User:Average/The Bully

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The Bully is just a name for the force that keeps us from our goals, because didn't we start with Paradise and the purity of a child? There are concrete forms (other people or institutions) like the police, the legal system, family, or abstract ideological and non-material obstacles like christianity, statism, or ghosts and demons.

The Bully is the peaceful warrior's best friend. No force can hone and sculpt you into a master faster and better than a worthy opponent who's got tons of power and is wrong. Of course, you don't always know that they're wrong. If your opponent is ideological, this is where you have to master their truth better than they. If not, differentiate between your Truth and ideas that someone else has told you to become something greater. Perhaps you got an idea from a magazine or book, maybe science or religion. It doesn't matter, because it's not yours. That alone weakens you to the Bully.

For other-dimensional demons or mindnoise, you've got to use your silent awareness. The kind you have when you close your eyes (but don't close them, otherwise they'll probably infect you). Then talk about loud if you interact. Master your Zen. Do not assume that it's Satan or any ego-construct like that. If you don't have a snake moving on your body, you don't hear Satan. It is usually a partial form holding some karma or part of the pain in the collective soul. These kinds make you sick or give you cancer, if you ignore them. So don't block them out with dope.

Carlos Casteneda talks about the Bully in his books where he'd met an Indian shaman. The shaman calls it the petty tyrant. He calls it that because all tyrants are petty: they are stuck in the "self". Tyrants shouldn't be confused for "shades" -- the darkness of injustice that just needs the right light or world-correction to be resolved. The Indians had the White Man as a petty tyrant. Their need to survive allowed them to arrive at this knowledge. He never called demons or inorganic beings petty tyrant, but they technically could have the power of life and death over you.

Never confront the Bully head on. By definition, they are always bigger than you and have mastered that angle. Even if you get stronger then the bully, you'll overdo it and look like the new villian. So the next course of action is strategy. In the case of inorganic beings, purify your life and fix your karma.