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Bangspace low.jpg
Status inactive"inactive" is not in the list (active, planned, building, closed, unknown, reformatting, suspected inactive) of allowed values for the "Hackerspace status" property.
Country Thailand
State or District Ekkemai
City Bangkok
Date of founding 2009/12/29
Last Updated 2010-11-19
  1. hackerspacebkk
Snail mail

50/10 Ekamai Rd right on the corner of Soi 2

Number of members 25
Membership fee 500 Thai Baht monthly
Size of rooms 20 with A/C, potentially >100
Location 13° 43' 21.98" N, 100° 35' 5.25" E

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Bangspace (!space) is Bangkok first Hackerspace. It was founded after a long period of planning and finally a trip of some founding members to the Singapore Hackerspace. !space is situated in the office shophouse of a founding member, with a central location in Soi Ekkemai close to the main public transport system (BTS Syktrain) and only a block away from Sukhumvit Road, the main road of downtown Bangkok. The Ekkemai area is a popular upper scale living, entertainment and nightlife area. We have one room availbale at the moment, that if funished for about 10 -15 people at the same time. It has airconditioning, soldering and hother electric tools, two computer and a video projector. There is the potential of using more rooms in the same building if investing in additional a/c units.

Our philosophy is to be as open as possible, only limited by security measures. Events are always open to the public wiith no obligation to become a paid member. Besides that fact we have a solid base of member to support the hackerspace idea.

Groups activity is increasing with 3 weekly events in the evenings, centered around web programming, mobile phone platforms and hardware projects. Bangkok as a city of 12 million certainly has the potential to let !space grow much bigger.