitude | United States of America | | | | 1 March 1990 | closed |
NPC Innovative Technology Center | NPC Innovative Technology Center | United States of America | Arkansas | Hot Springs, Arkansas | http://np.edu/makerspace | 15 October 2018 | active |
River City Labs | River City Labs | United States of America | Illinois | Peoria, Illinois | https://rivercitylabs.space | 1 May 2014 | active |
Loveland CreatorSpace | Loveland CreatorSpace | United States of America | Colorado | Loveland, Colorado | http://lovelandcreatorspace.com/ | | suspected inactive |
Fab Lab Tulsa | Fab Lab Tulsa | United States of America | Oklahoma | Tulsa | https://fablabtulsa.org/ | | building |
Spread the Weird Studio | Spread the Weird Studio | United States of America | Arizona | Phoenix | http://spreadtheweird.com/ | 22 June 2006 | closed |
Willoughby and Baltic | Willoughby and Baltic | United States of America | Massachusetts | Somerville | http://willoughbybaltic.com | | closed |
Wyoming Tinker Guild | Wyoming Tinker Guild | United States of America | Wyoming | Laramie | http://www.tinkerguild.com | 2 February 2009 | building |
GAST | GAST | United States of America | Georgia | Augusta, Georgia | http://www.gast-space.com | 13 November 2011 | closed |
The Forge | The Forge | United States of America | New Hampshire | Milford, New Hampshire | http://tekarts.com | 1 January 2010 | closed |
Bad Caps | Bad Caps | United States of America | Iowa | Mason City | | 19 February 2010 | planned |
Hackreduce.org | Hackreduce.org | United States of America | Massachusetts | Cambridge, Massachusetts | http://www.hackreduce.org/ | 1 January 2012 | active |
Maker District | Maker District | United States of America | Texas | Grapevine | http://www.makerdistrictdfw.com | 9 March 2020 | planned |
Hack Local | Hack Local | United States of America | Michigan | Lansing | http://hacklocal.org | 15 October 2013 | building |
Seattle Attic Community Workshop | Seattle Attic Community Workshop | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://www.seattleattic.com/ | 13 May 2013 | closed |
The Mill | The Mill | United States of America | Minnesota | Minneapolis | http://www.mnmill.org | 1 November 2011 | closed |
Tampa Hackerspace | Tampa Hackerspace | United States of America | Florida | Tampa | http://www.tampahackerspace.com | 1 August 2013 | active |
Danbury Hackerspace | Danbury Hackerspace | United States of America | Connecticut | Danbury, Connecticut | http://www.danburyhackerspace.com | 1 January 2012 | active |
Black Lodge | Black Lodge | United States of America | Washington | Redmond, Washington | http://www.blacklodgeresearch.org | 1 September 2008 | active |
Mendocino Coast Makers Guild | Mendocino Coast Makers Guild | United States of America | California | Fort Bragg | https://mendomakers.github.io/ | 1 January 2017 | building |
Hernando County Makerspace | Hernando County Makerspace | United States of America | Florida | Spring Hill | https://www.savvysecurity.net | 1 July 2013 | closed |
Information Liberation Labs | Information Liberation Labs | United States of America | California | Riverside | | | |
The Hacktory | The Hacktory | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | https://thehacktory.org/ | | closed |
Cloyne | Cloyne | United States of America | California | Berkeley | https://cloyne.org/ | 27 August 2014 | active |
RockIT CoLabs | RockIT CoLabs | United States of America | California | San Francisco | http://www.rockitcolabs.com | 1 April 2013 | closed |
Concoctory | Concoctory | United States of America | Colorado | Denver | http://www.concoctory.com | 23 March 2013 | closed |
Apple Space | Apple Space | United States of America | Virginia | Winchester | | 1 October 2011 | planned |
Hackers Hive | Hackers Hive | United States of America | Missouri | Springfield | http://www.hackershive.com | 1 May 2011 | planned |
BuildMore Workshop | BuildMore Workshop | United States of America | Ohio | Dublin | http://www.BuildMoreWorkshop.com | 1 January 2010 | suspected inactive |
Hacknsleep | Hacknsleep | United States of America | California | San Francisco | http://www.hacknsleep.com | 1 August 2015 | active |
Factory 3 | Factory 3 | United States of America | ME | Portland | https://factory3.org | 1 January 2018 | active |
Jefferson Study Labs | Jefferson Study Labs | United States of America | Colorado | Fort Collins | https://jeffersonsstudy.com/ | 13 December 2016 | suspected inactive |
Urban Workshop | Urban Workshop | United States of America | California | Costa Mesa | http://www.urbanworkshop.net | 15 May 2014 | active |
Hundredth Monkey | Hundredth Monkey | United States of America | Wisconsin | Menomonie, Wisconsin | http://hundredthmonkeymakerspace.com/ | 30 November 2013 | active |
Makerspace Albany | Makerspace Albany | United States of America | Georgia | Albany | http://makerspacealbany.com | 18 June 2012 | building |
The Warehouse | The Warehouse | United States of America | Colorado | Loveland, Colorado | http://greenhackerspace.com/ | 12 November 2012 | active |
Ribbon Farm | Ribbon Farm | United States of America | Michigan | Detroit | http://ribbonfarm.org/ | 23 January 2012 | closed |
Salebarn | Salebarn | United States of America | Iowa | George, Iowa | http://www.salebarn.com | 1 January 2012 | suspected inactive |
SquidFoo Art Gallery Studio and Hackerspace | SquidFoo Art Gallery Studio and Hackerspace | United States of America | Missouri | Springfield | http://www.squidfoo.com - offline | 6 May 2011 | closed |
Berks CoLab | Berks CoLab | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Reading | http://berkscolab.org | 7 October 2010 | planned |
East Bay Boat Hackers | East Bay Boat Hackers | United States of America | California | Oakland | | 1 September 2012 | planned |
Lansing Makers Network | Lansing Makers Network | United States of America | Michigan | Lansing | http://www.lansingmakersnetwork.org/ | 14 March 2012 | active |
Dayton Diode | Dayton Diode | United States of America | Ohio | Dayton | http://daytondiode.org | | suspected inactive |
Dallas Makerspace | Dallas Makerspace | United States of America | Texas | Dallas | http://dallasmakerspace.org | 27 January 2010 | active |
FUBAR Labs | FUBAR Labs | United States of America | New Jersey | North Brunswick | http://fubarlabs.org | 11 July 2009 | active |
The Build Guild | The Build Guild | United States of America | Indiana | Fort Wayne | https://thebuildguild.org/ | | active |
JaxHax | JaxHax | United States of America | Florida | Jacksonville | http://www.jaxhax.org | 14 July 2011 | closed |
Cowtown Computer Congress | Cowtown Computer Congress | United States of America | Missouri | Kansas City | http://c3kc.org/ | 15 March 2008 | closed |
BIGhack | BIGhack | United States of America | New York | Big Flats | | 16 November 2009 | planned |
Vault404 | Vault404 | United States of America | Indiana | Elizabeth | http://twitter.com/vault404 | 4 April 2009 | building |
SVI Hackspace | SVI Hackspace | United States of America | California | Stanford | http://www.svihackspace.com | | closed |
Collexion | Collexion | United States of America | Kentucky | Lexington | http://collexion.net/ | | suspected inactive |
QC Co-Lab | QC Co-Lab | United States of America | Iowa | Davenport | https://www.qccolab.com | 11 February 2010 | active |
Alpha One Labs | Alpha One Labs | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.alphaonelabs.com | 1 August 2009 | building |
Forge Greensboro | Forge Greensboro | United States of America | North Carolina | Greensboro, North Carolina | http://www.forgegreensboro.org/ | 27 June 2011 | active |
CHAMP | CHAMP | United States of America | Ohio | Canton, Ohio | http://HackCanton.com | 1 October 2013 | active |
TheLab.ms | TheLab.ms | United States of America | Texas | Dallas | https://thelab.ms | 7 January 2014 | closed |
Firefly | Firefly | United States of America | Wyoming | Casper | http://www.fireflyhackerspace.org | 1 December 2012 | closed |
The Rabbit Hole | The Rabbit Hole | United States of America | Minnesota | Rochester | http://tymkrs.com/rabbithole | 1 September 2012 | suspected inactive |
Borman STL | Borman STL | United States of America | Missouri | Maryland Heights | | 1 January 2001 | closed |
Edist.ro | Edist.ro | United States of America | | | https://edist.ro | May 2021 | building |
Duluth MakerSpace | Duluth MakerSpace | United States of America | Minnesota | Duluth, Minnesota | http://DuluthMakerSpace.com/ | 16 September 2014 | active |
Triple Cities Makerspace | Triple Cities Makerspace | United States of America | New York | Binghamton, New York | http://www.tcmakerspace.com | 1 September 2012 | active |
Key City Hackers | Key City Hackers | United States of America | Washington | Port Townsend | | 1 May 2011 | planned |
PDXchange | PDXchange | United States of America | Oregon | Portland, OR | | | closed |
Paris Projects | Paris Projects | United States of America | Texas | Paris | http://www.duncan-tempelmeyer.net | | building |
Ace Monster Toys | Ace Monster Toys | United States of America | California | Oakland | http://acemonstertoys.org/ | 24 May 2010 | active |
HackerDojo | HackerDojo | United States of America | California | Mountain View, California | https://www.hackerdojo.org | 1 June 2009 | active |
Ames MakerSpace | Ames MakerSpace | United States of America | Iowa | Ames | http://amesmakerspace.com | | closed |
The Brickyard Collaborative | The Brickyard Collaborative | United States of America | Massachusetts | Lynn, Massachusetts | https://thebrickyard.org/ | 9 September 2017 | active |
Hedron Hackerspace | Hedron Hackerspace | United States of America | Oregon | Portland, OR | https://hhacker.space | 1 April 2019 | active |
Barrel Hitch Bay | Barrel Hitch Bay | United States of America | California | Burlingame | http://www.BarrelHitchBay.com | 1 April 2017 | suspected inactive |
MAG Laboratory | MAG Laboratory | United States of America | California | Walnut, California | http://www.maglaboratory.org | 2 December 2011 | active |
Powdersville Coders | Powdersville Coders | United States of America | South Carolina | Easley | http://www.pvcoders.org/ | 5 January 2015 | closed |
Tinkersmiths | Tinkersmiths | United States of America | Virginia | Charlottesville | http://tinkersmiths.com | 1 June 2014 | closed |
Urban Rethink | Urban Rethink | United States of America | Florida | Orlando | http://urbanrethink.com/ | | closed |
Tampa Bay Makerspace | Tampa Bay Makerspace | United States of America | Florida | Tampa Bay | | 7 December 2011 | closed |
Www.xlabs-usf.com | Www.xlabs-usf.com | United States of America | Florida | Tampa | http://www.xlabs-usf.com | 1 July 2006 | closed |
New Work City | New Work City | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://nwc.co | 1 November 2008 | suspected inactive |
Hackerbot Labs | Hackerbot Labs | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://www.hackerbotlabs.com/ | | active |
HackPittsburgh | HackPittsburgh | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh | http://www.hackpittsburgh.org | 14 March 2009 | active |
Project Hub | Project Hub | United States of America | South Carolina | Upstate | | | building |
Momentum Hackerspace | Momentum Hackerspace | United States of America | Virginia | Lynchburg, Virginia | http://www.momentumhackerspace.com | 1 June 2013 | active |
TheIMClab | TheIMClab | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://TheIMClab.com | 31 December 2009 | active |
TechShop San Francisco | TechShop San Francisco | United States of America | California | San Francisco | http://www.techshop.ws | 19 February 2011 | closed |
Huntsville Alabama L5 Society (HAL5) - Project HALO | Huntsville Alabama L5 Society (HAL5) - Project HALO | United States of America | Alabama | Huntsville | http://chapters.nss.org/al/HAL5/HALO-Intro.shtml | 1 January 1994 | active |
J^3 | J^3 | United States of America | Minnesota | Rochester | | 15 July 2010 | planned |
HTINK | HTINK | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.htink.net | 11 March 2009 | planned |
OlyMEGA | OlyMEGA | United States of America | Washington | Olympia, Washington | http://olymega.org/ | 26 June 2010 | active |
TheTransistor | TheTransistor | United States of America | Utah | Orem | http://thetransistor.com | 1 July 2009 | closed |
Norilabs | Norilabs | United States of America | Puerto Rico | Trujillo Alto | http://norilabs.com | 1 August 2019 | suspected inactive |
Atx FACTORY | Atx FACTORY | United States of America | Texas | Austin | http://www.atxfactory.com/austin-coworking-space/ | 20 September 2016 | closed |
Asheville Makers / OpenSpace | Asheville Makers / OpenSpace | United States of America | North Carolina | Asheville | http://www.ashevillemakers.org | 5 November 2013 | active |
Anchorage Makerspace | Anchorage Makerspace | United States of America | Alaska | Anchorage | http://www.AnchorageMakerspace.org | 1 December 2013 | suspected inactive |
DaytonDiode | DaytonDiode | United States of America | Ohio | Dayton | http://www.daytondiode.org | | closed |
ACTLab | ACTLab | United States of America | Texas | Austin | http://www.actlab.utexas.edu | 2 August 1992 | closed |
BellinghamHackSpace | BellinghamHackSpace | United States of America | Washington | Bellingham, Washington | http://hacknw.org/ | | closed |
TechShop Menlo Park | TechShop Menlo Park | United States of America | California | Redwood City | http://www.techshop.ws | 30 September 2006 | closed |
Noizelab houston | Noizelab houston | United States of America | Texas | Houston | http://machinepunk.net | 3 June 2013 | building |
JOATlabs | JOATlabs | United States of America | Oregon | Medford | http://joatlabs.com | 4 July 2012 | closed |
GITFUHKD | GITFUHKD | United States of America | Georgia | Monticello | | 5 November 2012 | planned |
Tech Valley Center of Gravity | Tech Valley Center of Gravity | United States of America | New York | Troy, New York | http://www.tvcog.net | 23 May 2011 | active |
Feral Technology Institute | Feral Technology Institute | United States of America | Iowa | Guernsey | http://feral-tech.com/ | 30 November 1996 | closed |
The MakerHive | The MakerHive | United States of America | Indiana | Elkhart (Indiana) | http://www.themakerhive.com | 10 October 2014 | active |
Tchoup Block | Tchoup Block | United States of America | Louisiana | New Orleans | http://www.tchoupblock.com/ | | planned |
JP Makers | JP Makers | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://www.jpmakers.com | | planned |
EnjiGo | EnjiGo | United States of America | Utah | Salt Lake City | http://www.enjigo.com | 1 May 2013 | suspected inactive |
Fort Myers Hackerspace | Fort Myers Hackerspace | United States of America | Florida | Fort Myers | http://fortmyershackerspace.wordpress.com/ | 1 November 2012 | unknown |
Innovatrix Labs | Innovatrix Labs | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Hazleton | http://www.innovatrixlabs.com | 30 August 2012 | building |
Logan Laser Lab | Logan Laser Lab | United States of America | Utah | Logan | | 8 November 2011 | suspected inactive |
The Braino Institute of Brainology | The Braino Institute of Brainology | United States of America | Illinois | Wheeling | | 8 June 2011 | planned |
Computer Club of Western Michigan University | Computer Club of Western Michigan University | United States of America | Michigan | Kalamazoo, Michigan | http://yakko.cs.wmich.edu | 1 October 1976 | active |
HeatSync Labs | HeatSync Labs | United States of America | Arizona | Mesa | http://www.heatsynclabs.org | 5 April 2009 | active |
Club MTC | Club MTC | United States of America | Wisconsin | Chippewa Falls | https://www.clubmtc.net/ | 1 February 2016 | closed |
Jefferson County Makers | Jefferson County Makers | United States of America | Wisconsin | Jefferson County | | 8 May 2013 | planned |
MAKE Santa Fe | MAKE Santa Fe | United States of America | New Mexico | Santa Fe | https://makesantafe.org/ | 22 January 2015 | reformatting |
Hawaii Hackerspace | Hawaii Hackerspace | United States of America | Hawaii | Aiea | | | planned |
Western Kansas Community Group | Western Kansas Community Group | United States of America | Kansas | Garden City | http://westernkansascommunitygroup.org/ | 17 June 2013 | planned |
Public Lab NYC | Public Lab NYC | United States of America | New York | Brooklyn | http://publiclaboratory.org | 1 August 2012 | suspected inactive |
Radiantstream hackerspace | Radiantstream hackerspace | United States of America | Indiana | Goshen | http://www.radiantstream.com | 12 September 2011 | closed |
RiverSpace STL | RiverSpace STL | United States of America | Missouri | Florissant, MO | http://groups.google.com/group/riverspacestl | 30 March 2011 | closed |
Northern Colorado Makerspace | Northern Colorado Makerspace | United States of America | Colorado | Fort Collins | http://groups.google.com/group/northern-colorado-makerspace | 1 October 2010 | planned |
Hickory Hackers Space | Hickory Hackers Space | United States of America | North Carolina | | | | planned |
MakeIt Labs | MakeIt Labs | United States of America | New Hampshire | Nashua, New Hampshire | http://www.makeitlabs.com | 1 March 2010 | suspected inactive |
Columbia Gadget Works | Columbia Gadget Works | United States of America | Missouri | Columbia, Missouri | http://www.columbiagadgetworks.org | 18 August 2009 | active |
North End Makerspace | North End Makerspace | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | https://northendmakers.org | | active |
TXRX Labs | TXRX Labs | United States of America | Texas | Houston | http://txrxlabs.org/ | 2008 | active |
Capital Factory | Capital Factory | United States of America | Texas | Austin | http://capitalfactory.com/ | | active |
Cyber Samurai HackLabs | Cyber Samurai HackLabs | United States of America | New York | Queensbury | http://cyberhacklabs.com/ | 1 January 2013 | planned |
Trenton Atelier | Trenton Atelier | United States of America | New Jersey | Trenton | http://trentonatelier.com/ | 1 January 2000 | closed |
Hackerspace Charlotte | Hackerspace Charlotte | United States of America | North Carolina | Charlotte, North Carolina | http://www.hackerspacecharlotte.org/ | 6 October 2010 | closed |
Tech Dojo | Tech Dojo | United States of America | Mississippi | Olive Branch | http://msmakers.com | 8 January 2017 | closed |
MAKE Ventura | MAKE Ventura | United States of America | California | Ventura | http://makeventura.com | 7 September 2014 | suspected inactive |
TheClubhou.se | TheClubhou.se | United States of America | Georgia | Augusta, Georgia | http://theClubhou.se | 3 November 2012 | suspected inactive |
Hacker Lab | Hacker Lab | United States of America | California | Sacramento | https://hackerlab.org | 17 March 2012 | active |
Innoblue Garage | Innoblue Garage | United States of America | Pennsylvania | State College | http://innoblue.org | 28 September 2011 | closed |
Devnuts | Devnuts | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | http://www.devnuts.com | 1 January 2008 | closed |
Twin Cities Robotics Group | Twin Cities Robotics Group | United States of America | Minnesota | Saint Paul | http://tcrobots.org/ | | suspected inactive |
World Hackers United | World Hackers United | United States of America | New York | Queens | http://www.worldhackersunited.org | 19 December 2009 | closed |
Thebarn | Thebarn | United States of America | New Jersey | Long branch | http://none yet | 19 April 1999 | planned |
Counterpoint | Counterpoint | United States of America | Georgia | Roswell | https://www.meetup.com/counterpoint/ | 22 October 2015 | closed |
Gta hack space | Gta hack space | United States of America | Mississippi | Starkville | https://gtahackspace.site | 13 November 2023 | building |
Queerious Labs | Queerious Labs | United States of America | California | San Francisco | https://queeriouslabs.com/ | 20 March 2019 | active |
St Joe (MO) Hackerspace | St Joe (MO) Hackerspace | United States of America | Missouri | St. Joseph, Missouri | | 22 July 2014 | planned |
MAKER's EDGe | MAKER's EDGe | United States of America | Texas | Waco, Texas | http://makersedge.blogspot.com | 15 January 2014 | active |
SubSpace | SubSpace | United States of America | Florida | Orlando | http://subspace.io/ | 20 February 2013 | closed |
Black-Bird Artisan Hackers (Marlton, New Jersey) | Black-Bird Artisan Hackers (Marlton, New Jersey) | United States of America | New Jersey | Marlton | https://RandomBirds.com | 31 December 2011 | planned |
Foothills Community Workshop | Foothills Community Workshop | United States of America | North Carolina | Granite Falls | http://www.foothillscommunityworkshop.org/ | 19 August 2011 | active |
The Imaginarium | The Imaginarium | United States of America | Florida | Gainesville, Florida | http://superimaginarium.com | 1 January 2011 | building |
Noisebridge | Noisebridge | United States of America | California | San Francisco | https://www.noisebridge.net/ | 3 March 2007 | active |
Deep East Texas Hackerspace | Deep East Texas Hackerspace | United States of America | Texas | Carthage | | 25 September 2010 | suspected inactive |
Hazard Factory | Hazard Factory | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://www.hazardfactory.org/ | | active |
Edustem | Edustem | United States of America | Michigan | Lansing | | | closed |
GarageLab | GarageLab | United States of America | Florida | Miami | http://www.garagelab.com | 2 March 2012 | planned |
Make arkansas (working title) | Make arkansas (working title) | United States of America | Arkansas | Fayetteville | http://www.makearkansas.com | 11 May 2011 | planned |
TechStars | TechStars | United States of America | Colorado | Boulder | http://www.winterinthebunker.com/ | 26 December 2008 | closed |
BUILDS | BUILDS | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://builds.cc | 26 January 2010 | suspected inactive |
Confusion Research Center | Confusion Research Center | United States of America | Texas | Austin, TX & Cheyenne, WY | http://confusionresearchcenter.org | 1 January 2009 | planned |
Palm Beach Maker Space | Palm Beach Maker Space | United States of America | Florida | WEST PALM BEACH | https://palmbeachmakerspace.org | 4 October 2018 | planned |
Goodwill Makerspace | Goodwill Makerspace | United States of America | New Jersey | Harrison | | | closed |
North West Valley TechLab | North West Valley TechLab | United States of America | Arizona | Surprise | http://www.nwvtechlab.org | 23 April 2014 | planned |
Mandeville | Mandeville | United States of America | Louisiana | Mandeville | | 12 October 2019 | suspected inactive |
Cola Makerspace | Cola Makerspace | United States of America | South Carolina | Columbia, Missouri | http://www.colamakerspace.com | 14 February 2015 | active |
The Hacking Corner | The Hacking Corner | United States of America | Texas | Santa fe | | 1 April 2013 | planned |
Ohmspace | Ohmspace | United States of America | Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | http://www.ohmspace.com | 1 June 2011 | closed |
DweebDen | DweebDen | United States of America | California | Sacramento | http://www.dweebden.org/ | 14 January 2012 | closed |
The Maker Center- Missoula | The Maker Center- Missoula | United States of America | Montana | Missoula | http://www.makercentermissoula.com | | planned |
Beta Two Labs | Beta Two Labs | United States of America | New York | White Plains | http://www.betatwolabs.com | 1 November 2010 | closed |
CDL - Computer Deconstruction Lab | CDL - Computer Deconstruction Lab | United States of America | New Jersey | Wall Township, New Jersey | https://compdecon.github.io/ | 28 April 2011 | active |
The Inventor Center | The Inventor Center | United States of America | Tennessee | Kingsport | http://theinventorcenter.com | | suspected inactive |
The Bodgery | The Bodgery | United States of America | Wisconsin | Madison, Wisconsin | https://www.thebodgery.org/ | 1 June 2014 | active |
Lower Haight Lab | Lower Haight Lab | United States of America | California | San Francisco | http://lowerhaightlab.org/ | 22 February 2014 | planned |
Rogue Hack Lab | Rogue Hack Lab | United States of America | Oregon | Medford, OR | http://roguehacklab.com/ | 12 January 2012 | closed |
Naugatuck Valley Radio Experimenters | Naugatuck Valley Radio Experimenters | United States of America | Connecticut | Waterbury | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NVRE | 27 March 2011 | unknown |
Hacklanta | Hacklanta | United States of America | Georgia | Atlanta | | | closed |
Burn Space | Burn Space | United States of America | California | Hungtingon Beach | | | planned |
Metrix Create:Space | Metrix Create:Space | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://metrixcreatespace.com/ | 15 October 2009 | closed |
Baltimore Node | Baltimore Node | United States of America | Maryland | Baltimore | http://www.baltimorenode.org/ | 16 July 2009 | suspected inactive |
The Purple Peacock "Hackerspace" | The Purple Peacock "Hackerspace" | United States of America | Colorado | Ouray | | | planned |
SnoCo Makerspace | SnoCo Makerspace | United States of America | Washington | Everett, Washington | http://snocomakers.org/ | 1 January 2015 | active |
Catalyst Space | Catalyst Space | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Altoona | http://www.catalystspace.org/ | 1 December 2014 | suspected inactive |
Hackron | Hackron | United States of America | Ohio | Akron | http://hackron.org/ | 12 February 2014 | planned |
20Mission | 20Mission | United States of America | California | San Francisco | http://www.20mission.com/ | 1 November 2012 | closed |
Palm Beach LED | Palm Beach LED | United States of America | Florida | Palm Beach | http://www.pbled.org/ | 1 January 2013 | planned |
Station House Studios | Station House Studios | United States of America | North Dakota | Fargo | http://www.stationhousestudios.org/ | 1 October 2011 | unknown |
Metropolitan Hackerspaces / Tech Shops | Metropolitan Hackerspaces / Tech Shops | United States of America | Georgia | Atlanta | | 1 October 2011 | closed |
The Curious Forge | The Curious Forge | United States of America | California | Grass Valley, California | http://www.thecuriousforge.org/ | | suspected inactive |
Village Green Hackerspace | Village Green Hackerspace | United States of America | Georgia | Macon | | | planned |
Chimera Arts and Maker Space | Chimera Arts and Maker Space | United States of America | California | Sebastopol | http://chimeraarts.org/ | 14 December 2013 | active |
Lawrence Creates Makerspace | Lawrence Creates Makerspace | United States of America | Kansas | Lawrence | http://lawrencecreates.com/ | 1 August 2013 | closed |
The Bourse, New Haven's Coworking Un-Office | The Bourse, New Haven's Coworking Un-Office | United States of America | Connecticut | New Haven | http://www.boursenewhaven.com/ | | closed |
Little Rock Hackerspace | Little Rock Hackerspace | United States of America | Arkansas | Little Rock | http://www.hack-man.org | | planned |
HackerspaceSD | HackerspaceSD | United States of America | California | San Diego | | 13 October 2008 | closed |
GeekWine | GeekWine | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | https://twitter.com/geekWine | 9 May 2009 | building |
The Hive at John F. Germany Public Library | The Hive at John F. Germany Public Library | United States of America | Florida | Tampa | http://www.hcplc.org/hcplc/locations/jfg/ | | active |
NYC Resistor | NYC Resistor | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://nycresistor.com | 18 August 2007 | active |
Industrial Commons | Industrial Commons | United States of America | Maryland | Hagerstown | http://www.industrialcommons.org | 14 September 2015 | closed |
Department of Making + Doing | Department of Making + Doing | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | http://www.dmdphilly.org | 11 May 2013 | closed |
Sparklab | Sparklab | United States of America | California | Palo Alto | http://sparklab.us | | building |
Genspace NYC | Genspace NYC | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.genspace.org | 11 February 2009 | active |
Neucleon | Neucleon | United States of America | California | San Diego | http://www.Neucleon.org | 1 August 2010 | closed |
Golden Hackerspace | Golden Hackerspace | United States of America | Colorado | Golden | | | planned |
OrangeWorks | OrangeWorks | United States of America | Wisconsin | La Crosse | http://orangeworkslax.org/ | 1 October 2009 | building |
Southern Chester County, Pennsylvania Hackerspace | Southern Chester County, Pennsylvania Hackerspace | United States of America | Delaware | Wilmington, Delaware Wilmington, North Carolina | http://www.vintagecomputer.net | 30 July 2009 | suspected inactive |
Mosswood Park | Mosswood Park | United States of America | California | Oakland | | | planned |
Terre Haute Hackers | Terre Haute Hackers | United States of America | Indiana | Terre haute | | 27 March 2013 | unknown |
Brightwork CoResearch | Brightwork CoResearch | United States of America | Texas | Houston | http://Brightworkcoresearch.com | 11 January 2012 | planned |
NWAHackerspace | NWAHackerspace | United States of America | Arkansas | Fayetteville | http://nwahackerspace.blogspot.com/ | 1 May 2009 | planned |
TriCities TN Hackerspace | TriCities TN Hackerspace | United States of America | Tennessee | | | 25 August 2012 | closed |
..::c0re1ndustries::.. | ..::c0re1ndustries::.. | United States of America | Texas | Denton | http://www.c0re1ndustries.com | 26 January 2010 | planned |
Synth.Lab | Synth.Lab | United States of America | Florida | Little Lakes (Lake Mack) | | 10 November 2013 | building |
Propeller | Propeller | United States of America | Indiana | Columbus | https://members.columbuspropeller.com/ | | active |
HSAlabama | HSAlabama | United States of America | Alabama | Mobile | | 19 September 2010 | closed |
Oahu Makerspace | Oahu Makerspace | United States of America | Hawaii | Honolulu | http://www.oahumakerspace.com/ | | suspected inactive |
Factory eNova | Factory eNova | United States of America | California | Fountain Valley | http://www.factoryenova.com/ | 22 June 2013 | closed |
Red Wing Makers Club | Red Wing Makers Club | United States of America | Minnesota | Red Wing | | 28 June 2012 | planned |
Hack Manhattan | Hack Manhattan | United States of America | New York | New York City | https://hackmanhattan.com/ | 6 September 2011 | active |
SOPO Hackerspace | SOPO Hackerspace | United States of America | Maine | South Portland | | 16 March 2011 | suspected inactive |
IslandLabs | IslandLabs | United States of America | New York | Farmingdale | http://islandlabs.org | 23 July 2008 | active |
Make.SI | Make.SI | United States of America | New York | Staten Island | http://make.si | 17 January 2012 | closed |
LVL1 | LVL1 | United States of America | Kentucky | Louisville, Kentucky | http://www.lvl1.org/ | 10 November 2009 | active |
REPLIK8TR | REPLIK8TR | United States of America | Montana | Missoula | http://www.replik8tr.com | 30 March 2012 | closed |
My inventor club | My inventor club | United States of America | Georgia | Atlanta | http://www.myinventorclub.com | 1 October 2011 | closed |
Tracy CA Hacker Space | Tracy CA Hacker Space | United States of America | California | Tracy | | | planned |
CT Makerspace | CT Makerspace | United States of America | Connecticut | Meriden,CT | http://www.nesit.org | 8 July 2011 | closed |
Möbius Fabrication Lab | Möbius Fabrication Lab | United States of America | Massachusetts | | http://none | | planned |
JerrySpace | JerrySpace | United States of America | Virginia | Alexandria | http://novapeers.pbworks.com/JerrySpaceIdea | | planned |
NSHkr | NSHkr | United States of America | Hawaii | Haleiwa | https://nshkr.com | 5 March 2023 | active |
The Lab | The Lab | United States of America | Texas | Richardson | https://thelab.ms/ | 1 January 2013 | active |
Lateral Lab | Lateral Lab | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | | 9 August 2016 | closed |
Catskill Maker Syndicate | Catskill Maker Syndicate | United States of America | New York | Catskill | http://skillsyndicate.org | 6 June 2015 | closed |
TekArts | TekArts | United States of America | New Hampshire | Milford, New Hampshire | http://tekarts.com | 1 December 2011 | closed |
Xipherspace | Xipherspace | United States of America | Michigan | Kalamazoo, Michigan | http://www.xipherspace.org | 10 May 2011 | building |
Spark Studio Salem | Spark Studio Salem | United States of America | Oregon | Salem, Oregon | https://sparkstudiosalem.com | 25 May 2017 | active |
HatCH UNC | HatCH UNC | United States of America | North Carolina | Chapel Hill | | 3 November 2012 | suspected inactive |
The Make Space | The Make Space | United States of America | Pennsylvania | State College | https://themakespace.com | 20 April 2012 | active |
Port City Makerspace | Port City Makerspace | United States of America | New Hampshire | Portsmouth | http://www.portcitymakerspace.com | | active |
Seacoast Makers | Seacoast Makers | United States of America | New Hampshire | Dover | http://www.seacoastmakers.com | 1 June 2011 | planned |
HackTheory | HackTheory | United States of America | Wyoming | Laramie | http://www.hacktheory.org/ | 15 November 2009 | building |
SinCitySlackers | SinCitySlackers | United States of America | Nevada | Las Vegas | | 10 March 2010 | planned |
Urbanacci co-living | Urbanacci co-living | United States of America | California | San Francisco | https://urbanacci.com | 1 January 2016 | active |
Whitewater Makerspace | Whitewater Makerspace | United States of America | Wisconsin | Whitewater | http://www.whitewatermakerspace.org | | planned |
CSRA Makers | CSRA Makers | United States of America | Georgia | Augusta, Georgia | http://www.csramakers.org/ | 1 August 2011 | closed |
NLON Labs | NLON Labs | United States of America | Connecticut | New London, Connecticut | http://www.nlonlabs.org | 27 March 2010 | closed |
I3Detroit | I3Detroit | United States of America | Michigan | Ferndale, Michigan | https://www.i3detroit.org/ | 1 April 2009 | active |
HackGwinnett | HackGwinnett | United States of America | Georgia | Norcross | http://www.hackgwinnett.com | | planned |
Ideas Squared | Ideas Squared | United States of America | Arizona | Tempe | http://ideas-squared.biz | 1 September 2012 | closed |
Lafayette Tech Labs | Lafayette Tech Labs | United States of America | Indiana | Lafayette | http://LafayetteTechLabs.org | 19 February 2012 | building |
Titusville, north Brevard | Titusville, north Brevard | United States of America | Florida | Titusville | http://hackerspace.titusvillefl.net/ | 6 October 2011 | closed |
Fuzzlabs | Fuzzlabs | United States of America | Iowa | Iowa City | http://www.fuzzlabs.org | 1 November 2010 | suspected inactive |
The WatershedPDX | The WatershedPDX | United States of America | Oregon | Portland, OR | http://watershedpdx.com/ | 1 March 2007 | suspected inactive |
McKinneyMakerspace | McKinneyMakerspace | United States of America | Texas | McKinney | http://McKinneyMakerspace.org | 16 March 2018 | planned |
Manchester Makerspace | Manchester Makerspace | United States of America | New Hampshire | Manchester | http://manchestermakerspace.org | 28 October 2015 | active |
Paradygm | Paradygm | United States of America | Arkansas | Fort Smith, AR | http://paradygm.shyft.us | 1 October 2010 | closed |
Stratolab | Stratolab | United States of America | California | San Francisco | http://stratolab.com | | closed |
Hackers Bike Ride Los Angeles | Hackers Bike Ride Los Angeles | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://machina.la | 15 April 2010 | |
Hive 4A | Hive 4A | United States of America | Pennsylvania | Allentown, Pennsylvania | http://hive4a.org | | building |
Fusion | Fusion | United States of America | Arkansas | Paragould | | 1 April 2009 | planned |
Hack it U.P. | Hack it U.P. | United States of America | Michigan | Houghton | | 1 September 2013 | closed |
Mossdale Makerspace | Mossdale Makerspace | United States of America | California | Lathrop | http://www.meetup.com/mossdalemakerspace | 2 June 2013 | closed |
OBHackers | OBHackers | United States of America | Mississippi | Olive Branch | | 21 August 2012 | planned |
SpaceSpace | SpaceSpace | United States of America | Florida | Melbourne | http://spacespace.info | 14 March 2012 | planned |
FBHS | FBHS | United States of America | Florida | Fernandina Beach | http://groups.google.com/group/fbhs | 19 July 2010 | planned |
Squidwrench | Squidwrench | United States of America | New York | Poughkeepsie | http://squidwrench.org | 1 January 2010 | suspected inactive |
The Gizmo Dojo | The Gizmo Dojo | United States of America | Colorado | Broomfield, Colorado | https://thegizmodojo.com | 14 July 2014 | active |
KnoxMakers | KnoxMakers | United States of America | Tennessee | Knoxville, Tennessee | https://knoxmakers.org/ | 3 August 2010 | active |
SLO Makerspace | SLO Makerspace | United States of America | California | San Luis Obispo | http://www.slomakerspace.com | 14 November 2012 | suspected inactive |
Proxy Hack Lab | Proxy Hack Lab | United States of America | North Carolina | Winston Salem | http://repraplogphase.blogspot.com/ | 1 January 2010 | closed |
Explöratöry Laböratöry | Explöratöry Laböratöry | United States of America | New Mexico | Albuquerque | http://exploratorylaboratory.blogspot.com/ | 8 November 2009 | planned |
InclinePhysics | InclinePhysics | United States of America | Nevada | Incline Village | | 11 June 2011 | planned |
SB Hackerspace | SB Hackerspace | United States of America | California | Santa Barbara, California | http://sbhackerspace.com | 2 August 2010 | suspected inactive |
Jigsaw Renaissance | Jigsaw Renaissance | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://www.jigsawrenaissance.org | 6 June 2009 | closed |
MakerSpace Charlotte | MakerSpace Charlotte | United States of America | North Carolina | Charlotte, North Carolina | http://makerspacecharlotte.org | 27 August 2015 | active |
ColoDesk | ColoDesk | United States of America | Connecticut | Stamford, Connecticut | http://www.colodesk.com | 1 August 2013 | closed |
Kern Hackers | Kern Hackers | United States of America | California | Bakersfield | http://www.kernhackers.org | 12 July 2012 | closed |
ADX | ADX | United States of America | Oregon | Portland, OR | http://www.adxportland.com | 1 January 2011 | closed |
Order of Nachos | Order of Nachos | United States of America | Minnesota | Cottage Grove | http://orderofnachos.com | | planned |
Non-kinetic Warfare | Non-kinetic Warfare | United States of America | Texas | San Antonio | | 2 November 2010 | suspected inactive |
Hack502 | Hack502 | United States of America | Alabama | Athens | | 22 May 2010 | closed |
SYN Shop | SYN Shop | United States of America | Nevada | Las Vegas | https://synshop.org | 1 July 2010 | active |
MakerspaceCT | MakerspaceCT | United States of America | Conneticut | Hartford | https://makerspacect.com | 8 April 2019 | active |
OpenSet | OpenSet | United States of America | New York | Brooklyn | http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/OpenSet | 20 December 2013 | active |
Einstein's Workshop | Einstein's Workshop | United States of America | Massachusetts | Burlington, Massachusetts | http://www.einsteinsworkshop.com/ | 10 December 2012 | active |
Mobile MakerSpace | Mobile MakerSpace | United States of America | Alabama | Mobile | http://makerspacemobile.org/ | 16 October 2012 | active |
MakeBit | MakeBit | United States of America | Wisconsin | Fond du Lac | http://www.makebit.org/ | 27 January 2011 | planned |
The Bocoup Loft | The Bocoup Loft | United States of America | Massachusetts | Boston | http://loft.bocoup.com | 1 December 2009 | active |
UP Makerspace | UP Makerspace | United States of America | Idaho | Boise | https://www.upmakerspace.com | 16 December 2016 | closed |
MakerSpace Urbana | MakerSpace Urbana | United States of America | Illinois | Urbana | http://www.makerspaceurbana.org | 15 December 2009 | closed |
HACK:SLC | HACK:SLC | United States of America | Utah | Murray | http://www.hackslc.com | 3 September 2009 | closed |
Breakwater Makerspace | Breakwater Makerspace | United States of America | California | San Francisco | http://www.breakwater.rocks | 1 October 2014 | closed |
Gulfport, MS | Gulfport, MS | United States of America | Mississippi | Gulfport | | 1 August 2012 | building |
MakerPlace | MakerPlace | United States of America | California | San Diego | http://www.makerplace.com | | closed |
Detroit Industrial Arts League | Detroit Industrial Arts League | United States of America | Michigan | Detroit | http://www.detroitindustrialarts.com | 15 January 2009 | planned |
DetroitWeb.net | DetroitWeb.net | United States of America | Michigan | Detroit | http://www.detroitweb.net | 21 November 2008 | planned |
SlackerSpace | SlackerSpace | United States of America | California | Pomona, California | | 1 November 2010 | building |
SlackLab | SlackLab | United States of America | Washington | Sammamish | http://www.slacklab.org | 25 December 2009 | planned |
Golden Corridor MakerSpace | Golden Corridor MakerSpace | United States of America | Illinois | Schaumburg | http://goldencorridormakerlab.com/ | | building |
Fort Works | Fort Works | United States of America | Texas | Fort Worth | http://fort.works | 1 January 2016 | building |
Make for All | Make for All | United States of America | Minnesota | St Paul | | 1 January 2015 | planned |
West san diego community hackerspace | West san diego community hackerspace | United States of America | California | San Diego | | 1 November 2012 | closed |
Odessahackerspace | Odessahackerspace | United States of America | Texas | Odessa | | | planned |
M.A.G. Lab | M.A.G. Lab | United States of America | California | Pomona, California | http://maglaboratory.org/ | 2 December 2011 | active |
HacDC | HacDC | United States of America | District of Columbia | Washington D.C. | http://www.hacdc.org/ | 3 April 2008 | active |
The Faculty | The Faculty | United States of America | Idaho | Boise | | 25 September 2010 | planned |
Kokiri Lab | Kokiri Lab | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://www.kokirilab.com/ | 22 April 2014 | closed |
Chicken Road Labs | Chicken Road Labs | United States of America | Tennessee | Lebanon | http://www.chickenroadlabs.com | 1 April 2012 | closed |
Maker Mill | Maker Mill | United States of America | Oregon | Bend | https://makermill.org | | closed |
Dt Hacks | Dt Hacks | United States of America | Minnesota | Rochester | | 8 March 2012 | building |
The Build Shop, LLC | The Build Shop, LLC | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://thebuildshop.org | 4 November 2011 | suspected inactive |
HackLab Santa Rosa | HackLab Santa Rosa | United States of America | California | Santa Rosa | https://hacklabsr.org/ | 16 August 2022 | planned |
Cascadia Makerspace | Cascadia Makerspace | United States of America | Oregon | Hillsboro | https://cascadiamaker.space/ | 17 June 2019 | active |
Pikes Peak Electronics Engineering | Pikes Peak Electronics Engineering | United States of America | Colorado | Colorado Springs | http://www.p2e2.org | 20 April 2014 | active |
Claremont Makerspace | Claremont Makerspace | United States of America | New Hampshire | Claremont, New Hampshire | https://claremontmakerspace.org | | active |
Greenbelt MakerSpace | Greenbelt MakerSpace | United States of America | Maryland | Greenbelt, Maryland | http://make125.org/ | 8 September 2012 | active |
West metro makerspace | West metro makerspace | United States of America | Colorado | Arvada | http://www.westmetromakers.com/ | 20 February 2014 | building |
Makeshop Miami | Makeshop Miami | United States of America | Florida | Miami | http://www.makeshopmiami.com | 2 March 2013 | suspected inactive |
FabLab Tacoma | FabLab Tacoma | United States of America | Washington | Tacoma | http://www.fablabtacoma.com | 1 November 2012 | suspected inactive |
TLHackerspace | TLHackerspace | United States of America | Florida | Tallahassee | | 15 January 2012 | planned |
Rhode Island Maker Mill | Rhode Island Maker Mill | United States of America | Rhode Island | Pawtucket | https://rimakermill.github.io/index.html | | active |
Skillhouse | Skillhouse | United States of America | Florida | Gainesville, Florida | https://www.gainesvillehackerspace.org | 31 March 2009 | active |
Knox Labs | Knox Labs | United States of America | Ohio | Mount Vernon | http://www.knoxlabs.org | 18 September 2015 | closed |
Southwest Florida Hackerspace | Southwest Florida Hackerspace | United States of America | Florida | Fort Myers | http://www.swflhackerspace.com | 10 September 2014 | active |
UAT Digital Makers | UAT Digital Makers | United States of America | Arizona | Tempe | http://www.digitalmaker.com/ | 13 November 2013 | closed |
Droplabs | Droplabs | United States of America | California | Los Angeles | http://droplabs.net | 1 March 2011 | suspected inactive |
Mid-Michigan Makers | Mid-Michigan Makers | United States of America | Michigan | Saginaw | http://midmichiganmakers.com/ | 4 June 2012 | planned |
CoWharf | CoWharf | United States of America | Michigan | Traverse City | http://cowharf.com | 28 November 2012 | closed |
IrHACKER | IrHACKER | United States of America | California | San Diego | http://www.irHackerSpace.com | | closed |
Fablocker Hackerspace | Fablocker Hackerspace | United States of America | North Carolina | Winston Salem | http://fablocker.org/ | 1 March 2011 | closed |
Biotech Without Borders | Biotech Without Borders | United States of America | New York | Long Island City | https://biotechwithoutborders.org | 27 June 2017 | active |
NWLA Makerspace | NWLA Makerspace | United States of America | Louisiana | Shreveport-Bossier | | 1 January 2016 | active |
Ocean State Maker Mill | Ocean State Maker Mill | United States of America | Rhode Island | Pawtucket | http://www.oceanstatemakermill.org/ | 1 November 2014 | closed |
801 Labs | 801 Labs | United States of America | Utah | Salt Lake City | https://www.801labs.org | 1 December 2013 | active |
Brooklyn Public Library Information Commons | Brooklyn Public Library Information Commons | United States of America | New York | New York City | http://www.bklynlibrary.org/locations/central/infocommons | 15 January 2013 | active |
Maine Makerspace | Maine Makerspace | United States of America | Maine | Waterville | http://www.MaineMakerspace.com | 1 October 2012 | building |
Delmarva Makerspace | Delmarva Makerspace | United States of America | MD | Salisbury | https://delmarvamakerspace.org | 1 February 2017 | active |
3D Printing Makerspace San Diego | 3D Printing Makerspace San Diego | United States of America | California | San Diego | | 1 December 2011 | closed |
Catalyze | Catalyze | United States of America | Illinois | Chicago | http://www.mhubchicago.com | | active |
Digital Commons at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library | Digital Commons at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library | United States of America | Washington D.C. | Washington D.C. | http://dclibrary.org/digitalcommons | | suspected inactive |
Technocopia Worcester | Technocopia Worcester | United States of America | Massachusetts | Worcester | http://technocopia.org/ | 20 August 2013 | active |
Makersphere | Makersphere | United States of America | California | Palo Alto | http://www.makersphere.org | 23 May 2012 | planned |
IEEE MTU | IEEE MTU | United States of America | Michigan | Houghton | http://ieee.students.mtu.edu/wiki/ | 4 March 2008 | suspected inactive |
Tech Brewery | Tech Brewery | United States of America | Michigan | Ann Arbor | http://www.techbrewery.org/ | | suspected inactive |
W2 Hackers | W2 Hackers | United States of America | Washington | Walla Walla | | | planned |
406 hackerspace | 406 hackerspace | United States of America | MT | Missoula | | 16 November 2010 | planned |
Fraternal Order of Buffalo | Fraternal Order of Buffalo | United States of America | New York | Buffalo Lab | http://www.orderofbuffalo.com/ | 2007 | closed |
IndyHack | IndyHack | United States of America | Indiana | Indianapolis | | 7 May 2009 | closed |
Arch Reactor | Arch Reactor | United States of America | Missouri | Saint Louis | http://archreactor.org | 1 June 2009 | active |
Berea Makerspace | Berea Makerspace | United States of America | Kentucky | Berea, Kentucky | https://bereamakerspace.org | 12 August 2019 | active |
Techno Chaos | Techno Chaos | United States of America | Texas | Sugar Land | https://techno-chaos.com | 20 June 2011 | closed |
Make It So: The Monadnock Makerspace | Make It So: The Monadnock Makerspace | United States of America | New Hampshire | Keene | | | suspected inactive |
Cedar Valley Makers | Cedar Valley Makers | United States of America | Iowa | Waterloo | http://www.cedarvalleymakers.org/ | 11 July 2016 | active |
NMSU Hackerspace | NMSU Hackerspace | United States of America | New Mexico | Las Cruces | | 30 August 2012 | suspected inactive |
Hammer Time! | Hammer Time! | United States of America | Colorado | Fort Collins | http://www.hammertimeprojects.org | 1 June 2009 | closed |
The Hacker Foundation | The Hacker Foundation | United States of America | California | | http://www.hackerfoundation.org/ | | |
LAB 244 | LAB 244 | United States of America | Maryland | Baltimore | | 1 March 2017 | suspected inactive |
BGMakers | BGMakers | United States of America | Kentucky | Bowling Green | | 25 June 2016 | planned |
Bloomington-Normal Hackerspace | Bloomington-Normal Hackerspace | United States of America | Illinois | Bloomington-Normal | http://www.meetup.com/BN-Hackerspace/ | 2 November 2014 | building |
SouthShoreMakers | SouthShoreMakers | United States of America | Massachusetts | Duxbury, Massachusetts | | 14 October 2011 | planned |
BioCurious | BioCurious | United States of America | California | Sunnyvale, California | http://www.biocurious.org | 1 January 2010 | active |
Yet UnNamed HS | Yet UnNamed HS | United States of America | Connecticut | Waterbury | | 5 June 2009 | planned |
Sequoia Fabrica | Sequoia Fabrica | United States of America | California | San Francisco | https://sequoiafabrica.org/ | 1 February 2024 | active |
Bangor Makerspace | Bangor Makerspace | United States of America | Maine | Bangor, Maine | https://bangormakerspace.org | 7 November 2020 | suspected inactive |
Fat Cat FAB LAB | Fat Cat FAB LAB | United States of America | New York | New York City | https://www.fatcatfablab.org | 1 January 2014 | active |
DHMN Brookings | DHMN Brookings | United States of America | South Dakota | Brookings, SD | | | planned |
Mooncitylabs | Mooncitylabs | United States of America | South Dakota | Sioux Falls | http://madlabindustries.com | 8 October 2010 | planned |
The Geek Group | The Geek Group | United States of America | Michigan | Grand Rapids | http://www.thegeekgroup.org | 7 July 1994 | closed |
911 Media Arts Center | 911 Media Arts Center | United States of America | Washington | Seattle | http://911media.org | 1984 | closed |
DFW Makers Club | DFW Makers Club | United States of America | Texas | Arlington / Mid-Cities | http://www.dfwmakersclub.org/ | | building |
CMKT 4 | CMKT 4 | United States of America | Illinois | DeKalb, Illinois | https://sites.google.com/site/cmktfour/home | 28 August 2010 | suspected inactive |
QuickSilver space | QuickSilver space | United States of America | Georgia | Columbus | | 5 November 2011 | planned |
Twin Cities Maker | Twin Cities Maker | United States of America | Minnesota | Minneapolis | http://www.tcmaker.org | 6 January 2009 | active |
The KOIpound | The KOIpound | United States of America | Ohio | Cincinnati | http://koipound.com | | closed |
Exeter Online Hackersspace | Exeter Online Hackersspace | United kingdom | Devon | Exeter | | 17 October 2020 | planned |
Glass Act Labs | Glass Act Labs | Unites States of America | Ohio | Toledo | | 3 February 2011 | closed |
Hackspace Montevideo | Hackspace Montevideo | Uruguay | Montevideo | Montevideo | http://www.hackspace.org.uy | 20 January 2011 | closed |
HackspaceUY | HackspaceUY | Uruguay | | | https://hackspace.uy | 6 May 2017 | building |
Hackanoi | Hackanoi | Vietnam | Hanoi | Hanoi | http://hackanoi.com | 1 December 2015 | suspected inactive |
Hanoi Hacker Space | Hanoi Hacker Space | Vietnam | Hanoi | Hanoi | http://hanoihackerspace.blogspot.com/ | 12 March 2013 | planned |
Saigon Hackspace | Saigon Hackspace | Vietnam | | Ho Chi Minh City | http://hackspace.vn | 1 January 2011 | closed |
VNSECURITY | VNSECURITY | Vietnam | | | http://www.vnsecurity.net | 10 October 2000 | planned |
North Wales Hackspace | North Wales Hackspace | Wales | Denbighshire | Llangollen | | 30 September 2011 | planned |
Public Sector Hackspace | Public Sector Hackspace | Wales, UK | Monmouthshire | Magor | http://publicsectorhackspace.org | 26 November 2012 | building |
Rhyl Hackerspace | Rhyl Hackerspace | Wales, UK | Denbighshire | Rhyl | http://RhylHackerSpace.org.uk | 13 May 2015 | building |
Nbash | Nbash | YEMEN | | TAIZ | http://nbash.makesboyscrazy.com/ | 12 July 2010 | closed |