Hackerspace | Country | State | City | Website | Date of founding | Hackerspace status |
Things Lab | Albania | Tirana | Tirana | | 1 May 2014 | closed |
Open Labs | Albania | | Tirana | https://www.openlabs.cc | 15 June 2012 | active |
Wameedh Scientific Club | Algeria | Boumerdes | Boumerdas | https://wameedhsc.com/ | 1 March 2016 | suspected inactive |
The Hackademy | Antigua and Barbuda | | St. John's | | | planned |
BAH | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | http://www.hackerspace.com.ar | 1 April 2010 | suspected inactive |
MDZHack | Argentina | Mendoza | Mendoza | http://github.com/mdzhack | 7 May 2014 | planned |
4-cy3r | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | La Plata | | 26 October 2021 | suspected inactive |
Cordoba Maker Space | Argentina | Córdoba Province, Argentina | La Falda | http://www.cbamakerspace.com/ | 20 August 2011 | suspected inactive |
Fab Lab Bariloche | Argentina | | Bariloche | https://facebook.com/fablabbrc | 25 August 2015 | active |
Toylab | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | http://toylab.wordpress.com/ | | active |
MatesLab | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Mar del Plata | http://www.mateslab.com.ar | 5 October 2009 | closed |
Ekoparty hackerspace | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | http://eko.space/ | 15 June 2015 | suspected inactive |
Hackfun | Argentina | Santa Fe | Rosario | https://hackfunrosario.com/ | 30 August 2019 | active |
Hackspace Litoral | Argentina | Santa Fe | Santa Fe | | 13 October 2013 | suspected inactive |
Hack@PX | Argentina | | Rosario | http://hacklab.planetax.org.ar/ | | |
RLab | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | https://rlab.be/ | | active |
La Plata Make | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | La Plata | http://www.laplatamake.com.ar | 25 November 2015 | closed |
Pandora | Argentina | Cordoba | Cordoba | https://web.archive.org/web/20190504012942/http://ctpcordoba.com.ar/ | 10 March 2014 | closed |
Foike | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | | 2 February 2014 | building |
HackLab Barracas | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Buenos Aires Province | http://wiki.hackcoop.com.ar | 10 September 2011 | |
Garage Lab | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | https://web.archive.org/web/20160903093902/http://www.garagelab.cc/ | 1 May 2012 | suspected inactive |
Loop Coworking | Argentina | CORDOBA | Cordoba | http://loopcoworking.org/ | 1 November 2013 | closed |
Herejia | Argentina | Buenos Aires Province | Buenos Aires Province | http://herejia.net/ | 23 November 2012 | closed |
Bariloche | Argentina | | Bariloche | | | planned |
Iterate hackerspace | Armenia | Yerevan | Yerevan | http://iteratehackerspace.com (Inactive) | 8 September 2016 | closed |
Hacker Embassy | Armenia | | Yerevan | https://hackem.cc/ | 10 May 2022 | active |
Makerspaces Mackay, Inc. | Australia | Queensland | Mackay, Queensland | http://www.msmky.org/ | 19 January 2015 | active |
Lismore Makers | Australia | New South Wales | Lismore | | 1 December 2018 | suspected inactive |
Hamilton Hackerspace | Australia | Victoria | Hamilton | | 25 June 2015 | suspected inactive |
South West Makers | Australia | Western Australia | Bunbury | http://www.swmakers.org | 1 January 2013 | planned |
FAB9 | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | https://fab9.com.au/ | 1 August 2018 | building |
Hacker space qld | Australia | Queensland | Bundaberg | http://www.hsqld.org | 28 June 2013 | building |
Creative Geelong Makers Hub | Australia | Victoria | Geelong | http://www.creativegeelong.com.au/spaces.html | 20 September 2017 | suspected inactive |
Falcon eLibrary FabLab | Australia | Western Australia | Mandurah | | 1 December 2015 | planned |
Makerspace Newcastle, by Core Electronics | Australia | New South Wales | Adamstown, New South Wales | https://www.makerspacenewcastle.com.au/ | 4 January 2016 | suspected inactive |
HS Ipswich | Australia | Queensland | Ipswich | http://www.hsipswich.org.au | 21 November 2016 | suspected inactive |
DMZ Sydney | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | | 1 May 2014 | planned |
Gold Coast TechSpace | Australia | Queensland | Mudgeeraba, Gold Coast | http://gctechspace.org | 13 July 2010 | suspected inactive |
Hack This Co-op Ltd. Toowoomba QLD | Australia | Queensland | Toowoomba | | 6 April 2013 | suspected inactive |
Connected Community HackerSpace | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://www.hackmelbourne.org/ | 1 January 2012 | active |
West Coast Makers | Australia | Western Australia | Perth | http://westcoastmakers.com | 26 October 2012 | closed |
Hobart Hackerspace Inc. | Australia | Tasmania | Hobart | http://www.hobarthackerspace.org.au/ | 21 November 2012 | active |
Autoluminescence.institute | Australia | Tasmania | Bonnet Hill | https://www.autoluminescence.institute/ | 19 May 2023 | reformatting |
OzBerryPi | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | http://www.ozberrypi.org/ | 21 July 2012 | closed |
Geelong ARC Hackerspace | Australia | Victoria | Geelong | | 15 November 2011 | building |
Eastern Suburbs Hackers Group | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://easthack.com/ | 29 June 2014 | active |
Toowoomba Hackerspace | Australia | Queensland | Toowoomba | | 12 April 2013 | reformatting |
Newcastle Public Makerspace | Australia | New South Wales | Newcastle | http://newcastlemakerspace.org | 1 April 2009 | active |
Miss Despoinas Hackspace | Australia | Tasmania | Hobart | http://miss-hack.org | 1 April 2008 | active |
MakeHackVoid | Australia | Australian Capital Territory | Canberra | https://makehackvoid.com/ | 27 November 2009 | suspected inactive |
University of Newcastle Makerspace | Australia | New South Wales | Newcastle | http://makerspace.newcastlelug.org | 20 January 2012 | closed |
HackerSpace Adelaide | Australia | South Australia | Adelaide | http://www.hackerspace-adelaide.org.au/ | 30 January 2010 | active |
StartupCloud Hackerspace | Australia | Victoria | Geelong | http://startupcloud.com.au/ | 5 December 2013 | closed |
Artifactory | Australia | Western Australia | Perth | https://artifactory.org.au | 30 March 2009 | active |
Northern Suburbs Maker Space | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://northernmakers.org/ | | planned |
Brisbane Makerspace | Australia | Queensland | Brisbane | https://brisbanemaker.space | 1 November 2021 | active |
Connected Community | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://www.hackmelbourne.org/ | 1 March 2009 | active |
Robots and Dinosaurs | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | http://robodino.org/ | 29 June 2009 | active |
Southwest HackerSpace | Australia | Western Australia | Bunbury | | 21 July 2009 | planned |
Caboolture | Australia | Queensland | Caboolture | | 19 June 2012 | suspected inactive |
HSBNE | Australia | Queensland | Brisbane | https://hsbne.org | 30 March 2009 | active |
Makaz Place | Australia | Queensland | Cairns | http://makazplace.com | 15 November 2015 | planned |
Hackerspace Townsville | Australia | Queensland | Townsville | | 27 May 2010 | closed |
The Battery Shed | Australia | Tasmania | Launceston | http://www.innovationcircle.com.au | 1 July 2014 | closed |
East Gippsland Makerspace | Australia | Victoria | Bairnsdale | http://www.egmakerspace.org | 14 November 2011 | closed |
Make-Create | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | http://make-create.org/ | 10 December 2013 | suspected inactive |
Woodford | Australia | Queensland | Woodford | | | planned |
Coffs Hacker Space | Australia | New South Wales | Coffs Harbour | https://www.coffshackerspace.org | 1 January 2018 | active |
Dubbo Hackerspace | Australia | New South Wales | Dubbo | | 1 June 2011 | planned |
SparkCC | Australia | New South Wales | Gosford | http://www.sparkcc.org/ | 7 January 2015 | suspected inactive |
ANU Maker Club | Australia | Australian Capital Territory | Canberra | http://anumaker.club | 9 April 2015 | active |
RoboDojo | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | https://groups.google.com/d/forum/robodojo | 5 March 2012 | suspected inactive |
Creative Technology Hub | Australia | Victoria | Williamstown, Victoria | https://libraries.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/creative-tech-hub | 25 October 2019 | suspected inactive |
Hobart Makers | Australia | Tasmania | Hobart | http://hobartmakers.com | 21 January 2017 | active |
Ballarat Hackerspace | Australia | Victoria | Ballarat | https://ballarathackerspace.org.au | 13 November 2013 | active |
Zeitsparwerk | Austria | Tyrol | Wörgl | http://www.zeitsparwerk.org/ | 1 April 2009 | closed |
HappyLab | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | http://www.happylab.at/ | 7 October 2006 | active |
Segmentation Vault | Austria | Lower Austria | Sankt Pölten | https://segvault.space | 13 January 2017 | active |
Chaostreff Salzburg | Austria | Salzburg | Salzburg | https://sbg.chaostreff.at | 15 December 2011 | active |
Machquadrat | Austria | Styria | Gleisdorf | https://www.machquadrat.org | 1 March 2019 | suspected inactive |
Otelo Gmunden | Austria | Upper Austria | Gmunden | http://www.otelo.or.at/werknetz/nodes/#c252 | | closed |
Computerclub Unterland | Austria | Tyrol | Wörgl | https://computerpool.at/ | 1 July 1985 | suspected inactive |
OpenLandLAB | Austria | Burgenland | Kirchfidisch | http://www.openlandlab.org | 1 November 2014 | active |
Chaos Cafe | Austria | Salzburg | Salzburg | | 6 June 2021 | building |
Skonk Worx | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | https://www.skonkworx.eu/ | 6 April 2018 | closed |
Maker Austria | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | http://www.makeraustria.at | 1 September 2014 | active |
Endstation | Austria | Burgenland | | http://endstation.cc | | planned |
Usr/space | Austria | Lower Austria | Leobersdorf | https://www.usrspace.at | 1 May 2017 | active |
Polymath Villach | Austria | Carinthia | Villach | https://polymathvillach.webflow.io/ | | building |
Mutterschiff | Austria | Vorarlberg | Dornbirn | http://mutterschiff.at/ | 30 June 2017 | active |
CCC Salzburg | Austria | Salzburg | Salzburg | https://cccsbg.at/ | 15 December 2011 | active |
IT-Syndikat | Austria | Tyrol | Innsbruck | https://it-syndikat.org/ | 10 October 2010 | active |
SegFaultDragons | Austria | Burgenland | Grosshoeflein | http://segfaultdragons.net | 27 December 2022 | building |
Vienna OpenLab | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | http://www.viennaopenlab.at/ | 23 May 2006 | active |
Openlab Vorarlberg | Austria | Vorarlberg | Klaus in Vorarlberg | http://open-lab.at/ | 1 April 2017 | active |
Chaostreff Klaus | Austria | Vorarlberg | Klaus, Vorarlberg | https://open-lab.at/ | September 2021 | active |
Metalab | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | https://metalab.at/ | 1 April 2006 | active |
Otelo Linz | Austria | Upper Austria | Linz | http://otelolinz.at/ | 1 January 2016 | active |
Mz Baltazar's Laboratory | Austria | Vienna | Vienna | http://www.mzbaltazarslaboratory.org | 1 January 2008 | suspected inactive |
DevLoL | Austria | Upper Austria | Linz | https://devlol.org | 18 October 2012 | active |