Hackerspace Software
From HackerspaceWiki
Running a hackerspace is a lot of work, and a lot of spaces have rolled their own code to automate some of that work.
Hackerspace-specific Software[edit]
Name | Members | RFID | Billing | Inventory | Events | Meetings | URL | # of contributors | Last Updated | Used By | |
Seltzer CRM | Yes | Yes | Yes | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Yes | https://github.com/elplatt/seltzer | 8 | 2023-10-05 | i3 Detroit,Melbourne Makerspace (Florida USA) |
MemberMatters | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | https://github.com/membermatters/membermatters | 20 | 2025-03-08 | Brisbane Makerspace, Make Monmouth, SparkCC, Pawprint Prototyping, HSBNE |
Metalab OS | Yes | Unknown | Yes | Unknown | Yes | Unknown | Yes | https://github.com/Metalab/mos/ | 16 | 2023-09-23 | Metalab,Netzladen |
Nomos | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | https://github.com/vhs/nomos | 12 | 2023-10-10 | VHS |
MeMaTool | Yes | Unknown | Yes | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Yes | https://github.com/sim0nx/mematool | 2 | 2013-08-25 | syn2cat |
OAC Web Interface | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Unknown | No | https://github.com/zyphlar/Open-Source-Access-Control-Web-Interface | 3 | 2016-09-13 | HeatSync Labs |
sudo-humans + doorjam | Yes | Yes | Yes | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Yes | https://github.com/sudoroom/sudo-humans https://github.com/sudoroom/doorjam | 12 | 2022-12-22 | Sudo Room |
Spaceman Spiff | Yes | Unknown | Yes | Yes | Yes | Unknown | Unknown | https://github.com/phrobo/spiff | 1 | 2014-10-27 | synhak |
Byro | Yes | Unknown | Maybe | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Yes | https://github.com/byro/byro | 12 | 2023-09-24 | shackspace |
Other Software[edit]
This is not an exhaustive list of CRMs; it is only a list of CRMs which actual hacker/maker/coworking spaces have actually used.
Financial Software[edit]
These are the various financial software solutions that are being utilized by hackerspaces:
- ArchReactorOS
- Dolibarr
- donatr - collect and track donations
- FreshBooks
- ATX Hackerspace
- CRASH Space
- GNUCash
- DFW Makers Club
- Gumbo Labs (looking for new solution)
- Makers Local 256
- Mittelab
- plaintextaccounting.org, beancount (see esp. fava web ui, with demo)
- Noisebridge
- Google Docs Spreadsheet
- HacDC
- Noisebridge
- JVerein
- Kashoo
- ATX Hackerspace
- KMyMoney
- Matekasse
- Strichliste
- Hackerspace Bremen
- Hackzogtum
- Backspace
- Nerd2Nerd
- Schaffenburg
- CCC Darmstadt
- Westwoodlabs (Strichliste Telegram Bot)
- MoneyLog
- OpenOffice Spreadsheet
- Hive76
- QuickBooks
- QuickBooks Online
- Revbank
- Revspace
- Bitlair
- Hack42
- TechInc, ...
- Xero
- Co-Lab(x) Makerspace
- HSBNE (moving to stripe billing as part of MemberMatters)
Event Registration[edit]
- Meetup.com
- EventBrite
- SignupGenius
Payment Processing[edit]
- Authorize.net
- Dwolla
- Holvi.com
- PayPal
- Stripe
- GiveLively.org
Occupancy notification solutions[edit]
- OpenDuino - syn2cat uses an arduino-php-mediawiki combo to set, and communicate the space occupancy status, the state of the inside doors and remotely toggle the alarm system.
- JigTwitch2 - Jigsaw_Renaissance an Adrduino + Ethernet shield packaged in a drywall junction box serving the status of the attached light switch to a Twitter account. Allowing non-keyed members of the space to see if it is open or closed.
- brmdoor - brmlab uses electronic lock, rfid card leader and couple of physical switches and LEDs to allow users to unlock the space without keys and control the space status. The brmd POE-based daemon then exports the status to web, IRC, etc.
- Cerberus-Prox - HackLab.TO uses a home-brewed solution which posts entry notifications to Twitter and IRC.
- SpaceApi - A Json Api to display Open/Close status and various Space information.
- Pamela - a network IP scanner
- The OAC Web Interface project also includes Pamela-esque functionality.
Social platforms[edit]
- Mattermost is a FOSS Slack alternative.
- Etherpad is a public scratchpad similar to Google Docs
- Discord is a free (but closed source) online chatroom service with high quality client apps and loads of features.
Social tools[edit]
- Tweet2cat - syn2cat uses a (very rough) twitter client to tweet about new wiki pages, new planet posts and status changes to its occupancy status
- GiantRobot - a tool to help with sending reminders about meetings, using plugins to communicate with upcoming.org, microblogging (twitter/identi.ca/statusnet), e-mail, IRC and Atom Blog posting.
- COD - Conference Organizing Distribution - a Drupal distro for creating a conference website with features like event signup, session proposal, session voting/judging, session selection/scheduling, and social networking prior to events.
- twiddoor 2.0 - Maschinenraum uses a LPT-Cable to tweet if the door to the hackspace is clozed or open. See [3].
- GozerBot - a _very_ communicative irc/jabber bot with fleet-capability, rss-stuff, infoitems, ...
- Labelz - a system to label objects in hackerspaces using a labelprinter, with permission, ownership and other infos.
- Luftschleuse2 - rfid door access control used by chaos computer club muenchen
- HACCSY - Hackerspace Access Control and Check in System. Works with Seltzer CRM, running on a Raspberry Pi
- Wikispaces is a project to create out-of-the-box hackerspace wiki's.
- hexaled - Alpha One Labs uses an arduino to control 6 individual light fixtures by pointing a laser at sensors.
- Open Atrium - Used for task and todo list management.
- Chaosdorf-Admin-Toolkit - Debian package for Chaosdorf server maintenance and monitoring
- Open Access Control software and hardware - complete RFID system
- Open Access Control - Ethernet - based on the above OAC software, plus rudimentary Ethernet connectivity
- OAC Web Interface - Ruby on Rails membership database and interface for the above Ethernet access system.
- Snipe-IT - Open source asset management, inventory management, label printing, loan system, etc. Used by Dezentrale
Project Tools[edit]
- Asana - A social networking app built simply and specifically for project management.
- Redmine w\ Dashboard Plugin - OpenSource, used by Makers Local 256 for ActionItem tracking.
Electronics Software[edit]
- PartKeepr - Electronic Component Inventory Software
- ecdb.net - Hosted web based electronics inventory (Hosted by one of the founders of Stockholm Makerspace)
- Arena Item and BOM management - Cloud app that pulls datasheets and component information for your entire BOM in one click.
Existing software Hacks[edit]
Other tools[edit]
- Pangaia World Game: A live-action, role-playing game (LARP), played on a bulletin board to gamify the operations of hackerspaces.
- Trytron: General-purpose business software covering multiple functions